ANI_STRUCTURE_tag | External structure |
Animator_ALIGN | An interval (or bar) on the alignment timeline ending at a keyframe |
Animator_AWIREFRAME | Actor wireframe |
Animator_CAMERAPARAM | Additional properties related to the Camera's optical properties |
Animator_DIRECTOR_tag | The Director structure represents a Director Actor's timeline segment |
Animator_NODE | The main animator data structure |
Animator_NURBS_tag | This structure describes each NURBS patch |
Animator_NurbsProperties_Tag | Properties of a NURBS patch in a model |
Animator_OBJECT | The main animator object structure |
Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag | Describes the properties of each partical system |
Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag | Define path control point properties |
Animator_PATHPOINT | Define a point along a path |
Animator_POSITION | An interval (or bar) on the position timeline ending at a keyframe |
Animator_PREFERENCES_tag | Preferences structure |
Animator_RAMIMAGE_tag | Holds an image map in memory |
Animator_SFXDATA_tag | Structure used by global plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer) |
Animator_SFXINFO_tag | Structure for plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer) |
Animator_SIZE | An interval/segment (or bar) on the scaling timeline/channel ending at a keyframe |
Animator_SKELETON | The skelton structure is associated with a ROBOT actor |
Animator_SKY | The SKY Actor structure represents a timeline segment the backdrop in an animation |
Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag | ToolFlags structure |
Animator_VECTOR4tag | One form of a 4 element vector |
Animator_XIP_tag | Postprocess parameters |
ATM_STRUCTURE_tag | Defines the properties of an ATM font based model |
Boolean_TOOLEDGE | Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL) |
Boolean_TOOLFACE | Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL) |
Boolean_VTXADJ | Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL) |
Boolean_WORKEDGE | Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL) |
Boolean_WORKFACE | Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL) |
CHARACTER_PROGRAM_tag | Defines the properties of an ATM character program |
Delaunay_FACET_tag | Internal structure used by Delaunay modelling action (DLL) |
Designer_BEZIER_CURVE_tag | Provides properties of Bezier curves objects in the Designer |
Designer_EDGE_tag | Designer Edge structure |
Designer_EFACE | Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw |
Designer_FACE_tag | Face (Polygon) structure |
Designer_FACEATTRIBS_tag | Face attributes structure |
Designer_IMAGEMAP_tag | Structure represents an Image/Texture map |
Designer_KEY_POINTS_tag | Key points used in the represent the Object origin etc |
Designer_MATERIALAXIS_tag | An axis for materials |
Designer_NURBS_tag | NURBS patch |
Designer_NURBSProperties_tag | Nurbs structure properties |
Designer_NURBSSurfSample_tag | NURBS surface sample |
Designer_OBJECT | Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw |
Designer_PREFERENCES_tag | Describes the Designer module's preferences for screen layout etc |
Designer_PRIMITIVE_tag | Describes the Designer primites used during the building of primitive shapes with the primites tool |
Designer_RAMIMAGE_tag | Design Ram Image |
Designer_RFACE | Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw |
Designer_RVERTEX | Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw |
Designer_SKELETON_tag | Designer Skeleton structure |
Designer_SURFACEMATERIAL_tag | The main surface mmaterial data structure |
Designer_VERTEX_tag | Designer Vertex structure |
Designer_WIREFRAME_tag | Designer wireframe approximation |
Designer_XSHADER_tag | Shader parameters are stored in this structure |
DesignerGLMAPtag | Structure used in Designer OpenGL view window |
GifColorType | Structure used by GIF image code |
GifFileType | Structure used by GIF image code |
GifHashTableType | Structure used by GIF image code |
Orient_VTXADJ | Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL) |
Orient_WORKFACE | Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL) |
Renderer_AXIS_tag | An AXIS structure |
Renderer_FACE | Polygonal face structure |
Renderer_GROUND_tag | GROUND structure |
Renderer_IMAP_tag | Image map structure, as used in renderer |
Renderer_LIGHT_tag | Light structure |
Renderer_MATL_tag | Material structure as used in Renderer |
Renderer_NURBS_tag | NURBS structure |
Renderer_NurbsProperties_tag | NURBS properties structure |
Renderer_NurbsSurfSample_tag | Nurbs surface structure |
Renderer_OBJECT_tag | In Renderer this "Object" structure defines a MESH model |
Renderer_PARTICLE_tag | Particle structure |
Renderer_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag | Particle Actor srtucture |
Renderer_SCREENBUFFER_tag | Framebuffer structure |
Renderer_SHADER_tag | External shader data structure |
Renderer_SKELETON | Skeleton structure used in Renderer |
Renderer_SKY_tag | SKY structure |
Renderer_TFACE_tag | Polygonal face structure used by the Ray-tracer to trace a ray through the face used by ray tracing to allow subdivision subdivided scene |
Renderer_TVERTEX_tag | Vertex structure used by ray-tracer |
Renderer_VECTOR4_tag | Vector structure used by NURBS code |
Renderer_VERTEX | Vertex structure |
Renderer_XIMAGE_tag | Renderer structure for passing pointers to the Renderer's global variables and functions used by Image PostProcessing |
SfxBound | Class to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit |
SfxEdgeReader | Class to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit |
SfxPointReader | Class to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit |
Simplify_SELECTEDEDGE | Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL) |
Simplify_SELECTEDFACE | Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL) |
Simplify_VTYADJ | Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL) |
THD_tag | USED FOR DISPATCHING threadsd of execution |
TTF_STRUCTURE_tag | Defines the properties of a TTF font based model |
TWO_INTEGERS_ATM_tag | Defines the properties of two integers used for ATM Dialog |
VECTOR4_design_tag | Vector structure with 4 elements in the designer |
X__MEMORY_MANAGERtag | Allows DLL's to allocate and free ram by calling back to caller |
X__SHADERtag | Structure used to provide plugins with access to Renderer's internal variables and functions |
X__STRUCTUREtag | External structure for making Designer global variables and function available to plugin tools and actions. |
XIP_RENDER_tag | External Image Processor structure |