RENDER.H File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  XIP_RENDER_tag
 External Image Processor structure. More...
struct  Renderer_SKELETON
 Skeleton structure used in Renderer. More...
struct  THD_tag
 USED FOR DISPATCHING threadsd of execution. More...
struct  Renderer_SHADER_tag
 External shader data structure. More...
struct  Renderer_AXIS_tag
 An AXIS structure. More...
struct  Renderer_IMAP_tag
 Image map structure, as used in renderer. More...
struct  Renderer_MATL_tag
 Material structure as used in Renderer. More...
struct  Renderer_VECTOR4_tag
 Vector structure used by NURBS code. More...
struct  Renderer_NurbsProperties_tag
 NURBS properties structure. More...
struct  Renderer_NurbsSurfSample_tag
 Nurbs surface structure. More...
struct  Renderer_NURBS_tag
 NURBS structure. More...
struct  Renderer_GROUND_tag
 GROUND structure. More...
struct  Renderer_SKY_tag
 SKY structure. More...
struct  Renderer_PARTICLE_tag
 Particle structure. More...
struct  Renderer_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag
 Particle Actor srtucture. More...
struct  Renderer_OBJECT_tag
 In Renderer this "Object" structure defines a MESH model. More...


#define UNSIGNED   unsigned long
#define X__getenv(c)   R_GetEnv(c)
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define YES   1
#define NO   0
#define FAIL   -1
#define OK   1
#define GET_MATX   "%f %f %f %f"
#define GET_VEC   "%f %f %f"
#define GET_DOB   "%f"
#define double   float
#define PI   3.1415926
#define min(a, b)   ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#define max(a, b)   ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#define FRONT_CLIPPING_PLANE   750.0f
#define UNIT   32768L
#define UNIT2   65526L
#define BIGP   2147483647L
#define BIGN   -2147483647L
#define FARAWAY   1.0e30
#define max_spec   1000
#define SHSCALE   3.921571e-3
#define NGLASS   4
#define VECCOPY(a, b)   { b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2]; }
 Macro Defines This group of macros provided Vectro operations on 3 element arrays and vectors.
#define INVERT(a)   { a[0] = -a[0]; a[1] = -a[1]; a[2] = -a[2]; }
#define VECSUB(a, b, c)   { c[0]=a[0]-b[0]; c[1]=a[1]-b[1]; c[2]=a[2]-b[2];}
#define VECSUM(a, b, c)   { c[0]=a[0]+b[0]; c[1]=a[1]+b[1]; c[2]=a[2]+b[2];}
#define VECSCALE(a, b, c)   { c[0]=(a)*b[0]; c[1]=(a)*b[1]; c[2]=(a)*b[2];}
#define DOT(a, b)   ( (a[0]*b[0]) + (a[1]*b[1]) + (a[2]*b[2]) )
#define CROSS(v1, v2, r)
#define SINGLE   1
 Various symbolic defined valuese for variables used in th renderer.
#define TILE   2
#define PLANE   0
 Imge/Textureh map type must be the same as modeler.
#define CYLINDER   1
#define PLANE_MOZIAC   2
#define MAP_BY_VERTEX   4
#define MAP_SPHERICAL   5
#define EOPAQUE   0
 Image/Texture map(Brush) transparent colour 0.
#define TRANSP   1
 must be same as modeller
#define GLOSS   0
 Brush is shiny must be same as modeller.
#define MATT   1
 Brush is dull.
#define STILBRUSH   0
#define ANIMBRUSH   1
#define BUMPBRUSH   2
#define REFLBRUSH   3
#define PSETBRUSH   4
#define PLAIN   0
#define TEXTU   1
#define BRUM   2
#define TBRUM   3
#define MBRUM   4
#define SKYCOLOUR   0
#define SKYGRADED   1
#define SKYMAPPED   2
#define BACKDROP   3
#define SKYCUBE   4
#define NORMAL   0
 light types
#define NOSHADOW   1
#define SHADOWS   2
#define SPOTLIGHT   3
#define DUMMYL   4
#define NOCOLOUR   32768
#define BITS8   0
 output colour resolutions
#define BITS16   1
#define BITS24   2
#define NUL_FILE   1
 output file type
#define TIF_FILE   5
#define B24_FILE   8
#define J24_FILE   9
#define PNG_FILE   10
#define JPS_FILE   11
#define AVI_FILE   21
#define NONE   0
 anti-aliasing settings
#define LOW   1
#define MEDIUM   2
#define HIGH   3
#define ULTRA   4
#define UCHAR   unsigned char
 Defines user types for vectors etc.


typedef double tDOUBLE
typedef float tFLOAT
typedef double vector [3]
typedef long ivector [3]
typedef double vector2 [2]
typedef struct XIP_RENDER_tag XIP
 External Image Processor structure.
typedef struct Renderer_SKELETON skel
 Skeleton structure used in Renderer.
typedef struct THD_tag THD
 USED FOR DISPATCHING threadsd of execution.
typedef struct Renderer_SHADER_tag shader
 External shader data structure.
typedef struct Renderer_AXIS_tag axis
 An AXIS structure.
typedef struct Renderer_IMAP_tag imap
 Image map structure, as used in renderer.
typedef struct Renderer_MATL_tag matl
 Material structure as used in Renderer.
typedef struct Renderer_VECTOR4_tag vector4
 Vector structure used by NURBS code.
typedef struct
 NURBS properties structure.
typedef struct
 Nurbs surface structure.
typedef struct Renderer_NURBS_tag nurbs
 NURBS structure.
typedef struct Renderer_GROUND_tag ground
 GROUND structure.
typedef struct Renderer_SKY_tag sky
 SKY structure.
typedef struct
 Particle structure.
typedef struct
 Particle Actor srtucture.
typedef struct Renderer_OBJECT_tag object
 In Renderer this "Object" structure defines a MESH model.


void RenderYield (void)
void WindowedRenderMessage (int message)
void WindowedRenderString (char *str)
void WindowedRenderInfo (char *str)
void UpdateNTTrace (long l)
void UpdateNTFrame (long f, long s)
int ConfirmNTabort (void)
int GetRenderNTnewfile (char *name, char *rep_name)
char * R_GetEnv (char const *aa)


FILE * debug
 A file to record debug messages can be opened using this variable.
char IniFilename []
BOOL full_mirror
BOOL bRenderOpenGL
long ResolutionX
long ResolutionY
long renderer_silent
long XMIN
long XMAX
long YMIN
long YMAX
long anti_alias
long anti_alias_edges
long ntsc_colours
long objectIDbufferON
long alfachannelON
long alfagroundON
long StereoRenderingON
long remove_hidden_faces
long in_mirror_phase
long mblurON
long instant_callback
long jpeg_quality
long nCOLOUR
long RenderCurrentFrame
long nScriptframes
float * fszBuffer
unsigned long * colorstats0
unsigned short * colorstats1
ground Ground
sky Sky
vector ViewPoint
char colour0_flag
unsigned char colour0_red
unsigned char colour0_green
unsigned char colour0_blue
long ObjectCount
long FirstObject
long Xcentre
long Ycentre
long Nlights
long nImageProcesses
long R_Nground
long Nsky
long Nparticles
long Nshader
long shadow_buffer_size
long skyBmax
long flashing
long CamIm
long trace_shadows
long trace_reflections
long trace_refractions
long trace_partition
long trace_depth
long trace_face_count_target
long trace_voxel_min_size
long ColourResolution
long tzeros
long aaXstep
long aaYstep
long ClipXmin
long ClipXmax
long ClipYmin
long ClipYmax
long ClipZmin
long ClipZmax
unsigned short * RendererUshortBuffer
unsigned long * RendererUlongBuffer
long * RendererLongBuffer
short * ZskyBuffer
short * RendererShortBuffer
double * DL
double * DR
double * D1
double AntiCamera [4][4]
double CameraRotate [4][4]
double ViewTransform [4][4]
GLfloat AntiCameraGL [3][3]
unsigned char * DummyShadow
int CamPolarisation
double scalex
double scaley
double BigL
double CamPhi
double CamTheta
double CamAlpha
double CamIma
double CamSx
double CamSy
double CamSz
double CamFocalLength
double CamFnumber
double CamFocusDepth
double CamFocusDepthM
double CamRuler
double CamStereoSeparation
double CamParallaxDepth
double skyYscale
double skyXscale
double ambient_light
double smoothing_angle
double shadow_density
double glass_shadow_density
double ground_ambient_light
double object_ambient_light
double wave_phase
unsigned char * VGA_screen
unsigned char * ObjectIdBuffer
int Nprocessors
int Nthreads

Define Documentation

#define UNSIGNED   unsigned long

Definition at line 9 of file RENDER.H.

#define X__getenv (  )     R_GetEnv(c)

Definition at line 36 of file RENDER.H.

#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 40 of file RENDER.H.

#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 41 of file RENDER.H.

#define YES   1

Definition at line 44 of file RENDER.H.

#define NO   0

Definition at line 45 of file RENDER.H.

#define FAIL   -1

Definition at line 46 of file RENDER.H.

#define OK   1

Definition at line 47 of file RENDER.H.

#define GET_MATX   "%f %f %f %f"

Definition at line 49 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by RenderTransformToRobot().

#define GET_VEC   "%f %f %f"

Definition at line 50 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetCommand().

#define GET_DOB   "%f"

Definition at line 51 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetCommand().

#define double   float

Definition at line 52 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by _ExternalPreset(), _ExternalTextureProcedure(), _ExternalTextureStartup(), _PreviewExternalEffect(), _PreviewGlobalEffect(), _RenderExternalEffect(), _RenderGlobalEffect(), _RenderImageProcess(), _SetExternalParameters(), _Xmodeler(), ActionRotate(), AddPolygon(), AdjustPathTension(), AllocateThreadStorage(), AngleKeyFrame(), AntiAliasLine(), AutoFacetCurveWithHoles(), AutoVerticesToSkeleton(), Bilinear(), BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc(), BumpByCoordinates(), calcripple(), CalculateCameraProperties(), CalculateDirection(), check_for_shadow(), CheckBoundingObject(), CheckClosestObject(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), CreateDXFcircle(), CreateMaterial(), CreateVRMLfile(), DistFromHidingObject(), DistFromVisibleObject(), Draw3dView(), DrawBrushInOne(), DrawFullRobot(), DrawInBuffer(), DrawPerspectiveView(), DrawQuick3dView(), DrawRobot(), DrawShaperSphere(), DrawViewRobot(), EditObject(), EffectObjectVertices(), EraseIndicatedEdge(), EraseIndicatedVertex(), ExpandDlgProc(), ExpandNurbsAction(), Explode(), FastAntiAliasRenderMultiThreaded(), FastAntiAliasShadedScanline(), FilterLine(), get_centre(), get_closest_vertex(), GetCommand(), GetDistanceFromCurves(), GetGroundLight(), GetInternalTexture(), GetMirrorValues(), GetOffsetPosition(), GetPathList(), GetPixelValue(), GetRobotVolume(), GetRowPixelValue(), GetTransform(), GetTriview(), GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GrabBrushPoint(), GrabMaterialAxisPoint(), Grad(), Hsv2Rgb(), IdentifyCurve(), IdentifyIndicatedFace(), init_ripples(), InstantStageGrab(), Intersect(), L_cross(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadAnimObject(), LoadExternalTexture(), LoadMorphObject(), LoadObject(), Make3dDisplayListProg(), MakeBezierCurve(), MakeKey(), MakeScript(), MapByCoordinates(), MapEnvironment(), MapEnvironmentInDirection(), MapFacesByImageMap(), MapFrom(), MapFromProjection(), MapMirror(), MapOntoPath(), MapTransByCoordinates(), MapVerticesByImageMap(), MeshNurbsSurface(), Mirror_In_Ground(), ModelerViewWndProc(), MorphExternalTexture(), MotionBlurFrame(), Move3dCursor(), MoveNurbsControlPoint(), MoveNurbsSurface(), MultMV(), normalize(), NurbsTeapot(), O_normalize(), PanToolUp(), PathInterp(), PickClosestNode(), PickClosestPathPoint(), PickVertex(), PointInShadow(), polygonize(), PositionOnPath(), ProcessChunk3ds(), PutBackIntersection(), R_length(), R_LoadObject(), read_gif_image(), ReadFXfile(), RecalibrateBezier(), RegularGridOfStars(), render(), Render_View(), RenderCameraView(), RenderExternalTexture(), RenderHide(), RenderImageProcess(), RenderMultiThreaded(), Replace_Faces(), rescale_model(), Resize(), ReTweenVelocity(), Rgb2Hsv(), SaveAnimationFile(), ScaleImageMap(), SelectConnected(), SelectNurbsControlPoint(), SelectVertex(), setcorner(), SetExternalParameters(), SetFramesDlgProc(), SetLightShadow(), SetNumberOfFrames(), SetPerspectiveView(), ShadedScanline(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), SkToolDown(), SmoothCurve(), SnapCursorTo(), Spin(), SplinesK(), trace_refraction_ray(), trace_starting_ray(), TurnIndicatedEdge(), UnPlan(), UpdateGlassScanBuffers(), UpdateNoGlassScanBuffers(), UpdatePrimitiveStructure(), UpdateRuler(), XpandNurbsSurface(), Zoom(), Zoom2(), and ZoomView().

#define PI   3.1415926

Definition at line 53 of file RENDER.H.

#define min ( a,
 )     ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )

Definition at line 57 of file RENDER.H.

#define max ( a,
 )     ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )

Definition at line 60 of file RENDER.H.

#define FRONT_CLIPPING_PLANE   750.0f

Definition at line 70 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by ClipObject().

#define UNIT   32768L

Definition at line 71 of file RENDER.H.

#define UNIT2   65526L

Definition at line 72 of file RENDER.H.

#define BIGP   2147483647L

#define BIGN   -2147483647L

Definition at line 74 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by buildBST(), and EffectObjectVertices().

#define FARAWAY   1.0e30

Definition at line 75 of file RENDER.H.

#define max_spec   1000

Definition at line 76 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetGroundLight(), GetPixelLighting(), and init_spec().

#define SHSCALE   3.921571e-3

Definition at line 77 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetInternalTexture(), and GetPixelValue().

#define NGLASS   4

#define INVERT (  )     { a[0] = -a[0]; a[1] = -a[1]; a[2] = -a[2]; }

Definition at line 87 of file RENDER.H.

#define VECSUB ( a,
 )     { c[0]=a[0]-b[0]; c[1]=a[1]-b[1]; c[2]=a[2]-b[2];}

Definition at line 88 of file RENDER.H.

#define VECSUM ( a,
 )     { c[0]=a[0]+b[0]; c[1]=a[1]+b[1]; c[2]=a[2]+b[2];}

Definition at line 89 of file RENDER.H.

#define VECSCALE ( a,
 )     { c[0]=(a)*b[0]; c[1]=(a)*b[1]; c[2]=(a)*b[2];}

Definition at line 90 of file RENDER.H.

#define DOT ( a,
 )     ( (a[0]*b[0]) + (a[1]*b[1]) + (a[2]*b[2]) )

Definition at line 91 of file RENDER.H.

#define CROSS ( v1,


{ \
                          r[0] = (v1[1]*v2[2]) - (v2[1]*v1[2]);  \
                          r[1] = (v1[2]*v2[0]) - (v1[0]*v2[2]);  \
                          r[2] = (v1[0]*v2[1]) - (v2[0]*v1[1]);  \

Definition at line 92 of file RENDER.H.

#define TILE   2

#define PLANE   0

Imge/Textureh map type must be the same as modeler.

Definition at line 105 of file RENDER.H.

#define CYLINDER   1

Definition at line 106 of file RENDER.H.

#define PLANE_MOZIAC   2

Definition at line 107 of file RENDER.H.


Definition at line 108 of file RENDER.H.

#define MAP_BY_VERTEX   4

Definition at line 109 of file RENDER.H.

#define MAP_SPHERICAL   5

Definition at line 110 of file RENDER.H.

#define EOPAQUE   0

Image/Texture map(Brush) transparent colour 0.

Definition at line 111 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetMirrorValues(), GetPixelValue(), and trace_refraction_ray().

#define TRANSP   1

must be same as modeller

Definition at line 112 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetPixelValue(), MapByCoordinates(), and MapFromProjection().

#define GLOSS   0

Brush is shiny must be same as modeller.

Definition at line 113 of file RENDER.H.

#define MATT   1

Brush is dull.

Definition at line 114 of file RENDER.H.

#define STILBRUSH   0

Definition at line 115 of file RENDER.H.

#define ANIMBRUSH   1

Definition at line 116 of file RENDER.H.

#define BUMPBRUSH   2

Definition at line 117 of file RENDER.H.

#define REFLBRUSH   3

Definition at line 118 of file RENDER.H.

#define PSETBRUSH   4

Definition at line 119 of file RENDER.H.

#define PLAIN   0

Definition at line 120 of file RENDER.H.

#define TEXTU   1

Definition at line 121 of file RENDER.H.

#define BRUM   2

Definition at line 122 of file RENDER.H.

#define TBRUM   3

Definition at line 123 of file RENDER.H.

#define MBRUM   4

Definition at line 124 of file RENDER.H.

#define SKYCOLOUR   0

Definition at line 125 of file RENDER.H.

#define SKYGRADED   1

Definition at line 126 of file RENDER.H.

#define SKYMAPPED   2

Definition at line 127 of file RENDER.H.

#define BACKDROP   3

Definition at line 128 of file RENDER.H.

#define SKYCUBE   4

Definition at line 129 of file RENDER.H.

#define NORMAL   0

light types

Definition at line 130 of file RENDER.H.

#define NOSHADOW   1

Definition at line 131 of file RENDER.H.

#define SHADOWS   2

Definition at line 132 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetGroundLight(), GetPixelLighting(), and ShadowGround().

#define SPOTLIGHT   3

Definition at line 133 of file RENDER.H.

#define DUMMYL   4

Definition at line 134 of file RENDER.H.

#define NOCOLOUR   32768

Definition at line 135 of file RENDER.H.

#define BITS8   0

output colour resolutions

Definition at line 136 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by render().

#define BITS16   1

Definition at line 137 of file RENDER.H.

#define BITS24   2

Definition at line 138 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by render().

#define NUL_FILE   1

output file type

Definition at line 139 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by render().

#define TIF_FILE   5

Definition at line 140 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by OneExternalFrame(), and render().

#define B24_FILE   8

Definition at line 141 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by OneExternalFrame(), and render().

#define J24_FILE   9

Definition at line 142 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by OneExternalFrame(), and render().

#define PNG_FILE   10

Definition at line 143 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by OneExternalFrame(), and render().

#define JPS_FILE   11

Definition at line 144 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by OneExternalFrame(), and render().

#define AVI_FILE   21

Definition at line 145 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by render().

#define NONE   0

anti-aliasing settings

Definition at line 146 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by AntiAliasLine(), and render().

#define LOW   1

#define MEDIUM   2

#define HIGH   3

#define ULTRA   4

Typedef Documentation

typedef double tDOUBLE

Definition at line 12 of file RENDER.H.

typedef float tFLOAT

Definition at line 13 of file RENDER.H.

typedef double vector[3]

Definition at line 159 of file RENDER.H.

typedef long ivector[3]

Definition at line 160 of file RENDER.H.

typedef double vector2[2]

Definition at line 161 of file RENDER.H.

Function Documentation

void RenderYield ( void   ) 

void WindowedRenderMessage ( int  message  ) 

Definition at line 318 of file WINMAIN.C.

References hThisInstance.

Referenced by GetCommand(), render(), and RendererMainWndProc().

void WindowedRenderString ( char *  str  ) 

Definition at line 326 of file WINMAIN.C.

References RenderYield().

Referenced by RendererMainWndProc(), and X__local_print().

void WindowedRenderInfo ( char *  str  ) 

Definition at line 332 of file WINMAIN.C.

References RenderYield().

Referenced by buildBST(), and render().

void UpdateNTTrace ( long  l  ) 

void UpdateNTFrame ( long  f,
long  s 

Definition at line 444 of file WINMAIN.C.

Referenced by render().

int ConfirmNTabort ( void   ) 

Definition at line 279 of file WINMAIN.C.


Referenced by R_terminator(), and RenderHide().

int GetRenderNTnewfile ( char *  name,
char *  rep_name 

Definition at line 2569 of file WINMAIN.C.

Variable Documentation

FILE* debug

A file to record debug messages can be opened using this variable.

Definition at line 130 of file ANIMATE.H.

Referenced by ClipObject(), SaveDivided(), and WinMain().

char IniFilename[]

Definition at line 61 of file VIEWER.C.

long XMIN

long XMAX

long YMIN

Referenced by render().

long YMAX

Referenced by render().

long anti_alias

Referenced by render(), and RenderHide().

Referenced by AntiAliasLine(), and render().

Referenced by AllocateRamBuffers(), and render().

Referenced by FillAlfaLine(), and render().

Referenced by render(), and SetPerspectiveView().

Referenced by render().

Referenced by RenderHide().

long mblurON

Referenced by AntiAliasLine(), and render().

Referenced by render().

long nCOLOUR

Referenced by _BuildAvi(), and render().

Referenced by LoadExternalTexture(), and render().

float* fszBuffer

unsigned long* colorstats0

Definition at line 175 of file WINMAIN.C.

Referenced by _BuildAvi(), _BuildGif(), render(), and SortColours().

unsigned short* colorstats1

Definition at line 176 of file WINMAIN.C.

Referenced by _BuildAvi(), _BuildGif(), getcolor(), and SortColours().

Referenced by render().

unsigned char colour0_red

unsigned char colour0_green

unsigned char colour0_blue

Referenced by render().

long Xcentre

long Ycentre

long Nlights

long R_Nground

long Nsky

long Nparticles

long Nshader

long skyBmax

Referenced by GetCommand(), and PutBackIntersection().

long flashing

Referenced by render().

long CamIm

Referenced by ExternalImageProcess(), and GetCommand().

Definition at line 681 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetPixelValue(), and render().

Definition at line 681 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetInternalTexture(), GetMirrorValues(), and render().

Definition at line 681 of file RENDER.H.

Referenced by GetInternalTexture(), GetPixelValue(), GetRowPixelValue(), and render().

Referenced by render().

Referenced by buildBST(), and render().

Referenced by buildBST(), and render().

Referenced by render().

Referenced by render().

long tzeros

long aaXstep

long aaYstep

long ClipXmin

Referenced by render(), and RenderCameraView().

long ClipXmax

Referenced by render(), and RenderCameraView().

long ClipYmin

Referenced by render(), and RenderCameraView().

long ClipYmax

Referenced by render(), and RenderCameraView().

long ClipZmin

Referenced by render(), and RenderCameraView().

long ClipZmax

Referenced by render(), and RenderCameraView().

unsigned short* RendererUshortBuffer

unsigned long* RendererUlongBuffer

short* ZskyBuffer

double* DL

double * DR

double * D1

double AntiCamera[4][4]

double CameraRotate[4][4]

double ViewTransform[4][4]

GLfloat AntiCameraGL[3][3]

unsigned char* DummyShadow

Referenced by GetCommand().

double scalex

double scaley

double BigL

double CamPhi

double CamTheta

double CamAlpha

double CamIma

Referenced by ExternalImageProcess(), and GetCommand().

double CamSx

double CamSy

double CamSz

Referenced by GetCommand().

double CamFnumber

Referenced by GetCommand().

double CamFocusDepth

Referenced by GetCommand().

Referenced by GetCommand().

double CamRuler

Referenced by GetCommand(), and SetPerspectiveView().

Referenced by GetCommand(), and SetPerspectiveView().

Referenced by GetCommand(), and SetPerspectiveView().

double skyYscale

Referenced by GetCommand(), and PutBackIntersection().

double skyXscale

Referenced by GetCommand(), and GetSkyLocation().

double ambient_light

Referenced by GetCommand(), and render().

Referenced by MakeVertexNormals(), and render().

Referenced by GetPixelValue(), and render().

Referenced by GetCommand().

Referenced by GetCommand().

double wave_phase

unsigned char* VGA_screen

unsigned char * ObjectIdBuffer

Referenced by RenderHide(), and WinMain().

int Nthreads

Referenced by RenderHide().

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:17 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6