
Detailed Description

This is the OpenFX animator

Data Structures

struct  Animator_PREFERENCES_tag
 Preferences structure. More...
struct  ANI_STRUCTURE_tag
 External structure. More...
struct  Animator_XIP_tag
 Postprocess parameters. More...
struct  Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag
 ToolFlags structure. More...
struct  Animator_AWIREFRAME
 Actor wireframe. More...
struct  Animator_PATHPOINT
 Define a point along a path. More...
struct  Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag
 Define path control point properties. More...
struct  Animator_RAMIMAGE_tag
 Holds an image map in memory. More...
struct  Animator_SKY
 The SKY Actor structure represents a timeline segment the backdrop in an animation. More...
struct  Animator_DIRECTOR_tag
 The Director structure represents a Director Actor's timeline segment. More...
struct  Animator_SKELETON
 The skelton structure is associated with a ROBOT actor. More...
struct  Animator_VECTOR4tag
 One form of a 4 element vector. More...
struct  Animator_NurbsProperties_Tag
 Properties of a NURBS patch in a model. More...
struct  Animator_NURBS_tag
 This structure describes each NURBS patch. More...
struct  Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag
 Describes the properties of each partical system. More...
struct  Animator_OBJECT
 The main animator object structure. More...
struct  Animator_POSITION
 An interval (or bar) on the position timeline ending at a keyframe. More...
struct  Animator_ALIGN
 An interval (or bar) on the alignment timeline ending at a keyframe. More...
struct  Animator_CAMERAPARAM
 Additional properties related to the Camera's optical properties. More...
struct  Animator_SIZE
 An interval/segment (or bar) on the scaling timeline/channel ending at a keyframe. More...
struct  Animator_NODE
 The main animator data structure. More...
struct  X__MEMORY_MANAGERtag
 Allows DLL's to allocate and free ram by calling back to caller. More...
struct  Animator_SFXINFO_tag
 Structure for plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer). More...
struct  Animator_SFXDATA_tag
 Structure used by global plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer). More...

Animator Functions

WHERE void(* GetWorldCoords )(int W, long *x, long *y, long *z, int hpos, int vpos)
WHERE void(* GetWindowCoords )(int W, long x, long y, long z, int *hpos, int *vpos)
LRESULT CALLBACK MainAnimatorWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK AnimatorTriViewWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK AnimatorViewWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK AnimatorInfoWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ToolboxWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ToolBtnWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LRESULT CALLBACK QuicktimeWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
WHERE void InitializeLastFilesList (void)
WHERE void ChangeToolboxBitmaps (void)
WHERE void MoveToolsWindow (void)
WHERE void EnableTools (BOOL)
WHERE void ToolboxSelectTool (int)
WHERE void ToolboxShow (BOOL)
WHERE void ToolboxDestroy (void)
WHERE void AugmentToolPannel (BOOL)
WHERE void ToolboxSetPosition (int)
WHERE void UpdateFrameBox (void)
WHERE LRESULT CALLBACK CoordinatesDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE void Nudge (int command)
WHERE PATHEDITCONTROLCreatePathEditControlPoint (int *nPec, PATHEDITCONTROL **Pec, PATHEDITCONTROL *last, PATHEDITCONTROL *next, int frame, double distance)
WHERE void DeletePathEditControlPoint (int *nPec, PATHEDITCONTROL **Pec, PATHEDITCONTROL *here)
WHERE pathpointAppendPathPoint (pathpoint *Ppp)
WHERE void CreatePathPoint (void)
WHERE void DeletePathPoint (void)
WHERE pathpointCreateIPointPath (short type, node *Np, short firstframe, short *pathtype, short *npathpoints)
WHERE void ReleaseNurbs (nurbs *n)
WHERE BOOL AllocNurbs (nurbs *n, double *ukv, double *vkv)
WHERE void FreeNurbs (long n, nurbs *Np)
WHERE void DeleteCostume (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE objectCreateCostume (node *Np, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void DeleteSize (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE sizeCreateSize (node *Np, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void DeleteAlign (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE alignCreateAlign (node *Np, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void DeletePosition (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE void DeletePositionIn (node *Np, long first_frame, long last_frame)
WHERE positionCreatePosition (node *Np, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void DeleteSky (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE skyCreateSky (node *Np, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void DeleteDirector (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE directorCreateDirector (node *Np, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void DeleteNode (node *Np)
WHERE nodeCreateNode (void)
WHERE pathpointCopyPath (short *pathtype, short *npathpoints, node *Nc, short firstframe, HWND parent)
WHERE void CheckRecursiveFollow (node *Np, short ff, short lf)
WHERE void ScrapEverything (void)
WHERE long SelectNodeID (HWND)
WHERE nodeSelectNode (char *, short, HWND)
WHERE void CentreDialogOnCursor (HWND)
WHERE void CentreDialogOnScreen (HWND)
WHERE void AppendFileExtension (char *, char *)
WHERE char * short_form (char *)
WHERE char * truncate_path (char *, int)
WHERE nodeGetSelectedCamera (long cf, node *Sc)
WHERE short RequestNumEntry (long val, long minval, long maxval, char *title, char *message)
WHERE int RequestCharString (int len, char *string, char *title)
WHERE void EnableToolPannels (int what_one, BOOL status)
WHERE void ActivateAllMenus (HWND hwnd, UINT fuFlags)
WHERE int SelectScrolledItemList (int, char **, char *, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE int SelectItemList (int n, char **list, char *title)
WHERE int SelectItems (int n, char **list, char *title, int where)
WHERE PSTR FileInPath (PSTR pstrPath)
WHERE void GetTriview (BOOL reset)
WHERE void SetUpWindowBoxView (int view)
WHERE void DrawOne3dCursor (HDC hdc, int i)
WHERE void Draw3dCursor (void)
WHERE void Move3dCursor (int stor, int xw, int yw)
WHERE void LoadArrowIcons (void)
WHERE void DrawArrowIcons (HDC hdc, int id)
WHERE int CheckWindowIcon (int xi, int yi)
WHERE void InvertWindowIcon (int i, HWND hwnd)
WHERE int CheckViewWindowIcon (int xi, int yi)
WHERE void InvertViewWindowIcon (int i, HWND hwnd)
WHERE void DeleteArrowIcons (void)
WHERE void SwapViewBitmaps (void)
WHERE void UpdateRuler (short)
WHERE void SetUpGrid (void)
WHERE int Read3Reals (char *title, double *r1, double *r2, double *r3, int list)
WHERE void DrawGrid (HDC hdc[])
WHERE void SetColour (unsigned char colour[], char *Title, HWND parent)
WHERE void SetSfxColour (unsigned char colour[], long ID, HWND parent)
WHERE void PaintDialogBackground (HWND hDlg, HINSTANCE hInst)
WHERE void scal (double t[4][4], double sx, double sy, double sz)
WHERE void rotz (double tr[4][4], double ang)
WHERE void roty (double tr[4][4], double ang)
WHERE void rotx (double tr[4][4], double ang)
WHERE void tram (double t[4][4], double dx, double dy, double dz)
WHERE void m4by4 (double t1[4][4], double t2[4][4], double tr[4][4])
WHERE void m4by1 (double t4[4][4], double x, double y, double z, double *xx, double *yy, double *zz)
WHERE void null_transform (double t[4][4])
WHERE void c4to4 (double tin[4][4], double tout[4][4])
WHERE void arbitrary_rotate (double angle, point p1, point p2, double t[4][4])
WHERE void L_cross (point p1, point p2, point p3, point p4)
WHERE void ScalePoint (double scalex, double scaley, double scalez, point p, point r)
WHERE void CopyPoint (point p1, point p2)
WHERE void AddPoints (point p1, point p2, point result)
WHERE void SubPoints (point p1, point p2, point result)
WHERE short in_stage_triview (point vp)
WHERE void get_centre_stage (point, point, point, point)
WHERE void Transform (long n, point Ain[], point Aout[], point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima)
WHERE double GetOffsetPosition (node *Np, object *Op, long frame, double dframe, point ObjectOffset)
WHERE short GetTransform (short stacking, long frame, double dframe, node *Np, object *Op, point ObjectOffset, point TrackedOffset, double *phi, double *theta, double *alpha, double *sx, double *sy, double *sz, short *im, double *ima)
WHERE void DrawArrow (HDC hdc[], point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, double scale)
WHERE void DrawDirectionLine (HDC hdc[], point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, double scale)
WHERE void DrawActorCentre (HDC hdc[], point v1, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, double scale)
WHERE void DrawNode (HDC hDC[], node *Np, short status)
WHERE void DrawInvertNode (HDC hDC[], node *Np, short status)
WHERE void ReDrawStageDisplay (BOOL)
WHERE void ReDrawQuickDisplay (BOOL)
WHERE int CheckBoundingObject (int type, int ifd, int hx, int vy, object *Op, point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, double sx, double sy, double sz, double *dc)
WHERE cameraparamCalculateCameraProperties (node *Np, long frame, double dframe)
WHERE long SplinesP (double k[], double tau)
WHERE double SplinesR (double k[], double tau)
WHERE void SplinesK (double k[], long vl, long v1, long v2, long vn)
WHERE void SplinesG (double k[], double xi, double xi1, double xig, double xig1)
WHERE void DrawPath (HDC hdc[], object *Op, point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, short status)
WHERE void ReversePathDirection (object *op)
WHERE double PathLength (pathpoint *Ppp, short type, short Npoints)
WHERE void PathInterp (double pathposition, pathpoint *Lpp, pathpoint *Ppp, point ObjectOffset, double distance, pathpoint *Fpp, pathpoint *Epp, short type)
WHERE objectGetPathPosition (node *Np, long frame, double dframe, point ObjectOffset, double *position0_1, double *lengthonpath)
WHERE double * ReTweenVelocity (object *op, double *v, int oldn, int newn, double pathlength, int copy)
WHERE void EditPathMovement (short type)
WHERE void GetPathPositionAtDistance (node *Np, object *Op, double d, point pout)
WHERE void PerspectiveView (int smab, int DisplayType)
WHERE void DrawPerspectiveView (int smab, int DisplayType, HDC hDC, HWND hWnd, HPEN hPen)
WHERE void DrawViewRobot (HDC hdcView, HBITMAP hbmView, HWND hWnd, node *Np, int arm, int axis, double ra, double ua, BOOL zoom, BOOL zoom_state)
WHERE void FreePreview (void)
WHERE int MakePreview (void)
WHERE void StartPreviewPlayer (HWND hwnd)
WHERE void StopPreviewPlayer (HWND hwnd)
WHERE void MoveCtrlWindow (HWND, int, int, int, int, int, int)
WHERE void ExecuteActorsMenu (HWND)
WHERE void DisengageTool (void)
WHERE void EngageTool (int)
WHERE int CheckClosestObject (int w, double *dmin, point vp, int hx, int vy, int r)
WHERE BOOL PickClosestNode (int wid, int hx, int vy, BOOL pick_only)
WHERE BOOL PickClosestPathPoint (int wid, int hx, int vy)
WHERE objectPickNode (short type1, short type2)
WHERE void SetNewPosition (long pX, long pY, long pZ, short abrel)
WHERE void EnterGrabMode (void)
WHERE void LeaveGrabMode (void)
WHERE positionIsValidPosition (void)
WHERE int StageGrabIdentify (void)
WHERE void InstantStageGrab (void)
WHERE void StageGrabOn (void)
WHERE void StageGrabOff (short redraw)
WHERE void StageGrab (short where, short which)
WHERE void InstantStageRotate (void)
WHERE void StageRotateOn (void)
WHERE void RotateOff (long redraw)
WHERE void StageRotate (long window_id)
WHERE void StageStepRotate (int command)
WHERE void Resize (void)
WHERE void InstantStageXpnd (void)
WHERE void SizeOff (short redraw)
WHERE void StageSizeOn (void)
WHERE void AnimatorUndo (void)
WHERE void SnapTo (short option)
WHERE void EditPathOn (void)
WHERE void EditPathOff (short redraw)
WHERE void AdjustPathTension (long window_id)
WHERE void EditPath (void)
WHERE void DrawActorTrack (HDC hdc[], short mode)
WHERE void SwitchTrackerType (void)
WHERE int ShiftKeyFrameActivate (int x, int y)
WHERE void ShiftKeyFrameDeactivate (void)
WHERE void ShiftKeyFrame (int x, int y)
WHERE void ShifterOn (void)
WHERE void ShifterOff (short redraw)
WHERE void AnglerOn (void)
WHERE void AnglerOff (short redraw)
WHERE void AngleKeyFrame (int x, int y)
WHERE void DrawActorRotations (HDC hdc[], short mode)
WHERE BOOL PanToolDown (int, int, BOOL, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE void PanToolMove (int, int, BOOL, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE void PanToolUp (int, int, BOOL, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE void ZoomView (int, int)
WHERE void Zoom (int command, int redraw)
WHERE void Zoom2 (double fraction)
WHERE void DrawRobot (HDC hdc[], object *Op, point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, double sx, double sy, double sz, short status)
WHERE void DrawFullRobot (HDC hdc[], object *Op, point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, double sx, double sy, double sz, short status)
WHERE long GetRobotVolume (long n, skel *sp, vector c)
WHERE void SkeletorOff (short redraw)
WHERE void SkeletorOn (void)
WHERE int Skeletor (void)
WHERE void RobotTransform (point Offset, double p, double t, double a, double sx, double sy, double sz, short im, double ima, double RoboT[4][4])
WHERE void GetRobotScriptName (char *, long, short, char *)
WHERE short RobotFileExists (char *)
WHERE void WriteRobot (object *, char *)
WHERE short OpenRobotDirectory (char *script_file)
WHERE void RemoveRobotDirectory (char *script_file)
WHERE void InterpolateRobot (double mr, object *Op, object *LastOp)
WHERE void UpdateRobot (object *Op)
WHERE void ExportRobotSequence (node *Np)
WHERE long ImportRobotSequence (long n, node *Np, char *filename, long firstframe, long lastframe)
WHERE void SetRobotToWalkPath (node *Np)
WHERE nodeAddOnlyNewNode (HWND, long)
WHERE void AddQuickActor (long)
WHERE short AddCostumeTimeLine (node *Np)
WHERE short EditObject (node *Np, short firstframe, short lastframe, short in_script, short split)
WHERE objectGetObjectAtFrame (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE void GetTimelinesAtFrame (node *Np, long frame, object **o, position **p, align **a, size **s)
WHERE short GetTimeGapAtFrame (node *Np, long frame, short *start_gap, short *end_gap)
WHERE BOOL ActorNameExists (HWND parent, node *this_node, char *name)
WHERE void ShiftAllKeys (int allActors)
WHERE void ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys (void)
WHERE void SetNumberOfFrames (short query)
WHERE BOOL InsertFrames (BOOL type, long inf, long cf, long nf)
WHERE BOOL DeleteRangeOfFrames (BOOL type, long inf, long cf, long nf)
WHERE void MakeKey (char com, long frame, node *np)
WHERE void NextKey (char com)
WHERE short MakeControl (node *Np, char typ, HWND parent)
WHERE short CheckForControl (node *Np, char typ)
WHERE void EditPosition (node *Np, short firstframe, short lastframe, short type, HWND parent)
WHERE void EditAlign (node *Np, short firstframe, short lastframe, short type, HWND parent)
WHERE void EditSize (node *Np, short firstframe, short lastframe)
WHERE short StartDefault (short what_function)
WHERE void TimelineEditor (void)
WHERE void DestroyTimelineEditor (void)
WHERE void AutoUpdateKeyframerVpos (void)
WHERE void InitialiseParticleSystem (ParticleSystem *ps)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ParticleDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE long GetCharListID (char *item, char **list, long n)
WHERE void LoadViewer (int)
WHERE short EditGroundDialog (object *op, short in_script)
WHERE short EditSkyDialog (sky *sp, int in_script)
WHERE short EditDirectorDialog (director *dp, int in_script)
WHERE short EditLightDialog (object *op, int in_script)
WHERE short RequestEditSize (double *sx, double *sy, double *sz, size *xp, int d)
WHERE short RequestEditLightSize (double *sx, double *sy, double *sz, size *xp, int d)
WHERE short EditCameraSize (double *sx, double *sy, double *sz, size *xp, int d)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK RobotToolDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PathToolDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK RotatorToolDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SizerToolDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SplineTweenDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SelectActorDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SetFramesDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK InsertFramesDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK DeleteFramesDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE int SelectKeyMaker (void)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK EditObjectDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK EditObjectXipDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ObjectTimelineDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK MorphSetDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PathSetDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK EditXipDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ShiftKeysDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE void PreferencesPropertyDlgProc (HWND hwndOwner)
WHERE void LensSettings (void)
WHERE void AnimationPlayer (int type, HWND hwnd)
WHERE void LoadPreferences (void)
WHERE void ActivatePreferences (void)
WHERE void AssignIKchain (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE void RemoveIKchain (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE void RemoveAllIKchains (node *Np, long frame)
WHERE void LoadMenuHelpTable (HWND hwnd)
WHERE UINT CheckMenuHelpData (UINT uItem)
WHERE void DisplayMenuHelpData (HWND hwnd, UINT id)
WHERE void FreeMenuHelpData (void)
WHERE BOOL CreateMemoryWindows (void)
WHERE void DeleteMemoryWindows (void)
WHERE void FocusActiveWindow (HDC, BOOL)
WHERE void SetWindowSize (int x, int y, int view, BOOL reset)
WHERE void SwitchWindow (int button)
WHERE void FormatScreen (void)
WHERE void UpdateIconPositions (void)
WHERE BOOL CursorInTriview (void)
WHERE HPALETTE CreateAppPalette (int *, int *)
WHERE void SetupStructures (void)
WHERE void UpdateGLview (BOOL)
WHERE BOOL EnableGLview (void)
WHERE void StartGLview (BOOL first_time)
WHERE void SendPrgmText (PSTR p)
WHERE void SendPrgmHelpMessage (int id)
WHERE void SendPrgmMessage (int idString, int where)
WHERE void SetPrgmMessage (int idString, PSTR pstr)
WHERE int SendPrgmQuery (int idString, int response)
WHERE void SendIconHelpMessage (int idString)
WHERE void CloseUtilities (int)
WHERE BOOL AnimatorStartup (UINT *)
WHERE void AnimatorShutdown (void)
WHERE BOOL SetupMainWindow (HANDLE inst, int cmdshow)
WHERE int SelectFileName (int save, char *szfile, char *szdir, char *szTitle, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE int SelectDirectoryName (char *szfile, char *szdir, char *szTitle, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE int SelectSfxFileName (int save, char *szfile, char *szdir, long ID, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE int SelectMorphFileName (char *szfile, char *szdir, char *szTitle, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE int SelectRobotFileName (char *szfile, char *szdir, long ID, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE void UpdateSelectedActor (BOOL)
WHERE void SelectedInfo (void)
WHERE void SizeInfo (node *Np, short frame)
WHERE void AlignInfo (node *Np, short frame)
WHERE void PositionInfo (node *Np, short frame)
WHERE void ActorInfo (node *Np, short frame)
WHERE void CostumeInfo (object *, char *, char *, char *)
WHERE void SkyInfo (node *Np, short frame)
WHERE void DirectorCostumeInfo (node *, short, char *)
WHERE void SkyCostumeInfo (node *, short, char *)
WHERE void InitialiseRamImage (RAMIMAGE *im)
WHERE BOOL LoadRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image, char *file)
WHERE BOOL UnloadRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image)
WHERE BOOL ReadRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image, FILE *fr)
WHERE BOOL WriteRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image, FILE *fp)
WHERE BOOL UnstoreRamImage (RAMIMAGE *Image, char *filename)
WHERE void DisplayImageFromStore (RAMIMAGE *image, char *alternate)
WHERE void EraseTempImageFiles (void)
WHERE BOOL CopyRamImage (RAMIMAGE *dest, RAMIMAGE *source)
WHERE void WriteTemporaryFileForScript (BOOL bSky, RAMIMAGE *image, char *temp_name, long *lastID)
WHERE BOOL MakeScript (long type, long nstep)
WHERE BOOL ExportRobotKeyframes (void)
WHERE char * R_GetEnv (char const *aa)
WHERE void RestoreWhiteSpaces (char *s)
WHERE void HideWhiteSpaces (char *s)
WHERE short LoadAnimationFile (char *filename, BOOL unpack)
WHERE short LoadMeshObject (char *FileName, object *Op, short report, short check, short robot)
WHERE pathpointLoadPath (short *pathtype, short *npathpoints, HWND parent)
WHERE short SaveAnimationFile (char *filename, BOOL backup)
WHERE void LoadAnimObject (node *, short, short, HWND)
WHERE void SaveAnimFile (node *Np)
WHERE void Save_UndoA (void)
WHERE void Restore_UndoA (void)
WHERE void ReplaceObjectFile (object *Lop, char *NewName)
WHERE void ReplaceOneObjectFile (node *, object *Lop, char *)
WHERE unsigned char getlon_H (HANDLE f, long *val)
WHERE void outlng_s (long lng, FILE *)
WHERE unsigned char getlon_s (long *val, FILE *f)
WHERE void PackAnimationFile (void)
WHERE void UnpackAnimationFile (void)
WHERE void DeleteEffect (object *op)
WHERE void AddEffect (object *op, HWND parent)
WHERE void EditActorEffect (object *op, HWND parent)
WHERE HMODULE LoadEffectLibrary (char *name, object *op)
WHERE void UnloadEffectLibrary (object *op)
WHERE BOOL PrintImageFile (HWND hwnd)
WHERE void DeleteImageProcess (XIP *Ip)
WHERE XIPCreateImageProcess (HWND parent)
WHERE void EditImageProcess (HWND hdlg, XIP *Ip)
WHERE char * EditObjectImageProcess (HWND parent, char *p)
WHERE void StartExternGL (void)
WHERE void ExecuteModeler (void)
WHERE void UnloadRenderer (void)
WHERE void LoadRenderer (int anim)
WHERE void LoadUtility (char *, char *, int)
WHERE BOOL MakeVRMLScript (short type)
WHERE void LogOnMessage (void)
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern


#define min(a, b)   ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
 Animator Structures.
#define VECCOPY(a, b)   { b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2]; }
 Animator Defines These MACROS provide useful mathematical operation for vectors.


typedef long point [3]
 Local defines.
typedef struct
 Preferences structure.
 External structure.
typedef struct Animator_XIP_tag XIP
 Postprocess parameters.
typedef struct
 ToolFlags structure.
typedef struct Animator_AWIREFRAME awire
 Actor wireframe.
typedef struct Animator_PATHPOINT pathpoint
 Define a point along a path.
typedef struct
 Define path control point properties.
typedef struct
 Holds an image map in memory.
typedef struct Animator_SKY sky
 The SKY Actor structure represents a timeline segment the backdrop in an animation.
typedef struct
 The Director structure represents a Director Actor's timeline segment.
typedef struct Animator_SKELETON skel
 The skelton structure is associated with a ROBOT actor.
typedef struct Animator_VECTOR4tag vector4
 One form of a 4 element vector.
typedef struct
 Properties of a NURBS patch in a model.
typedef struct Animator_NURBS_tag nurbs
 This structure describes each NURBS patch.
typedef struct
 Describes the properties of each partical system.
typedef struct Animator_OBJECT object
 The main animator object structure.
typedef struct Animator_POSITION position
 An interval (or bar) on the position timeline ending at a keyframe.
typedef struct Animator_ALIGN align
 An interval (or bar) on the alignment timeline ending at a keyframe.
typedef struct Animator_CAMERAPARAM cameraparam
 Additional properties related to the Camera's optical properties.
typedef struct Animator_SIZE size
 An interval/segment (or bar) on the scaling timeline/channel ending at a keyframe.
typedef struct Animator_NODE node
 The main animator data structure.
 Allows DLL's to allocate and free ram by calling back to caller.
 temporary structure used by track points
typedef struct Animator_TRACKANGLE TRACKANGLE
 Internal structure used by by track alignment tool.
typedef struct Animator_SFXINFO_tag sfxinfo
 Structure for plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer).
typedef struct Animator_SFXDATA_tag sfxdata
 Structure used by global plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer).

Define Documentation

#define min ( a,
 )     ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )

#define VECCOPY ( a,
 )     { b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2]; }

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 597 of file PROTOS.H.

Typedef Documentation

typedef long point[3]

Local defines.

These are simple user defined data types used in several places in the Animator to old integer vectors of two and three dimesnions.

Definition at line 66 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Preferences structure.

This structure is used to hold the animator preferences.

External structure.

This structure is used to pass callback functions for use in the plug-in modules. The global variable pointers are grouped at the beginning of the structure and the function pointers at the end.

typedef struct Animator_XIP_tag XIP

Postprocess parameters.

This structure is used to hold the postprocessor's parameter string for Globally active postprocessors. Global post processors apply to all frames in the animation. For finer control over post-processors it is better to use the Postprocessor Actor.

ToolFlags structure.

This structure is used to indicate what type of action is to be performed when editing a Path.

typedef struct Animator_AWIREFRAME awire

Actor wireframe.

This structure is used to define a wireframe approximate visualisation that the animator uses, so that it does not have to render the model in full detail. It is defined in teh modeller.

typedef struct Animator_PATHPOINT pathpoint

Define a point along a path.

This Defines a path control point and hold the parameters of that path point.

Define path control point properties.

This structure defines the points that control the way an object moves alog a path.This is set in the Path Velocity editor. These points determine the form of the path velocity curve shown in the windows. The points in the Path Velocity Editor Window are the PATH EDIT CONTROL POINTS. They have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PATH POSITION, they ony effect the way an object moves along a path.

Holds an image map in memory.

For image maps that will be embedded in the OFX file. The Sky and Ground could have an image associated with it and this structure will define that image.

typedef struct Animator_SKY sky

The SKY Actor structure represents a timeline segment the backdrop in an animation.

A Sky actor is one of the main actor types, it has its own data structure and is stored separately. Each animation can only have ONE Sky

The Director structure represents a Director Actor's timeline segment.

A Director actor is used to define which one of the cameras in the scene are to be active at a particular time. Each animation can only have ONE director actor.

typedef struct Animator_SKELETON skel

The skelton structure is associated with a ROBOT actor.

The Robot actor uses a list of SKELETON structures to record the pose of each BONE in its skeleton. There will be as many skeleton structure instances in each ROBOT "pose" as there are bones (and nodes) in the skeleton.) There will be a "pose" for every keyframe at the end of each timeline segment.

typedef struct Animator_VECTOR4tag vector4

One form of a 4 element vector.

Used ONLY by any NURBS patches in a model

Properties of a NURBS patch in a model.

NurbsPatches are part of an object model and behave as a fixed part of that model.

typedef struct Animator_NURBS_tag nurbs

This structure describes each NURBS patch.

Each NURBS patch is described by its set of control points, the NURBS are not used in the animator and this structure just forms a place holder for the NURBS structures from the MFX file.

Describes the properties of each partical system.

This structure defines the Particle system actor's costume during the interval of frames for each section of the costume timeline.

typedef struct Animator_OBJECT object

The main animator object structure.

This structure defines the Actor's costume over an inteval of frames for each section of the costume timeline. It is used by all actors except the SKY and DIRECTOR actors that have their own doubly linked lists.

typedef struct Animator_POSITION position

An interval (or bar) on the position timeline ending at a keyframe.

This structure defines the position of an actor at the time of the keyframe at the end of one of the bars (time interval) on the timeline. Postion is interpolated from the previous keyframe if one exists.

typedef struct Animator_ALIGN align

An interval (or bar) on the alignment timeline ending at a keyframe.

This structure defines the orientation of an actor at the time of the keyframe at the end of one of the bars (time interval) on the timeline. Orientation is interpolated from the previous keyframe if one exists.

Additional properties related to the Camera's optical properties.

The information in this structure is NOT currently used in the renderer.

typedef struct Animator_SIZE size

An interval/segment (or bar) on the scaling timeline/channel ending at a keyframe.

This structure defines the scaling applied to an actor at the time of the keyframe at the end of one of the bars (time interval) on the timeline. Scaling is interpolated from the previous keyframe if one exists. In the special case of CAMERAs the size structure defines zoom and aspect ratio settings.

typedef struct Animator_NODE node

The main animator data structure.

This structure defines the whole of the animation. Each actor has a NODE associated with it. The NODES are organised in a doubly linked list. The first NODE in an animation is identified by the global variable FirstNP (this points at the first Camera actor that must always exist. Within each node there are pointers to the timeline channel segments (each of which end with a Keyframe). There are 4 types of timeline COSTUME POSITION ALIGNMENT SIZE. The COSTUME is represented by either an OBJECT SKY or DIRECTOR type data structure. Thus the Animator data structures mimic a TREE GRAPH type structure. There can only be ONE actor of type SKY DIRECTOR oor GROUND. Apart from the SKY and DIRECTOR all the other actor types' costure timeline are represented by an OBJECT data structure.

Allows DLL's to allocate and free ram by calling back to caller.

Structure that is used to pass pointers to memory allocation functions to add on DLL's so that they can allocate and free ram by calling back to caller's memory allocation functions.


temporary structure used by track points

typedef struct Animator_TRACKANGLE TRACKANGLE

Internal structure used by by track alignment tool.

typedef struct Animator_SFXINFO_tag sfxinfo

Structure for plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer).

typedef struct Animator_SFXDATA_tag sfxdata

Structure used by global plugin animation effects. (used by animator and renderer).

Function Documentation

LRESULT CALLBACK MainAnimatorWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK AnimatorTriViewWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

Definition at line 686 of file ANIMATE.C.

References ActiveView, AdjustPathTension(), AngleKeyFrame(), ANGLER, ANIMOBJ, CAMERA, CheckRecursiveFollow(), CheckWindowIcon(), CreatePathPoint(), current_message, CurrentFrame, DeletePathPoint(), DLG_COSTUME, do_NOT_abort, DrawOne3dCursor(), EditGroundDialog(), EditLightDialog(), EditObject(), EditObjectDlgProc(), EditPath(), EnterGrabMode(), FALSE, Animator_OBJECT::firstframe, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagP, FocusActiveWindow(), GetObjectAtFrame(), ghcurCross, ghcurSave, ghdc_triview_Bitmap, ghinst_main, ghwnd_current, ghwnd_main, ghwndOpenGLview, GRABBER, GROUND, gToolFlags, IDC_TIMEL_UPDATE, IDM_PAN_DOWN, IDM_PAN_LEFT, IDM_PAN_RIGHT, IDM_PAN_UP, IDM_STOP_TOOL, IDM_WINDOW_SWITCHWINDOW0, IDM_WINDOW_SWITCHWINDOW1, IDM_WINDOW_SWITCHWINDOWS, IDS_SWAPOTHER, InvertWindowIcon(), INZOOM, IsValidPosition(), L, Animator_OBJECT::lastframe, LeaveGrabMode(), LensSettings(), LIGHT, Move3dCursor(), NO, NODETOOL, NORMAL, NOTOOL, PAN, PanToolDown(), PanToolMove(), PanToolUp(), PARTICLE, PATH, PATHEDITOR, PerspectiveView(), PickClosestNode(), PickClosestPathPoint(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), Resize(), ROBOT, ROTATOR, Save_UndoA(), SelectedNode, SendPrgmMessage(), SHIFTER, ShiftKeyFrame(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), ShiftKeyFrameDeactivate(), SIZER, Skeletor(), SKELETOR, StageGrab(), StageGrabIdentify(), StageGrabOff(), StageRotate(), subtool, TARGET, tool, TRACKER, TRUE, Animator_OBJECT::type, UpdateGLview(), UpdateSelectedActor(), UPDATETIMELINES, View, YES, and ZoomView().

Referenced by WinMain().

LRESULT CALLBACK AnimatorViewWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK AnimatorInfoWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK ToolboxWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Definition at line 190 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by OpenDraftToolbox(), and WinMain().

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Definition at line 235 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by OpenDraftToolbox(), and WinMain().

LRESULT CALLBACK QuicktimeWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Definition at line 600 of file TOOLBOX.C.

References current_message, FALSE, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, ghwnd_xscl, IDS_ZERO, SendPrgmMessage(), STATICSIZE, TRUE, version, and Xres.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void InitializeLastFilesList ( void   ) 

Definition at line 2886 of file ANIMATE.C.

WHERE void ChangeToolboxBitmaps ( void   ) 

Definition at line 108 of file TOOLBOX.C.

WHERE void MoveToolsWindow ( void   ) 

Definition at line 88 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), and UpdateIconPositions().

WHERE void EnableTools ( BOOL   ) 

Definition at line 83 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by EnableToolPannels().

WHERE void ToolboxSelectTool ( int   ) 

WHERE void ToolboxShow ( BOOL   ) 

Definition at line 65 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by SetupMainWindow().

WHERE void ToolboxDestroy ( void   ) 

Definition at line 69 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), and DesignShutdown().

WHERE void AugmentToolPannel ( BOOL   ) 

Definition at line 78 of file TOOLBOX.C.

References UNDO_TYPE.

Referenced by DisengageTool(), and EngageTool().

WHERE void ToolboxSetPosition ( int   ) 

Definition at line 502 of file TOOLBOX.C.

Referenced by SwitchWindow().

WHERE void UpdateFrameBox ( void   ) 

Definition at line 774 of file TOOLBOX.C.

References CurrentFrame.

Referenced by PerspectiveView(), PerspectiveView0(), and UpdateGLview().

WHERE LRESULT CALLBACK CoordinatesDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

Definition at line 849 of file TOOLBOX.C.

WHERE void Nudge ( int  command  ) 

Definition at line 7 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE PATHEDITCONTROL* CreatePathEditControlPoint ( int *  nPec,
int  frame,
double  distance 

WHERE void DeletePathEditControlPoint ( int *  nPec,

Definition at line 126 of file UTILS.C.

References Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag::last, Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag::next, and X__Free.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

WHERE pathpoint* AppendPathPoint ( pathpoint Ppp  ) 

WHERE void CreatePathPoint ( void   ) 

WHERE void DeletePathPoint ( void   ) 

WHERE pathpoint* CreateIPointPath ( short  type,
node Np,
short  firstframe,
short *  pathtype,
short *  npathpoints 

WHERE void ReleaseNurbs ( nurbs n  ) 

Definition at line 41 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE BOOL AllocNurbs ( nurbs n,
double *  ukv,
double *  vkv 

Definition at line 54 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE void FreeNurbs ( long  n,
nurbs Np 

Definition at line 75 of file UTILS.C.

Referenced by DeleteRamFile(), FreeAllObjects(), and ReplaceObjectFile().

WHERE void DeleteCostume ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE object* CreateCostume ( node Np,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

Definition at line 327 of file UTILS.C.

References Animator_OBJECT::acolour, Animator_OBJECT::bIKchain, Animator_OBJECT::bWireframe, Animator_OBJECT::cast_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::colour, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_c, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_l, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_q, Animator_AWIREFRAME::e, Animator_OBJECT::edges, EDIT_ACTION, Animator_OBJECT::effect, Animator_OBJECT::effectname, fail_op, FALSE, Animator_OBJECT::fileID, Animator_OBJECT::firstframe, Animator_OBJECT::firstpathpoint, Animator_NODE::fobj, Animator_OBJECT::gbump, Animator_OBJECT::grefl, Animator_OBJECT::groundTemperature, Animator_OBJECT::groundtype, Animator_OBJECT::gspec, Animator_OBJECT::gtran, Animator_OBJECT::hEffect, IDQ_NOMEM1, Animator_OBJECT::image, Animator_OBJECT::in_ram, InitialiseParticleSystem(), InitialiseRamImage(), Animator_OBJECT::last, Animator_OBJECT::lastframe, Animator_OBJECT::light_intensity, Animator_OBJECT::lighttype, max, min, Animator_OBJECT::morph, Animator_OBJECT::morphNo, Animator_OBJECT::name, Animator_AWIREFRAME::Ne, Animator_OBJECT::nedges, Animator_OBJECT::next, Animator_OBJECT::nNurbs, NO, Animator_AWIREFRAME::Np, Animator_OBJECT::npathpoints, Animator_OBJECT::npec, Animator_OBJECT::npoints, Animator_OBJECT::nskeleton, Animator_OBJECT::Nurbs, Animator_OBJECT::offset, Animator_OBJECT::origin, Animator_OBJECT::other_params, Animator_AWIREFRAME::p, Animator_OBJECT::particles, Animator_OBJECT::pathlength, Animator_OBJECT::pathtype, Animator_OBJECT::pec, Animator_OBJECT::points, Animator_OBJECT::quick_only, Animator_OBJECT::self_shadow, SendPrgmQuery(), Animator_OBJECT::show_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::skeleton, Animator_OBJECT::skid, Animator_NODE::type, Animator_OBJECT::type, Animator_OBJECT::v, Animator_OBJECT::w_frame, X__Free, X__Malloc, Animator_OBJECT::xip, and YES.

WHERE void DeleteSize ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE size* CreateSize ( node Np,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

WHERE void DeleteAlign ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE align* CreateAlign ( node Np,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

WHERE void DeletePosition ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE void DeletePositionIn ( node Np,
long  first_frame,
long  last_frame 

Definition at line 608 of file UTILS.C.

References DeletePosition().

Referenced by ImportRobotSequence().

WHERE position* CreatePosition ( node Np,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

WHERE void DeleteSky ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE sky* CreateSky ( node Np,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

WHERE void DeleteDirector ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE director* CreateDirector ( node Np,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

WHERE void DeleteNode ( node Np  ) 

WHERE node* CreateNode ( void   ) 

WHERE pathpoint* CopyPath ( short *  pathtype,
short *  npathpoints,
node Nc,
short  firstframe,
HWND  parent 

WHERE void CheckRecursiveFollow ( node Np,
short  ff,
short  lf 

WHERE void ScrapEverything ( void   ) 

WHERE long SelectNodeID ( HWND   ) 

Definition at line 1031 of file UTILS.C.

References Animator_NODE::ID, NO, and SelectNode().

WHERE node* SelectNode ( char *  ,
short  ,

static void CentreDialogOnCursor ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void CentreDialogOnScreen ( HWND   ) 

WHERE void AppendFileExtension ( char *  ,
char *   

Definition at line 1294 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE char* short_form ( char *   ) 

WHERE char* truncate_path ( char *  ,

Definition at line 1307 of file UTILS.C.

References short_form().

Referenced by EditObjectDlgProc(), and EditObjectXipDlgProc().

WHERE node* GetSelectedCamera ( long  cf,
node Sc 

WHERE short RequestNumEntry ( long  val,
long  minval,
long  maxval,
char *  title,
char *  message 

Definition at line 74 of file LIBRARY.C.

References ALL_PANNELS, DLG_NUMENTRY, EnableToolPannels(), FALSE, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, and TRUE.

WHERE int RequestCharString ( int  len,
char *  string,
char *  title 

WHERE void EnableToolPannels ( int  what_one,
BOOL  status 

Definition at line 144 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void ActivateAllMenus ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  fuFlags 

Definition at line 394 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE int SelectScrolledItemList ( int  ,
char **  ,
char *  ,

WHERE int SelectItemList ( int  n,
char **  list,
char *  title 

WHERE int SelectItems ( int  n,
char **  list,
char *  title,
int  where 

WHERE PSTR FileInPath ( PSTR  pstrPath  ) 

Definition at line 443 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void GetTriview ( BOOL  reset  ) 

Definition at line 550 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void SetUpWindowBoxView ( int  view  ) 

Definition at line 537 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void DrawOne3dCursor ( HDC  hdc,
int  i 

Definition at line 597 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void Draw3dCursor ( void   ) 

Definition at line 582 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void Move3dCursor ( int  stor,
int  xw,
int  yw 

Definition at line 617 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void LoadArrowIcons ( void   ) 

Definition at line 677 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void DrawArrowIcons ( HDC  hdc,
int  id 

Definition at line 734 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE int CheckWindowIcon ( int  xi,
int  yi 

Definition at line 795 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void InvertWindowIcon ( int  i,
HWND  hwnd 

Definition at line 828 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE int CheckViewWindowIcon ( int  xi,
int  yi 

Definition at line 863 of file LIBRARY.C.


Referenced by AnimatorViewWndProc().

WHERE void InvertViewWindowIcon ( int  i,
HWND  hwnd 

Definition at line 874 of file LIBRARY.C.


Referenced by AnimatorViewWndProc().

WHERE void DeleteArrowIcons ( void   ) 

Definition at line 893 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void SwapViewBitmaps ( void   ) 

Definition at line 905 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void UpdateRuler ( short   ) 

Definition at line 1310 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void SetUpGrid ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1406 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE int Read3Reals ( char *  title,
double *  r1,
double *  r2,
double *  r3,
int  list 

Definition at line 978 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void DrawGrid ( HDC  hdc[]  ) 

WHERE void SetColour ( unsigned char  colour[],
char *  Title,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 1041 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void SetSfxColour ( unsigned char  colour[],
long  ID,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 1065 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void PaintDialogBackground ( HWND  hDlg,

Definition at line 1221 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void scal ( double  t[4][4],
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz 

Definition at line 1071 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void rotz ( double  tr[4][4],
double  ang 

Definition at line 1078 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void roty ( double  tr[4][4],
double  ang 

Definition at line 1093 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void rotx ( double  tr[4][4],
double  ang 

Definition at line 1108 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void tram ( double  t[4][4],
double  dx,
double  dy,
double  dz 

Definition at line 1123 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void m4by4 ( double  t1[4][4],
double  t2[4][4],
double  tr[4][4] 

Definition at line 1138 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void m4by1 ( double  t4[4][4],
double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double *  xx,
double *  yy,
double *  zz 

Definition at line 1149 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void null_transform ( double  t[4][4]  ) 

Definition at line 1164 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void c4to4 ( double  tin[4][4],
double  tout[4][4] 

Definition at line 1157 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void arbitrary_rotate ( double  angle,
point  p1,
point  p2,
double  t[4][4] 

Definition at line 1172 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void L_cross ( point  p1,
point  p2,
point  p3,
point  p4 

Definition at line 1205 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void ScalePoint ( double  scalex,
double  scaley,
double  scalez,
point  p,
point  r 

Definition at line 59 of file DRAWVIEW.C.

Referenced by DrawArrow(), DrawDirectionLine(), GetOffsetPosition(), and MakeKey().

WHERE void CopyPoint ( point  p1,
point  p2 

WHERE void AddPoints ( point  p1,
point  p2,
point  result 

WHERE void SubPoints ( point  p1,
point  p2,
point  result 

WHERE short in_stage_triview ( point  vp  ) 

WHERE void get_centre_stage ( point  ,
point  ,
point  ,

WHERE void Transform ( long  n,
point  Ain[],
point  Aout[],
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima 

WHERE double GetOffsetPosition ( node Np,
object Op,
long  frame,
double  dframe,
point  ObjectOffset 

WHERE short GetTransform ( short  stacking,
long  frame,
double  dframe,
node Np,
object Op,
point  ObjectOffset,
point  TrackedOffset,
double *  phi,
double *  theta,
double *  alpha,
double *  sx,
double *  sy,
double *  sz,
short *  im,
double *  ima 

WHERE void DrawArrow ( HDC  hdc[],
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  scale 

WHERE void DrawDirectionLine ( HDC  hdc[],
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  scale 

WHERE void DrawActorCentre ( HDC  hdc[],
point  v1,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  scale 

Definition at line 766 of file DRAWVIEW.C.

References ActiveView, GetWindowCoords, in_stage_triview(), TRIVIEW, and View.

Referenced by DrawFullRobot(), and DrawRobot().

WHERE void DrawNode ( HDC  hDC[],
node Np,
short  status 

WHERE void DrawInvertNode ( HDC  hDC[],
node Np,
short  status 

WHERE void ReDrawStageDisplay ( BOOL   ) 

WHERE void ReDrawQuickDisplay ( BOOL   ) 

WHERE int CheckBoundingObject ( int  type,
int  ifd,
int  hx,
int  vy,
object Op,
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
double *  dc 

WHERE cameraparam* CalculateCameraProperties ( node Np,
long  frame,
double  dframe 

WHERE long SplinesP ( double  k[],
double  tau 

Definition at line 25 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by GetOffsetPosition(), MakeKey(), and PathInterp().

WHERE double SplinesR ( double  k[],
double  tau 

Definition at line 29 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by GetTransform(), and SmoothCurve().

WHERE void SplinesK ( double  k[],
long  vl,
long  v1,
long  v2,
long  vn 

Definition at line 33 of file PATHS.C.

References double.

Referenced by MakeKey().

WHERE void SplinesG ( double  k[],
double  xi,
double  xi1,
double  xig,
double  xig1 

Definition at line 40 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by GetOffsetPosition(), GetTransform(), PathInterp(), and SmoothCurve().

WHERE void DrawPath ( HDC  hdc[],
object Op,
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
short  status 

WHERE void ReversePathDirection ( object op  ) 

WHERE double PathLength ( pathpoint Ppp,
short  type,
short  Npoints 

WHERE void PathInterp ( double  pathposition,
pathpoint Lpp,
pathpoint Ppp,
point  ObjectOffset,
double  distance,
pathpoint Fpp,
pathpoint Epp,
short  type 

WHERE object* GetPathPosition ( node Np,
long  frame,
double  dframe,
point  ObjectOffset,
double *  position0_1,
double *  lengthonpath 

WHERE double* ReTweenVelocity ( object op,
double *  v,
int  oldn,
int  newn,
double  pathlength,
int  copy 

WHERE void EditPathMovement ( short  type  ) 

WHERE void GetPathPositionAtDistance ( node Np,
object Op,
double  d,
point  pout 

WHERE void PerspectiveView ( int  smab,
int  DisplayType 

WHERE void DrawPerspectiveView ( int  smab,
int  DisplayType,
HWND  hWnd,
HPEN  hPen 

WHERE void DrawViewRobot ( HDC  hdcView,
HBITMAP  hbmView,
HWND  hWnd,
node Np,
int  arm,
int  axis,
double  ra,
double  ua,
BOOL  zoom,
BOOL  zoom_state 

WHERE void FreePreview ( void   ) 

Definition at line 970 of file CAMERA.C.

References X__Free.

Referenced by MakePreview(), and ScrapEverything().

WHERE int MakePreview ( void   ) 

WHERE void StartPreviewPlayer ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void StopPreviewPlayer ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void MoveCtrlWindow ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 981 of file CAMERA.C.

References TRUE.

WHERE void ExecuteActorsMenu ( HWND   ) 

WHERE void DisengageTool ( void   ) 

WHERE void EngageTool ( int   ) 

WHERE int CheckClosestObject ( int  w,
double *  dmin,
point  vp,
int  hx,
int  vy,
int  r 

Definition at line 236 of file TOOLS.C.

References double, GetWindowCoords, NpointerX, NpointerY, and NpointerZ.

Referenced by CheckBoundingObject(), PickClosestNode(), and PickClosestPathPoint().

WHERE BOOL PickClosestNode ( int  wid,
int  hx,
int  vy,
BOOL  pick_only 

WHERE BOOL PickClosestPathPoint ( int  wid,
int  hx,
int  vy 

WHERE object* PickNode ( short  type1,
short  type2 

WHERE void SetNewPosition ( long  pX,
long  pY,
long  pZ,
short  abrel 

Definition at line 531 of file TOOLS.C.

References Animator_POSITION::finish, FOLLOWAT, SPLINE, TWEEN, and Animator_POSITION::type.

Referenced by AnimatorUndo(), and StageGrab().

WHERE void EnterGrabMode ( void   ) 

WHERE void LeaveGrabMode ( void   ) 

WHERE position* IsValidPosition ( void   ) 

WHERE int StageGrabIdentify ( void   ) 

WHERE void InstantStageGrab ( void   ) 

WHERE void StageGrabOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 542 of file TOOLS.C.

References EDIT_ACTION, GRABBER, ReDrawStageDisplay(), SelectedNode, tool, TRUE, and YES.

Referenced by EngageTool().

WHERE void StageGrabOff ( short  redraw  ) 

Definition at line 550 of file TOOLS.C.

References NOTOOL, ReDrawStageDisplay(), tool, and TRUE.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), and DisengageTool().

WHERE void StageGrab ( short  where,
short  which 

WHERE void InstantStageRotate ( void   ) 

WHERE void StageRotateOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1394 of file TOOLS.C.

References EDIT_ACTION, ReDrawStageDisplay(), ROTATOR, SelectedNode, tool, TRUE, and YES.

Referenced by EngageTool().

WHERE void RotateOff ( long  redraw  ) 

Definition at line 1408 of file TOOLS.C.

References ghwndDlgTools, NOTOOL, ReDrawStageDisplay(), tool, and TRUE.

Referenced by DisengageTool().

WHERE void StageRotate ( long  window_id  ) 

WHERE void StageStepRotate ( int  command  ) 

WHERE void Resize ( void   ) 

WHERE void InstantStageXpnd ( void   ) 

WHERE void SizeOff ( short  redraw  ) 

Definition at line 1167 of file TOOLS.C.

References ghwndDlgTools, NOTOOL, ReDrawStageDisplay(), tool, and TRUE.

Referenced by DisengageTool().

WHERE void StageSizeOn ( void   ) 

WHERE void AnimatorUndo ( void   ) 

WHERE void SnapTo ( short  option  ) 

WHERE void EditPathOn ( void   ) 

WHERE void EditPathOff ( short  redraw  ) 

WHERE void AdjustPathTension ( long  window_id  ) 

WHERE void EditPath ( void   ) 

WHERE void DrawActorTrack ( HDC  hdc[],
short  mode 

WHERE void SwitchTrackerType ( void   ) 

WHERE int ShiftKeyFrameActivate ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void ShiftKeyFrameDeactivate ( void   ) 

Definition at line 744 of file TOOLS.C.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc().

WHERE void ShiftKeyFrame ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void ShifterOn ( void   ) 

WHERE void ShifterOff ( short  redraw  ) 

Definition at line 732 of file TOOLS.C.

References ghwndDlgTools, NOTOOL, ReDrawStageDisplay(), tool, and TRUE.

Referenced by DisengageTool(), ShiftKeyFrame(), and ShiftKeyFrameActivate().

WHERE void AnglerOn ( void   ) 

WHERE void AnglerOff ( short  redraw  ) 

Definition at line 1846 of file TOOLS.C.

References ghwndDlgTools, NOTOOL, ReDrawStageDisplay(), tool, and TRUE.

Referenced by AngleKeyFrame(), and DisengageTool().

WHERE void AngleKeyFrame ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void DrawActorRotations ( HDC  hdc[],
short  mode 

WHERE BOOL PanToolDown ( int  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 2444 of file TOOLS.C.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().

WHERE void PanToolMove ( int  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 2454 of file TOOLS.C.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().

WHERE void PanToolUp ( int  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 2341 of file TOOLS.C.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().

WHERE void ZoomView ( int  ,

WHERE void Zoom ( int  command,
int  redraw 

Definition at line 2617 of file TOOLS.C.

Referenced by StageGrab().

WHERE void Zoom2 ( double  fraction  ) 

Definition at line 2587 of file TOOLS.C.

Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().

WHERE void DrawRobot ( HDC  hdc[],
object Op,
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
short  status 

WHERE void DrawFullRobot ( HDC  hdc[],
object Op,
point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
short  status 

WHERE long GetRobotVolume ( long  n,
skel sp,
vector  c 

Definition at line 29 of file ROBOT.C.

References double, max, MAXUNIT, Animator_SKELETON::p, Animator_SKELETON::pp, UNIT, and UNIT2.

Referenced by DrawViewRobot(), and UpdateRobot().

WHERE void SkeletorOff ( short  redraw  ) 

Definition at line 207 of file ROBOT.C.

References ghwnd_main, ghwndSkEdit, NOTOOL, ReDrawStageDisplay(), tool, and TRUE.

Referenced by DisengageTool().

WHERE void SkeletorOn ( void   ) 

WHERE int Skeletor ( void   ) 

WHERE void RobotTransform ( point  Offset,
double  p,
double  t,
double  a,
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz,
short  im,
double  ima,
double  RoboT[4][4] 

Definition at line 443 of file ROBOT.C.

References m4by4, PI, PIo180, rotx, roty, rotz, scal, and tram.

Referenced by DrawFullRobot(), DrawRobot(), and get_centre_stage().

WHERE void GetRobotScriptName ( char *  ,
long  ,
short  ,
char *   

Definition at line 516 of file ROBOT.C.

Referenced by ExportRobotKeyframes(), and MakeScript().

WHERE short RobotFileExists ( char *   ) 

Definition at line 523 of file ROBOT.C.

Referenced by ExportRobotKeyframes(), and MakeScript().

WHERE void WriteRobot ( object ,
char *   

Definition at line 580 of file ROBOT.C.

References Animator_OBJECT::nskeleton, R, and Animator_OBJECT::skeleton.

Referenced by ExportRobotKeyframes(), and MakeScript().

WHERE short OpenRobotDirectory ( char *  script_file  ) 

Definition at line 475 of file ROBOT.C.

References FALSE, and RemoveRobotDirectory().

Referenced by ExportRobotKeyframes(), and MakeScript().

WHERE void RemoveRobotDirectory ( char *  script_file  ) 

Definition at line 489 of file ROBOT.C.

References ghinst_main, IDQ_BADFILE, IDQ_BADNEXTFILE, IDX_MISC_ERROR1, and SendPrgmQuery().

Referenced by OpenRobotDirectory().

WHERE void InterpolateRobot ( double  mr,
object Op,
object LastOp 

WHERE void UpdateRobot ( object Op  ) 

WHERE void ExportRobotSequence ( node Np  ) 

WHERE long ImportRobotSequence ( long  n,
node Np,
char *  filename,
long  firstframe,
long  lastframe 

WHERE void SetRobotToWalkPath ( node Np  ) 

WHERE node* AddOnlyNewNode ( HWND  ,

WHERE void AddQuickActor ( long   ) 

WHERE short AddCostumeTimeLine ( node Np  ) 

WHERE short EditObject ( node Np,
short  firstframe,
short  lastframe,
short  in_script,
short  split 

Definition at line 384 of file KEYFRAME.C.

References ANIMOBJ, c4to4, CAMERA, CheckRecursiveFollow(), Animator_OBJECT::colour, CopyPoint(), CreateCostume, CreateDirector(), CreateSky, DeleteCostume, DeleteDirector(), DeleteSky(), DIRECTOR, DISK, DLG_LINEOPT, DLG_PARTICLE, DLG_PATHTYPE, double, EditDirectorDialog(), EditGroundDialog(), EditLightDialog(), EditObjectImageProcess(), EditSkyDialog(), ExportRobotSequence(), FAIL, fail_op, FALSE, Animator_NODE::fdirector, FileInPath(), Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::firstframe, Animator_SKY::firstframe, Animator_NODE::fsky, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, ghwndTimeline, GROUND, Animator_OBJECT::groundTemperature, Animator_OBJECT::groundtype, gszRSQfile, gszSCEdir, gszSCEfile, IDX_MISC_SELECTROBOT, IMAGEP, ImportRobotSequence(), InterpolateRobot(), Animator_OBJECT::last, Animator_OBJECT::lastframe, LIGHT, Animator_OBJECT::lighttype, LoadAnimObject(), LoadMeshObject, Animator_OBJECT::morph, Animator_OBJECT::name, Animator_OBJECT::next, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::next, Animator_SKY::next, NO, NORMAL, NP, Animator_OBJECT::nskeleton, ObjectTimelineDlgProc(), OK, OPEN, Animator_OBJECT::outline, PARTICLE, ParticleDlgProc(), PATH, PathSetDlgProc(), ROBOT, SelectMorphFileName(), SelectRobotFileName(), SelectSfxFileName(), SetRobotToWalkPath(), Animator_OBJECT::skeleton, SKY, SPHERE, TARGET, TRUE, Animator_OBJECT::type, Animator_NODE::type, type, UpdateSelectedActor(), Animator_OBJECT::xip, and YES.

Referenced by AddCostumeTimeLine(), and AnimatorTriViewWndProc().

WHERE object* GetObjectAtFrame ( node Np,
long  frame 

WHERE void GetTimelinesAtFrame ( node Np,
long  frame,
object **  o,
position **  p,
align **  a,
size **  s 

WHERE short GetTimeGapAtFrame ( node Np,
long  frame,
short *  start_gap,
short *  end_gap 

WHERE BOOL ActorNameExists ( HWND  parent,
node this_node,
char *  name 

WHERE void ShiftAllKeys ( int  allActors  ) 

WHERE void ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys ( void   ) 

WHERE void SetNumberOfFrames ( short  query  ) 

WHERE BOOL InsertFrames ( BOOL  type,
long  inf,
long  cf,
long  nf 

WHERE BOOL DeleteRangeOfFrames ( BOOL  type,
long  inf,
long  cf,
long  nf 

WHERE void MakeKey ( char  com,
long  frame,
node np 

WHERE void NextKey ( char  com  ) 

WHERE short MakeControl ( node Np,
char  typ,
HWND  parent 

WHERE short CheckForControl ( node Np,
char  typ 

WHERE void EditPosition ( node Np,
short  firstframe,
short  lastframe,
short  type,
HWND  parent 

WHERE void EditAlign ( node Np,
short  firstframe,
short  lastframe,
short  type,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 1049 of file KEYFRAME.C.

References CreateAlign, fail_op, FALSE, IMAGEP, NO, PATH, SKY, TARGET, Animator_NODE::type, UpdateSelectedActor(), and YES.

Referenced by MakeControl().

WHERE void EditSize ( node Np,
short  firstframe,
short  lastframe 

WHERE short StartDefault ( short  what_function  ) 

WHERE void TimelineEditor ( void   ) 

WHERE void DestroyTimelineEditor ( void   ) 

Definition at line 3751 of file KEYFRAME.C.

References ghinst_main, ghwndTimeline, ghwndTimelineChild, keyframer_docked_and_visible, and TRUE.

Referenced by CloseUtilities().

WHERE void AutoUpdateKeyframerVpos ( void   ) 

WHERE void InitialiseParticleSystem ( ParticleSystem ps  ) 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ParticleDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

Definition at line 392 of file aparticles.c.


Referenced by EditObject().

WHERE long GetCharListID ( char *  item,
char **  list,
long  n 

Definition at line 32 of file DIALOGS.C.

WHERE void LoadViewer ( int   ) 

Definition at line 8 of file LOADVIEW.C.

Referenced by DisplayImageFromStore().

WHERE short EditGroundDialog ( object op,
short  in_script 

WHERE short EditSkyDialog ( sky sp,
int  in_script 

WHERE short EditDirectorDialog ( director dp,
int  in_script 

Definition at line 740 of file DIALOGS.C.

References ALL_PANNELS, DLG_DIRECTOR, EDIT_ACTION, EnableToolPannels(), FALSE, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, ghwndTimeline, OK, TRUE, and YES.

Referenced by EditObject().

WHERE short EditLightDialog ( object op,
int  in_script 

WHERE short RequestEditSize ( double *  sx,
double *  sy,
double *  sz,
size xp,
int  d 

WHERE short RequestEditLightSize ( double *  sx,
double *  sy,
double *  sz,
size xp,
int  d 

WHERE short EditCameraSize ( double *  sx,
double *  sy,
double *  sz,
size xp,
int  d 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK RobotToolDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK RotatorToolDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SizerToolDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SplineTweenDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SelectActorDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SetFramesDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK InsertFramesDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK DeleteFramesDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE int SelectKeyMaker ( void   ) 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK EditObjectDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK EditObjectXipDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ObjectTimelineDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ShiftKeysDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

Definition at line 1908 of file DIALOGS.C.

WHERE void PreferencesPropertyDlgProc ( HWND  hwndOwner  ) 

Definition at line 2511 of file DIALOGS.C.

WHERE void LensSettings ( void   ) 

WHERE void AnimationPlayer ( int  type,
HWND  hwnd 

WHERE void LoadPreferences ( void   ) 

Definition at line 7 of file PREFS.C.

WHERE void ActivatePreferences ( void   ) 

Definition at line 155 of file PREFS.C.

WHERE void AssignIKchain ( node Np,
long  frame 

Definition at line 8 of file IK.C.

WHERE void RemoveIKchain ( node Np,
long  frame 

Definition at line 12 of file IK.C.

WHERE void RemoveAllIKchains ( node Np,
long  frame 

Definition at line 16 of file IK.C.

WHERE void LoadMenuHelpTable ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Definition at line 172 of file MENUHELP.C.

WHERE UINT CheckMenuHelpData ( UINT  uItem  ) 

Definition at line 189 of file MENUHELP.C.

WHERE void DisplayMenuHelpData ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  id 

Definition at line 197 of file MENUHELP.C.

WHERE void FreeMenuHelpData ( void   ) 

Definition at line 203 of file MENUHELP.C.

WHERE BOOL CreateMemoryWindows ( void   ) 

WHERE void DeleteMemoryWindows ( void   ) 

WHERE void FocusActiveWindow ( HDC  ,

WHERE void SetWindowSize ( int  x,
int  y,
int  view,
BOOL  reset 

WHERE void SwitchWindow ( int  button  ) 

Definition at line 239 of file WINDOWS.C.

WHERE void FormatScreen ( void   ) 

Definition at line 346 of file WINDOWS.C.

Referenced by CloseUtilities().

WHERE void UpdateIconPositions ( void   ) 

Definition at line 381 of file WINDOWS.C.

WHERE BOOL CursorInTriview ( void   ) 

Definition at line 424 of file WINDOWS.C.

Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().

WHERE HPALETTE CreateAppPalette ( int *  ,
int *   

Definition at line 57 of file SETUP.C.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void SetupStructures ( void   ) 

Definition at line 157 of file SETUP.C.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

WHERE void UpdateGLview ( BOOL   ) 

WHERE BOOL EnableGLview ( void   ) 

Definition at line 266 of file SETUP.C.

References FALSE, ghwnd_main, IDM_FILE_EXP_OPENGL, IDM_WINDOW_SHOWOPENGL, TRUE, and version.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void StartGLview ( BOOL  first_time  ) 

WHERE void SendPrgmText ( PSTR  p  ) 

Definition at line 490 of file SETUP.C.

Referenced by SendPrgmMessage().

WHERE void SendPrgmHelpMessage ( int  id  ) 

WHERE void SendPrgmMessage ( int  idString,
int  where 

WHERE void SetPrgmMessage ( int  idString,
PSTR  pstr 

Definition at line 551 of file SETUP.C.

WHERE int SendPrgmQuery ( int  idString,
int  response 

Definition at line 517 of file SETUP.C.

Referenced by ActorNameExists(), AddCopy(), AddCostumeTimeLine(), AddEffect(), AddOnlyNewNode(), AddPolygon(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnglerOn(), AnimatorStartup(), AppendPathPoint(), AutoFacetCurveWithHoles(), AutoFillFace(), CheckRecursiveFollow(), ClearWireFrame(), CopyConnected(), CreateAlign(), CreateAppPalette(), CreateAttachedCopy(), CreateCostume(), CreateDirector(), CreateImageProcess(), CreateIPointPath(), CreateNode(), CreatePathPoint(), CreatePosition(), CreateSize(), CreateSky(), DeleteImageMap(), DeleteMaterial(), DeletePathPoint(), DesignStartup(), DrawFullRobot(), DrawPath(), EditActorEffect(), EditImageProcess(), EditObjectImageProcess(), EditPathMovement(), EditPathOn(), EraseSkeleton(), ExecuteAnimator(), ExecuteBezierModeler(), ExecuteExternalAction(), ExecuteExternalModeler(), ExecuteModeler(), ExecuteSelect(), Explode(), ExportModel(), Extrude(), ExtrudeAlong(), get_closest_vertex(), GetPathList(), GetPathPositionAtDistance(), InstantStageGrab(), InstantStageRotate(), InstantStageXpnd(), JoinTwoCurves(), LoadAApoly(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadAnimObject(), LoadEffectLibrary(), LoadHeightField(), LoadInternalAction(), LoadMDIviewer(), LoadMeshObject(), LoadPath(), LoadRenderer(), LoadUtility(), LoadViewer(), LoadXmodel(), MakeAutoWireFrame(), MakeBezierCurve(), MakeKey(), MakePreview(), MakeScript(), MakeWireFrame(), PackAnimationFile(), PaintMapOutline(), PathLength(), PickNode(), PositionBrushOnOff(), PrintImageFile(), PurgeUnusedMaterials(), RemoveRobotDirectory(), Replace_Faces(), ReplaceObjectFile(), RequestMapID(), RequestMaterialID(), RequestMirrorID(), Resize(), Restore_Undo(), ReTweenVelocity(), Save_Undo(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveAnimFile(), SaveObject(), SavePath(), SelectedInfo(), SelectMapAndMapVertices(), SetMapCoords(), ShatterEffect(), ShiftAllKeys(), ShifterOn(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), Skeletor(), SkeletorOn(), SmoothCurve(), SnapCursorTo(), SnapTo(), Spin(), SplitSelectedAlongMaterialsMaps(), StartDefault(), StartExternGL(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), Subdivide(), TraceImageOutline(), UnloadRamImagesFromAllMaps(), UnMakeWireFrame(), UnPlan(), UpdateRuler(), WinMain(), Zoom(), and Zoom2().

WHERE void SendIconHelpMessage ( int  idString  ) 

Definition at line 566 of file SETUP.C.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc().

WHERE void CloseUtilities ( int   ) 

WHERE BOOL AnimatorStartup ( UINT *   ) 

Definition at line 587 of file SETUP.C.

References bAbortedDrawing, CAMERA, CreateAlign, CreateCostume, CreateMemoryWindows(), CreateNode, CreatePosition, CreateSize, CSTRINGS, DeleteMemoryWindows(), EDIT_ACTION, FALSE, FileInPath(), FirstNp, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagA, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagK, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagP, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagR, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagT, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagX, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagY, Animator_TOOLFLAGS_tag::flagZ, gCurCommand, gCurSelect, gCurTool, ghcurArrow, ghcurArrow1, ghcurCross, ghcurDirector, ghcurInsert, ghcurMove, ghcurPan, ghcurPathed, ghcurRotate, ghcurScale, ghcurSkeletor, ghcurTools, ghcurTracker, ghcurWait, ghcurX, ghcurZin, ghcurZoom, ghcurZout, ghinst_main, GroundTextList, GroundTextureListID, gszANIdir, gszANIfile, gszDLLdir, gszDLLfile, gszHomeDir, gszIMGdir, gszIMGfile, gszMAPdir, gszMAPfile, gszPAKdir, gszPAKfile, gszPSTdir, gszPSTfile, gszPTHdir, gszPTHfile, gszPZEdir, gszPZEfile, gszRSQdir, gszRSQfile, gszSCEdir, gszSCEfile, gszSCRdir, gszSCRfile, gszSTGdir, gszSTGfile, gszUndoFile, gszXIPdir, gszXIPfile, gToolFlags, IDC_DIRECTOR, IDC_GRABBER, IDC_INSERT, IDC_NONE, IDC_OPENARROW, IDC_PAN, IDC_PATHED, IDC_ROTATOR, IDC_SIZER, IDC_SKELETOR, IDC_TRACKER, IDC_XCROSS, IDC_ZOOM, IDC_ZOOMIN, IDC_ZOOMOUT, IDQ_FATALERROR, IDS_DEFAULT, InitializeLastFilesList(), ISTRINGS, MainNp, MAX_DIR, N_OBJECTTYPELIST, Ncameras, Nframes, NO, NoGroundTexts, ObjectTypeList, ObjectTypeListID, PerspectiveView(), PI, PIo180, QSTRINGS, ReDrawStageDisplay(), res_str, ScrapEverything(), SelectedCamera, SendPrgmMessage(), SendPrgmQuery(), SetupStructures(), SetUpWindowBoxView(), SPLINE, StartedInAnimator, TARGET, TempPath, TRACK, TRUE, TVsizeY, Animator_OBJECT::type, UpdateSelectedActor(), and X__Malloc.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void AnimatorShutdown ( void   ) 

WHERE BOOL SetupMainWindow ( HANDLE  inst,
int  cmdshow 

Definition at line 388 of file SETUP.C.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE int SelectFileName ( int  save,
char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
char *  szTitle,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 11 of file FILES.C.

WHERE int SelectDirectoryName ( char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
char *  szTitle,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 55 of file FILES.C.

WHERE int SelectSfxFileName ( int  save,
char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
long  ID,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 91 of file FILES.C.

WHERE int SelectMorphFileName ( char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
char *  szTitle,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 129 of file FILES.C.

References FileInPath(), ghinst_main, MAX_FILE, and version.

Referenced by EditObject().

WHERE int SelectRobotFileName ( char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
long  ID,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 217 of file FILES.C.

References FileInPath(), ghinst_main, gszRSQdir, gszRSQfile, MAX_FILE, and version.

Referenced by EditObject().

WHERE void UpdateSelectedActor ( BOOL   ) 

WHERE void SelectedInfo ( void   ) 

WHERE void SizeInfo ( node Np,
short  frame 

WHERE void AlignInfo ( node Np,
short  frame 

WHERE void PositionInfo ( node Np,
short  frame 

WHERE void ActorInfo ( node Np,
short  frame 

WHERE void CostumeInfo ( object ,
char *  ,
char *  ,
char *   

WHERE void SkyInfo ( node Np,
short  frame 

WHERE void DirectorCostumeInfo ( node ,
short  ,
char *   

WHERE void SkyCostumeInfo ( node ,
short  ,
char *   

WHERE void InitialiseRamImage ( RAMIMAGE im  ) 

Definition at line 19 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE BOOL LoadRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image,
char *  file 

Definition at line 25 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE BOOL UnloadRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image  ) 

Definition at line 71 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE BOOL ReadRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image,
FILE *  fr 

WHERE BOOL WriteRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image,
FILE *  fp 

Definition at line 278 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE BOOL UnstoreRamImage ( RAMIMAGE Image,
char *  filename 

Definition at line 98 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE void DisplayImageFromStore ( RAMIMAGE image,
char *  alternate 

Definition at line 133 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE void EraseTempImageFiles ( void   ) 

Definition at line 168 of file aniramimage.c.

WHERE BOOL CopyRamImage ( RAMIMAGE dest,
RAMIMAGE source 

WHERE void WriteTemporaryFileForScript ( BOOL  bSky,
char *  temp_name,
long *  lastID 

WHERE BOOL MakeScript ( long  type,
long  nstep 

Definition at line 24 of file writescript.C.

References Animator_OBJECT::acolour, Animator_SKY::aff, Animator_SKY::alf, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::alpha_end, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::alpha_start, ANIMOBJ, AppendFileExtension, Animator_SKY::ast, BACKDROP, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::blend_model, BRUM, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::bSingle, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::bSpinOff, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::bSteadyState, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::burst, Animator_OBJECT::bWireframe, CalculateCameraProperties(), CAMERA, Animator_OBJECT::cast_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::colour, Animator_SKY::colour, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::colour_end, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::colour_start, CurrentFrame, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_c, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_l, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_q, double, Animator_OBJECT::effect, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ew_end, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ew_start, Animator_CAMERAPARAM::f_number, FALSE, Animator_RAMIMAGE_tag::filename, Animator_OBJECT::firstframe, Animator_SKY::firstframe, FirstIp, FirstNp, Animator_NODE::fobj, Animator_CAMERAPARAM::focal_length, Animator_CAMERAPARAM::focus_distance, Animator_NODE::fsky, Animator_SKY::gamb, get_centre_stage(), GetRobotScriptName(), GetSelectedCamera(), GetTransform, ghcurSave, ghcurWait, ghwnd_main, Animator_OBJECT::grefl, GROUND, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ground, Animator_OBJECT::groundTemperature, Animator_OBJECT::groundtype, gszSCRdir, gszSCRfile, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::id, Animator_NODE::ID, IDQ_SCRIPTFAIL, IDX_MISC_SCRIPTFILE, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::iid, Animator_OBJECT::image, Animator_SKY::image, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ImageName, IMAGEP, Animator_OBJECT::last, Animator_SKY::last, Animator_OBJECT::lastframe, Animator_SKY::lastframe, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::life, LIGHT, Animator_OBJECT::light_intensity, Animator_OBJECT::lighttype, MBRUM, Animator_OBJECT::morph, Animator_OBJECT::name, Animator_SKY::name, Animator_XIP_tag::next, Animator_NODE::next, Animator_OBJECT::next, Animator_SKY::next, Nframes, NimageProcesses, NO, NORMAL, Nrobots, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ns_end, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ns_start, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::NumP, Animator_SKY::oamb, OpenRobotDirectory(), Animator_XIP_tag::p, Animator_CAMERAPARAM::parallax_distance, PARTICLE, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::particle_size_scale, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::particle_speed_scale, Animator_OBJECT::particles, Animator_CAMERAPARAM::polar_type, QMORPH, ROBOT, RobotFileExists(), ruler, SelectedCamera, SelectSfxFileName(), Animator_OBJECT::self_shadow, SendPrgmQuery(), Animator_OBJECT::show_shadow, Animator_RAMIMAGE_tag::size, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::size_end, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::size_start, SKY, Animator_SKY::sky_params, SKYANIMATED, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::speed, SPOTLIGHT, Animator_CAMERAPARAM::stereo_separation, TBRUM, TempPath, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::theta, TRUE, Animator_OBJECT::type, Animator_SKY::type, Animator_NODE::type, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ud_end, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::ud_start, UNIT, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::valpha, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::vcolour, VECCOPY, version, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::vlife, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::vsize, Animator_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag::vspeed, WriteRobot(), WriteTemporaryFileForScript(), Animator_OBJECT::xip, YES, and Animator_SKY::zcolour.

Referenced by StartExternGL(), and UpdateGLview().

WHERE BOOL ExportRobotKeyframes ( void   ) 

WHERE char* R_GetEnv ( char const *  aa  ) 

Definition at line 10 of file LOADER.C.

WHERE void RestoreWhiteSpaces ( char *  s  ) 

WHERE void HideWhiteSpaces ( char *  s  ) 

WHERE short LoadAnimationFile ( char *  filename,
BOOL  unpack 

Definition at line 863 of file LOADER.C.

References Animator_OBJECT::acolour, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::ActiveCamera, Animator_NODE::actorname, Animator_SKY::aff, Animator_SKY::alf, Animator_ALIGN::alpha, Animator_ALIGN::anodename, AppendPathPoint(), Animator_SKY::ast, bEmbedImageMaps, Animator_OBJECT::bWireframe, c4to4, CAMERA, Animator_SIZE::camera_params, Animator_OBJECT::cast_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::colour, Animator_SKY::colour, CopyPoint(), CreateAlign, CreateCostume, CreateDirector(), CreateImageProcess(), CreateNode, CreatePathEditControlPoint(), CreatePosition, CreateSize, CreateSky, DeleteCostume, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_c, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_l, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_q, DIRECTOR, Animator_PATHPOINT::distance, double, EDIT_ACTION, Animator_OBJECT::effect, FAIL, FALSE, Animator_OBJECT::fileID, Animator_POSITION::finish, FirstNp, Animator_OBJECT::firstpathpoint, FOLLOWAT, Animator_POSITION::fx, Animator_POSITION::fy, Animator_POSITION::fz, Animator_SKY::gamb, Animator_SKY::gamb_colour, Animator_OBJECT::gbump, get_centre_stage(), getlon_s(), GetTriview(), Animator_OBJECT::grefl, grid_size, Animator_OBJECT::groundTemperature, Animator_OBJECT::groundtype, Animator_OBJECT::gspec, gszHomeDir, Animator_OBJECT::gtran, Animator_NODE::ID, IDQ_FILEOPENFAIL, IDQ_NOTALLLOADED, IDQ_NOTSTAGEFILE, IDQ_READERROR, IDQ_SKELINCOMPAT, IDQ_STAGELOADFAIL, Animator_ALIGN::im, Animator_ALIGN::ima, IMAGEP, internal_effect_list, Animator_OBJECT::lighttype, LoadEffectLibrary(), LoadMeshObject, lrulerx, lrulery, lrulerz, MainIp, MaxNodeID, Animator_OBJECT::morph, Animator_OBJECT::morphNo, Animator_OBJECT::name, Animator_SKY::name, Ncameras, Ndirectors, Animator_NODE::next, Animator_PATHPOINT::next, Nframes, Nground, Nnodes, NO, Animator_OBJECT::npathpoints, Animator_OBJECT::npec, NpointerX, NpointerY, NpointerZ, Nrobots, Animator_OBJECT::nskeleton, Nsky, Nskys, Animator_SKY::oamb, Animator_SKY::oamb_colour, Animator_OBJECT::offset, OK, Animator_POSITION::onpath, Animator_OBJECT::origin, Animator_OBJECT::other_params, Animator_OBJECT::outline, Animator_PATHPOINT::p, Animator_XIP_tag::p, PARTICLE, Animator_OBJECT::particles, PATH, Animator_OBJECT::pathlength, Animator_OBJECT::pathtype, Animator_OBJECT::pec, Animator_PATHPOINT::pfi, Animator_ALIGN::phi, Animator_POSITION::pnodename, Animator_PATHPOINT::ptheta, Animator_SKELETON::Q, Animator_SKELETON::R, ReTweenVelocity(), ROBOT, ruler, ruler_name, rulerx, rulery, rulerz, ScrapEverything(), SelectedCamera, Animator_OBJECT::self_shadow, SendPrgmQuery(), Animator_OBJECT::show_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::skeleton, SKY, Animator_SKY::sky_params, Animator_SKY::sky_params_file, SKYANIMATED, Animator_PATHPOINT::status, Animator_SIZE::Sx, Animator_SIZE::Sy, Animator_SIZE::Sz, Animator_PATHPOINT::tension_n, Animator_PATHPOINT::tension_p, Animator_ALIGN::theta, Animator_ALIGN::topath, TRUE, TVcentreX, TVcentreY, TVcentreZ, TVpointX, TVpointY, TVpointZ, TVsizeX, TVsizeY, TVsizeZ, Animator_OBJECT::type, Animator_ALIGN::type, Animator_POSITION::type, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::type, Animator_SKY::type, Animator_NODE::type, UpdateSelectedActor(), Animator_OBJECT::v, X__Free, X__Malloc, Animator_OBJECT::xip, YES, z, and Animator_SKY::zcolour.

Referenced by Restore_UndoA(), and UnpackAnimationFile().

WHERE short LoadMeshObject ( char *  FileName,
object Op,
short  report,
short  check,
short  robot 

WHERE pathpoint* LoadPath ( short *  pathtype,
short *  npathpoints,
HWND  parent 

WHERE short SaveAnimationFile ( char *  filename,
BOOL  backup 

Definition at line 1324 of file LOADER.C.

References Animator_OBJECT::acolour, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::ActiveCamera, Animator_NODE::actorname, Animator_SKY::aff, Animator_SKY::alf, Animator_ALIGN::alpha, Animator_ALIGN::anodename, Animator_SKY::ast, Animator_OBJECT::bWireframe, CAMERA, Animator_SIZE::camera_params, Animator_OBJECT::cast_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::colour, Animator_SKY::colour, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_c, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_l, Animator_OBJECT::depth_cue_q, DIRECTOR, Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag::distance, Animator_PATHPOINT::distance, double, Animator_OBJECT::effect, FAIL, Animator_NODE::fali, Animator_NODE::fdirector, Animator_OBJECT::fileID, Animator_POSITION::finish, Animator_OBJECT::firstframe, Animator_SIZE::firstframe, Animator_ALIGN::firstframe, Animator_POSITION::firstframe, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::firstframe, Animator_SKY::firstframe, FirstIp, FirstNp, Animator_OBJECT::firstpathpoint, Animator_NODE::fobj, FOLLOWAT, Animator_NODE::fpos, Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag::frame, Animator_NODE::fsiz, Animator_NODE::fsky, Animator_POSITION::fx, Animator_POSITION::fy, Animator_POSITION::fz, Animator_SKY::gamb, Animator_SKY::gamb_colour, Animator_OBJECT::gbump, Animator_OBJECT::grefl, grid_size, Animator_OBJECT::groundTemperature, Animator_OBJECT::groundtype, Animator_OBJECT::gspec, Animator_OBJECT::gtran, Animator_NODE::ID, IDQ_FILEOPENFAIL, IDQ_MANGLEDPATH, IDQ_NOMEM1, IDQ_OVERWRITE, IDQ_SAVINGERROR, Animator_ALIGN::im, Animator_ALIGN::ima, IMAGEP, Animator_OBJECT::lastframe, Animator_SIZE::lastframe, Animator_ALIGN::lastframe, Animator_POSITION::lastframe, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::lastframe, Animator_SKY::lastframe, Animator_OBJECT::lighttype, lrulerx, lrulery, lrulerz, Animator_OBJECT::morph, Animator_OBJECT::morphNo, Animator_OBJECT::name, Animator_SKY::name, Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag::next, Animator_PATHPOINT::next, Animator_OBJECT::next, Animator_SIZE::next, Animator_ALIGN::next, Animator_POSITION::next, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::next, Animator_SKY::next, Animator_NODE::next, Animator_XIP_tag::next, Nframes, Nground, NimageProcesses, Nnodes, Animator_OBJECT::npathpoints, Animator_OBJECT::npec, Animator_OBJECT::nskeleton, Nsky, Animator_SKY::oamb, Animator_SKY::oamb_colour, OK, Animator_POSITION::onpath, Animator_OBJECT::origin, Animator_OBJECT::other_params, Animator_OBJECT::outline, outlng_s(), Animator_PATHPOINT::p, PARTICLE, Animator_OBJECT::particles, PATH, Animator_OBJECT::pathlength, Animator_OBJECT::pathtype, Animator_OBJECT::pec, Animator_PATHPOINT::pfi, Animator_ALIGN::phi, Animator_POSITION::pnodename, Animator_PATHPOINT::ptheta, Animator_SKELETON::R, ROBOT, ruler, ruler_name, rulerx, rulery, rulerz, SelectedCamera, Animator_OBJECT::self_shadow, SendPrgmQuery(), Animator_OBJECT::show_shadow, Animator_OBJECT::skeleton, Animator_SKY::sky_params, Animator_SKY::sky_params_file, SKYANIMATED, Animator_PATHPOINT::status, Animator_SIZE::Sx, Animator_SIZE::Sy, Animator_SIZE::Sz, Animator_PATHPOINT::tension_n, Animator_PATHPOINT::tension_p, Animator_ALIGN::theta, Animator_ALIGN::topath, Animator_OBJECT::type, Animator_ALIGN::type, Animator_POSITION::type, Animator_DIRECTOR_tag::type, Animator_SKY::type, Animator_NODE::type, Animator_OBJECT::v, X__Free, X__Malloc, Animator_OBJECT::xip, and Animator_SKY::zcolour.

Referenced by PackAnimationFile(), Save_UndoA(), and UnpackAnimationFile().

WHERE void LoadAnimObject ( node ,
short  ,
short  ,

WHERE void SaveAnimFile ( node Np  ) 

WHERE void Save_UndoA ( void   ) 

WHERE void Restore_UndoA ( void   ) 

WHERE void ReplaceObjectFile ( object Lop,
char *  NewName 

WHERE void ReplaceOneObjectFile ( node ,
object Lop,
char *   

WHERE unsigned char getlon_H ( HANDLE  f,
long *  val 

Definition at line 298 of file LOADER.C.

References dwRead.

Referenced by LoadMeshObject().

WHERE void outlng_s ( long  lng,
FILE *   

Definition at line 269 of file LOADER.C.

Referenced by PackAnimationFile(), SaveAnimationFile(), and WriteRamImage().

WHERE unsigned char getlon_s ( long *  val,
FILE *  f 

Definition at line 276 of file LOADER.C.

Referenced by LoadAnimationFile(), ReadRamImage(), and UnpackAnimationFile().

WHERE void PackAnimationFile ( void   ) 

WHERE void UnpackAnimationFile ( void   ) 

WHERE void DeleteEffect ( object op  ) 

WHERE void AddEffect ( object op,
HWND  parent 

WHERE void EditActorEffect ( object op,
HWND  parent 

WHERE HMODULE LoadEffectLibrary ( char *  name,
object op 

WHERE void UnloadEffectLibrary ( object op  ) 

WHERE BOOL PrintImageFile ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void DeleteImageProcess ( XIP Ip  ) 

WHERE XIP* CreateImageProcess ( HWND  parent  ) 

WHERE void EditImageProcess ( HWND  hdlg,

WHERE char* EditObjectImageProcess ( HWND  parent,
char *  p 

WHERE void StartExternGL ( void   ) 


Definition at line 294 of file externals.C.

References FALSE, gszHomeDir, IDQ_NOLOADMODELER, MakeScript(), SendPrgmQuery(), TRUE, and version.

WHERE void ExecuteModeler ( void   ) 

Definition at line 332 of file externals.C.

References gszHomeDir, IDQ_NOLOADMODELER, IDQ_NOSTART, and SendPrgmQuery().

WHERE void UnloadRenderer ( void   ) 

Definition at line 355 of file externals.C.


WHERE void LoadRenderer ( int  anim  ) 

WHERE void LoadUtility ( char *  ,
char *  ,

Definition at line 434 of file externals.C.

References FALSE, gszHomeDir, IDQ_NOSTART, SendPrgmQuery(), and TRUE.

WHERE BOOL MakeVRMLScript ( short  type  ) 

Definition at line 459 of file externals.C.

WHERE void LogOnMessage ( void   ) 

Variable Documentation

WHERE void( * GetWorldCoords)(int W, long *x, long *y, long *z, int hpos, int vpos)

WHERE void( * GetWindowCoords)(int W, long x, long y, long z, int *hpos, int *vpos)

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:18 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6