Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* file DIALOGS.H */
00003 /* NB any RADIOBUTTON groups MUST have sequential numbering  */
00005 #define DLG_CHOOSE                  5000
00006 #define DLG_CHOOSE_LIST             5001
00007 #define DLG_CHOOSE_OK               5002
00008 #define DLG_CHOOSE_CANCEL           5003
00009 #define DLG_STRING                  5004
00010 #define DLG_STRING_EDIT             5005
00011 #define DLG_STRING_OK               5006
00012 #define DLG_NUMENTRY                5007
00013 #define DLG_NUMENTRY_EDIT           5008
00014 #define DLG_NUMENTRY_OK             5009
00015 #define DLG_NUMENTRY_CANCEL         5010
00016 #define DLG_NUMENTRY_TEXT           5011
00017 #define DLG_NUMENTRY_SPIN           5012
00018 #define DLG_TIMELINE                5013
00019 #define DLG_TIMELINE_F              5014
00020 #define DLG_TIMELINE_L              5015
00021 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FS             5016
00022 #define DLG_TIMELINE_LS             5017
00023 #define DLG_TIMELINE_UPTO           5018
00024 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FROM           5019
00025 #define DLG_TIMELINE_OK             5020
00026 #define DLG_TIMELINE_CANCEL         5021
00027 #define DLG_GRIDSIZE                5022
00028 #define DLG_GRIDSIZE_ON             5023
00029 #define DLG_GRIDSIZE_OFF            5024
00030 #define DLG_GRIDSIZE_EDIT           5025
00031 #define DLG_GRIDSIZE_OK             5026
00032 #define DLG_GRIDSIZE_CANCEL         5027
00033 #define DLG_COORD                   5028
00034 #define DLG_COORD_NAME              5029
00035 #define DLG_COORD_CAL               5030
00036 #define DLG_COORD_OK                5031
00037 #define DLG_COORD_CANCEL            5032
00038 #define DLG_3REALS                  5033
00039 #define DLG_3REALS_NAME1            5034
00040 #define DLG_3REALS_NAME2            5035
00041 #define DLG_3REALS_NAME3            5036
00042 #define DLG_3REALS_CAL1             5037
00043 #define DLG_3REALS_CAL2             5038
00044 #define DLG_3REALS_CAL3             5039
00045 #define DLG_3REALS_OK               5040
00046 #define DLG_3REALS_CANCEL           5041
00048 #define DLG_LIGHT                   5060
00049 #define DLG_LIGHT_COLOUR            5061
00050 #define DLG_LIGHT_NORMAL            5062
00051 #define DLG_LIGHT_NOSHADOW          5063
00052 #define DLG_LIGHT_SHADOWONLY        5064
00053 #define DLG_LIGHT_SPOTLIGHT         5065
00054 #define DLG_LIGHT_DUMMY             5066
00055 #define DLG_LIGHT_DEPTHCUE          5067
00056 #define DLG_LIGHT_DEPTHCUE_C        5068
00057 #define DLG_LIGHT_DEPTHCUE_L        5069
00058 #define DLG_LIGHT_DEPTHCUE_Q        5070
00059 #define DLG_LIGHTOLD                5071
00060 /* some gaps */
00061 #define DLG_LIGHT_FRAME_FROM        5082
00062 #define DLG_LIGHT_FRAME_SPINF       5083
00063 #define DLG_LIGHT_FRAME_TO          5084
00064 #define DLG_LIGHT_FRAME_SPINT       5085
00065 #define DLG_LIGHT_CANCEL            5086
00066 #define DLG_LIGHT_OK                5087
00068 #define DLG_LINEXTNT                5088
00069 #define DLG_LINEXTNT_OK             5089
00070 #define DLG_LINEXTNT_CANCEL         5090
00071 #define DLG_LINEXTNT_FROM           5091
00072 #define DLG_LINEXTNT_FROM_S         5092
00073 #define DLG_LINEXTNT_TO             5093
00074 #define DLG_LINEXTNT_TO_S           5094
00075 #define DLG_FOLLOWAT                5095
00076 #define DLG_FOLLOWAT_OK             5096
00077 #define DLG_FOLLOWAT_CANCEL         5097
00078 #define DLG_FOLLOWAT_LR             5098
00079 #define DLG_FOLLOWAT_FB             5099
00080 #define DLG_FOLLOWAT_UD             5100
00081 #define DLG_SCALE                   5101
00082 #define DLG_SCALE_OK                5102
00083 #define DLG_SCALE_CANCEL            5103
00084 #define DLG_SCALE_FROM              5104
00085 #define DLG_SCALE_FROM_S            5105
00086 #define DLG_SCALE_TO                5106
00087 #define DLG_SCALE_TO_S              5107
00088 #define DLG_SCALE_W                 5108
00089 #define DLG_SCALE_L                 5109
00090 #define DLG_SCALE_H                 5110
00091 #define DLG_SCALE_RESET             5111
00092 #define DLG_SCALE_STORE             5112
00093 #define DLG_SCALE_SET               5113
00094 #define DLG_SCALE_BOUNCY_OFF        5114
00095 #define DLG_SCALE_BOUNCY_ON         5115
00096 #define DLG_SCALE_DELETE            5282
00097 #define DLG_SCALE_CUT               5116
00098 #define DLG_SCALE_COPY              5349
00099 #define DLG_SCALEC                  5117
00100 #define DLG_SCALEC_OK               5118
00101 #define DLG_SCALEC_CANCEL           5119
00102 #define DLG_SCALEC_FROM             5120
00103 #define DLG_SCALEC_FROM_S           5121
00104 #define DLG_SCALEC_TO               5122
00105 #define DLG_SCALEC_TO_S             5123
00106 #define DLG_SCALEC_PRESET           5124
00107 #define DLG_SCALEC_LENS             5125
00108 #define DLG_SCALEC_LENS_S           5126
00109 #define DLG_SCALEC_FOV              5127
00110 #define DLG_SCALEC_AR               5128
00111 #define DLG_SCALEC_DELETE           5129
00112 #define DLG_SCALEC_CUT              5130
00113 #define DLG_SCALEC_FOCAL_LENGTH     5131
00114 #define DLG_SCALEC_F_NUMBER         5133
00115 #define DLG_SCALEC_F_FOCUS_DISTANCE 5134
00116 #define DLG_SCALEC_POLARISATION     5135
00117 #define DLG_SCALEC_STEREO_SEP       5136  
00118 #define DLG_SCALEC_PARALLAX_DIST    5137 
00120 #define DLG_SIZER                   5145
00121 #define DLG_SIZER_X                 5146
00122 #define DLG_SIZER_Y                 5147
00123 #define DLG_SIZER_Z                 5148
00124 #define DLG_ROTATOR                 5149
00125 #define DLG_ROTATOR_X               5150
00126 #define DLG_ROTATOR_Y               5151
00127 #define DLG_ROTATOR_Z               5152
00128 #define DLG_TRACK                   5153
00129 #define DLG_TRACK_MOVE              5154
00130 #define DLG_TRACK_TIMESHIFT         5155
00131 #define DLG_TRACK_DELETE            5156
00132 #define DLG_TRACK_TENSION           5157
00133 #define DLG_ADDACTOR                5158
00134 #define DLG_ADDACTOR_LISTBOX        5159
00135 #define DLG_ADDACTOR_NAME           5160
00136 #define DLG_ADDACTOR_CANCEL         5161
00137 #define DLG_ADDACTOR_OK             5162
00138 #define DLG_DIRECT                  5163
00139 #define DLG_DIRECT_MOVE             5164
00140 #define DLG_DIRECT_TIMESHIFT        5165
00141 #define DLG_DIRECT_DELETE           5166
00142 #define DLG_DIRECT_TENSION          5167
00143 #define DLG_CHOOSE_WIDE             5168
00144 #define DLG_SETFRAMES               5169
00145 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_EDIT          5170
00146 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_SPIN          5171
00147 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_OK            5172
00148 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_CANCEL        5173
00149 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_EXTEND        5174
00150 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_BLANKS        5175
00151 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_SCALE         5176
00152 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_CHOP          5177
00153 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_TYPE          5393
00154 #define DLG_SETFRAMES_TIME          5394
00156 #define DLG_TIMELINE_POSITION       5178
00157 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FOLLOW         5179
00158 #define DLG_TIMELINE_ST             5180
00159 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FO             5181
00160 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FON            5182
00161 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FAT            5183
00162 #define DLG_TIMELINE_PT             5184
00163 #define DLG_TIMELINE_FOFF           5185
00164 #define DLG_TIMELINE_ROTATION       5186
00165 #define DLG_KEYMAKER                5187
00166 #define DLG_KEYMAKER_GOTO           5188
00167 #define DLG_KEYMAKER_MAKE           5189
00168 #define DLG_KEYMAKER_CANCEL         5190
00169 #define DLG_LINEOPT                 5191
00170 #define DLG_LINEOPT_T1              5192
00171 #define DLG_LINEOPT_T2              5193
00172 #define DLG_LINEOPT_T3              5194
00173 #define DLG_LINEOPT_CANCEL          5195
00174 #define DLG_LINEOPT_EDIT            5196
00175 #define DLG_LINEOPT_DELETE          5197
00176 #define DLG_LINEOPT_CUT             5198
00177 #define DLG_LINEOPT_COPY            5199
00178 #define DLG_LINEOPT_ROBOT_EXPORT    5200
00179 #define DLG_LINEOPT_ROBOT_IMPORT    5201 // NOT USED
00180 #define DLG_LINEOPT_ROBOT_SETPATH   5202
00182 #define DLG_TLEP                    5215
00183 #define DLG_TLEP_F                  5216
00184 #define DLG_TLEP_L                  5217
00185 #define DLG_TLEP_FS                 5218
00186 #define DLG_TLEP_LS                 5219
00187 #define DLG_TLEP_OK                 5220
00188 #define DLG_TLEP_CANCEL             5221
00189 #define DLG_TLEP_PT                 5222
00190 #define DLG_TLEP_FOLLOW             5223
00191 #define DLG_TLEP_ST                 5224
00192 #define DLG_TLEP_FOFF               5225
00193 #define DLG_TLEP_FON                5226
00194 #define DLG_TLEP_FAT                5227
00195 #define DLG_TLEP_FOLLOWED           5228
00196 #define DLG_TLEP_DELETE             5229
00197 #define DLG_TLEP_CUT                5230
00198 #define DLG_TLEP_SELECT             5231
00199 #define DLG_TLEP_X                  5232
00200 #define DLG_TLEP_Y                  5233
00201 #define DLG_TLEP_Z                  5234
00202 #define DLG_TLEP_COPY               5347
00204 #define DLG_MORPH                   5235
00205 #define DLG_MORPH_OFF               5236
00206 #define DLG_MORPH_LINEAR            5237
00207 #define DLG_MORPH_QUADRATIC         5238
00208 #define DLG_TLER                    5239
00209 #define DLG_TLER_PT                 5240
00210 #define DLG_TLER_ST                 5241
00211 #define DLG_TLER_TOPATH             5242
00212 #define DLG_TLER_LOOKAT             5243
00213 #define DLG_TLER_MIMIC              5244
00214 #define DLG_TLER_FOLLOWED           5245
00215 #define DLG_TLER_SELECT             5246
00216 #define DLG_TLER_F                  5247
00217 #define DLG_TLER_L                  5248
00218 #define DLG_TLER_FS                 5249
00219 #define DLG_TLER_LS                 5250
00220 #define DLG_TLER_NA                 5251
00221 #define DLG_TLER_VA                 5252
00222 #define DLG_TLER_SA                 5253
00223 #define DLG_TLER_FA                 5254
00224 #define DLG_TLER_CLOCK              5255
00225 #define DLG_TLER_ACLOCK             5256
00226 #define DLG_TLER_OK                 5257
00227 #define DLG_TLER_CANCEL             5258
00228 #define DLG_TLER_DELETE             5259
00229 #define DLG_TLER_CUT                5260
00230 #define DLG_TLER_PHI                5261
00231 #define DLG_TLER_ALPHA              5262
00232 #define DLG_TLER_THETA              5263
00233 #define DLG_TLER_COPY               5348
00234 #define DLG_PATHTYPE                5264
00235 #define DLG_PATHTYPE_OPEN           5265
00236 #define DLG_PATHTYPE_CLOSED         5266
00237 #define DLG_PATHTYPE_LOAD           5267
00238 #define DLG_PATHTYPE_COPY           5268
00239 #define DLG_PARTICLE                5269
00240 #define DLG_CSG_SPHERE              5270
00241 #define DLG_CSG_TUBE                5271
00242 #define DLG_CSG_CYLINDER            5272
00243 #define DLG_CSG_DISK                5273
00244 #define DLG_CSG_COLOUR              5274
00245 #define DLG_CSG_ADD                 5275
00246 #define DLG_CSG_SUB                 5276
00247 #define DLG_CSG_DELETE              5277
00248 #define DLG_CSG_FROM                5278
00249 #define DLG_CSG_FROMS               5279
00250 #define DLG_CSG_TO                  5280
00251 #define DLG_CSG_TOS                 5281
00252 #define DLG_PARTICLE_COLOUR         5283
00253 #define DLG_PARTICLE_ALPHA          5284
00254 #define DLG_PARTICLE_NUMBER         5285
00255 #define DLG_PARTICLE_NUMBER_SPIN    5286
00256 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SIZE           5287
00257 #define DLG_PARTICLE_LIFE           5288
00258 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SPEED          5289
00259 #define DLG_PARTICLE_GRAV_EW        5290
00260 #define DLG_PARTICLE_GRAV_NS        5291
00261 #define DLG_PARTICLE_GRAV_UD        5292
00262 #define DLG_PARTICLE_BURST          5293
00263 #define DLG_PARTICLE_FLOW           5294
00264 #define DLG_PARTICLE_FLOOR          5295
00265 #define DLG_PARTICLE_THETA          5296
00266 #define DLG_PARTICLE_VALPHA         5297
00267 #define DLG_PARTICLE_VCOLOUR        5298
00268 #define DLG_PARTICLE_VSIZE          5299
00269 #define DLG_PARTICLE_VLIFE          5300
00270 #define DLG_PARTICLE_VSPEED         5301
00271 #define DLG_PARTICLE_TYPE           5302
00272 #define DLG_PARTICLE_COLOUR_END     5303    
00273 #define DLG_PARTICLE_ALPHA_END      5304    
00274 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SIZE_END       5305   
00275 #define DLG_PARTICLE_GRAV_EW_END    5306
00276 #define DLG_PARTICLE_GRAV_NS_END    5307
00277 #define DLG_PARTICLE_GRAV_UD_END    5308
00278 #define DLG_PARTICLE_RESET          5309
00279 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET0        5310
00280 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET1        5311
00281 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET2        5312
00282 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET3        5313
00283 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET4        5314
00284 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET5        5315
00285 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET6        5316
00286 #define DLG_PARTICLE_PRESET7        5317
00287 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SIZE_SCALE     5318
00288 #define DLG_PARTICLE_STEADY_STATE   5319
00289 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SPIN_OFF       5320
00290 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SPEED_SCALE    5321
00291 #define DLG_PARTICLE_BLEND          5322
00292 #define DLG_PARTICLE_SINGLE         5323
00294 #define DLG_QUICKPLAY               5290
00296 #define DLG_PATHTOOL                5342
00297 #define DLG_PATHTOOL_MOVE           5343
00298 #define DLG_PATHTOOL_ADD            5344
00299 #define DLG_PATHTOOL_DELETE         5345
00300 #define DLG_PATHTOOL_TENSION        5346
00302 #define DLG_ROBOT                   5295
00303 #define DLG_ROBOT_X                 5296
00304 #define DLG_ROBOT_Y                 5297
00305 #define DLG_ROBOT_Z                 5298
00307 #define DLG_COORDS                  5299
00308 #define DLG_COORDS_X                5300
00309 #define DLG_COORDS_Y                5301
00310 #define DLG_COORDS_Z                5302
00311 #define DLG_COORDS_DX               5303
00312 #define DLG_COORDS_DY               5304
00313 #define DLG_COORD_DZ                5305
00314 #define DLG_COORD_SETREL            5306
00315 #define DLG_COORD_SETCENTRE         5307
00316 #define DLG_COORD_DEFINE            5308
00317 #define DLG_COORD_GOTO              5309
00318 #define DLG_COORDS_DZ               5310
00319 #define DLG_COORDS_GOTO             5311
00320 #define DLG_COORDS_CANCEL           5312
00321 #define DLG_COORDS_SETCENTRE        5313
00322 #define DLG_COORDS_DEFINE           5314
00323 #define DLG_COORDS_MEASURE          5352
00324 #define DLG_COORDS_DIST             5354
00326 #define DLG_XIP                     5315
00327 #define DLG_XIP_LIST                5316
00328 #define DLG_XIP_DELETE              5317
00329 #define DLG_XIP_ADD                 5318
00330 #define DLG_XIP_EDIT                5319
00331 #define DLG_XIP_VECTOR              5350
00332 #define DLG_XIP_MOVE_FIRST          5351
00333 #define DLG_XIP_MOVE_LAST           5353
00335 #define DLG_KEYF_COMMAND            5320
00336 #define DLG_KEYF_COMMAND_DELETE     5321
00337 #define DLG_KEYF_COMMAND_RENAME     5322
00338 #define DLG_KEYF_COMMAND_INFO       5323
00339 #define DLG_KEYF_COMMAND_SAVEANI    5324
00341 #define DLG_REORDER                 5331
00342 #define DLG_REORDER_LIST            5332
00344 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP              5355
00345 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_MORPH_NO     5356
00346 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_MORPH_YES    5357
00347 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_FROM         5358
00348 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_FROMS        5359
00349 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_TO           5360
00350 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_TOS          5361
00351 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_NAME         5362
00352 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_PATH         5363
00353 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_SET          5364
00354 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_EDIT         5365
00355 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_DELETE       5390
00356 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_CUTOUT       5391
00357 #define DLG_COSTUMEXIP_COPY         5392
00359 #define DLG_SHIFTKEYS               5397
00360 #define DLG_SHIFTKEYS_NUMBER        5398
00361 #define DLG_SHIFTKEYS_UP            5399
00362 #define DLG_SHIFTKEYS_DOWN          5400
00364 #define DLG_TRACK_DIRECT            5401
00366 #define DLG_PREFERENCES             5423
00367 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_GENERAL     5424
00368 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_START       5425
00369 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH     5426
00370 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH     5427
00371 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_ROOTPATH    5428
00373 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_SELECT      5430
00374 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_BUTTONS     5431
00376 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_STARTUP     5433
00377 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_DLG3D       5434
00378 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_UNDO        5435
00379 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_POSITIONS   5436
00380 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_GROUND      5437
00381 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_TOOLTIPS    5438
00382 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_TOOLLEFT    5439
00383 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_TOOLSMALL   5440
00390 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH1    5445
00391 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH1_B  5446
00392 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH1_D  5447
00393 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH2    5448
00394 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH2_B  5449
00395 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH2_D  5450
00396 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH3    5451
00397 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH3_B  5452
00398 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH3_D  5453
00399 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH4    5454
00400 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH4_B  5455
00401 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODPATH4_D  5456
00402 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH1    5457
00403 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH1_B  5458
00404 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH1_D  5459
00405 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH2    5460
00406 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH2_B  5461
00407 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH2_D  5462
00408 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH3    5463
00409 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH3_B  5464
00410 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH3_D  5465
00411 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH4    5466
00412 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH4_B  5467
00413 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MAPPATH4_D  5468
00414 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_ROBOTGL     5469
00415 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_SPLASH      5470
00416 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_EDITAPP     5471
00418 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODROOT     5473
00419 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODROOT_B   5474
00420 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODROOT_D   5475
00421 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODROOT1    5476
00422 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODROOT1_B  5477
00423 #define DLG_PREFERENCES_MODROOT1_D  5478
00426 #define DLG_ABOUT                   5480
00427 #define DLG_ABOUT_ANIMATE           5481
00428 #define DLG_ABOUT_VERSION           5482
00430 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR              5490
00431 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_FRAME        5491
00432 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_DISTANCE     5492
00433 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_LOOP         5493
00434 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_FRAME1       5494
00435 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_FRAMEN       5495
00436 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_HELPTEXT     5496
00437 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_EDITWINDOW   5497
00438 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_ENDTEXT      5498
00439 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_STARTTEXT    5499
00440 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_FRAMESTEXT   5500
00441 #define DLG_PATHEDITOR_FRAMETEXT    5501
00444 #define DLG_SELECT                  5505
00445 #define DLG_SELECT_LIST             5506
00446 #define DLG_SELECT_INFO             5507
00448 #define DLG_COSTUME                 5510
00449 #define DLG_COSTUME_NAME            5511
00450 #define DLG_COSTUME_PATH            5512
00451 #define DLG_COSTUME_CHANGE          5513
00452 #define DLG_COSTUME_MORPH_NO        5514
00453 #define DLG_COSTUME_MORPH_LINEAR    5515
00454 #define DLG_COSTUME_MORPH_Q         5516
00455 #define DLG_COSTUME_EFFECT_NAME     5517
00456 #define DLG_COSTUME_EFFECT_PATH     5518
00457 #define DLG_COSTUME_EFFECT_SET      5519
00458 #define DLG_COSTUME_EFFECT_EDIT     5520
00459 #define DLG_COSTUME_OK              5521
00460 #define DLG_COSTUME_CANCEL          5522
00461 #define DLG_COSTUME_FROM            5523
00462 #define DLG_COSTUME_FROMS           5524
00463 #define DLG_COSTUME_TO              5525
00464 #define DLG_COSTUME_TOS             5526
00465 #define DLG_COSTUME_WIREFRAME       5527
00466 #define DLG_COSTUME_HIDDEN          5528
00467 #define DLG_COSTUME_SOLID           5529
00468 #define DLG_COSTUME_SHOW_SHADOWS    5530
00469 #define DLG_COSTUME_CAST_SHADOWS    5531
00470 #define DLG_COSTUME_SELF_SHADOWS    5532
00472 #define DLG_SIZERL                  5550
00473 #define DLG_SIZERL_X                5551
00474 #define DLG_SIZERL_Z                5552
00476 #define DLG_SCALEL                  5560
00477 #define DLG_SCALEL_OK               5561
00478 #define DLG_SCALEL_CANCEL           5562
00479 #define DLG_SCALEL_FROM             5563
00480 #define DLG_SCALEL_FROM_S           5564
00481 #define DLG_SCALEL_TO               5565
00482 #define DLG_SCALEL_TO_S             5566
00483 #define DLG_SCALEL_CONE             5567
00484 #define DLG_SCALEL_EDGE             5568
00485 #define DLG_SCALEL_RANGE            5569
00486 #define DLG_SCALEL_RESET            5570
00487 #define DLG_SCALEL_STORE            5571
00488 #define DLG_SCALEL_SET              5572
00489 #define DLG_SCALEL_DELETE           5573
00490 #define DLG_SCALEL_CUT              5574
00492 #define DLG_GROUND                  5600
00493 #define DLG_GROUND_OK               5601
00494 #define DLG_GROUND_CANCEL           5602
00495 #define DLG_GROUND_GC               5603
00496 #define DLG_GROUND_SC               5604
00497 #define DLG_GROUND_REFL             5605
00498 #define DLG_GROUND_PLAIN            5606
00499 #define DLG_GROUND_SHADER           5607
00500 #define DLG_GROUND_MAPPED           5608
00501 #define DLG_GROUND_SHADER_NAME      5609
00502 #define DLG_GROUND_MAP_SINGLE       5610
00503 #define DLG_GROUND_MAP_TILE         5611
00504 #define DLG_GROUND_MAP_MOZAIC       5612
00505 #define DLG_GROUND_MAP_NAME         5613
00506 #define DLG_GROUND_MAP_PATH         5614
00507 #define DLG_GROUND_FRAME_FROM       5615
00508 #define DLG_GROUND_FRAME_SPINF      5616
00509 #define DLG_GROUND_FRAME_TO         5617
00510 #define DLG_GROUND_FRAME_SPINT      5618
00511 #define DLG_GROUND_VIEW             5619
00512 #define DLG_GROUND_EDITAPP          5620
00513 #define DLG_GROUND_CHOOSE           5621
00514 #define DLG_GROUND_CHOOSE_SHA       5622
00515 #define DLG_GROUND_TEMPERATURE      5623
00517 #define DLG_SKY                     5630
00518 #define DLG_SKY_CANCEL              5631
00519 #define DLG_SKY_OK                  5632
00520 #define DLG_SKY_ZC                  5633
00521 #define DLG_SKY_HC                  5634
00522 #define DLG_SKY_AMB_GROUND          5635
00523 #define DLG_SKY_AMB_MODEL           5636
00524 #define DLG_SKY_PLAIN               5637
00525 #define DLG_SKY_GRADED              5638
00526 #define DLG_SKY_ENVIRON             5639
00527 #define DLG_SKY_BACKDROP            5640
00528 #define DLG_SKY_ANIMATED            5641
00529 #define DLG_SKY_MAP_NAME            5642
00530 #define DLG_SKY_MAP_PATH            5643
00531 #define DLG_SKY_FRAME_FROM          5644
00532 #define DLG_SKY_FRAME_SPINF         5645
00533 #define DLG_SKY_FRAME_TO            5646
00534 #define DLG_SKY_FRAME_SPINT         5647
00535 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_START          5648
00536 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_START_S        5649
00537 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_START_T        5650
00538 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_END            5651
00539 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_END_S          5652
00540 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_END_T          5653
00541 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_STEP           5654
00542 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_STEP_S         5655
00543 #define DLG_SKY_ANIM_STEP_T         5656
00544 #define DLG_SKY_VIEW                5657
00545 #define DLG_SKY_EDITAPP             5658
00546 #define DLG_SKY_CHOOSE              5659
00547 #define DLG_SKY_CUBE                5660
00548 #define DLG_SKY_ENVIRONMENT_T       5661
00549 #define DLG_SKY_ZENITH_T            5662
00550 #define DLG_SKY_ATENUATION          5663
00552 #define DLG_PREVIEW                 5670
00553 #define DLG_PREVIEW_MAKE            5671
00554 #define DLG_PREVIEW_QUICK           5672
00555 #define DLG_PREVIEW_FULL            5673
00556 #define DLG_PREVIEW_30              5674
00557 #define DLG_PREVIEW_25              5675
00558 #define DLG_PREVIEW_15              5676
00559 #define DLG_PREVIEW_5               5677
00560 #define DLG_PREVIEW_1               5678
00561 #define DLG_PREVIEW_SCROLL          5679
00562 #define DLG_PREVIEW_WIN             5680
00563 #define DLG_PREVIEW_TX1             5681
00564 #define DLG_PREVIEW_TX2             5682
00565 #define DLG_PREVIEW_TX3             5683
00566 #define DLG_PREVIEW_PLAY            5684
00567 #define DLG_PREVIEW_FIRST           5685
00568 #define DLG_PREVIEW_LAST            5686
00569 #define DLG_PREVIEW_NEXT            5687
00570 #define DLG_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS        5688
00571 #define DLG_PREVIEW_3_5             5689
00572 #define DLG_PREVIEW_PROGRESS        5690
00573 #define DLG_PREVIEW_RANGE1          5691
00574 #define DLG_PREVIEW_RANGEN          5692
00575 #define DLG_PREVIEW_DETAIL          5693
00576 #define DLG_PREVIEW_TX4             5694
00577 #define DLG_PREVIEW_TX5             5695
00578 #define DLG_PREVIEW_TX6             5696
00580 #define DLG_DIRECTOR                5700
00581 #define DLG_DIRECTOR_TARGET         5701
00582 #define DLG_DIRECTOR_SELECT         5702
00583 #define DLG_DIRECTOR_FRAME_FROM     5703
00584 #define DLG_DIRECTOR_FRAME_SPINF    5704
00585 #define DLG_DIRECTOR_FRAME_TO       5705
00586 #define DLG_DIRECTOR_FRAME_SPINT    5706
00588 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES            5710
00589 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES_EDIT       5711
00590 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES_SPIN       5712
00591 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES_EDITAT     5713
00592 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES_SPINAT     5714
00593 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES_OK         5715
00594 #define DLG_INSERTFRAMES_CANCEL     5716
00596 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES            5720
00597 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES_EDIT       5721
00598 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES_SPIN       5722
00599 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES_EDITAT     5723
00600 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES_SPINAT     5724
00601 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES_OK         5725
00602 #define DLG_DELETEFRAMES_CANCEL     5726

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:08 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6