Animator_NODE Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The main animator data structure.

This structure defines the whole of the animation. Each actor has a NODE associated with it. The NODES are organised in a doubly linked list. The first NODE in an animation is identified by the global variable FirstNP (this points at the first Camera actor that must always exist. Within each node there are pointers to the timeline channel segments (each of which end with a Keyframe). There are 4 types of timeline COSTUME POSITION ALIGNMENT SIZE. The COSTUME is represented by either an OBJECT SKY or DIRECTOR type data structure. Thus the Animator data structures mimic a TREE GRAPH type structure. There can only be ONE actor of type SKY DIRECTOR oor GROUND. Apart from the SKY and DIRECTOR all the other actor types' costure timeline are represented by an OBJECT data structure.

Definition at line 613 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Data Fields

struct Animator_NODElast
 doubly linked list pointer to previous object
struct Animator_NODEnext
 doubly linked list pointer to next object
struct Animator_SKYfsky
 pointer to the first sky object for this node/actor - only applies if this is a SKY type actor otherwise NULL
struct Animator_DIRECTOR_tagfdirector
 pointer to the first director object for this node/actor - only applies if this is a DIRECTOR type actor otherwise NULL
struct Animator_OBJECTfobj
 pointer to the first OBJECT object - represents the COSTUME for all the other actor types, if the actor is a SKY or DIRECTOR then it is NULL
struct Animator_POSITIONfpos
 pointer ot the first POSITION timeline channel/segment/keyframe for this actor
struct Animator_ALIGNfali
 pointer ot the first ALIGNMENT timeline channel/segment/keyframe for this actor
struct Animator_SIZEfsiz
 pointer ot the first SCALING timeline channel/segment/keyframe for this actor
short type
 Identifies the type of actor as given by defined symbols NORMAL(MESH) CAMERA etc.
short ID
 Unique identifier given by Animator to represent the actor.
char actorname [128]
 Text string for the Actor's name (user settable) e.g. "Back Light".

Field Documentation

struct Animator_NODE* last [read]

doubly linked list pointer to previous object

Definition at line 614 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by buildBST(), CreateNode(), DeleteNode(), GetActorsName(), and ScrapEverything().

struct Animator_NODE* next [read]

struct Animator_SKY* fsky [read]

pointer to the first sky object for this node/actor - only applies if this is a SKY type actor otherwise NULL

Definition at line 616 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by CreateNode(), CreateSky(), CreateVRMLfile(), DeleteNode(), DeleteRangeOfFrames(), DeleteSky(), EditObject(), GetObjectAtFrame(), GetTimeGapAtFrame(), InsertFrames(), MakeScript(), SaveAnimationFile(), SetNumberOfFrames(), ShiftAllKeys(), SkyCostumeInfo(), and SkyInfo().

pointer to the first director object for this node/actor - only applies if this is a DIRECTOR type actor otherwise NULL

Definition at line 617 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by CreateDirector(), CreateNode(), DeleteDirector(), DeleteNode(), DeleteRangeOfFrames(), DirectorCostumeInfo(), EditObject(), GetObjectAtFrame(), GetSelectedCamera(), GetTimeGapAtFrame(), InsertFrames(), SaveAnimationFile(), SetNumberOfFrames(), and ShiftAllKeys().

struct Animator_OBJECT* fobj [read]

struct Animator_POSITION* fpos [read]

struct Animator_ALIGN* fali [read]

struct Animator_SIZE* fsiz [read]

short type

short ID

Unique identifier given by Animator to represent the actor.

Definition at line 622 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by CreateNode(), GetActorsName(), LoadAnimationFile(), MakeScript(), SaveAnimationFile(), and SelectNodeID().

char actorname[128]

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Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6