Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* file astruct.h */
00009 #if __SC__
00010 #pragma  ZTC align 1
00011 #endif
00013 #ifndef min
00014 #define min(a,b)  ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
00015 #endif
00016 #ifndef max
00017 #define max(a,b)  ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
00018 #endif
00020 #ifdef __X__NT__
00021 #define _LINE_DRAW 1
00022 #define X__SetPixel(a,b,c,d) SetPixelV(a,b,c,d)
00023 #else
00024 #define X__SetPixel(a,b,c,d) SetPixel(a,b,c,d)
00025 #endif
00027 #include "../common/mem.h"
00034 #define VECCOPY(a,b)    { b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2]; }
00035 #define VECSUB(a,b,c)   { c[0]=a[0]-b[0]; c[1]=a[1]-b[1]; c[2]=a[2]-b[2];}
00036 #define VECSUM(a,b,c)   { c[0]=a[0]+b[0]; c[1]=a[1]+b[1]; c[2]=a[2]+b[2];}
00037 #define VECSCALE(a,b,c) { c[0]=(a)*b[0]; c[1]=(a)*b[1]; c[2]=(a)*b[2];}
00038 #define DOT(a,b)        ( (a[0]*b[0]) + (a[1]*b[1]) + (a[2]*b[2]) )
00039 #define CROSS(v1,v2,r)  { \
00040                           r[0] = (v1[1]*v2[2]) - (v2[1]*v1[2]);  \
00041                           r[1] = (v1[2]*v2[0]) - (v1[0]*v2[2]);  \
00042                           r[2] = (v1[0]*v2[1]) - (v2[0]*v1[1]);  \
00043                          }
00044 #define UPDATETIMELINES(x)  { \
00045     if(ghwndTimeline != NULL)SendMessage(ghwndTimeline,WM_COMMAND,x,0); \
00046                             }
00048 #define ALL_PANNELS     0x0FFF
00049 #define MAIN_WINDOW     0x0001
00050 #define SELECT_PANNEL   0x0002
00051 #define COMMAND_PANNEL  0x0004
00052 #define ZOOM_PANNEL     0x0008
00053 #define TOOL_PANNEL     0x0010
00054 #define TIME_PANNEL     0x0020
00055 #define COORD_PANNEL    0x0040
00056 #define KEYS_WINDOW     0x0080
00058 #define NSWITCH         2
00066 typedef long point[3];
00067 typedef long Sedge[2];
00068 typedef double vector[3];
00069 typedef float Svertex[3];
00077 typedef struct Animator_PREFERENCES_tag {
00078   BOOL show_select;
00079   BOOL buttons;
00080   BOOL quick_trick;
00081   BOOL default_start;
00082   BOOL use_3d_dialogs; 
00083   BOOL use_OpenGL;   
00084   BOOL undo;         
00085   BOOL use_positions;
00086   BOOL ground;
00087   BOOL big_camera;
00088   BOOL tooltips; 
00089   BOOL toolsmall; 
00090   BOOL toolleft;  
00091   BOOL autocentre;  
00092   BOOL detail_auto;
00093   long detail_step;
00094   BOOL background;
00095   BOOL auto_update_keyframer;
00096   BOOL use_gl_robot; 
00097   long splash;  
00098   BOOL embedimages;
00108 typedef struct ANI_STRUCTURE_tag {
00109  char  *gszHomeDir;    
00110  short *Nnodes,        
00111        *Nground,       
00112        *Nrobots,       
00113        *Nskys,         
00114        *Ncameras;      
00115  struct Animator_NODE **MainNp, 
00116         **FirstNp,     
00117         **SelectedCamera, 
00118         **SelectedNode; 
00119  long   *NpointerX,*NpointerY,*NpointerZ, 
00120         *TVpointX, *TVpointY, *TVpointZ,  
00121         *TVsizeX,  *TVsizeY,  *TVsizeZ;   
00122  long   *Nframes,        
00123         *CurrentFrame;   
00124  double *ruler;   
00125  long   *rulerx,*rulery,*rulerz, 
00126         *orulerx,*orulery,*orulerz; 
00127  long   version;      
00128  long   *Ndirectors;  
00129  long   *dummyv[62];  
00130  short (*fpGetTransform)(short,
00131              long, double,
00132              struct Animator_NODE *,  struct Animator_OBJECT *,
00133              point, point,
00134              double *, double *, double *, double *, double *,double *,
00135              short *, double *); 
00136  void (*fp_scal)(double [4][4], double, double, double);   
00137  void (*fp_rotz)(double [4][4], double);   
00138  void (*fp_roty)(double [4][4], double);   
00139  void (*fp_rotx)(double [4][4], double);   
00140  void (*fp_tram)(double [4][4], double, double, double); 
00141  void (*fp_m4by4)(double [4][4], double [4][4], double [4][4]); 
00142  void (*fp_m4by1)(double [4][4], double, double, double,
00143             double *, double *, double *);   
00144  void (*fp_null_transform)(double [4][4]);  
00145  void (*fp_c4to4)(double [4][4], double [4][4]);    
00146  void (*fp_arbitrary_rotate)(double, point, point, double [4][4]);  
00147  void (*fp_L_cross)(point, point, point, point);  
00148  void (*fpDrawPerspectiveView)(int, int, HDC, HWND, HPEN);   
00149  void (*fpDeleteCostume)(struct Animator_NODE *, long);       
00150  struct Animator_OBJECT * (*fpCreateCostume)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long);  
00151  void (*fpDeleteSize)(struct Animator_NODE *, long);   
00152  struct Animator_SIZE * (*fpCreateSize)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long);  
00153  void (*fpDeleteAlign)(struct Animator_NODE *, long);  
00154  struct Animator_ALIGN * (*fpCreateAlign)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long);  
00155  void (*fpDeletePosition)(struct Animator_NODE *, long);  
00156  struct Animator_POSITION * (*fpCreatePosition)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long);  
00157  void (*fpDeleteSky)(struct Animator_NODE *, long);  
00158 struct Animator_SKY * (*fpCreateSky)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long);  
00159  void (*fpDeleteNode)(struct Animator_NODE *);  
00160  struct Animator_NODE * (*fpCreateNode)(void);  
00161  struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag * (*fpCreatePathEditControlPoint)(int *,
00162                  struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag **,
00163                  struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *,
00164                  struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *,
00165                  int, double);   
00166  void (*fpDeletePathEditControlPoint)(int *,
00167                  struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag **,
00168                  struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *);  
00169  struct Animator_PATHPOINT * (*fpAppendPathPoint)(struct Animator_PATHPOINT *);  
00170  void (*fpCreatePathPoint)(void); 
00171  void (*fpDeletePathPoint)(void);  
00172  struct Animator_PATHPOINT * (*fpCreateIPointPath)(short, struct Animator_NODE *, short,
00173                             short *, short *);  
00174  void  (*fpSetNumberOfFrames)(short);  
00175  int   (*fpChooseFile)(int, char *, char *, char *, char *, HWND);  
00176  short (*fpLoadMeshObject)(char *, struct Animator_OBJECT *, short, short, short);  
00177  void  (*fpChooseColour)(unsigned char [], char *, HWND);  
00178  short (*fpRequestNumEntry)(long, long, long, char *, char *);  
00179  long  (*fpSelectNodeID)(HWND);  
00180  void  (*fpAppendFileExtension)(char *, char *);  
00181  void  (*fpCentreDlgOnC)(HWND);   
00182  void  (*fpCentreDlgOnS)(HWND);  
00183  void *dummyf[64];  
00196 typedef struct Animator_XIP_tag {
00197   struct Animator_XIP_tag *last;  
00198   struct Animator_XIP_tag *next; 
00199   char *p;              
00200 } XIP;
00208 typedef struct Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag {
00209   BOOL flagX,flagY,flagZ,flagDummy;
00210   int  flagA,flagT,flagR,flagP,flagK;
00211 } TOOLFLAGS;
00220 typedef struct Animator_AWIREFRAME {
00221  long Np,Ne;  
00222  Sedge *e;    
00223  point *p;    
00224 } awire;
00232 typedef struct Animator_PATHPOINT {
00233   struct Animator_PATHPOINT  *last;  
00234   struct Animator_PATHPOINT  *next;  
00235   short status;
00236   point p;                  
00237   double distance;          
00238   double ptheta,           
00239          pfi;              
00240   double tension_p,      
00241          tension_n;      
00242 } pathpoint;
00253 typedef struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag {
00254   struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag  *last; 
00255   struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag  *next; 
00256   double distance;           
00257   int frame;                 
00258   int x,y;     
00259   double a,b,c,S,r;   
00269 typedef struct Animator_RAMIMAGE_tag {  
00270 long size;        
00271 char *filename;   
00272 unsigned char *data; 
00273 } RAMIMAGE;
00282 typedef struct Animator_SKY {
00283   char name[128];   
00284   short type;   
00285   unsigned char colour[3],  
00286                 zcolour[3]; 
00287   struct Animator_SKY *last;  
00288   struct Animator_SKY *next;  
00289   short firstframe,   
00290         lastframe;    
00291   double gamb,        
00292          oamb,        
00293          gamb_colour[3], 
00294          oamb_colour[3]; 
00295   long  aff,  
00296         alf,  
00297         ast;  
00298   double sky_params[32];  
00299   char   sky_params_file[256]; 
00300   RAMIMAGE image;  
00301 } sky;
00310 typedef struct Animator_DIRECTOR_tag {
00311   struct Animator_DIRECTOR_tag *last;   
00312   struct Animator_DIRECTOR_tag *next;   
00313   long  type;                 
00314   short firstframe,           
00315         lastframe;            
00316   struct Animator_NODE *ActiveCamera;  
00317 } director;
00328 typedef struct Animator_SKELETON {
00329   long    id;                
00330   char    name[16];          
00331   vector  u,v,w,             
00332           uu,vv,ww;          
00333   double  R[4][4],           
00334           Q[4][4],           
00335           T[4][4];           
00336   point   p,                 
00337           pp,                
00338           pt,                
00339           wk,                
00340           bx[8];             
00341   long    IKlock,            
00342           uIKlock,           
00343           vIKlock,           
00344           wIKlock;           
00345   double  uIKmin,uIKmax,     
00346           vIKmin,vIKmax,     
00347           wIKmin,wIKmax;     
00348   double  weight;            
00349   double  wrange;            
00350   double  wzone ;            
00351   LPARAM  lParam;
00352 }skel;
00360 typedef struct Animator_VECTOR4tag {
00361  double x,y,z,w;
00362  BOOL   selected;
00363 } vector4;
00371 typedef struct Animator_NurbsProperties_Tag {
00372  char name[32];            /* name field             */
00373  long GranularityMax,      /* for visualising in the */
00374       GranularityMin;      /* view windows           */
00375  long     u_scale,
00376           v_scale;         /* texture coord scaling  */
00377  long     shader,          /* surface properties     */
00378           map,
00379           axis,
00380           param,
00381           smoothing,
00382           shiny,
00383           brilliance,
00384           reflectivity,
00385           transparency,
00386           glasstype,
00387           maptiled,
00388           mapshaded,
00389           mapdecal;
00390  long     pad[4];
00391  unsigned char colour[3],
00392           material_colour[3];
00393  char     hidden;
00394  char     padc[5];         /* struct 128 bytes       */
00395 } NurbsProperties;
00404 typedef struct Animator_NURBS_tag {
00405  long id;
00406  long numU, numV;
00407  long orderU, orderV;
00408  double * kvU, * kvV;
00409  vector4 **points;
00410  NurbsProperties properties;
00411 } nurbs;
00420 typedef struct Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag {
00421   long id;   
00422   long NumP; 
00423   long iid;  
00424   char ImageName[256]; 
00429   unsigned char colour_start[3],colour_end[3];
00430   long alpha_start,alpha_end,size_start,size_end,life,particle_size_scale,speed,
00431        ew_start,ud_start,ns_start,theta,boing,particle_speed_scale;
00432   long valpha,vcolour,vsize,vlife,vspeed;
00433   BOOL burst,ground;
00434   long ew_end,ud_end,ns_end,blend_model;
00435   long bSteadyState,bSpinOff,bSingle;
00436   long pad[25];  
00437 } ParticleSystem;
00448 typedef struct Animator_OBJECT {
00449   char name[255],       
00450        effectname[255], 
00451        *effect,         
00452        *xip;            
00453   struct Animator_OBJECT *last;  
00454   struct Animator_OBJECT *next;  
00455   short bWireframe;     
00456   short firstframe,     
00457         lastframe;      
00458   short type;           
00459   short morph,          
00460         morphNo,        
00461         quick_only;     
00462   short fileID;     
00463   short in_ram;     
00464   awire w_frame;    
00465   point *points;    
00466   Sedge *edges;     
00467   long  *skid;      
00468   long  npoints,    
00469         nedges,     
00470         nskeleton;  
00471   point origin,     
00472         offset;     
00473   point outline[8]; 
00474   short groundtype; 
00475   short lighttype;  
00476   double light_intensity; 
00477   short depth_cue;  
00478   double depth_cue_c, 
00479          depth_cue_l, 
00480          depth_cue_q; 
00481   short self_shadow,  
00482         cast_shadow,  
00483          show_shadow; 
00484   unsigned char colour[3],  
00485                 acolour[3]; 
00486   skel *skeleton;  
00487   double *v;       
00488   short pathtype,  
00489         npathpoints; 
00490   pathpoint *firstpathpoint; 
00491   double pathlength; 
00492   int npec;          
00493   PATHEDITCONTROL *pec; 
00494   double gspec,    
00495          gtran,    
00496          grefl,    
00497          gbump;    
00498   HMODULE hEffect;  
00499   long  nNurbs; 
00500   nurbs *Nurbs; 
00501   long  bIKchain;  
00502   RAMIMAGE image;  
00503   ParticleSystem particles; 
00504   double groundTemperature, 
00505          other_params[8];   
00506 } object;
00516 typedef struct Animator_POSITION {
00517   struct Animator_POSITION *last;  
00518   struct Animator_POSITION *next;   
00519   short firstframe,       
00520         lastframe;        
00521   short type;             
00522   short fx,fy,fz;         
00523   point finish;           
00524   struct Animator_NODE *onpath;    
00525   char pnodename[128];    
00526   double tension_s,       
00527          tension_e,       
00528          easin,           
00529          easout;          
00530 } position;
00540 typedef struct Animator_ALIGN {
00541   struct Animator_ALIGN *last;  
00542   struct Animator_ALIGN *next;  
00543   short firstframe,  
00544         lastframe;
00545   short type,     
00546          im;      
00547   double theta,   
00548          phi,     
00549          alpha,   
00550          ima;     
00551   struct Animator_NODE *topath; 
00552   char anodename[128]; 
00553   double tension_s, 
00554          tension_e, 
00555          easin,  
00556          easout; 
00557 } align;
00565 typedef struct Animator_CAMERAPARAM {
00566   double focal_length;    // specified in milimeters  f
00567   double f_number;        // same as camera  N =    f/A   (A aperature)
00568   double focus_distance;  // distance into the scene of the focus distance - this is in integer units (same as position)
00569   double polarn_angle,    // may be used later
00570          polar_type;      //type of polarisation - horizontal etc...
00571   double stereo_separation, // eye separation in current units
00572          parallax_distance; // distance from camera to parallax distance (large number in relation to eye separation will be equivalent to focus at infinity
00573   double pad[13];
00574 } cameraparam;
00584 typedef struct Animator_SIZE {
00585   double Sx,Sy,Sz;   
00586   struct Animator_NODE *base; 
00587   struct Animator_SIZE *last;  
00588   struct Animator_SIZE *next;
00589   short firstframe, 
00590         lastframe; 
00591   short tweentype; 
00592   double tension_s, 
00593          tension_e, 
00594          easin,  
00595          easout; 
00596   cameraparam camera_params; 
00597 } size;
00613 typedef struct Animator_NODE {
00614   struct Animator_NODE        *last;  
00615   struct Animator_NODE        *next;  
00616   struct Animator_SKY         *fsky;  
00617   struct Animator_DIRECTOR_tag *fdirector; 
00618   struct Animator_OBJECT *fobj; 
00619   struct Animator_POSITION    *fpos; 
00620   struct Animator_ALIGN       *fali; 
00621   struct Animator_SIZE        *fsiz; 
00622   short              type,  
00623                      ID;    
00624   char               actorname[128]; 
00625 } node;
00627 #define PLANE            0              /* image/texture map types used in MFX models */
00628 #define CYLINDER         1
00629 #define PLANE_MOZIAC     2
00630 #define CYLINDER_MOZIAC  3
00631 #define MAP_BY_VERTEX    4
00632 #define NOMORPH          0
00633 #define MOPPH            1
00634 #define QMORPH           2
00635 #define OPAQ             0              /* brush color 0   */
00636 #define CLEAR            1
00637 #define GLOSS            0              /* brush shiny     */
00638 #define MATT             1
00639 #define TRIVIEW          0
00640 #define ONEVIEW          1
00641 #define TRITOP           0
00642 #define TRIFRONT         1
00643 #define TRIRIGHT         2
00645 /* Macro Function Definitions */
00646 #define POINT2VECTOR(p,v) v[0]=(double)p[0]; v[1]=(double)p[1]; \
00647                           v[2]=(double)p[2];
00648 #define VECTOR2POINT(v,p) p[0]=(long)v[0]; p[1]=(long)v[1]; \
00649                           p[2]=(long)v[2];
00651 #define UNIT         32768L   
00652 #define UNIT2        65536L
00653 #define MINUNIT       2048L   
00654 #define MAXUNIT   1073741824L 
00655 #ifndef PI
00656 #define PI 3.1415926
00657 #endif
00658 #define PI2            PI/2
00659 /* definition of flags and identifiers*/
00660 /* Actor Types */
00661 #define NORMAL      0  
00662 #define PATH        1
00663 #define TARGET      2
00664 #define GROUND      3
00665 #define LIGHT       4
00666 #define ANIMOBJ     5
00667 #define SKY         6
00668 #define CAMERA      7
00669 #define PARTICLE    8
00670 #define ROBOT       9
00671 #define IMAGEP     10
00672 #define DIRECTOR   11
00673 /* path types */
00674 #define OPEN        0
00675 #define CLOSED      1
00676 #define LOADED      2
00677 #define COPIED      3
00678 /* type of positioning and rotation */
00679 #define TWEEN       0
00680 #define FOLLOW      1
00681 #define SPLINE      2
00682 #define FOLLOWOFF   3
00683 #define FOLLOWON    4
00684 #define FOLLOWAT    5
00685 #define TOPATH      1
00686 #define TRACK       2
00687 #define COPY        3
00688 #define SPLINEA     4
00689 #define PLAIN       0
00690 #define TEXTU       1
00691 /* format of image/texture mapping on ground/sky etc. */
00692 #define BRUM        2
00693 #define TBRUM       3
00694 #define MBRUM       4
00695 #define PRESET      6
00696 #define SPHERE      0
00697 #define TUBE        1
00698 #define CYLIND      2
00699 #define DISK        3
00700 /* Types of Light */
00701 #define NOSHADOW    1
00702 #define SHADOWONLY  2
00703 #define SPOTLIGHT   3
00704 #define DUMMYL      4
00706 #define SELECTED    1
00707 #define DESELECTED  0
00708 #define ERASED      2
00709 #define EDITING     3
00710 /* Format of the Sky */
00711 #define SKYCOLOURED 0
00712 #define SKYGRADED   1
00713 #define SKYMAPPED   2
00714 #define BACKDROP    3
00715 #define SKYCUBE     4
00716 #define SKYANIMATED 5
00717 /* general defines  */
00718 #define NO               0
00719 #define YES              1
00720 #define FAIL            -1
00721 #define OK               1
00722 #define MAX_DIR        255
00723 #define MAX_FILE       255
00724 #define ZOOMOUT          0
00725 #define ZOOMIN           1
00726 #define PANUP            2
00727 #define PANDOWN          3
00728 #define PANLEFT          4
00729 #define PANRIGHT         5
00730 #define PANFORWARD       6
00731 #define PANBACK          7
00732 #define RECENTRE         8
00733 #define CENTREWORLD      9
00734 /* tools and actions */
00735 #define NTOOLS           8
00736 #define NOTOOL           0
00737 #define NODETOOL         1
00738 #define PAN              2
00739 #define INZOOM           3
00740 #define GRABBER          4
00741 #define ROTATOR          5
00742 #define SIZER            6
00743 #define TRACKER          7
00745 #define PATHEDITOR       8
00746 #define SKELETOR         9
00748 #define MAXTOOLS        10
00750 #define SHIFTER          1
00751 #define ANGLER           2

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:08 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6