
Detailed Description

This is the OpenFX designer where the polygonal models are built

Data Structures

struct  TWO_INTEGERS_ATM_tag
 Defines the properties of two integers used for ATM Dialog. More...
 Defines the properties of an ATM character program. More...
struct  ATM_STRUCTURE_tag
 Defines the properties of an ATM font based model. More...
struct  Boolean_WORKEDGE
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Boolean_WORKFACE
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Boolean_TOOLEDGE
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Boolean_TOOLFACE
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Boolean_VTXADJ
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Delaunay_FACET_tag
 Internal structure used by Delaunay modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Designer_FACEATTRIBS_tag
 Face attributes structure. More...
struct  DesignerGLMAPtag
 Structure used in Designer OpenGL view window . More...
struct  Designer_RVERTEX
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw. More...
struct  Designer_RFACE
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw. More...
struct  Designer_EFACE
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw. More...
struct  Designer_OBJECT
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw. More...
struct  Designer_KEY_POINTS_tag
 Key points used in the represent the Object origin etc. More...
struct  Designer_BEZIER_CURVE_tag
 Provides properties of Bezier curves objects in the Designer. More...
struct  Designer_PRIMITIVE_tag
 Describes the Designer primites used during the building of primitive shapes with the primites tool. More...
struct  Designer_PREFERENCES_tag
 Describes the Designer module's preferences for screen layout etc. More...
struct  Orient_WORKFACE
 Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Orient_VTXADJ
 Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL). More...
class  SfxBound
 Class to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit. More...
class  SfxPointReader
 Class to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit. More...
class  SfxEdgeReader
 Class to allow OpenFX to use the Visualisation toolkit. More...
struct  Simplify_SELECTEDEDGE
 Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Simplify_SELECTEDFACE
 Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  Simplify_VTYADJ
 Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL). More...
struct  VECTOR4_design_tag
 Vector structure with 4 elements in the designer. More...
struct  Designer_VERTEX_tag
 Designer Vertex structure. More...
struct  Designer_EDGE_tag
 Designer Edge structure. More...
struct  Designer_FACE_tag
 Face (Polygon) structure. More...
struct  Designer_SKELETON_tag
 Designer Skeleton structure. More...
struct  Designer_NURBSSurfSample_tag
 NURBS surface sample. More...
struct  Designer_NURBSProperties_tag
 Nurbs structure properties. More...
struct  Designer_NURBS_tag
 NURBS patch. More...
struct  Designer_RAMIMAGE_tag
 Design Ram Image. More...
struct  Designer_IMAGEMAP_tag
 Structure represents an Image/Texture map. More...
struct  Designer_WIREFRAME_tag
 Designer wireframe approximation. More...
struct  Designer_MATERIALAXIS_tag
 An axis for materials. More...
struct  Designer_XSHADER_tag
 Shader parameters are stored in this structure. More...
struct  Designer_SURFACEMATERIAL_tag
 The main surface mmaterial data structure. More...
struct  X__STRUCTUREtag
 External structure for making Designer global variables and function available to plugin tools and actions.. More...
struct  TTF_STRUCTURE_tag
 Defines the properties of a TTF font based model. More...

Designer Functions

WHERE void(* GetWorldCoords )(int W, long *x, long *y, long *z, int hpos, int vpos)
WHERE void(* GetWindowCoords )(int W, long x, long y, long z, int *hpos, int *vpos)
LRESULT CALLBACK MainModelerWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ModelerTriViewWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ModelerViewWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ModelerInfoWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ToolboxWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LRESULT CALLBACK ToolBtnWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
WHERE void ExecuteKeyboardKeyCommand (int key)
WHERE void DisengageDesignerTool (void)
WHERE void DisengageSkeletonTool (void)
WHERE void InitializeLastFilesList (void)
WHERE void ChangeToolboxBitmaps (void)
WHERE void MoveToolsWindow (void)
WHERE void ToolboxSelectTool (int)
WHERE void ToolboxShow (BOOL)
WHERE void ToolboxDestroy (void)
WHERE void ToolboxSetPosition (int)
WHERE void EnableTools (BOOL status)
WHERE void PannelSelectTool (HWND hwnd, int *oldtool, int newtool)
WHERE LRESULT CALLBACK CoordinatesDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE LRESULT CALLBACK LockDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE char * TruncateTextString (char *, char *, long)
WHERE void EraseAll (short what)
 Erases/Deletes all or part of the data.
WHERE void EraseAllSkeleton (void)
WHERE void Delete_Bcurve (void)
WHERE void Delete_MapLock (void)
WHERE void RecalibrateMapLocks (void)
WHERE short WhichBezier (vertex *)
WHERE short EraseSkeleton (skel *)
WHERE int EraseEdge (int)
WHERE int EraseVertex (int)
WHERE void EraseVertexMapping (void)
WHERE int EraseIndicatedEdge (void)
WHERE int EraseIndicatedVertex (void)
WHERE int IdentifyIndicatedFace (void)
WHERE short intriview (vertex *)
WHERE void CreateVertex (void)
WHERE void CreateFace (long v1, long v2, long v3)
WHERE void CreateEdge (long v1, long v2)
BOOL UpdateVertexHeap (long n)
BOOL UpdateEdgeHeap (long n)
BOOL UpdateFaceHeap (long n)
WHERE void CreateSkeleton (skel *)
WHERE BOOL CheckFaceExists (long, long, long, long)
WHERE BOOL CheckEdgeExists (long, long, long)
WHERE void CopyFaceProp (face *fin, face *fout)
WHERE void MakeAutoWireFrame (void)
WHERE int MakeWireFrame (void)
WHERE void UnMakeWireFrame (void)
WHERE void ClearWireFrame (void)
WHERE void SpecialFunction (int item)
WHERE void AddPolygon (int ns, long radius, int axis)
WHERE void BuildPrimitive (long PrimitiveType, int view)
WHERE void UpdatePrimitiveStructure (long primitivetype, int view, long xmin, long ymin, long zmin, long xmax, long ymax, long zmax, long xc, long yc, long zc)
WHERE void Nudge (int)
WHERE void ExecutePrimitivesMenu (HWND)
WHERE void AddSinglePrimitive (long)
WHERE void LoadUtility (char *program, char *class, int message, char *argument)
WHERE int SelectDirectoryName (char *, char *, char *, char *, HWND parent)
WHERE unsigned char ReadLongInteger (long *val, HANDLE h)
WHERE void WriteLongInteger (long lng, FILE *ff)
WHERE int LoadObject (char *FileName, short relation)
WHERE char * short_form (char *filename)
WHERE void Save_Undo (short model)
WHERE void Restore_Undo (void)
WHERE void Empty_Undo (void)
WHERE void SaveObject (char *Filename, short status)
WHERE BOOL LoadInternalAction (char *library)
WHERE void LoadAApoly (int aa_or_not_aa, char *filename)
WHERE void SavePath (void)
WHERE int AddExternalSkeleton (char *)
WHERE short RequestNumEntry (short val, short minval, short maxval, char *title, char *message)
WHERE int RequestCharString (int len, char *string, char *title, HWND parent)
WHERE void EnableToolPannels (int what_one, BOOL status)
WHERE void ActivateAllMenus (HWND hwnd, UINT fuFlags)
WHERE int SelectScrolledItemList (int n, char **list, char *title, HWND parent)
WHERE int SelectItemList (int n, char **list, char *title)
WHERE int SelectItems (int n, char **list, char *title, int where, BOOL lock)
WHERE PSTR FileInPath (PSTR pstrPath)
WHERE void GetTriview (BOOL reset)
WHERE void get_centre (short option, point p, point TVp, BOOL all)
WHERE void reset_mod_maxview (short option)
WHERE void SetUpWindowBoxView (int view)
WHERE void DrawOne3dCursor (HDC hdc, int i)
WHERE void Draw3dCursor (void)
WHERE void Move3dCursor (int stor, int xw, int yw)
WHERE void LoadArrowIcons (void)
WHERE void DrawArrowIcons (HDC hdc, int id)
WHERE int CheckWindowIcon (int xi, int yi)
WHERE void InvertWindowIcon (int i, HWND hwnd)
WHERE void DeleteArrowIcons (void)
WHERE void SwapViewBitmaps (void)
WHERE void UpdateRuler (short m)
WHERE void SetUpGrid (void)
WHERE void DrawGridInOne (HDC hdc, int i)
WHERE BOOL SetColour (unsigned char colour[], char *Title, HWND parent)
WHERE BOOL SetSfxColour (unsigned char colour[], long ID, HWND parent)
WHERE void scal (double t[4][4], double sx, double sy, double sz)
WHERE void rotz (double tr[4][4], double ang)
WHERE void roty (double tr[4][4], double ang)
WHERE void rotx (double tr[4][4], double ang)
WHERE void tram (double t[4][4], double dx, double dy, double dz)
WHERE void mv4by1 (double t4[4][4], vector v1, vector v2)
WHERE void m4by4 (double t1[4][4], double t2[4][4], double tr[4][4])
WHERE void m4by1 (double t4[4][4], double x, double y, double z, double *xx, double *yy, double *zz)
WHERE void null_transform (double t[4][4])
WHERE void c4to4 (double tin[4][4], double tout[4][4])
WHERE void L_cross (point p1, point p2, point p3, point p4)
WHERE void rotate_round_vector (double angle, vector v, double t[4][4])
WHERE void arbitrary_rotate (double angle, point p1, point p2, double t[4][4])
WHERE void CentreDialogOnCursor (HWND)
WHERE void CentreDialogOnScreen (HWND hWnd)
WHERE void AppendFileExtension (char *, char *)
WHERE void Zoom (int command, int redraw)
WHERE void Zoom2 (double fraction)
WHERE void PaintDialogBackground (HWND hDlg, HINSTANCE hInst)
WHERE int CheckInterrupt (void)
WHERE int O_normalize (vector v)
WHERE BOOL O_Normalize (point x, point y, point z, vector n)
WHERE void DrawModel (void)
WHERE void UpdateCounters (void)
WHERE void DrawVerticesOnly (vertex *vs)
WHERE void DrawOneEdgeOnly (vertex *v1, vertex *v2)
WHERE void Draw3dView (int smab, int skelview)
WHERE void DrawQuick3dView (int skelview)
WHERE void SelectInPerspective (int tl, int boxl, int box, int boyl, int boy)
WHERE void MoveInPerspective (int dx, int dy)
WHERE void DrawRubberBoundBox (long xmin, long ymin, long zmin, long xmax, long ymax, long zmax)
WHERE void DrawRubberLines (HWND hwnd, int av, long vtx, int x, int y)
WHERE void DrawRubber3dLine (point p1, point p2)
WHERE void DrawBrush (int brushID)
WHERE void DrawShader (int shaderID)
WHERE void DrawShaperSphere (long x, long y, long z, double shaper_angle_theta, double shaper_angle_phi, double shaper_size)
WHERE void DrawSkeleton (void)
WHERE void DrawQuickModel (void)
WHERE void SelectConnected (int)
WHERE void SelectConnectedTo (long id)
WHERE void ExecuteSelect (int item)
WHERE void ExecuteHide (BOOL hide)
WHERE long SelectVertex (int, int, int)
WHERE void SelectorDown (HWND, int, int x, int y)
WHERE void SelectorMove (HWND, int, int x, int y)
WHERE void SelectorUp (HWND, int, int x, int y, BOOL bFlagMoved, BOOL bFlagNoTool)
WHERE void SnapCursorTo (int item)
WHERE long PickVertex (void)
WHERE void MakeBezierCurve (void)
WHERE int AddVertex (void)
WHERE void Plot3dOn (void)
WHERE void Plot3dOff (void)
WHERE void Edge3dOn (void)
WHERE void Edge3dOff (void)
WHERE void GrabOn (void)
WHERE BOOL PrimitiveOn (void)
WHERE void PrimitiveOff (void)
WHERE void IxpandOn (void)
WHERE void IrotateOn (void)
WHERE void ToolDown (HWND, int, int x, int y)
WHERE void ToolUp (HWND, int, int x, int y)
WHERE void ToolMove (HWND, int, int x, int y)
WHERE void ToolAction (int x, int y)
WHERE void RecalibrateBezier (int id)
WHERE void RecalibrateAllBezier (void)
WHERE BOOL AddCopy (int wait)
WHERE BOOL CreateAttachedCopy (int)
WHERE BOOL Extrude (int)
WHERE BOOL PanToolDown (int, int, BOOL, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE void PanToolMove (int, int, BOOL, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE void PanToolUp (int, int, BOOL, BOOL, HWND)
WHERE int Subdivide (long down_to_f, long down_to_e, long draw)
WHERE int connected (long v1, long v2)
WHERE int AutoFillFace (long down_to)
WHERE void Replace_Faces (int how, double threshold)
WHERE void ActionRotate (int axis, double angle, int draw)
WHERE void Explode (int type)
WHERE long get_closest_vertex (void)
WHERE void ExtrudeAlong (void)
WHERE void JoinTwoCurves (void)
WHERE void Spin (int, int, BOOL, int)
WHERE void CopyConnected (void)
WHERE void Flip (void)
WHERE void SmoothCurve (void)
WHERE void ShatterEffect (void)
WHERE long * GetPathList (long *np)
WHERE int AutoFacetCurveWithHoles (int function, int visible, int atm, double ba, double bd)
WHERE void UnPlan (void)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE void OrientateFaceNormals (long, long, long *)
WHERE void ReverseFaceOrientation (long, long *)
WHERE BOOL IsFOSame (long, long, long, long, long, long)
WHERE void OrientateSelectedFaces (void)
WHERE int TurnIndicatedEdge (void)
WHERE void WrapMapSelectedFaces (void)
WHERE void SplitSelectedAlongMaterialsMaps (void)
WHERE void GrowSelectedAlongNormal (void)
WHERE int CreateMaterial (BOOL)
WHERE void DeleteMaterial (int idd)
WHERE void EditMaterial (int id)
WHERE int RequestMaterialID (HWND parent, char *message)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK AttribsDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK LoadExternalShaderDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK DefaultAttribsDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL IsAttribDlgMessage (HWND hWnd, LPMSG lpMsg)
WHERE void DrawShaderInOne (HDC hDC, int view, int j)
WHERE void PositionMaterialOnOff (int OnOff, int id)
WHERE void GrabMaterialAxisPoint (int x, int y)
WHERE void UnGrabMaterialAxisPoint (void)
WHERE void PullShaderPoint (int x, int y)
WHERE void CopyMaterial (int fromID, int toID)
WHERE void PurgeUnusedMaterials (void)
WHERE void PurgeDuplicateMaterials (long)
WHERE void ExportMaterialsToFile (HWND)
WHERE void ImportMaterialsFromFile (HWND)
WHERE void EditImageMap (int id)
WHERE void DrawBrushInOne (HDC hdc, int view, int j)
WHERE void PositionBrushOnOff (int OnOff, int id)
WHERE void GrabBrushPoint (int x, int y)
WHERE void UnGrabBrushPoint (void)
WHERE void PullBrushPoint (int x, int y)
WHERE int RequestMapID (HWND parent, char *message, int new)
WHERE int RequestMirrorID (HWND parent)
WHERE int CreateImageMap (void)
WHERE void DeleteImageMap (int idd)
WHERE void PurgeUnusedMaps (void)
WHERE void PurgeDuplicateMaps (long startat)
WHERE void VectorMaps (void)
WHERE void SetMapCoords (void)
WHERE void MapOntoPath (void)
WHERE void SelectMapAndMapVertices (void)
WHERE void ExecuteLockAction (int item, int sb)
WHERE void MapVerticesByImageMap (int id, int it)
WHERE void MapFacesByImageMap (int, int, BOOL)
WHERE unsigned char * MakeFullMemoryImage (RAMIMAGE *, long *, long *)
WHERE int Read1Real (char *title, char *it1, double *r, double rl, double rh, HWND parent)
WHERE int Read3Reals (char *title, double *r1, double *r2, double *r3, int list)
WHERE int Read3Ints (char *title, char *it1, char *it2, char *it3, int *i1, int *i2, int *i3, HWND parent)
WHERE int Read2Ints (char *title, char *it1, char *it2, int *i1, int *i2, HWND parent)
WHERE int Read1Int1Real (char *title, char *it1, char *it2, int *i, int il, int ih, double *r, double rl, double rh, HWND parent)
WHERE int Read1String1Real (char *title, char *it1, char *it2, char *strg, double *r, double rl, double rh, HWND parent)
int Read1String3Real (char *title, char *it1, char *it2, char *it3, char *it4, char *strg, double *r, double *r2, double *r3, HWND parent)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SpiralsDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK FunctionPlotDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ExtrudeAlongDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK FlipDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ExpandDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK HierarchyDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK CubePrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SpherePrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PolygonPrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK DiskPrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK TubePrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK CylinderPrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ConePrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PlanePrimitiveDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SqueezeDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ExplodeDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PrimitivesDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
WHERE void PreferencesPropertyDlgProc (HWND hwndOwner)
WHERE BOOL IsPrimitivesDialogMessage (MSG *msg)
WHERE void GetSkeletonBoundBox (skel *sp, int ass)
WHERE void DrawTrSkeletonInOne (HDC hdc, int view)
WHERE void DrawSkeletonInOne (HDC hdc, int view)
WHERE void SkToolOn (void)
WHERE void SkToolOff (void)
WHERE void SkDelete1 (skel *sp)
WHERE void ZeroSkeletonBoundingBox (skel *sp)
WHERE void SelectByHierarchy (skel *sp, int op)
WHERE int skintriview (point p)
WHERE void TidyUpOldSkeltonType (void)
WHERE void TabSkeletonAxis (void)
WHERE void SkToolDown (int x, int y)
WHERE void SkToolUp (int x, int y)
WHERE void SkToolMove (int x, int y)
WHERE void SkToolAction (int x, int y)
WHERE void SkeletonTreeView (HWND hWnd)
WHERE void UpdateSkTreeView (void)
WHERE void SetSkToolbarState (BOOL state)
WHERE void SkeletonToolBar (HWND hWndParent)
WHERE void ResetSkeletonWeights (void)
WHERE void AutoVerticesToSkeleton (void)
WHERE BOOL BuildATMfontString (HWND hwnd)
WHERE BOOL BuildTTFfontString (HWND hwnd)
WHERE void EraseAllNurbs (void)
WHERE void EraseNurbs (nurbs *)
WHERE void CreateNurbs (void)
WHERE void ClearNurbsSkeleton (skel *)
WHERE BOOL AllocNurbs (nurbs *, double *, double *)
WHERE BOOL CloneNurbs (nurbs *, nurbs *)
WHERE void ReleaseNurbs (nurbs *)
WHERE void DrawAllNurbsInOne (HDC, int, BOOL)
WHERE void MakeNewNurbsSurface (int)
WHERE BOOL DeleteSelectedNurbsSurfaces (void)
WHERE void EditSelectedNurbsSurface (void)
WHERE void SetSelectedNurbsWeights (void)
WHERE void DrawNurbsWireFrame (HDC, int, double, double[4][4], short(*)(vertex *, vertex *), short(*)(vertex *, vertex *), BOOL)
WHERE void HideNurbs (BOOL)
WHERE void SelectAllNurbs (BOOL)
WHERE void SwapNurbsSelection (void)
WHERE BOOL SelectNurbsPatch (int, int, int)
WHERE BOOL SelectNurbsControlPoint (int, int, int)
WHERE void SelectNurbsInRectangle (int, BOOL, long, long, long, long)
WHERE void SelectNurbsInCircle (int, BOOL, int, int, double)
WHERE void SelectNurbsInLasso (int, BOOL, HRGN)
WHERE void MoveNurbsControlPoint (int, int, int, int)
WHERE void TriangulateNurbsSurface (void)
WHERE void MoveNurbsSurface (int, int, int, int)
WHERE void RotateNurbsSurface (int, int, double)
WHERE void RotateNurbsAction (int, double)
WHERE void XpandNurbsSurface (int, int, double, double, double)
WHERE void ExpandNurbsAction (long, long, long, double, double, double)
WHERE void DuplicateSelectedNurbs (void)
WHERE void HiddenGetNurbsNumbers (long *, long *)
WHERE void HiddenAddNurbsVertices (long *, void *, double, double[4][4], long, long, long, long)
WHERE void HiddenAddNurbsFaces (long *, void *, long)
WHERE void MeshNurbsSurface (void)
WHERE void IncludeNurbsBoundary (short *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *)
WHERE void PutNurbsAttribute (int, void *)
WHERE void ReadNurbs (long, short, HANDLE)
WHERE void WriteNurbs (FILE *)
WHERE void SplitNurbs (void)
WHERE void LoadMenuHelpTable (HWND hwnd)
WHERE UINT CheckMenuHelpData (UINT uItem)
WHERE void DisplayMenuHelpData (HWND hwnd, UINT id)
WHERE void FreeMenuHelpData (void)
WHERE int SelectFileName (int save, char *szfile, char *szdir, char *szTitle, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE int SelectSfxFileName (int save, char *szfile, char *szdir, long ID, char *szfilter, HWND parent)
WHERE void SetWindowSize (int x, int y, int view, BOOL reset)
WHERE BOOL CreateMemoryWindows (void)
WHERE void DeleteMemoryWindows (void)
WHERE void SwitchWindow (int button)
WHERE void FormatScreen (void)
WHERE void UpdateIconPositions (void)
WHERE void FocusActiveWindow (HDC, BOOL)
WHERE BOOL CursorInTriview (void)
WHERE HPALETTE CreateAppPalette (int *, int *)
WHERE BOOL DesignStartup (UINT *)
WHERE void DesignShutdown (void)
WHERE BOOL SetupMainWindow (HANDLE inst, int cmdshow)
WHERE void LoadPreferences (void)
WHERE void ActivatePreferences (void)
WHERE void StartOpenGL (BOOL first_time)
WHERE void ExecuteAnimator (BOOL reload)
WHERE void SetupStructures (void)
WHERE void SendPrgmText (PSTR p)
WHERE void SendPrgmHelpMessage (int id)
WHERE void SendPrgmMessage (int idString, int where)
WHERE void SetPrgmMessage (int idString, PSTR pstr)
WHERE int SendPrgmQuery (int idString, int response)
WHERE void SendIconHelpMessage (int idString)
WHERE void InitialiseStringVectors (void)
WHERE void FreeStringVectors (void)
WHERE void InitialiseRamImage (RAMIMAGE *im)
WHERE BOOL LoadRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image, char *file)
WHERE BOOL UnloadRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image)
WHERE BOOL ReadRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image, HANDLE *hf)
WHERE BOOL WriteRamImage (RAMIMAGE *image, FILE *fp)
WHERE BOOL UnstoreRamImage (RAMIMAGE *Image, char *filename)
WHERE void DisplayImageFromStore (RAMIMAGE *image, char *alternate)
WHERE void EraseTempImageFiles (void)
WHERE void UnloadRamImagesFromMap (int i)
WHERE void UnloadRamImagesFromAllMaps (void)
WHERE void SaveRamImagesFromAllMaps (void)
WHERE void SaveRamImagesToFiles (int i)
WHERE void EmbedMapsForMap (int m)
WHERE void EmbedAllMapsImages (void)
WHERE long LoadXmodel (char *, char *)
WHERE long ExportModel (char *, char *)
WHERE void Export3dSmodel (HWND hwnd)
WHERE void ExportDXFmodel (HWND hwnd)
WHERE BOOL ExecuteExternalAction (int, HWND)
WHERE BOOL ExecuteExternalModeler (HWND hwnd)
WHERE BOOL ExecuteBezierModeler (HWND hwnd)
WHERE BOOL LoadHeightField (HWND hwnd)
WHERE BOOL TraceImageOutline (HWND hwnd)
WHERE BOOL PaintMapOutline (HWND hwnd)
WHERE void LoadViewer (int type)
WHERE void LoadMDIviewer (void)
WHERE void Render_View (int light_pos, long how)
WHERE void ShaderPreview (void)
WHERE void ScaleImageBuffer (long xi, long yi, unsigned char *pi, long xo, long yo, unsigned char *po)
void ScaleImageBuffer4 (long xi, long yi, unsigned char *pi, long xo, long yo, unsigned char *po)
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern
#define WHERE   extern


#define VECCOPY(a, b)   { b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2]; }
 Local vector math operations in designer.


typedef struct TWO_INTEGERS_ATM_tag two_integers
 Defines the properties of two integers used for ATM Dialog.
typedef struct
 Defines the properties of an ATM character program.
 Defines the properties of an ATM font based model.
typedef struct Boolean_WORKEDGE workedge
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Boolean_WORKFACE workface
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Boolean_TOOLEDGE tooledge
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Boolean_TOOLFACE toolface
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Boolean_VTXADJ vtxadj
 Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Delaunay_FACET_tag FACET
 Internal structure used by Delaunay modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct
 Face attributes structure.
typedef struct DesignerGLMAPtag GLMAP
 Structure used in Designer OpenGL view window .
typedef struct Designer_RVERTEX rvertex
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.
typedef struct Designer_RFACE rface
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.
typedef struct Designer_EFACE eface
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.
typedef struct Designer_OBJECT object
 Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.
typedef struct
 Key points used in the represent the Object origin etc.
typedef struct
 Provides properties of Bezier curves objects in the Designer.
typedef struct
 Describes the Designer primites used during the building of primitive shapes with the primites tool.
typedef struct
 Describes the Designer module's preferences for screen layout etc.
typedef struct Orient_WORKFACE workface
 Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Orient_VTXADJ vtxadj
 Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct
 Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct
 Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct Simplify_VTYADJ vtyadj
 Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL).
typedef struct VECTOR4_design_tag vector4
 Vector structure with 4 elements in the designer.
typedef struct Designer_VERTEX_tag vertex
 Designer Vertex structure.
typedef struct Designer_EDGE_tag edge
 Designer Edge structure.
typedef struct Designer_FACE_tag face
 Face (Polygon) structure.
typedef struct
 Designer Skeleton structure.
typedef struct
 NURBS surface sample.
typedef struct
 Nurbs structure properties.
typedef struct Designer_NURBS_tag nurbs
 NURBS patch.
typedef struct
 Design Ram Image.
typedef struct
 Structure represents an Image/Texture map.
typedef struct
 Designer wireframe approximation.
typedef struct
 An axis for materials.
typedef struct Designer_XSHADER_tag XSHADER
 Shader parameters are stored in this structure.
typedef struct
 The main surface mmaterial data structure.
typedef struct X__STRUCTUREtag X__STRUCTURE
 External structure for making Designer global variables and function available to plugin tools and actions..
 Defines the properties of a TTF font based model.

Define Documentation

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define WHERE   extern

Definition at line 600 of file MPROTOS.H.

#define VECCOPY ( a,
 )     { b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2]; }

Local vector math operations in designer.

Definition at line 26 of file MSTRUCT.H.

Typedef Documentation

Defines the properties of two integers used for ATM Dialog.

Defines the properties of an ATM character program.

Used to define how the model of an ATM font will be build from component pieces This structure specifies the program for each character.

Defines the properties of an ATM font based model.

Used to define how the model of an ATM font will be built.

typedef struct Boolean_WORKEDGE workedge

Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Boolean_WORKFACE workface

Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Boolean_TOOLEDGE tooledge

Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Boolean_TOOLFACE toolface

Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Boolean_VTXADJ vtxadj

Internal structure used by Boolean modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Delaunay_FACET_tag FACET

Internal structure used by Delaunay modelling action (DLL).

Face attributes structure.

Sets the basis attributes for a face. The use of these parameters is discouraged and the simple face attributes has been superceeded by the Material/ImageMap system.

typedef struct DesignerGLMAPtag GLMAP

Structure used in Designer OpenGL view window .

typedef struct Designer_RVERTEX rvertex

Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.

typedef struct Designer_RFACE rface

Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.

typedef struct Designer_EFACE eface

Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.

typedef struct Designer_OBJECT object

Structure used as part of the Hidden Line quick Draw.

Key points used in the represent the Object origin etc.

Provides properties of Bezier curves objects in the Designer.

Describes the Designer primites used during the building of primitive shapes with the primites tool.

Describes the Designer module's preferences for screen layout etc.

typedef struct Orient_WORKFACE workface

Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Orient_VTXADJ vtxadj

Internal structure used by orientation modelling action (DLL).

Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL).

Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct Simplify_VTYADJ vtyadj

Internal structure used by structure simplification modelling action (DLL).

typedef struct VECTOR4_design_tag vector4

Vector structure with 4 elements in the designer.

This structure is used by the NURBS patches only .

typedef struct Designer_VERTEX_tag vertex

Designer Vertex structure.

This structure is the main structure defing the vertices in a model.

typedef struct Designer_EDGE_tag edge

Designer Edge structure.

This structure represents the edges around the faces in the object. Or edges that exist on their ow

typedef struct Designer_FACE_tag face

Face (Polygon) structure.

This structure describes the attribute of a face (polygon) in the model. The FACE of an object is the principal visible component of a model. A mesh of faces represent the surfaces in the object. A face carries attributes and is defines in relation to the vertices that it is attached to. It is built in the Designer module and visualised in the Renderer module.

typedef struct Designer_SKELETON_tag skel

Designer Skeleton structure.

This structure is to describe one bone (with its end of bone node) in the designer. The overall skeleton is described as a linked list with the key parent child relationship.

NURBS surface sample.

This structure represents the sampling of a NURBS surface. Note the parameter's range is determined by the surface's knot vector, i.e., u goes from kvU[orderU-1] to kvU[numU], and likewise for v

Nurbs structure properties.

This structure holds NURBS properties .

typedef struct Designer_NURBS_tag nurbs

NURBS patch.

This structure represents a NURBS patch. Note the w values are *premultiplied* with the x, y and z values. eg. Cubic NURBS mimimum requirement 4 control points => num = 4 order = 4 => 8 Index: knots [0 - 3] points [0 - 3][0 - 3] in the terms of Watt and Watt spline spec. is n=3 k=4 => knots = 3+4+1 Sum i=0,n (points = n+1) In knot vector first parameter repeated "k" times [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1] [0..numV-1][0..numU-1]

Design Ram Image.

This structure holds the data about a particular image that is held in RAM . For image maps that will be embedded in MFX file. Note the images are stored and embedded in their original data format. No decoding of the image is performed!

Structure represents an Image/Texture map.

This structure holds all the information about an Image map. It can have up to 4 images associated with the map (these may be stored in a RAMIMAGE

Designer wireframe approximation.

The designer can hold an outline wireframe to represent the full wireframe in the animator where the mesh is very large and drawing may be slowed down.

An axis for materials.

This structure defines an axis and origin for a laterial

typedef struct Designer_XSHADER_tag XSHADER

Shader parameters are stored in this structure.

This structure stores information about any shaders (plugin textures

The main surface mmaterial data structure.

This structure stores all the details of a surface material.

typedef struct X__STRUCTUREtag X__STRUCTURE

External structure for making Designer global variables and function available to plugin tools and actions..

This structure is used to pass access to all the Designer's internal globals and funcitons. NOTE: Don't use functions that return "double" use pointer "double *" it is OK if same compiler as DLL otherwise bad. The function names that plug-ins can use in this structure are best described by the usable names given in file DSTRUCT.H (for example function EraseAll(w) is represented by pointer (*fpDA).

Defines the properties of a TTF font based model.

Used to define how the model of a TTF font will be built.

Function Documentation

LRESULT CALLBACK MainModelerWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK ModelerTriViewWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK ModelerViewWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK ModelerInfoWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

LRESULT CALLBACK ToolboxWndProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

WHERE void ExecuteKeyboardKeyCommand ( int  key  ) 

Definition at line 2467 of file DESIGN.C.

References ghwnd_main, IDM_STOP, NOTOOL, tool, and WM_CALLBACK_ABANDON.

Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().

WHERE void DisengageDesignerTool ( void   ) 

WHERE void DisengageSkeletonTool ( void   ) 

WHERE void InitializeLastFilesList ( void   ) 

WHERE void ChangeToolboxBitmaps ( void   ) 

WHERE void MoveToolsWindow ( void   ) 

WHERE void ToolboxSelectTool ( int   ) 

WHERE void ToolboxShow ( BOOL   ) 

Definition at line 65 of file TOOLBOX.C.

References ghwndQuicktime, and ghwndTools.

WHERE void ToolboxDestroy ( void   ) 

Definition at line 69 of file TOOLBOX.C.

References ghwndCoord1, ghwndLock, ghwndQuicktime, and ghwndTools.

WHERE void ToolboxSetPosition ( int   ) 

Definition at line 502 of file TOOLBOX.C.

WHERE void EnableTools ( BOOL  status  ) 

Definition at line 83 of file TOOLBOX.C.

References FALSE, and ghwndTools.

WHERE void PannelSelectTool ( HWND  hwnd,
int *  oldtool,
int  newtool 

WHERE LRESULT CALLBACK CoordinatesDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE char* TruncateTextString ( char *  ,
char *  ,

Definition at line 14 of file UTILITY.C.

References FileInPath().

void EraseAll ( short  what  ) 

Erases/Deletes all or part of the data.

This function deletes everything in the model or just its geometric components. Vertices/Edes/Faces/Skeleton

what When 1 all data is deleted. When 0 only geometry is deleted.

Definition at line 36 of file UTILITY.C.

References B, Bcurves, EDIT_ACTION, EraseAllNurbs, EraseAllSkeleton(), GetTriview(), ghwnd_main, grid_size, IDM_ATTRIBUTES_SHADOW, iMap, iMat, MainEp, MainFp, MainVp, MAX_DIR, MirrorFlag, N_Bcurves, Nedge, Nface, nImaps, nLockediMaps, nMats, NO, NpointerX, NpointerY, NpointerZ, Nvert, NvertDeselect, NvertSelect, ObjectAxis, R, Shader, ShadowFlag, T, TempPath, TRUE, UNIT, UnloadRamImage(), w_frame, and X__Free.

WHERE void EraseAllSkeleton ( void   ) 

Definition at line 95 of file UTILITY.C.

References CreateSkeleton, current_skeleton, FirstSp, MainSp, MainVp, Nskel, Nvert, UpdateSkTreeView(), and X__Free.

Referenced by EraseAll().

WHERE void Delete_Bcurve ( void   ) 

Definition at line 111 of file UTILITY.C.

References Bcurves, MainVp, N_Bcurves, SELECTED, X__Free, and X__Realloc.

Referenced by EraseVertex(), and Restore_Undo().

WHERE void Delete_MapLock ( void   ) 

Definition at line 149 of file UTILITY.C.

References iMap, MainVp, nImaps, nLockediMaps, and SELECTED.

Referenced by EraseVertex(), and Restore_Undo().

WHERE void RecalibrateMapLocks ( void   ) 

Definition at line 169 of file UTILITY.C.

References iMap, MainVp, nImaps, and nLockediMaps.

Referenced by ActionRotate(), and Nudge().

WHERE short WhichBezier ( vertex  ) 

WHERE short EraseSkeleton ( skel  ) 

Definition at line 183 of file UTILITY.C.

References current_skeleton, FirstSp, IDQ_NODELETESKROOT, MainSp, Nskel, SendPrgmQuery(), and X__Free.

WHERE int EraseEdge ( int   ) 

Definition at line 219 of file UTILITY.C.

References fp, MainEp, MainFp, MainVp, Nedge, Nface, NO, SELECTED, UpdateEdgeHeap, UpdateFaceHeap, and YES.

Referenced by EraseIndicatedEdge().

WHERE int EraseVertex ( int   ) 

WHERE void EraseVertexMapping ( void   ) 

Definition at line 324 of file UTILITY.C.

References MainVp, and Nvert.

WHERE int EraseIndicatedEdge ( void   ) 

WHERE int EraseIndicatedVertex ( void   ) 

WHERE int IdentifyIndicatedFace ( void   ) 

WHERE short intriview ( vertex  ) 

Definition at line 116 of file SUBDCURV.CPP.

References FALSE, HIDDEN, TRUE, TVpointX, TVpointY, TVpointZ, TVsizeX, TVsizeY, and TVsizeZ.

WHERE void CreateVertex ( void   ) 

Definition at line 332 of file 3DSCON1.C.

References _X__FAR, MainVp, NpointerX, NpointerY, NpointerZ, Nvert, NvertSelect, SELECTED, and UpdateVertexHeap.

WHERE void CreateFace ( long  v1,
long  v2,
long  v3 

Definition at line 342 of file UTILITY.C.

References FaceColour, FALSE, MainFp, Nface, and UpdateFaceHeap.

WHERE void CreateEdge ( long  v1,
long  v2 

Definition at line 334 of file UTILITY.C.

References MainEp, Nedge, and UpdateEdgeHeap.

BOOL UpdateVertexHeap ( long  n  ) 

Definition at line 378 of file UTILITY.C.

References j_buf, MainVp, TRUE, X__Free, X__Malloc, and X__Realloc.

BOOL UpdateEdgeHeap ( long  n  ) 

Definition at line 396 of file UTILITY.C.

References j_buf, MainEp, TRUE, X__Free, X__Malloc, and X__Realloc.

BOOL UpdateFaceHeap ( long  n  ) 

Definition at line 414 of file UTILITY.C.

References j_buf, MainFp, TRUE, X__Free, X__Malloc, and X__Realloc.

WHERE void CreateSkeleton ( skel  ) 

WHERE BOOL CheckFaceExists ( long  ,
long  ,
long  ,

Definition at line 577 of file UTILITY.C.

References FALSE, fp, MainFp, Nface, and TRUE.

Referenced by AddFace().

WHERE BOOL CheckEdgeExists ( long  ,
long  ,

Definition at line 594 of file UTILITY.C.

References FALSE, MainEp, Nedge, and TRUE.

Referenced by AddFace().

WHERE void CopyFaceProp ( face fin,
face fout 

Definition at line 607 of file UTILITY.C.

WHERE void MakeAutoWireFrame ( void   ) 

WHERE int MakeWireFrame ( void   ) 

WHERE void UnMakeWireFrame ( void   ) 

WHERE void ClearWireFrame ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1730 of file UTILITY.C.

References EDIT_ACTION, IDQ_WIRENOEXISTS, SendPrgmQuery(), w_frame, X__Free, and YES.

WHERE void SpecialFunction ( int  item  ) 

WHERE void AddPolygon ( int  ns,
long  radius,
int  axis 

WHERE void BuildPrimitive ( long  PrimitiveType,
int  view 

WHERE void UpdatePrimitiveStructure ( long  primitivetype,
int  view,
long  xmin,
long  ymin,
long  zmin,
long  xmax,
long  ymax,
long  zmax,
long  xc,
long  yc,
long  zc 

WHERE void Nudge ( int   ) 

WHERE void ExecutePrimitivesMenu ( HWND   ) 

WHERE void AddSinglePrimitive ( long   ) 

WHERE void LoadUtility ( char *  program,
char *  class,
int  message,
char *  argument 

Definition at line 1824 of file UTILITY.C.

References FALSE, gszHomeDir, and TRUE.

WHERE int SelectDirectoryName ( char *  ,
char *  ,
char *  ,
char *  ,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 55 of file FILES.C.

References FileInPath(), ghinst_main, and MAX_FILE.

WHERE unsigned char ReadLongInteger ( long *  val,

Definition at line 72 of file LOADER.C.

References dwRead.

Referenced by ReadRamImage().

WHERE void WriteLongInteger ( long  lng,
FILE *  ff 

Definition at line 135 of file LOADER.C.

Referenced by WriteRamImage().

WHERE int LoadObject ( char *  FileName,
short  relation 

WHERE char* short_form ( char *  filename  ) 

< Removes a path from a filename

Definition at line 1300 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE void Save_Undo ( short  model  ) 

WHERE void Restore_Undo ( void   ) 

WHERE void Empty_Undo ( void   ) 

WHERE void SaveObject ( char *  Filename,
short  status 

WHERE BOOL LoadInternalAction ( char *  library  ) 

WHERE void LoadAApoly ( int  aa_or_not_aa,
char *  filename 

WHERE void SavePath ( void   ) 

WHERE int AddExternalSkeleton ( char *   ) 

Definition at line 697 of file LOADER.C.

References dwRead, FAIL, FALSE, IDS_FILEOPENFAIL, Nvert, OK, SendPrgmMessage(), and TRUE.

WHERE short RequestNumEntry ( short  val,
short  minval,
short  maxval,
char *  title,
char *  message 

Definition at line 79 of file LIBRARY.C.

References ALL_PANNELS, DLG_NUMENTRY, EnableToolPannels(), FALSE, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, and TRUE.

WHERE int RequestCharString ( int  len,
char *  string,
char *  title,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 139 of file LIBRARY.C.

References DLG_STRING, and ghinst_main.

WHERE void EnableToolPannels ( int  what_one,
BOOL  status 

WHERE void ActivateAllMenus ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  fuFlags 

WHERE int SelectScrolledItemList ( int  n,
char **  list,
char *  title,
HWND  parent 

WHERE int SelectItemList ( int  n,
char **  list,
char *  title 

WHERE int SelectItems ( int  n,
char **  list,
char *  title,
int  where,
BOOL  lock 

WHERE PSTR FileInPath ( PSTR  pstrPath  ) 

Definition at line 443 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void GetTriview ( BOOL  reset  ) 

WHERE void get_centre ( short  option,
point  p,
point  TVp,
BOOL  all 

WHERE void reset_mod_maxview ( short  option  ) 

WHERE void SetUpWindowBoxView ( int  view  ) 

WHERE void DrawOne3dCursor ( HDC  hdc,
int  i 

WHERE void Draw3dCursor ( void   ) 

WHERE void Move3dCursor ( int  stor,
int  xw,
int  yw 

WHERE void LoadArrowIcons ( void   ) 

WHERE void DrawArrowIcons ( HDC  hdc,
int  id 

WHERE int CheckWindowIcon ( int  xi,
int  yi 

WHERE void InvertWindowIcon ( int  i,
HWND  hwnd 

WHERE void DeleteArrowIcons ( void   ) 

Definition at line 893 of file LIBRARY.C.

References hbmName.

Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), and DesignShutdown().

WHERE void SwapViewBitmaps ( void   ) 

Definition at line 905 of file LIBRARY.C.

References hbmName.

WHERE void UpdateRuler ( short  m  ) 

WHERE void SetUpGrid ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1406 of file LIBRARY.C.

References ALL_PANNELS, DLG_GRIDSIZE, EnableToolPannels(), FALSE, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, and TRUE.

WHERE void DrawGridInOne ( HDC  hdc,
int  i 

WHERE BOOL SetColour ( unsigned char  colour[],
char *  Title,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 1041 of file LIBRARY.C.

References ALL_PANNELS, EnableToolPannels(), FALSE, and TRUE.

WHERE BOOL SetSfxColour ( unsigned char  colour[],
long  ID,
HWND  parent 

WHERE void scal ( double  t[4][4],
double  sx,
double  sy,
double  sz 

Definition at line 1071 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void rotz ( double  tr[4][4],
double  ang 

Definition at line 1078 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void roty ( double  tr[4][4],
double  ang 

Definition at line 1093 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void rotx ( double  tr[4][4],
double  ang 

Definition at line 1108 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void tram ( double  t[4][4],
double  dx,
double  dy,
double  dz 

Definition at line 1123 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void mv4by1 ( double  t4[4][4],
vector  v1,
vector  v2 

Definition at line 1130 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void m4by4 ( double  t1[4][4],
double  t2[4][4],
double  tr[4][4] 

Definition at line 1138 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void m4by1 ( double  t4[4][4],
double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double *  xx,
double *  yy,
double *  zz 

Definition at line 1149 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void null_transform ( double  t[4][4]  ) 

Definition at line 1164 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void c4to4 ( double  tin[4][4],
double  tout[4][4] 

Definition at line 1157 of file LIBRARY.C.

WHERE void L_cross ( point  p1,
point  p2,
point  p3,
point  p4 

Definition at line 1205 of file LIBRARY.C.

References double, and UNIT.

WHERE void rotate_round_vector ( double  angle,
vector  v,
double  t[4][4] 

Definition at line 1207 of file LIBRARY.C.

References m4by4, PI, PI2, rotx, roty, and rotz.

Referenced by Skeletor().

WHERE void arbitrary_rotate ( double  angle,
point  p1,
point  p2,
double  t[4][4] 

Definition at line 1172 of file LIBRARY.C.

References m4by4, PI, PI2, rotx, roty, rotz, and tram.

WHERE void CentreDialogOnCursor ( HWND   ) 

Definition at line 1270 of file UTILS.C.

References Xres, and Yres.

WHERE void CentreDialogOnScreen ( HWND  hWnd  ) 

Definition at line 1285 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE void AppendFileExtension ( char *  ,
char *   

Definition at line 1294 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE void Zoom ( int  command,
int  redraw 

WHERE void Zoom2 ( double  fraction  ) 

WHERE void PaintDialogBackground ( HWND  hDlg,

Definition at line 1221 of file LIBRARY.C.

References hBmBackground, and IDBM_BACKGROUND.

WHERE int CheckInterrupt ( void   ) 

WHERE int O_normalize ( vector  v  ) 

WHERE BOOL O_Normalize ( point  x,
point  y,
point  z,
vector  n 

Definition at line 869 of file DRAW.C.

References CROSS, FALSE, O_normalize(), OK, TRUE, and VECSUB.

Referenced by WrapMapSelectedFaces().

WHERE void DrawModel ( void   ) 

WHERE void UpdateCounters ( void   ) 

WHERE void DrawVerticesOnly ( vertex vs  ) 

WHERE void DrawOneEdgeOnly ( vertex v1,
vertex v2 

WHERE void Draw3dView ( int  smab,
int  skelview 

WHERE void DrawQuick3dView ( int  skelview  ) 

WHERE void SelectInPerspective ( int  tl,
int  boxl,
int  box,
int  boyl,
int  boy 

Definition at line 78 of file DRAW.C.

References DESELECTED, DESELECTOR, ghwnd_view, intriview(), m4by1, MainVp, max, min, Nvert, NvertDeselect, NvertSelect, SELECTED, SELECTOR, and y1.

Referenced by SelectorUp().

WHERE void MoveInPerspective ( int  dx,
int  dy 

Definition at line 109 of file DRAW.C.

References m4by1, MainVp, Nvert, SELECTED, and y1.

Referenced by ModelerViewWndProc().

WHERE void DrawRubberBoundBox ( long  xmin,
long  ymin,
long  zmin,
long  xmax,
long  ymax,
long  zmax 

WHERE void DrawRubberLines ( HWND  hwnd,
int  av,
long  vtx,
int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void DrawRubber3dLine ( point  p1,
point  p2 

WHERE void DrawBrush ( int  brushID  ) 

WHERE void DrawShader ( int  shaderID  ) 

Definition at line 1409 of file DRAW.C.

References ActiveView, DrawShaderInOne(), ghwnd_triview, TRIVIEW, and View.

Referenced by ExecuteLockAction(), PositionMaterialOnOff(), and PullShaderPoint().

WHERE void DrawShaperSphere ( long  x,
long  y,
long  z,
double  shaper_angle_theta,
double  shaper_angle_phi,
double  shaper_size 

WHERE void DrawSkeleton ( void   ) 

WHERE void DrawQuickModel ( void   ) 

WHERE void SelectConnected ( int   ) 

WHERE void SelectConnectedTo ( long  id  ) 

WHERE void ExecuteSelect ( int  item  ) 

WHERE void ExecuteHide ( BOOL  hide  ) 

Definition at line 221 of file SELECT.C.

References DESELECTED, HIDDEN, MainVp, Nvert, NvertDeselect, NvertSelect, and SELECTED.

WHERE long SelectVertex ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void SelectorDown ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void SelectorMove ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 456 of file SELECT.C.

References DrawOne3dCursor(), and X__Realloc.

Referenced by ModelerViewWndProc(), and ToolMove().

WHERE void SelectorUp ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  x,
int  y,
BOOL  bFlagMoved,
BOOL  bFlagNoTool 

WHERE void SnapCursorTo ( int  item  ) 

WHERE long PickVertex ( void   ) 

Definition at line 767 of file SELECT.C.

References ActiveView, double, GetWindowCoords, intriview(), MainVp, NpointerX, NpointerY, NpointerZ, TVsizeY, and TVsizeZ.

Referenced by ToolDown().

WHERE void MakeBezierCurve ( void   ) 

WHERE int AddVertex ( void   ) 

WHERE void Plot3dOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 672 of file TOOLS1.C.

References LastToolVertex.

WHERE void Plot3dOff ( void   ) 

Definition at line 676 of file TOOLS1.C.

References LastToolVertex.

Referenced by DisengageDesignerTool(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().

WHERE void Edge3dOn ( void   ) 

WHERE void Edge3dOff ( void   ) 

WHERE void GrabOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 604 of file TOOLS1.C.

References GrabDx, GrabDy, GrabDz, GrabonX, GrabonY, GrabonZ, NpointerX, NpointerY, and NpointerZ.

Referenced by ToolDown().

WHERE BOOL PrimitiveOn ( void   ) 

WHERE void PrimitiveOff ( void   ) 

Definition at line 664 of file TOOLS1.C.

References FALSE, Designer_PRIMITIVE_tag::fc, ghwndDlgPrimitives, and PrimStruct.

Referenced by DisengageDesignerTool().

WHERE void IxpandOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 680 of file TOOLS1.C.

References FALSE, NpointerX, NpointerY, and NpointerZ.

WHERE void IrotateOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 686 of file TOOLS1.C.

References FALSE, NpointerX, NpointerY, and NpointerZ.

WHERE void ToolDown ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void ToolUp ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void ToolMove ( HWND  ,
int  ,
int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void ToolAction ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 574 of file TOOLS1.C.

References BUILDER, PLOT3D, PLOTTER, sktool, tool, and YES.

Referenced by ModelerTriViewWndProc(), ToolDown(), and ToolUp().

WHERE void RecalibrateBezier ( int  id  ) 

Definition at line 82 of file TOOLS1.C.

References Bcurves, double, MainVp, and N.

Referenced by RecalibrateAllBezier().

WHERE void RecalibrateAllBezier ( void   ) 

Definition at line 97 of file TOOLS1.C.

References N_Bcurves, and RecalibrateBezier().

Referenced by ActionRotate(), and Nudge().

WHERE BOOL AddCopy ( int  wait  ) 

WHERE BOOL CreateAttachedCopy ( int   ) 

WHERE BOOL Extrude ( int   ) 

WHERE BOOL PanToolDown ( int  ,
int  ,

Definition at line 2444 of file TOOLS.C.

References FALSE, tool_down_flag, tool_move_flag, and TRUE.

WHERE void PanToolMove ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void PanToolUp ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE int Subdivide ( long  down_to_f,
long  down_to_e,
long  draw 

WHERE int connected ( long  v1,
long  v2 

WHERE int AutoFillFace ( long  down_to  ) 

WHERE void Replace_Faces ( int  how,
double  threshold 

WHERE void ActionRotate ( int  axis,
double  angle,
int  draw 

WHERE void Explode ( int  type  ) 

WHERE long get_closest_vertex ( void   ) 

WHERE void ExtrudeAlong ( void   ) 

WHERE void JoinTwoCurves ( void   ) 

WHERE void Spin ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void CopyConnected ( void   ) 

WHERE void Flip ( void   ) 

WHERE void SmoothCurve ( void   ) 

WHERE void ShatterEffect ( void   ) 

WHERE long* GetPathList ( long *  np  ) 

WHERE int AutoFacetCurveWithHoles ( int  function,
int  visible,
int  atm,
double  ba,
double  bd 

WHERE void UnPlan ( void   ) 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE void OrientateFaceNormals ( long  ,
long  ,
long *   

WHERE void ReverseFaceOrientation ( long  ,
long *   

Definition at line 185 of file TOOLS4.C.

References fp, and MainFp.

WHERE BOOL IsFOSame ( long  ,
long  ,
long  ,
long  ,
long  ,

Definition at line 197 of file TOOLS4.C.

References CROSS, DOT, FALSE, MainVp, TRUE, and VECSUB.

WHERE void OrientateSelectedFaces ( void   ) 

Definition at line 214 of file TOOLS4.C.

References fp, MainFp, MainVp, Nface, OrientateFaceNormals, SELECTED, X__Free, and X__Malloc.

WHERE int TurnIndicatedEdge ( void   ) 

Definition at line 240 of file TOOLS4.C.

References ActiveView, double, fp, GetWindowCoords, intriview(), MainEp, MainFp, MainVp, Nedge, Nface, NO, NpointerX, NpointerY, NpointerZ, TVsizeX, x, y, YES, and z.

WHERE void WrapMapSelectedFaces ( void   ) 

WHERE void SplitSelectedAlongMaterialsMaps ( void   ) 

WHERE void GrowSelectedAlongNormal ( void   ) 

WHERE int CreateMaterial ( BOOL   ) 

Definition at line 973 of file MATERIAL.C.

References double, FAIL, ghwnd_main, iMat, NMATERIALMAX, nMats, OK, RequestCharString(), TRUE, TVpointZ, TVsizeX, and TVsizeZ.

WHERE void DeleteMaterial ( int  idd  ) 

WHERE void EditMaterial ( int  id  ) 

WHERE int RequestMaterialID ( HWND  parent,
char *  message 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK AttribsDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK LoadExternalShaderDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK DefaultAttribsDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL IsAttribDlgMessage ( HWND  hWnd,
LPMSG  lpMsg 

Definition at line 807 of file MATERIAL.C.

References N_PAGES, and TRUE.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void DrawShaderInOne ( HDC  hDC,
int  view,
int  j 

Definition at line 1144 of file MATERIAL.C.

References GetWindowCoords, ghInvertPen, ghpaletteScreen, iMat, nMats, x, y, and z.

Referenced by DrawShader(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().

WHERE void PositionMaterialOnOff ( int  OnOff,
int  id 

WHERE void GrabMaterialAxisPoint ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1782 of file MATERIAL.C.

References ActiveView, DIS2, double, GetWindowCoords, iMat, SelectedShader, TVsizeX, TVsizeY, and y1.

Referenced by ToolDown().

WHERE void UnGrabMaterialAxisPoint ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1807 of file MATERIAL.C.

References ghwndOpenGLview.

Referenced by ToolUp().

WHERE void PullShaderPoint ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1812 of file MATERIAL.C.

References ActiveView, DrawShader(), GetWorldCoords, iMat, SelectedShader, TRIFRONT, TRIRIGHT, TRITOP, and y1.

Referenced by ToolMove().

WHERE void CopyMaterial ( int  fromID,
int  toID 

Definition at line 1109 of file MATERIAL.C.

References iMat, Shader, X__Free, and X__Malloc.

WHERE void PurgeUnusedMaterials ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1067 of file MATERIAL.C.

References DeleteMaterial(), IDQ_NOSHADERAXES, MainFp, nMats, SendPrgmQuery(), and TRUE.

WHERE void PurgeDuplicateMaterials ( long   ) 

Definition at line 1091 of file MATERIAL.C.

References DeleteMaterial(), iMat, MainFp, and nMats.

WHERE void ExportMaterialsToFile ( HWND   ) 

WHERE void ImportMaterialsFromFile ( HWND   ) 

WHERE void EditImageMap ( int  id  ) 

WHERE void DrawBrushInOne ( HDC  hdc,
int  view,
int  j 

WHERE void PositionBrushOnOff ( int  OnOff,
int  id 

WHERE void GrabBrushPoint ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1317 of file MAPPING.C.

References ActiveView, DIS2, double, GetWindowCoords, IDS_MAPLOCKED, iMap, SelectedBrush, SendPrgmMessage(), TVsizeX, TVsizeY, X, Y, and y1.

Referenced by ToolDown().

WHERE void UnGrabBrushPoint ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1346 of file MAPPING.C.

References ghwndOpenGLview.

Referenced by ToolUp().

WHERE void PullBrushPoint ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1351 of file MAPPING.C.

References ActiveView, DrawBrush(), GetWorldCoords, ghwnd_triview, iMap, SelectedBrush, TRIFRONT, TRIRIGHT, TRITOP, and y1.

Referenced by ToolMove().

WHERE int RequestMapID ( HWND  parent,
char *  message,
int  new 

WHERE int RequestMirrorID ( HWND  parent  ) 

WHERE int CreateImageMap ( void   ) 

WHERE void DeleteImageMap ( int  idd  ) 

WHERE void PurgeUnusedMaps ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1083 of file MAPPING.C.

References DeleteImageMap(), FALSE, ghwndOpenGLview, MainFp, and Nface.

WHERE void PurgeDuplicateMaps ( long  startat  ) 

Definition at line 1105 of file MAPPING.C.

References DeleteImageMap(), iMap, MainFp, and Nface.

WHERE void VectorMaps ( void   ) 

WHERE void SetMapCoords ( void   ) 

WHERE void MapOntoPath ( void   ) 

WHERE void SelectMapAndMapVertices ( void   ) 

WHERE void ExecuteLockAction ( int  item,
int  sb 

WHERE void MapVerticesByImageMap ( int  id,
int  it 

WHERE void MapFacesByImageMap ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE unsigned char* MakeFullMemoryImage ( RAMIMAGE ,
long *  ,
long *   

WHERE int Read1Real ( char *  title,
char *  it1,
double *  r,
double  rl,
double  rh,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 63 of file DIALOGS.C.

References DLG_1R, FAIL, ghinst_main, and OK.

Referenced by GrowSelectedAlongNormal().

WHERE int Read3Reals ( char *  title,
double *  r1,
double *  r2,
double *  r3,
int  list 

WHERE int Read3Ints ( char *  title,
char *  it1,
char *  it2,
char *  it3,
int *  i1,
int *  i2,
int *  i3,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 242 of file DIALOGS.C.

References DLG_3INTS, FAIL, ghinst_main, and OK.

WHERE int Read2Ints ( char *  title,
char *  it1,
char *  it2,
int *  i1,
int *  i2,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 265 of file DIALOGS.C.

References FAIL.

WHERE int Read1Int1Real ( char *  title,
char *  it1,
char *  it2,
int *  i,
int  il,
int  ih,
double *  r,
double  rl,
double  rh,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 395 of file DIALOGS.C.

References DLG_1I1R, FAIL, ghinst_main, and OK.

Referenced by Spin().

WHERE int Read1String1Real ( char *  title,
char *  it1,
char *  it2,
char *  strg,
double *  r,
double  rl,
double  rh,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 467 of file DIALOGS.C.

References DLG_1S1R, FAIL, ghinst_main, and OK.

int Read1String3Real ( char *  title,
char *  it1,
char *  it2,
char *  it3,
char *  it4,
char *  strg,
double *  r,
double *  r2,
double *  r3,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 550 of file DIALOGS.C.

References DLG_1S3R, FAIL, ghinst_main, and OK.

Referenced by SkToolUp().

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SpiralsDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK FunctionPlotDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ExtrudeAlongDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK HierarchyDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK CubePrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SpherePrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PolygonPrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK DiskPrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK TubePrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK CylinderPrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ConePrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PlanePrimitiveDlgProc ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK SqueezeDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK ExplodeDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

WHERE BOOL CALLBACK PrimitivesDlgProc ( HWND  hdlg,
UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

UINT  msg,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 



WHERE void PreferencesPropertyDlgProc ( HWND  hwndOwner  ) 

WHERE BOOL IsPrimitivesDialogMessage ( MSG *  msg  ) 

Definition at line 2761 of file DIALOGS.C.

References ghwndDlgPrimitives, N_PRIMS, and TRUE.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void GetSkeletonBoundBox ( skel sp,
int  ass 

Definition at line 89 of file SKELETON.C.

References DOT, FARAWAY, MainVp, max, min, Nvert, SELECTED, VECSUB, and ZeroSkeletonBoundingBox.

WHERE void DrawTrSkeletonInOne ( HDC  hdc,
int  view 

Definition at line 771 of file SKELETON.C.

References FALSE, FirstSp, GetWindowCoords, ghEdgePen, ghInvertPen, ghpaletteScreen, m4by1, Nskel, and skintriview().

Referenced by DrawModel(), and DrawQuickModel().

WHERE void DrawSkeletonInOne ( HDC  hdc,
int  view 

WHERE void SkToolOn ( void   ) 

Definition at line 904 of file SKELETON.C.

References null_transform, Save_Undo(), SKANIMATE, SKRUBBERBONES, and tool.

WHERE void SkToolOff ( void   ) 

WHERE void SkDelete1 ( skel sp  ) 

WHERE void ZeroSkeletonBoundingBox ( skel sp  ) 

Definition at line 66 of file SKELETON.C.

References Animator_SKELETON::bx.

WHERE void SelectByHierarchy ( skel sp,
int  op 

WHERE int skintriview ( point  p  ) 

Definition at line 272 of file SKELETON.C.

References TVpointX, TVpointY, TVpointZ, TVsizeX, TVsizeY, and TVsizeZ.

Referenced by DrawSkeletonInOne(), and DrawTrSkeletonInOne().

WHERE void TidyUpOldSkeltonType ( void   ) 

Definition at line 889 of file SKELETON.C.

References FirstSp, and GetSkeletonBoundBox.

WHERE void TabSkeletonAxis ( void   ) 

Definition at line 898 of file SKELETON.C.

References DrawModel.

WHERE void SkToolDown ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void SkToolUp ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void SkToolMove ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void SkToolAction ( int  x,
int  y 

WHERE void SkeletonTreeView ( HWND  hWnd  ) 

Definition at line 1802 of file SKELETON.C.

References DLG_SKELETON, ghinst_main, ghwndSkEdit, and IDM_SKTB_INSERT.

WHERE void UpdateSkTreeView ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1826 of file SKELETON.C.

References FirstSp.

Referenced by EraseAllSkeleton(), and LoadInternalAction().

WHERE void SetSkToolbarState ( BOOL  state  ) 

Definition at line 1841 of file SKELETON.C.

References ghwndSkEdit, and NTOOLBARBUTTONS.

Referenced by DisengageSkeletonTool().

WHERE void SkeletonToolBar ( HWND  hWndParent  ) 

Definition at line 1848 of file SKELETON.C.

References DLG_SKTOOLBAR, ghinst_main, and ghwndSkToolbar.

Referenced by DisengageSkeletonTool().

WHERE void ResetSkeletonWeights ( void   ) 

WHERE void AutoVerticesToSkeleton ( void   ) 

WHERE BOOL BuildATMfontString ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE BOOL BuildTTFfontString ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void EraseAllNurbs ( void   ) 

Definition at line 486 of file NURBS0.C.

References MainNp, Nnurbs, ReleaseNurbs, and X__Free.

WHERE void EraseNurbs ( nurbs  ) 

Definition at line 497 of file NURBS0.C.

References MainNp, Nnurbs, ReleaseNurbs, and X__Free.

WHERE void CreateNurbs ( void   ) 

WHERE void ClearNurbsSkeleton ( skel  ) 

Definition at line 541 of file NURBS0.C.

References MainNp, and Nnurbs.

WHERE BOOL AllocNurbs ( nurbs ,
double *  ,
double *   

Definition at line 54 of file UTILS.C.

WHERE BOOL CloneNurbs ( nurbs ,

WHERE void ReleaseNurbs ( nurbs  ) 

WHERE void DrawAllNurbsInOne ( HDC  ,
int  ,

WHERE void MakeNewNurbsSurface ( int   ) 

WHERE BOOL DeleteSelectedNurbsSurfaces ( void   ) 

Definition at line 551 of file NURBS0.C.

References EraseNurbs, FALSE, MainNp, Nnurbs, and TRUE.

WHERE void EditSelectedNurbsSurface ( void   ) 

Definition at line 85 of file NURBS.C.

References DLG_NURBSIKNOT, DrawModel, EDIT_ACTION, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, MainNp, Nnurbs, and YES.

WHERE void SetSelectedNurbsWeights ( void   ) 

Definition at line 95 of file NURBS.C.

References DLG_NURBSWEIGHTS, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, MainNp, and Nnurbs.

WHERE void DrawNurbsWireFrame ( HDC  ,
int  ,
double  ,
double  [4][4],
short(*)(vertex *, vertex *)  ,
short(*)(vertex *, vertex *)  ,

WHERE void HideNurbs ( BOOL   ) 

WHERE void SelectAllNurbs ( BOOL   ) 

Definition at line 201 of file NURBS.C.

References DrawModel, MainNp, and Nnurbs.

WHERE void SwapNurbsSelection ( void   ) 

Definition at line 211 of file NURBS.C.

References DrawModel, MainNp, and Nnurbs.

WHERE BOOL SelectNurbsPatch ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE BOOL SelectNurbsControlPoint ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void SelectNurbsInRectangle ( int  ,
long  ,
long  ,
long  ,

WHERE void SelectNurbsInCircle ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void SelectNurbsInLasso ( int  ,

WHERE void MoveNurbsControlPoint ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void TriangulateNurbsSurface ( void   ) 

WHERE void MoveNurbsSurface ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void RotateNurbsSurface ( int  ,
int  ,

WHERE void RotateNurbsAction ( int  ,

WHERE void XpandNurbsSurface ( int  ,
int  ,
double  ,
double  ,

WHERE void ExpandNurbsAction ( long  ,
long  ,
long  ,
double  ,
double  ,

WHERE void DuplicateSelectedNurbs ( void   ) 

Definition at line 926 of file NURBS.C.

References CloneNurbs, CreateNurbs, EDIT_ACTION, FALSE, MainNp, Nnurbs, and YES.

WHERE void HiddenGetNurbsNumbers ( long *  ,
long *   

WHERE void HiddenAddNurbsVertices ( long *  ,
void *  ,
double  ,
double  [4][4],
long  ,
long  ,
long  ,

WHERE void HiddenAddNurbsFaces ( long *  ,
void *  ,

WHERE void MeshNurbsSurface ( void   ) 

WHERE void IncludeNurbsBoundary ( short *  ,
long *  ,
long *  ,
long *  ,
long *  ,
long *  ,
long *   

WHERE void PutNurbsAttribute ( int  ,
void *   

WHERE void ReadNurbs ( long  ,
short  ,

WHERE void WriteNurbs ( FILE *   ) 

WHERE void SplitNurbs ( void   ) 

Definition at line 941 of file NURBS.C.

References DLG_NURBSSPLIT, DrawModel, EDIT_ACTION, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, MainNp, Nnurbs, and YES.

WHERE void LoadMenuHelpTable ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Definition at line 172 of file MENUHELP.C.

References CCHTEXTMAX, ghinst_main, NMENUHELPDATA, X__Free, X__Malloc, and X__Realloc.

Referenced by SetupMainWindow().

WHERE UINT CheckMenuHelpData ( UINT  uItem  ) 

Definition at line 189 of file MENUHELP.C.


Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().

WHERE void DisplayMenuHelpData ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  id 

Definition at line 197 of file MENUHELP.C.

Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().

WHERE void FreeMenuHelpData ( void   ) 

Definition at line 203 of file MENUHELP.C.

References NMENUHELPDATA, and X__Free.

Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), and DesignShutdown().

WHERE int SelectFileName ( int  save,
char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
char *  szTitle,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

Definition at line 11 of file FILES.C.

References FileInPath(), and MAX_FILE.

WHERE int SelectSfxFileName ( int  save,
char *  szfile,
char *  szdir,
long  ID,
char *  szfilter,
HWND  parent 

WHERE void SetWindowSize ( int  x,
int  y,
int  view,
BOOL  reset 

WHERE BOOL CreateMemoryWindows ( void   ) 

WHERE void DeleteMemoryWindows ( void   ) 

Definition at line 60 of file WINDOWS.C.

References ActiveView, ghbm_triview, ghbm_view, ghdc_triview_Bitmap, ghdc_view_Bitmap, TRIVIEW, and View.

WHERE void SwitchWindow ( int  button  ) 

WHERE void FormatScreen ( void   ) 

WHERE void UpdateIconPositions ( void   ) 

WHERE void FocusActiveWindow ( HDC  ,

Definition at line 88 of file WINDOWS.C.

References FALSE, ghpaletteScreen, ghSelectedPen, ghwnd_current, ghwnd_main, ONEVIEW, TRUE, and View.

WHERE BOOL CursorInTriview ( void   ) 

Definition at line 424 of file WINDOWS.C.

References FALSE, ghwnd_current, ghwnd_triview, TRIVIEW, TRUE, and View.

WHERE HPALETTE CreateAppPalette ( int *  ,
int *   

WHERE BOOL DesignStartup ( UINT *   ) 

Definition at line 332 of file SETUP.C.

References ActionsList, CreateMemoryWindows(), DeleteMemoryWindows(), Draw3dView(), DrawModel, EDIT_ACTION, EraseAll, FALSE, FileInPath(), ghcurArrow, ghcurArrowD, ghcurBuilder, ghcurCross, ghcurDeselect, ghcurExpander, ghcurGrabber, ghcurMagnetCu, ghcurMagnetFr, ghcurMagnetTo, ghcurMagnetTw, ghcurPan, ghcurPlot3d, ghcurPlotter, ghcurPrims, ghcurRotator, ghcurSel_a, ghcurSel_c_a, ghcurSel_c_s, ghcurSel_l_a, ghcurSel_l_s, ghcurSel_s, ghcurSelect, ghcurShaper, ghcurTools, ghcurWait, ghcurZin, ghcurZoom, ghcurZout, ghinst_main, ghwnd_main, ghwndOpenGLview, gsz3DSdir, gsz3DSfile, gszAVIdir, gszAVIfile, gszBRDdir, gszBRDfile, gszDLLdir, gszDLLfile, gszDLMdir, gszDLMfile, gszDXFdir, gszDXFfile, gszGIFdir, gszGIFfile, gszHomeDir, gszIMGdir, gszIMGfile, gszMTLdir, gszMTLfile, gszPTHdir, gszPTHfile, gszSCEdir, gszSCEfile, gszSCFdir, gszSCFfile, gszSCNdir, gszSCNfile, gszTDDdir, gszTDDfile, IDC_BUILDER, IDC_DESELECTOR, IDC_EXPANDER, IDC_GRABBER, IDC_MAGNETCURL, IDC_MAGNETFROM, IDC_MAGNETTO, IDC_MAGNETTWIST, IDC_NONE, IDC_OPENARROW, IDC_PAN, IDC_PLOT3D, IDC_PLOTTER, IDC_PRIMS, IDC_ROTATOR, IDC_SEL_A, IDC_SEL_C_A, IDC_SEL_C_S, IDC_SEL_L_A, IDC_SEL_L_S, IDC_SEL_S, IDC_SELECTOR, IDC_SHAPER, IDC_ZOOM, IDC_ZOOMIN, IDC_ZOOMOUT, IDQ_BADNEXTFILE, IDQ_FILEERROR, IDS_DEFAULT, IDX_MISC_PLUGINACTIONS, InitialiseStringVectors(), InitializeLastFilesList(), MAX_DIR, nActionsList, nImaps, nLockediMaps, nMats, NO, NOTOOL, SendPrgmMessage(), SendPrgmQuery(), SetupStructures(), SetUpWindowBoxView(), sktool, StartedInModeler, tool, TRUE, update_timer, and X__Malloc.

Referenced by WinMain().

WHERE void DesignShutdown ( void   ) 

WHERE BOOL SetupMainWindow ( HANDLE  inst,
int  cmdshow 

WHERE void LoadPreferences ( void   ) 

WHERE void ActivatePreferences ( void   ) 

WHERE void StartOpenGL ( BOOL  first_time  ) 

WHERE void ExecuteAnimator ( BOOL  reload  ) 

Definition at line 762 of file SETUP.C.

References gszHomeDir, IDM_CALLBACK_RELOAD, IDQ_NOSTART, and SendPrgmQuery().

WHERE void SetupStructures ( void   ) 

Definition at line 157 of file SETUP.C.

References ActiveView, X__STRUCTUREtag::ActiveView, AddCopy, AllocNurbs, AniStructure, AppendFileExtension, AppendPathPoint(), arbitrary_rotate, AutoFacetCurveWithHoles, c4to4, CentreDialogOnCursor(), CentreDialogOnScreen(), ClearNurbsSkeleton, CloneNurbs, connected(), CopyFaceProp, CreateAlign, CreateAttachedCopy, CreateCostume, CreateEdge, CreateFace, CreateImageMap, CreateIPointPath(), CreateMaterial, CreateNode, CreateNurbs, CreatePathEditControlPoint(), CreatePathPoint(), CreatePosition, CreateSize, CreateSkeleton, CreateSky, CreateVertex, CurrentFrame, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::CurrentFrame, DeleteAlign(), DeleteCostume, DeleteNode, DeletePathEditControlPoint(), DeletePathPoint(), DeletePosition(), DeleteSize(), DeleteSky(), DrawModel, DrawPerspectiveView, EraseAll, EraseAllNurbs, EraseNurbs, EraseSkeleton, EraseVertex, EraseVertexMapping, EviMemoryManager, EviStructure, FirstNp, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::FirstNp, FirstSp, X__STRUCTUREtag::FirstSp, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_arbitrary_rotate, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_c4to4, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_L_cross, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_m4by1, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_m4by4, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_null_transform, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_rotx, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_roty, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_rotz, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_scal, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fp_tram, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpAllocNurbs, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpAppendFileExtension, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpAppendFileExtension, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpAppendPathPoint, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpArbitraryRotate, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCE, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCentreDlgOnC, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCentreDlgOnC, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCentreDlgOnS, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCentreDlgOnS, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCF, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpChooseColour, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpChooseColour, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpChooseFile, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpChooseFile, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpClearNurbsSkeleton, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCloneNurbs, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpConnected, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCopyFaceProp, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreateAlign, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreateCostume, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCreateImageMap, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreateIPointPath, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCreateMaterial, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreateNode, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCreateNurbs, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreatePathEditControlPoint, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreatePathPoint, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreatePosition, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreateSize, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpCreateSky, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCS, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpCV, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpDA, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeleteAlign, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeleteCostume, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeleteNode, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeletePathEditControlPoint, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeletePathPoint, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeletePosition, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeleteSize, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDeleteSky, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpDrawPerspectiveView, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpEraseAllNurbs, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpEraseNurbs, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpEraseSkeleton, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpEraseVertex, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpEraseVertexMapping, X__MEMORY_MANAGERtag::fpFree, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpGetClosestVertex, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpGetSkeletonBoundBox, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpGetTransform, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpIsFOSame, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpLoadMeshObject, X__MEMORY_MANAGERtag::fpMalloc, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpNormalize, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpOrientateFaceNormals, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpOrientateSelectedFaces, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpReleaseNurbs, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpRequestNumEntry, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpReverseFaceOrientation, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpSelectNodeID, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::fpSetNumberOfFrames, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpTool_AC, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpTool_CP, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpTool_FC, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpTool_RD, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpTool_UP, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpUEH, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpUFH, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpUVH, X__STRUCTUREtag::fpZeroSkeletonBoundingBox, get_closest_vertex, GetSkeletonBoundBox, GetTransform, gszHomeDir, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::gszHomeDir, iMap, X__STRUCTUREtag::iMap, iMat, X__STRUCTUREtag::iMat, IsFOSame, L_cross, LoadMeshObject, X__MEMORY_MANAGERtag::lpAni, X__MEMORY_MANAGERtag::lpMod, lrulerx, lrulery, lrulerz, m4by1, m4by4, MainEp, X__STRUCTUREtag::MainEp, MainFp, X__STRUCTUREtag::MainFp, X__STRUCTUREtag::MainNp, MainNp, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::MainNp, MainSp, X__STRUCTUREtag::MainSp, MainVp, X__STRUCTUREtag::MainVp, Ncameras, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Ncameras, Ndirectors, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Ndirectors, Nedge, X__STRUCTUREtag::Nedge, Nface, X__STRUCTUREtag::Nface, Nframes, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Nframes, Nground, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Nground, nImaps, X__STRUCTUREtag::nImaps, nMats, X__STRUCTUREtag::nMats, Nnodes, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Nnodes, Nnurbs, X__STRUCTUREtag::Nnurbs, X__STRUCTUREtag::NpointerX, NpointerX, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::NpointerX, X__STRUCTUREtag::NpointerY, NpointerY, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::NpointerY, X__STRUCTUREtag::NpointerZ, NpointerZ, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::NpointerZ, Nrobots, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Nrobots, Nskel, X__STRUCTUREtag::Nskel, Nskys, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::Nskys, null_transform, Nvert, X__STRUCTUREtag::Nvert, NvertDeselect, X__STRUCTUREtag::NvertDeselect, X__STRUCTUREtag::NvertG, NvertSelect, X__STRUCTUREtag::NvertSelect, O_normalize(), OrientateFaceNormals, OrientateSelectedFaces, X__STRUCTUREtag::orulerx, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::orulerx, X__STRUCTUREtag::orulery, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::orulery, X__STRUCTUREtag::orulerz, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::orulerz, ReleaseNurbs, RequestNumEntry, ReverseFaceOrientation, rotx, roty, rotz, X__STRUCTUREtag::ruler, ruler, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::ruler, X__STRUCTUREtag::rulerx, rulerx, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::rulerx, X__STRUCTUREtag::rulery, rulery, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::rulery, X__STRUCTUREtag::rulerz, rulerz, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::rulerz, scal, SelectedCamera, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::SelectedCamera, SelectedNode, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::SelectedNode, SelectFileName, SelectNodeID, SetColour, SetNumberOfFrames, tram, X__STRUCTUREtag::TVpointX, TVpointX, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::TVpointX, X__STRUCTUREtag::TVpointY, TVpointY, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::TVpointY, X__STRUCTUREtag::TVpointZ, TVpointZ, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::TVpointZ, X__STRUCTUREtag::TVsizeX, TVsizeX, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::TVsizeX, X__STRUCTUREtag::TVsizeY, TVsizeY, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::TVsizeY, X__STRUCTUREtag::TVsizeZ, TVsizeZ, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::TVsizeZ, UpdateCounters, UpdateEdgeHeap, UpdateFaceHeap, UpdateVertexHeap, X__STRUCTUREtag::version, ANI_STRUCTURE_tag::version, w_frame, X__STRUCTUREtag::w_frame, X__AllocateRam(), X__FreeRam(), X__STRUCTUREtag::xShaders, and ZeroSkeletonBoundingBox.

WHERE void SendPrgmText ( PSTR  p  ) 

Definition at line 490 of file SETUP.C.

References ghwnd_info.

WHERE void SendPrgmHelpMessage ( int  id  ) 

WHERE void SendPrgmMessage ( int  idString,
int  where 

WHERE void SetPrgmMessage ( int  idString,
PSTR  pstr 

Definition at line 551 of file SETUP.C.

References FIRST_IDS_STRING, X__Malloc, and X__Realloc.

WHERE int SendPrgmQuery ( int  idString,
int  response 

WHERE void SendIconHelpMessage ( int  idString  ) 

Definition at line 566 of file SETUP.C.

References CCHTEXTMAX, FIRST_IDI_STRING, ghinst_main, ghwnd_info, X__Free, X__Malloc, and X__Realloc.

WHERE void InitialiseStringVectors ( void   ) 

Definition at line 983 of file SETUP.C.


Referenced by DesignStartup().

WHERE void FreeStringVectors ( void   ) 

Definition at line 991 of file SETUP.C.


Referenced by DesignShutdown().

WHERE void InitialiseRamImage ( RAMIMAGE im  ) 

WHERE BOOL LoadRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image,
char *  file 

WHERE BOOL UnloadRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image  ) 

WHERE BOOL ReadRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image,
HANDLE *  hf 

WHERE BOOL WriteRamImage ( RAMIMAGE image,
FILE *  fp 

WHERE BOOL UnstoreRamImage ( RAMIMAGE Image,
char *  filename 

WHERE void DisplayImageFromStore ( RAMIMAGE image,
char *  alternate 

WHERE void EraseTempImageFiles ( void   ) 

Definition at line 168 of file aniramimage.c.

References FALSE, temp_image_name, temp_image_nameG, temp_image_nameS, TempPath, and TRUE.

Referenced by DesignShutdown(), and ScrapEverything().

WHERE void UnloadRamImagesFromMap ( int  i  ) 

Definition at line 112 of file ramimage.c.

References iMap, and UnloadRamImage().

WHERE void UnloadRamImagesFromAllMaps ( void   ) 

Definition at line 119 of file ramimage.c.

References IDQ_CONFIRM, iMap, nImaps, SendPrgmQuery(), and UnloadRamImage().

WHERE void SaveRamImagesFromAllMaps ( void   ) 

WHERE void SaveRamImagesToFiles ( int  i  ) 

WHERE void EmbedMapsForMap ( int  m  ) 

WHERE void EmbedAllMapsImages ( void   ) 

Definition at line 161 of file ramimage.c.

References EmbedMapsForMap(), and nImaps.

WHERE long LoadXmodel ( char *  ,
char *   

WHERE long ExportModel ( char *  ,
char *   

WHERE void Export3dSmodel ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void ExportDXFmodel ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE BOOL ExecuteExternalAction ( int  ,

WHERE BOOL ExecuteExternalModeler ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE BOOL ExecuteBezierModeler ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE BOOL LoadHeightField ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE BOOL TraceImageOutline ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE BOOL PaintMapOutline ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

WHERE void LoadViewer ( int  type  ) 

Definition at line 8 of file LOADVIEW.C.

References gszHomeDir, IDQ_NOSTART, and SendPrgmQuery().

WHERE void LoadMDIviewer ( void   ) 

Definition at line 14 of file externals.c.

References FALSE, gszHomeDir, IDQ_NOSTART, SendPrgmQuery(), and TRUE.

WHERE void Render_View ( int  light_pos,
long  how 

WHERE void ShaderPreview ( void   ) 

Definition at line 483 of file externals.c.

References LoadRenderer().

WHERE void ScaleImageBuffer ( long  xi,
long  yi,
unsigned char *  pi,
long  xo,
long  yo,
unsigned char *  po 

Definition at line 590 of file ramimage.c.

References FilterLine(), max, X__Free, and X__Malloc.

void ScaleImageBuffer4 ( long  xi,
long  yi,
unsigned char *  pi,
long  xo,
long  yo,
unsigned char *  po 

Definition at line 621 of file ramimage.c.

References FilterLine(), max, X__Free, and X__Malloc.

Variable Documentation

WHERE void( * GetWorldCoords)(int W, long *x, long *y, long *z, int hpos, int vpos)

WHERE void( * GetWindowCoords)(int W, long x, long y, long z, int *hpos, int *vpos)

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6