Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
ANI_STRUCTURE_tagExternal structure
Animator_ALIGNAn interval (or bar) on the alignment timeline ending at a keyframe
Animator_AWIREFRAMEActor wireframe
Animator_CAMERAPARAMAdditional properties related to the Camera's optical properties
Animator_DIRECTOR_tagThe Director structure represents a Director Actor's timeline segment
Animator_NODEThe main animator data structure
Animator_NURBS_tagThis structure describes each NURBS patch
Animator_NurbsProperties_TagProperties of a NURBS patch in a model
Animator_OBJECTThe main animator object structure
Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tagDescribes the properties of each partical system
Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tagDefine path control point properties
Animator_PATHPOINTDefine a point along a path
Animator_POSITIONAn interval (or bar) on the position timeline ending at a keyframe
Animator_PREFERENCES_tagPreferences structure
Animator_RAMIMAGE_tagHolds an image map in memory
Animator_SFXDATA_tagStructure used by global plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer)
Animator_SFXINFO_tagStructure for plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer)
Animator_SIZEAn interval/segment (or bar) on the scaling timeline/channel ending at a keyframe
Animator_SKELETONThe skelton structure is associated with a ROBOT actor
Animator_SKYThe SKY Actor structure represents a timeline segment the backdrop in an animation
Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tagToolFlags structure
Animator_VECTOR4tagOne form of a 4 element vector
Animator_XIP_tagPostprocess parameters
ATM_STRUCTURE_tagDefines the properties of an ATM font based model
Boolean_TOOLEDGEInternal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL)
Boolean_TOOLFACEInternal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL)
Boolean_VTXADJInternal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL)
Boolean_WORKEDGEInternal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL)
Boolean_WORKFACEInternal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL)
CHARACTER_PROGRAM_tagDefines the properties of an ATM character program
Delaunay_FACET_tagInternal structure used by Delaunay modelling action (DLL)
Designer_BEZIER_CURVE_tagProvides properties of Bezier curves objects in the Designer
Designer_EDGE_tagDesigner Edge structure
Designer_EFACEStructure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw
Designer_FACE_tagFace (Polygon) structure
Designer_FACEATTRIBS_tagFace attributes structure
Designer_IMAGEMAP_tagStructure represents an Image/Texture map
Designer_KEY_POINTS_tagKey points used in the represent the Object origin etc
Designer_MATERIALAXIS_tagAn axis for materials
Designer_NURBS_tagNURBS patch
Designer_NURBSProperties_tagNurbs structure properties
Designer_NURBSSurfSample_tagNURBS surface sample
Designer_OBJECTStructure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw
Designer_PREFERENCES_tagDescribes the Designer module's preferences for screen layout etc
Designer_PRIMITIVE_tagDescribes the Designer primites used during the building of primitive shapes with the primites tool
Designer_RAMIMAGE_tagDesign Ram Image
Designer_RFACEStructure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw
Designer_RVERTEXStructure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw
Designer_SKELETON_tagDesigner Skeleton structure
Designer_SURFACEMATERIAL_tagThe main surface mmaterial data structure
Designer_VERTEX_tagDesigner Vertex structure
Designer_WIREFRAME_tagDesigner wireframe approximation
Designer_XSHADER_tagShader parameters are stored in this structure
DesignerGLMAPtagStructure used in Designer OpenGL view window
GifColorTypeStructure used by GIF image code
GifFileTypeStructure used by GIF image code
GifHashTableTypeStructure used by GIF image code
Orient_VTXADJInternal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL)
Orient_WORKFACEInternal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL)
Renderer_AXIS_tagAn AXIS structure
Renderer_FACEPolygonal face structure
Renderer_GROUND_tagGROUND structure
Renderer_IMAP_tagImage map structure, as used in renderer
Renderer_LIGHT_tagLight structure
Renderer_MATL_tagMaterial structure as used in Renderer
Renderer_NURBS_tagNURBS structure
Renderer_NurbsProperties_tagNURBS properties structure
Renderer_NurbsSurfSample_tagNurbs surface structure
Renderer_OBJECT_tagIn Renderer this "Object" structure defines a MESH model
Renderer_PARTICLE_tagParticle structure
Renderer_PARTICLESYSTEM_tagParticle Actor srtucture
Renderer_SCREENBUFFER_tagFramebuffer structure
Renderer_SHADER_tagExternal shader data structure
Renderer_SKELETONSkeleton structure used in Renderer
Renderer_SKY_tagSKY structure
Renderer_TFACE_tagPolygonal face structure used by the Ray-tracer to trace a ray through the face used by ray tracing to allow subdivision subdivided scene
Renderer_TVERTEX_tagVertex structure used by ray-tracer
Renderer_VECTOR4_tagVector structure used by NURBS code
Renderer_VERTEXVertex structure
Renderer_XIMAGE_tagRenderer structure for passing pointers to the Renderer's global variables and functions used by Image PostProcessing
SfxBoundClass to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit
SfxEdgeReaderClass to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit
SfxPointReaderClass to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit
Simplify_SELECTEDEDGEInternal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL)
Simplify_SELECTEDFACEInternal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL)
Simplify_VTYADJInternal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL)
THD_tagUSED FOR DISPATCHING threadsd of execution
TTF_STRUCTURE_tagDefines the properties of a TTF font based model
TWO_INTEGERS_ATM_tagDefines the properties of two integers used for ATM Dialog
VECTOR4_design_tagVector structure with 4 elements in the designer
X__MEMORY_MANAGERtagAllows DLL's to allocate and free ram by calling back to caller
X__SHADERtagStructure used to provide plugins with access to Renderer's internal variables and functions
X__STRUCTUREtagExternal structure for making Designer global variables and function available to plugin tools and actions.
XIP_RENDER_tagExternal Image Processor structure

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6