Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* --
00002 OpenFX version 2.0 - Modelling, Animation and Rendering Package
00003 Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 OpenFX Development Team
00004 -- */
00006 /* DXFCON1.C  */
00008 #include <windows.h>
00009 #include <commctrl.h>
00010 #include <fcntl.h>
00011 #include <io.h>
00012 #include <stdio.h>
00013 #include <math.h>
00014 #include <stdlib.h>
00015 #include <string.h>
00016 #include <ctype.h>
00017 #include <sys\types.h>
00018 #include <sys\stat.h>
00020 #include "dxfcon.h"
00022 extern int (*X__pri)(const char *,...);
00023 extern HWND      hWndParent;
00024 extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
00025 extern HWND dlg,hwndProgress;
00029 #ifndef PI
00030 #define PI 3.1415926
00031 #endif
00033 #ifdef __ZTC__
00034 #ifdef DOS386
00035 #define _far
00036 #endif
00037 #define min(a,b)  ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
00038 #define max(a,b)  ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
00039 #else
00040 #endif
00042 #define HE  2147483647L
00043 #define _X__FAR
00044 #define E_TOOMANYVERTICES  1
00045 #define G_FILEOPENFAIL     2
00047 typedef double vector[3];
00048 typedef long   point[3];
00049 typedef long   twoLongs[2];
00051 typedef struct VERTEX {
00052  struct VERTEX  *last;
00053  struct VERTEX  *next;
00054  unsigned short  id;
00055  char   status,pad;
00056  long   xyz[3];
00057  struct SKELETON *sp;
00058 } vertex;
00060 typedef struct EDGE {
00061  struct EDGE  *last;
00062  struct EDGE  *next;
00063  struct VERTEX  *V[2];
00064 } edge;
00066 typedef struct FACE{
00067  struct FACE  *last;
00068  struct FACE  *next;
00069  struct VERTEX  *V[3];
00070  struct VERTEX  *extra,*xxtra;
00071  unsigned char color[3],matcol[3],texture,brush;
00072 } face;
00074 typedef struct WIREFRAME {
00075  long Np,Ne;
00076  twoLongs *e;
00077  point *p;
00078 } wireframe;
00080 typedef struct SKELETON {
00081  struct SKELETON *at,*next,*last;
00082  short  id,offset;
00083  double t[4][4];
00084  point  xyz,tp;
00085  char   name[16];
00086  double weight;
00087 } skel;
00089 typedef struct {
00090        vertex Origin;
00091        long Xdirection[3];
00092        long Ydirection[3];
00093        long Zdirection[3];
00094        vertex Offset;
00095 } axis;
00097 typedef struct {
00098   char  name[8];
00099   short Nc,Np,flag;
00100   vertex **Vc,**Vp;
00101 } bezier_curve;
00103 /* definition of unit dimensions */
00104 #define UNIT         32768L
00105 #define UNIT2        65536L
00106 #define MINUNIT       1024L
00107 #define MAXUNIT    4194304L
00108 #define UNITSCA    (MAXUNIT/16)
00109 /* definition of flags and identifiers*/
00110 #define NO               0
00111 #define YES              1
00112 #define OK               0
00113 #define FAIL             1
00114 #define SELECTED         1
00115 #define DESELECTED       0
00116 #define PLANE            0
00118 short quiet=0;
00119 axis ObjectAxis={NULL,NULL,0,0,
00120                  0L,0L,0L,
00121                  0,0L,0L,
00122                  UNIT,0L,0L,
00123                  0L,UNIT,0L,
00124                  0L,0L,0L};
00125 vertex  *MainVp=NULL;
00126 edge    *MainEp=NULL;
00127 face    *MainFp=NULL;
00128 long Nvert=0,NvertSelect=0,NvertDeselect=0,Nface=0,Nedge=0
00129     ,TVpointX=(-UNIT),TVpointY=(-UNIT),TVpointZ=(-UNIT)
00130     ,TVsizeX=UNIT2,TVsizeY=UNIT2,TVsizeZ=UNIT2;
00131 short  ShadowFlag=NO;
00132 point  TextureP[64],TextureX[64],TextureY[64];
00133 long   TextureType[64],TextureAnimFF[64],TextureAnimDL[64],TextureAnimLF[64],
00134        TextureMap[64],TextureAngle[64];
00135 char   *TextureList[64];
00136 long Brilliance=0, Reflectivity=0, Transparency=0;
00137 long EDIT_ACTION,NoTextures=0,Nskel=0,DefaultBrilliance,DefaultTransparency,
00138      DefaultReflectivity,ruler=1,lrulerx=0,lrulery=0,lrulerz=0,grid_size=UNIT,
00139      rulerx=0,rulery=0,rulerz=0,N_Bcurves=0;
00140 skel *MainSp=NULL,*FirstSp=NULL,*TextureSk[64];
00142 void CreateEdge(vertex  *v1, vertex  *v2, short check);
00143 void CreateFace(vertex  *v1, vertex  *v2, vertex  *v3, short check);
00144 void CreateVertex(void);
00145 void WriteTextures(void);
00146 void WriteVertices(short );
00147 void WriteEdges(short );
00148 void WriteFaces(short );
00149 void WriteSkeleton(void);
00150 static void WriteWireframe(void);
00151 static void WriteBezierCurve(void);
00153 static FILE *fp,*fo;
00154 static long newface,newedge,newvert,minX,minY,minZ,maxX,maxY,maxZ;
00155 static char str[10],ruler_name[8];
00156 static vertex  **p,*vlast;
00157 static axis TempAxis;
00158 static face *FaceBase;
00159 static bezier_curve *Bcurves=NULL;
00160 static wireframe w_frame={0,0,NULL,NULL};
00163 void CreateEdge(vertex  *v1, vertex  *v2, short check)
00164 {edge  *temp;
00165  if(check){
00166  temp=MainEp;
00167  while(temp != NULL)   /* check to see if this edge already exists */
00168  {if(   ((temp->V[0] == v1) && (temp->V[1] == v2))
00169      || ((temp->V[0] == v2) && (temp->V[1] == v1)) )return;
00170  temp=temp->last;}}
00171  if(( temp=(edge  *)malloc(sizeof(edge)) ) == NULL)return;
00172  if(MainEp != NULL)MainEp->next=temp;
00173  temp->last=MainEp;
00174  temp->V[0]=v1;
00175  temp->V[1]=v2;
00176  temp->next=NULL;
00177  MainEp=temp;
00178  Nedge++;
00179 }
00181 void CreateFace(vertex  *v1, vertex  *v2, vertex  *v3, short check)
00182 {face  *temp;
00183  if(check){
00184  temp=MainFp;  /* check to see if face exists */
00185  while(temp != NULL)   /* check to see if this face already exists */
00186  {if(   ((temp->V[0] == v1) && (temp->V[1] == v2) && (temp->V[2] == v3))
00187      || ((temp->V[0] == v1) && (temp->V[1] == v3) && (temp->V[2] == v2))
00188      || ((temp->V[0] == v2) && (temp->V[1] == v3) && (temp->V[2] == v1))
00189      || ((temp->V[0] == v2) && (temp->V[1] == v1) && (temp->V[2] == v3))
00190      || ((temp->V[0] == v3) && (temp->V[1] == v1) && (temp->V[2] == v2))
00191      || ((temp->V[0] == v3) && (temp->V[1] == v2) && (temp->V[2] == v1))
00192   )return;
00193  temp=temp->last;}}
00194  if(( temp=(face  *)malloc(sizeof(face)) ) == NULL)return;
00195  if(MainFp != NULL)MainFp->next=temp;
00196  temp->last=MainFp;
00197  temp->V[0]=v1;
00198  temp->V[1]=v2;
00199  temp->V[2]=v3;
00200  temp->next=NULL;
00201  temp->color[0]=0;
00202  temp->color[1]=0;
00203  temp->color[2]=0;
00204  temp->matcol[0]=0;
00205  temp->matcol[1]=0;
00206  temp->matcol[2]=0;
00207  temp->texture=0;
00208  temp->brush=0;
00209  temp->extra=NULL;
00210  temp->xxtra=NULL;
00211  MainFp=temp;
00212  Nface++;
00213 }
00215 void CreateVertex(void){
00216  vertex  *temp;
00217  if(( temp=(vertex  *)malloc(sizeof(vertex)) ) == NULL)return;
00218  if(MainVp != NULL)MainVp->next=temp;
00219  temp->last=MainVp;
00220  temp->xyz[0]=0;
00221  temp->xyz[1]=0;
00222  temp->xyz[2]=0;
00223  temp->next=NULL;
00224  temp->sp=NULL;
00225  temp->status=SELECTED;
00226  temp->id=0;
00227  MainVp=temp;
00228  Nvert++;
00229  NvertSelect++;
00230 }
00232 void CreateSkeleton(skel *at){
00233  skel _X__FAR *temp;
00234  int i,j;
00235  if(( temp=(skel _X__FAR *)malloc(sizeof(skel)) ) == NULL)return;
00236  if(MainSp != NULL)MainSp->next=temp;
00237  temp->last=MainSp;
00238  temp->xyz[0]=0;
00239  temp->xyz[1]=0;
00240  temp->xyz[2]=0;
00241  temp->next=NULL;
00242  temp->at=at;
00243  temp->id=0;
00244  temp->offset=0;
00245  for(i=0;i<4;i++)
00246   for(j=0;j<4;j++){
00247     temp->t[i][j]=0.0;
00248     if(i == j)temp->t[i][j]=1.0;
00249   }
00250  MainSp=temp;
00251  Nskel++;
00252  if(Nskel == 1)strcpy(temp->name,"Root");
00253  else sprintf(temp->name,"%ld",Nskel-1);
00254 }
00256 void check_error(void){
00257   if(ferror(fo) == 0)return;
00258   if(quiet)return;
00259   X__pri("Error Writing model file");
00260   return;
00261 }
00263 void outsht(short sht){
00264  if(fputc((char)(sht >>  8),fo) == EOF)check_error();
00265  if(fputc((char)(sht      ),fo) == EOF)check_error();
00266 }
00268 void outlng(long lng){
00269  if(fputc((char)(lng >> 24),fo) == EOF)check_error();
00270  if(fputc((char)(lng >> 16),fo) == EOF)check_error();
00271  if(fputc((char)(lng >>  8),fo) == EOF)check_error();
00272  if(fputc((char)(lng      ),fo) == EOF)check_error();
00273 }
00275 short SaveObject(char *Filename, short status){
00276   long pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9,posA,pose;
00277   long FORMsize;
00278   short id,short_form=0;
00279   FORMsize=0; newvert=0; newface=0; newedge=0;
00280   if( (fo=fopen(Filename,"wb")) == NULL){   /* now open for reading */
00281     return 1;
00282   }
00283   fprintf(fo,"FORM");
00284   pos1=ftell(fo); outlng(FORMsize);
00285   fprintf(fo,"OFXM");
00286   fprintf(fo,"AXIS"); outlng(48L); /* size of data chunk */
00287   if(status == 2){  /* dont use offset for drawing in triview */
00288     outlng(0); outlng(0); outlng(0);
00289   }
00290   else{
00291     outlng(ObjectAxis.Origin.xyz[0]);
00292     outlng(ObjectAxis.Origin.xyz[1]);
00293     outlng(ObjectAxis.Origin.xyz[2]);
00294   }
00295   outlng(TextureP[63][0]);  /* store the algorithmic texture origin */
00296   outlng(TextureP[63][1]);  /* in the object axis structure         */
00297   outlng(TextureP[63][2]);
00298   outlng(TextureX[63][0]);
00299   outlng(TextureX[63][1]);
00300   outlng(TextureX[63][2]);
00301   outlng(TextureY[63][0]);
00302   outlng(TextureY[63][1]);
00303   outlng(TextureY[63][2]);
00304   fprintf(fo,"OFFS"); outlng(16L);      /* follow point */
00305   outlng(3L);
00306   outlng(ObjectAxis.Offset.xyz[0]);
00307   outlng(ObjectAxis.Offset.xyz[1]);
00308   outlng(ObjectAxis.Offset.xyz[2]);
00309   if(Nvert > 0){
00310     fprintf(fo,"VERT"); pos2=ftell(fo); outlng(12*newvert);
00311     WriteVertices(status);
00312   }
00313   else pos2 = -1;
00314   if(Nedge > 0){
00315     fprintf(fo,"EDGE"); pos3=ftell(fo); outlng( 8*newedge); WriteEdges(0);
00316   }
00317   else pos3 = -1;
00318   if(Nface > 0){
00319     fprintf(fo,"FACE"); pos4=ftell(fo); outlng(20*newface); WriteFaces(0);
00320   }
00321   else pos4 = -1;
00322   if(NoTextures > 0){
00323     fprintf(fo,"TEXT"); pos5=ftell(fo); outlng(0L);
00324     WriteTextures();
00325     pos6=ftell(fo);
00326   }
00327   else pos5 = -1;         
00328   if((status == 1 || status == 3) &&
00329       Nskel > 1){/* if saving whole object then save skeleton */
00330     fprintf(fo,"SK01"); pos7=ftell(fo); outlng(0L);
00331     WriteSkeleton();
00332     pos8=ftell(fo);
00333   }
00334   else pos7 = -1;
00335   fprintf(fo,"MATL"); outlng((long)(5*sizeof(long)));
00336   outlng(4L);
00337   outlng((long)ShadowFlag);
00338   outlng(DefaultBrilliance);     /* these are not used any more       */
00339   outlng(DefaultTransparency);
00340   outlng(DefaultReflectivity);   /* but remain for file compatibility */
00341   fprintf(fo,"UNIT"); outlng((long)(7*sizeof(long)+8));
00342   outlng((long)ruler);
00343   strcpy(ruler_name,"none");
00344   fwrite(ruler_name,1,8,fo);
00345   outlng(lrulerx); outlng(lrulery); outlng(lrulerz);
00346   outlng(rulerx);  outlng(rulery);  outlng(rulerz);
00347   fprintf(fo,"GRID"); outlng((long)(2*sizeof(long)));
00348   outlng(grid_size); outlng(grid_size); /* second is unused */
00349   WriteWireframe();
00350   if((status == 1 || status == 3) && N_Bcurves > 0){
00351      fprintf(fo,"BEZ1"); pos9=ftell(fo); outlng(0L);
00352      WriteBezierCurve();
00353      posA=ftell(fo);
00354   }
00355   else pos9 = -1;
00356   pose=ftell(fo);  /* the end of the object */
00357   if(pos2 > 0){fseek(fo,pos2,0); outlng(12*newvert);}
00358   if(short_form){
00359     if(pos3 > 0){fseek(fo,pos3,0); outlng( 4*newedge);}
00360     if(pos4 > 0){fseek(fo,pos4,0); outlng(14*newface);}
00361   }
00362   else{
00363     if(pos3 > 0){fseek(fo,pos3,0); outlng( 8*newedge);}
00364     if(pos4 > 0){fseek(fo,pos4,0); outlng(20*newface);}
00365   }
00366   if(pos5 > 0){fseek(fo,pos5,0); outlng(pos6-pos5-4);} /* not include count */
00367   if(pos7 > 0){fseek(fo,pos7,0); outlng(pos8-pos7-4);}
00368   if(pos9 > 0){fseek(fo,pos9,0); outlng(posA-pos9-4);}
00369   fseek(fo,pos1,0); outlng(pose-8);
00370   fclose(fo);
00371   return 0;
00372 }
00374 void WriteTextures(void){
00375  long i,temp;
00376  skel _X__FAR *sp;
00377  i=0;
00378  sp=FirstSp; while(sp != NULL){ /* set up sk id */
00379    sp->id=i; i++;
00380    sp=sp->next;
00381  }
00382  fwrite(&NoTextures,1,1,fo);
00383  for(i=0;i<NoTextures;i++){
00384    outlng(256);    /* size of Texture list string */
00385    fwrite(TextureList[i],1,256,fo);
00386    outlng(TextureP[i][0]); outlng(TextureP[i][1]); outlng(TextureP[i][2]);
00387    outlng(TextureX[i][0]); outlng(TextureX[i][1]); outlng(TextureX[i][2]);
00388    outlng(TextureY[i][0]); outlng(TextureY[i][1]); outlng(TextureY[i][2]);
00389    temp=TextureType[i]; outlng(temp);
00390    temp=TextureAnimFF[i]; outlng(temp);
00391    temp=TextureAnimDL[i]; outlng(temp);
00392    temp=TextureAnimLF[i]; outlng(temp);
00393    if(TextureSk[i] != NULL){
00394      temp=((TextureSk[i])->id)+1; outlng(temp);/* 1 is first file brush*/
00395    }
00396    else{
00397      temp=0; outlng(temp);
00398    }
00399    temp=TextureMap[i]; outlng(temp);   /* 0 = plane 1 = cyl. map  2/3 = moz */
00400    temp=1;    outlng(temp);   /* for expansion  use as count */
00401    temp=TextureAngle[i]; outlng(temp);  /* angle for cylinder brushes */
00402  }
00403 }
00405 void WriteVertices(short status){
00406  long i;
00407  vertex _X__FAR *vp,*fv;
00408  fv=NULL; vp=MainVp; while(vp != NULL){fv=vp; vp=vp->last;}
00409  i=0;
00410  vp=fv; while(vp != NULL){
00411   if(vp->status == SELECTED){ /* only selected vertices */
00412     outlng(vp->xyz[0]); outlng(vp->xyz[1]); outlng(vp->xyz[2]);
00413     vp->pad = (char)(i >> 16);
00414     vp->id=(unsigned short)(i & 0x0000ffff);
00415     i++; newvert++;
00416   }
00417   else  vp->pad = -1;
00418   vp=vp->next;
00419  }
00420 }
00422 void WriteEdges(short short_form){
00423  long id;
00424  edge _X__FAR *ep;
00425  ep=MainEp;
00426  while(ep != NULL){
00427    if((ep->V[0]->pad >= 0) && (ep->V[1]->pad >= 0)){
00428      id=(((long)ep->V[0]->id) | ((long)ep->V[0]->pad << 16)); outlng(id);
00429      id=(((long)ep->V[1]->id) | ((long)ep->V[1]->pad << 16)); outlng(id);
00430      newedge++;
00431    }
00432    ep=ep->last;
00433  }
00434 }
00436 void WriteFaces(short short_form){
00437  face _X__FAR *f,*ff;
00438  long id;
00439  ff=NULL; f=MainFp; while(f != NULL){ff=f; f=f->last;}
00440  if((f=ff) != NULL)while(f != NULL){
00441    if((f->V[0]->pad >= 0) &&
00442       (f->V[1]->pad >= 0) &&
00443       (f->V[2]->pad >= 0)){
00444      id=(((long)f->V[0]->id) | ((long)f->V[0]->pad << 16)); outlng(id);
00445      id=(((long)f->V[1]->id) | ((long)f->V[1]->pad << 16)); outlng(id);
00446      id=(((long)f->V[2]->id) | ((long)f->V[2]->pad << 16)); outlng(id);
00447      fwrite(f->color,1,3,fo);
00448      fwrite(&f->texture,1,1,fo);
00449      fwrite(f->matcol,1,3,fo);
00450      fwrite(&f->brush,1,1,fo);
00451      newface++;
00452    }
00453    f=f->next;
00454  }
00455 }
00457 static void WriteBezierCurve(void){
00458  long i,j,id;
00459  outlng(N_Bcurves);
00460  for(i=0;i<N_Bcurves;i++){
00461    outlng((long)Bcurves[i].Nc); outlng((long)Bcurves[i].Np);
00462    fwrite((char *)Bcurves[i].name,1,8,fo);
00463    for(j=0;j<Bcurves[i].Nc;j++){
00464      id=( (long)((Bcurves[i].Vc[j])->id) |
00465           ((long)((Bcurves[i].Vc[j])->pad) << 16));
00466      outlng(id);
00467    }
00468    for(j=0;j<Bcurves[i].Np;j++){
00469      id=((long)((Bcurves[i].Vp[j])->id) |
00470         ((long)((Bcurves[i].Vp[j])->pad) << 16));
00471      outlng(id);
00472    }
00473  }
00474 }
00476 void WriteSkeleton(void){
00477  short i;
00478  skel _X__FAR *sp;
00479  vertex _X__FAR *vp, *fv;
00480  i=0;
00481  sp=FirstSp; while(sp != NULL){
00482    sp->id=i; i++;
00483    sp=sp->next;
00484  }
00485  outlng(Nskel);
00486  sp=FirstSp; while(sp != NULL){
00487    outlng(sp->xyz[0]); outlng(sp->xyz[1]); outlng(sp->xyz[2]);
00488    if(sp->at != NULL)outsht(sp->at->id);
00489    else              outsht(0);
00490    fwrite(sp->name,sizeof(char),16,fo);
00491    sp=sp->next;
00492  }
00493  outlng(Nvert);
00494  fv=NULL; vp=MainVp; while(vp != NULL){fv=vp; vp=vp->last;}
00495  vp=fv; while(vp != NULL){
00496    if(vp->sp != NULL)outsht(vp->sp->id);
00497    else              outsht(0);
00498    vp=vp->next;
00499  }
00500 }
00502 static void WriteWireframe(void){
00503  long i;
00504  if(w_frame.Np == 0 || w_frame.Ne == 0)return;
00505  fprintf(fo,"WFRM");
00506  outlng((long)(((w_frame.Np*3)+(w_frame.Ne*2)+2)*sizeof(long)));
00507  outlng(w_frame.Np); outlng(w_frame.Ne);
00508  for(i=0;i<w_frame.Np;i++){
00509    outlng(w_frame.p[i][0]);
00510    outlng(w_frame.p[i][1]);
00511    outlng(w_frame.p[i][2]);
00512  }
00513  for(i=0;i<w_frame.Ne;i++){
00514    outlng(w_frame.e[i][0]); outlng(w_frame.e[i][1]);
00515  }
00516 }
00518 #include "dxfcon2.c"
00520 BOOL DoDxfConvert(char *infile, char *outfile, double wt,
00521    short h_type,short l_freeze, short b_freeze, short no_weld,
00522    short d2, short d3, short cs){
00523  long i;
00524  short error,report=0;
00525  char argv1[256];
00526  CreateSkeleton(NULL);               /* make a root node for skeleton */
00527  FirstSp=MainSp;
00528  ruler=32768;
00529  TextureP[63][0]=0; TextureP[63][1]=0; TextureP[63][2]=TVpointZ;
00530  TextureX[63][0]=TVsizeX/2; TextureX[63][1]=0;
00531  TextureX[63][2]=TVpointZ;
00532  TextureY[63][0]=0; TextureY[63][1]=TVsizeZ/2; TextureY[63][2]=TVpointZ;
00533  TextureSk[63]=NULL;
00534  TextureMap[63]=PLANE;
00535  TextureType[63]=0;
00536  if(quiet)report=0;
00537  strcpy(argv1,infile);
00538  if((i=strlen(argv1)) < 4 || argv1[i-4] != '.')strcat(argv1,".DXF");
00539  error=DxfLoad(argv1,h_type,l_freeze,b_freeze,report,wt,no_weld,d2,d3,cs);
00540  if(error){
00541    if(quiet){
00542      if(error == 5)return FALSE;
00543      return FALSE;
00544    }
00545    if(error == 5)X__pri("Model is too BIG try increasing the weld threshold");
00546    if(error == 2)X__pri("DXF file truncated");
00547    if(error == 1)X__pri("Failed to open file");
00548    return FALSE;
00549  }
00550  strcpy(argv1,outfile);
00551  if((i=strlen(argv1)) < 4 || argv1[i-4] != '.')strcat(argv1,".mfx");
00552  error=SaveObject(argv1,1);
00553  if(quiet){
00554    if(error)return FALSE;
00555    return TRUE;
00556  }
00557  if(error)X__pri("Error Opening model output file");
00558  else X__pri("Build finished: [ %ld Vertices  %ld Faces ]",Nvert,Nface);
00559  return TRUE;
00560 }

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