Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 |
#define | RAD2DEG (180.0/PI) |
#define | DEG2RAD (PI/180.0) |
#define | WM_DRAWROBOT (WM_USER+1000) |
#define | WINDOW_ID_XSIZE 48 |
#define | WINDOW_ID_YSIZE 20 |
#define | WINDOW_ID_VSIZE 60 |
#define | WHERE extern |
Variables | |
char | IniFilename [] |
char | TempPath [] |
char | IniSection [] |
char | IniRenderSection [] |
char | szMainClass [] |
char | szViewClass [] |
char | szTriViewClass [] |
char | szToolboxClass [] |
char | szToolBtnClass [] |
char | szQuicktimeClass [] |
HDC | ghdc_triview_Bitmap [] |
HDC | ghdc_view_Bitmap |
HBITMAP | ghbm_triview [] |
HBITMAP | ghbm_view |
HBITMAP | ghCameraBitmap |
HBITMAP | ghLightBitmap |
int | CursorToggle |
int | current_message |
int | icon_arrow_ids |
int | do_NOT_abort |
int | EditUpdateInUse |
int | UNDO_TYPE |
char | ruler_name [] |
double | ruler |
long | rulerx |
long | rulery |
long | rulerz |
long | lrulerx |
long | lrulery |
long | lrulerz |
long | draw_grid_on |
long | grid_on |
long | grid_size |
long | NpointerX |
long | NpointerY |
long | NpointerZ |
long | TVpointX |
long | TVpointY |
long | TVpointZ |
long | TVsizeX |
long | TVsizeY |
long | TVsizeZ |
long | Nframes |
long | CurrentFrame |
long | global_quickdraw |
long | preview_playing |
long | show_camera_fov |
long | show_light_cones |
long | opengl_visible |
long | coords_visible |
long | tools_visible |
long | select_visible |
long | keyframer_docked |
long | keyframer_docked_and_visible |
long | edit_splinetween |
long | MaxNodeID |
long | FramesPerSec |
long | use_director |
unsigned int | FirstTimeRender |
unsigned int | rendered_flag |
unsigned int | fail_op |
unsigned int | tool |
unsigned int | subtool |
unsigned int | DrawStatus |
unsigned int | AllDrawStatus |
unsigned int | LastAnimatorTool |
double | PIo180 |
double | SelectedPathPhi |
double | SelectedPathTheta |
double | SelectedPathAlpha |
point | SelectedPathOffset |
node * | MainNp |
node * | FirstNp |
node * | SelectedNode |
node * | SelectedCamera |
XIP * | MainIp |
XIP * | FirstIp |
object * | SelectedPath |
pathpoint * | SelectedPathPoint |
short | Nnodes |
short | Nground |
short | Nrobots |
short | Nskys |
short | Ncameras |
short | fileID |
short | ANIM |
short | NimageProcesses |
long | Ndirectors |
HBITMAP | hbmName [] |
char | res_str [] |
WHERE FILE * | debug |
A file to record debug messages can be opened using this variable. | |
The OBJECT passed to all plug-ins to make the program's global variables and useful functions accessible for use in the plug-ins. | |
WHERE X__MEMORY_MANAGER | EviMemoryManager |
The OBJECT that is passed to plug-ins to make the OpenFX memory management functions available for use in the plugins. | |
WHERE jmp_buf | r_buf |
WHERE int | stackdepth |
WHERE HWND | ghwnd_main |
WHERE HWND | ghwnd_triview [3] |
WHERE HWND | ghwnd_current |
WHERE HWND | ghwnd_view |
WHERE HWND | ghwnd_xscl |
WHERE HWND | ghwnd_info |
WHERE HWND | ghwndTools |
WHERE HWND | ghwndCoord1 |
WHERE HWND | ghwndTimeline |
WHERE HWND | ghwndTimelineChild |
WHERE HWND | ghwndDlgTools |
WHERE HWND | ghwndQuicktime |
WHERE HWND | ghwndOpenGLview |
WHERE HWND | ghwndTooltip |
WHERE HWND | ghwndSkEdit |
WHERE HWND | ghwndRobotView |
WHERE HPALETTE | ghpaletteScreen |
WHERE HFONT | ghFont1 |
WHERE HFONT | ghFont2 |
WHERE HBRUSH | ghbrushScreen |
WHERE HBRUSH | ghbrushWindow |
WHERE HBRUSH | ghSelectedBrush |
WHERE HBRUSH | ghDeselectedBrush |
WHERE HBRUSH | ghInvertBrush |
WHERE HBRUSH | ghRobotBrush |
WHERE HPEN | ghSelectedPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghDeselectedPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghEditPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghInvertPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghWireframePen |
WHERE HPEN | ghCursorPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghDotSelectedPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghDotDeselectedPen |
WHERE HPEN | ghDotInvertPen |
WHERE COLORREF | gScreenColourRef |
WHERE COLORREF | gGridColourRef1 |
WHERE COLORREF | gGridColourRef2 |
WHERE HINSTANCE | ghinst_main |
WHERE BOOL | StartedInAnimator |
WHERE BOOL | bToolpannelLeft |
WHERE BOOL | bToolpannelSmall |
WHERE BOOL | bBackgroundImage |
WHERE BOOL | bAbortedDrawing |
WHERE BOOL | bEmbedImageMaps |
WHERE BOOL | tool_move_flag |
WHERE BOOL | tool_down_flag |
WHERE long | Xres |
WHERE long | Yres |
WHERE long | WindowBox_view |
WHERE int | View |
WHERE int | ActiveView |
WHERE int | BigCameraView |
WHERE int | ToolbuttonSize |
WHERE int | ToolpannelSpace |
WHERE int | WindowLeftOrigin |
WHERE int | WindowTopOrigin |
WHERE int | WindowGap |
WHERE int | TriviewSpaceX |
WHERE int | TriviewSpaceY |
WHERE int | Window0sizeX |
WHERE int | Window0sizeY |
WHERE int | Textheight |
WHERE int | Textwidth |
WHERE int | WindowSizeX [3] |
WHERE int | WindowSizeY [3] |
WHERE int | WindowCentreX [3] |
WHERE int | WindowCentreY [3] |
WHERE int | WindowViewXsize |
WHERE int | WindowViewYsize |
WHERE int | InfoWindowSize |
WHERE int | KeyframerSize |
WHERE int | KeyframerYpos |
WHERE int | WindowsXmin [3] |
WHERE int | WindowsYmin [3] |
WHERE int | WindowViewXmin |
WHERE int | WindowViewYmin |
WHERE int | WindowViewSliderXsize |
WHERE int | WindowViewSliderYsize |
WHERE int | WindowViewSliderXpos |
WHERE int | WindowViewSliderYpos |
WHERE int | SelectPointSize |
WHERE double | WindowPixelSize |
WHERE long | TVcentreX |
WHERE long | TVcentreY |
WHERE long | TVcentreZ |
WHERE jmp_buf | j_buf |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurWait |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurCross |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurPan |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurZout |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurZin |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurZoom |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurArrow |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurArrow1 |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurMove |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurRotate |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurScale |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurTracker |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurDirector |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurPathed |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurSkeletor |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurSave |
WHERE HCURSOR | ghcurInsert |
WHERE char | gszHomeDir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszUndoFile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszSTGfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszSTGdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszSCEfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszSCEdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszPTHfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszPTHdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszSCRfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszSCRdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszIMGfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszIMGdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszMAPfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszMAPdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszDLLfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszDLLdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszXIPfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszXIPdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszANIfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszANIdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszPSTfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszPSTdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszPZEfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszPZEdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszPAKfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszPAKdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char | gszRSQfile [MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char | gszRSQdir [MAX_DIR] |
WHERE int | gCurTool |
WHERE int | gCurCommand |
WHERE int | gCurSelect |
#define RAD2DEG (180.0/PI) |
#define WM_DRAWROBOT (WM_USER+1000) |
#define WINDOW_ID_XSIZE 48 |
Definition at line 29 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CheckWindowIcon(), DrawArrowIcons(), and InvertWindowIcon().
#define WINDOW_ID_YSIZE 20 |
Definition at line 30 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorViewWndProc(), CheckViewWindowIcon(), CheckWindowIcon(), DrawArrowIcons(), InvertViewWindowIcon(), and InvertWindowIcon().
#define WINDOW_ID_VSIZE 60 |
Definition at line 31 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorViewWndProc(), CheckViewWindowIcon(), and InvertViewWindowIcon().
char IniFilename[] |
Definition at line 61 of file VIEWER.C.
Referenced by _AttachViewOpenGL(), _PrgmLogon(), ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), DisplayImageFromStore(), GetRenderRelativeHandle(), InitializeLastFilesList(), LoadPreferences(), MenuCommand(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), TimelineEditor(), and WinMain().
char TempPath[] |
Definition at line 180 of file WINMAIN.C.
Referenced by _AttachViewOpenGL(), _PrgmLogon(), AnimatorStartup(), DeleteRamFile(), DisplayImageFromStore(), Empty_Undo(), EraseAll(), EraseTempImageFiles(), LoadMeshObject(), LoadXmodel(), MakeFullMemoryImage(), MakeScript(), PackAnimationFile(), Render_View(), ReplaceObjectFile(), Restore_Undo(), Save_Undo(), SaveRamImagesFromAllMaps(), SaveRamImagesToFiles(), ScrapEverything(), ShatterEffect(), WinMain(), and WriteTemporaryFileForScript().
char IniSection[] |
Definition at line 62 of file VIEWER.C.
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), DesignShutdown(), InitializeLastFilesList(), LoadPreferences(), MenuCommand(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), and WinMain().
char IniRenderSection[] |
char szMainClass[] |
Referenced by SetupMainWindow(), and WinMain().
char szViewClass[] |
Referenced by SetupMainWindow(), Viewer(), and WinMain().
char szTriViewClass[] |
Referenced by SetupMainWindow(), and WinMain().
char szToolboxClass[] |
Definition at line 26 of file DRAFT1.C.
Referenced by DestroyDraftToolbox(), OpenDraftToolbox(), and WinMain().
char szToolBtnClass[] |
Definition at line 27 of file DRAFT1.C.
Referenced by DestroyDraftToolbox(), OpenDraftToolbox(), ToolboxWndProc(), and WinMain().
char szQuicktimeClass[] |
Referenced by WinMain().
HDC ghdc_triview_Bitmap[] |
Referenced by AdjustPathTension(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorUndo(), CreateMemoryWindows(), CreatePathPoint(), DeleteMemoryWindows(), DeletePathPoint(), DrawBrush(), DrawModel(), DrawOneEdgeOnly(), DrawVerticesOnly(), EditPath(), EnterGrabMode(), LeaveGrabMode(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), PathToolDlgProc(), PickClosestPathPoint(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), Resize(), ShiftKeyFrame(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), Skeletor(), StageGrab(), StageRotate(), StageStepRotate(), SwitchTrackerType(), and WinMain().
HDC ghdc_view_Bitmap |
HBITMAP ghbm_triview[] |
Referenced by CreateMemoryWindows(), DeleteMemoryWindows(), DrawModel(), DrawOneEdgeOnly(), DrawVerticesOnly(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), and WinMain().
HBITMAP ghbm_view |
Referenced by CreateMemoryWindows(), DeleteMemoryWindows(), Draw3dView(), and WinMain().
HBITMAP ghCameraBitmap |
Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().
HBITMAP ghLightBitmap |
Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().
Definition at line 187 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by ActionRotate(), AddSinglePrimitive(), AnglerOn(), AnimatorStartup(), AppendPathPoint(), AutoFacetCurveWithHoles(), BuildATMfontString(), BuildTTFfontString(), ClearWireFrame(), CreateAlign(), CreateCostume(), CreateDirector(), CreateImageMap(), CreateImageProcess(), CreateIPointPath(), CreateNode(), CreatePathPoint(), CreatePosition(), CreateSize(), CreateSky(), DeleteAlign(), DeleteCostume(), DeleteDirector(), DeleteImageMap(), DeleteImageProcess(), DeleteMaterial(), DeleteNode(), DeletePathPoint(), DeletePosition(), DeleteRangeOfFrames(), DeleteSize(), DeleteSky(), DesignStartup(), DuplicateSelectedNurbs(), EditCameraSize(), EditDirectorDialog(), EditGroundDialog(), EditLightDialog(), EditPathMovement(), EditPathOn(), EditSelectedNurbsSurface(), EditSkyDialog(), EraseAll(), ExecuteBezierModeler(), ExecuteExternalAction(), ExecuteExternalModeler(), ExecuteSelect(), InsertFrames(), JoinTwoCurves(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadAnimObject(), LoadHeightField(), LoadInternalAction(), LoadObject(), MakeAutoWireFrame(), MakeNewNurbsSurface(), MakeWireFrame(), MapFacesByImageMap(), MapOntoPath(), MapVerticesByImageMap(), PaintMapOutline(), PositionBrushOnOff(), PositionMaterialOnOff(), RequestEditLightSize(), RequestEditSize(), RequestMirrorID(), Save_Undo(), SaveObject(), ScrapEverything(), SelectConnected(), SelectVertex(), SetMapCoords(), SetNumberOfFrames(), ShiftAllKeys(), ShifterOn(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SkeletorOn(), SplitNurbs(), StageGrabOn(), StageRotateOn(), StageSizeOn(), TraceImageOutline(), UnMakeWireFrame(), and UpdateRuler().
int CursorToggle |
int current_message |
Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), AttribsDlgProc(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), ModelerViewWndProc(), PathToolDlgProc(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), QuicktimeWndProc(), RotatorToolDlgProc(), SizerToolDlgProc(), SplineTweenDlgProc(), and ToolBtnWndProc().
int icon_arrow_ids |
int do_NOT_abort |
Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), CheckInterrupt(), EnterGrabMode(), Extrude(), LeaveGrabMode(), Nudge(), PanToolUp(), and ZoomView().
int EditUpdateInUse |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), Restore_UndoA(), and Save_UndoA().
Referenced by AugmentToolPannel().
char ruler_name[] |
Definition at line 191 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), UpdateRuler(), and WinMain().
double ruler |
Definition at line 192 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by _Export(), _RenderImageProcess(), AddEffect(), BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc(), BuildPrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), Create3DSfile(), CreateImageProcess(), CreateVRMLfile(), EditActorEffect(), EditImageProcess(), EditObjectImageProcess(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), Extrude(), GrowSelectedAlongNormal(), InstantStageGrab(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), MakeScript(), MoveDlgProc(), Replace_Faces(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SnapCursorTo(), UpdatePrimitiveStructure(), and UpdateRuler().
long rulerx |
Definition at line 193 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), and UpdateRuler().
long rulery |
Definition at line 193 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), and UpdateRuler().
long rulerz |
Definition at line 193 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), and UpdateRuler().
long lrulerx |
Definition at line 194 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by _Export(), BuildPrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), Create3DSfile(), CreateVRMLfile(), DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), Explode(), Extrude(), InstantStageGrab(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), Move3dCursor(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SnapCursorTo(), UpdatePrimitiveStructure(), and UpdateRuler().
long lrulery |
Definition at line 194 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by _Export(), BuildPrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), Create3DSfile(), CreateVRMLfile(), DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), Explode(), Extrude(), InstantStageGrab(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), Move3dCursor(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SnapCursorTo(), UpdatePrimitiveStructure(), and UpdateRuler().
long lrulerz |
Definition at line 194 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by _Export(), BuildPrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), Create3DSfile(), CreateVRMLfile(), DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), Explode(), Extrude(), InstantStageGrab(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), Move3dCursor(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveDivided(), SaveObject(), SaveObjects(), SetupStructures(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SnapCursorTo(), UpdatePrimitiveStructure(), and UpdateRuler().
long draw_grid_on |
Definition at line 195 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), DesignShutdown(), DrawModel(), DrawQuickModel(), LoadPreferences(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), and ReDrawStageDisplay().
long grid_on |
Definition at line 195 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnimatorShutdown(), DesignShutdown(), LoadPreferences(), Move3dCursor(), and SelectVertex().
long grid_size |
Definition at line 195 of file 3DSCON1.C.
Referenced by DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), EraseAll(), Explode(), LoadAnimationFile(), LoadObject(), SaveAnimationFile(), SaveObject(), and SaveObjects().
long Nframes |
long CurrentFrame |
long global_quickdraw |
long preview_playing |
long show_camera_fov |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), DrawNode(), and LoadPreferences().
long show_light_cones |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), DrawNode(), and LoadPreferences().
long opengl_visible |
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), LoadPreferences(), StartGLview(), and WinMain().
long coords_visible |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), DesignShutdown(), LoadPreferences(), Move3dCursor(), Nudge(), Restore_UndoA(), SnapTo(), and UnpackAnimationFile().
long tools_visible |
long select_visible |
Referenced by LoadPreferences().
long keyframer_docked |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), CloseUtilities(), and TimelineEditor().
Referenced by AutoUpdateKeyframerVpos(), DestroyTimelineEditor(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), and SetWindowSize().
long edit_splinetween |
long MaxNodeID |
Referenced by CreateNode(), LoadAnimationFile(), and ScrapEverything().
long FramesPerSec |
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), LoadPreferences(), and SetFramesDlgProc().
long use_director |
Referenced by GetSelectedCamera().
unsigned int FirstTimeRender |
Referenced by ScrapEverything().
unsigned int rendered_flag |
unsigned int fail_op |
unsigned int tool |
Referenced by AnglerOff(), AnglerOn(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorUndo(), CheckInterrupt(), DesignStartup(), DisengageDesignerTool(), DisengageSkeletonTool(), DisengageTool(), DrawModel(), DrawNode(), DrawQuickModel(), EditPathMovement(), EditPathOff(), EditPathOn(), EngageTool(), ExecuteExternalAction(), ExecuteKeyboardKeyCommand(), LoadInternalAction(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), ModelerViewWndProc(), Move3dCursor(), NextKey(), Nudge(), PickClosestNode(), PickNode(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), Restore_Undo(), RotateOff(), SelectDraftTool(), SelectorDown(), SelectorUp(), ShifterOff(), ShifterOn(), SizeOff(), SkeletorOff(), SkeletorOn(), SkToolAction(), SkToolDown(), SkToolMove(), SkToolOff(), SkToolOn(), SkToolUp(), SnapTo(), StageGrabOff(), StageGrabOn(), StageRotateOn(), StageSizeOn(), StartOpenGL(), ToolAction(), ToolBtnWndProc(), ToolDown(), ToolMove(), and ToolUp().
unsigned int subtool |
Referenced by AnglerOn(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), DisengageTool(), NextKey(), PickNode(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), ShifterOn(), and SwitchTrackerType().
unsigned int DrawStatus |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), DrawNode(), LoadPreferences(), PanToolMove(), PickClosestNode(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), and ZoomView().
unsigned int AllDrawStatus |
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorShutdown(), and LoadPreferences().
unsigned int LastAnimatorTool |
double PIo180 |
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DrawPerspectiveView(), DrawViewRobot(), RobotTransform(), and Transform().
double SelectedPathPhi |
Referenced by ScrapEverything().
double SelectedPathTheta |
Referenced by ScrapEverything().
double SelectedPathAlpha |
Referenced by ScrapEverything().
Referenced by ScrapEverything().
Referenced by CreateImageProcess(), DeleteImageProcess(), EditXipDlgProc(), LoadAnimationFile(), and ScrapEverything().
Referenced by CreateImageProcess(), DeleteImageProcess(), EditXipDlgProc(), MakeScript(), SaveAnimationFile(), and ScrapEverything().
short Nnodes |
Referenced by AddOnlyNewNode(), CreateNode(), DeleteNode(), LoadAnimationFile(), SaveAnimationFile(), ScrapEverything(), SelectNode(), SetupStructures(), and TimelineEditor().
short Nground |
Referenced by AddOnlyNewNode(), AddQuickActor(), LoadAnimationFile(), SaveAnimationFile(), ScrapEverything(), SetupStructures(), and StartDefault().
short Nrobots |
Referenced by AddOnlyNewNode(), AddQuickActor(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), LoadAnimationFile(), MakeScript(), ScrapEverything(), and SetupStructures().
short Nskys |
Referenced by AddOnlyNewNode(), AddQuickActor(), LoadAnimationFile(), ScrapEverything(), SetupStructures(), and StartDefault().
short Ncameras |
Referenced by AddOnlyNewNode(), AnimatorStartup(), LoadAnimationFile(), ScrapEverything(), and SetupStructures().
short fileID |
Referenced by LoadMeshObject(), and ScrapEverything().
short ANIM |
short NimageProcesses |
Referenced by CreateImageProcess(), DeleteImageProcess(), MakeScript(), SaveAnimationFile(), and ScrapEverything().
long Ndirectors |
Referenced by AddOnlyNewNode(), AddQuickActor(), GetSelectedCamera(), LoadAnimationFile(), ScrapEverything(), and SetupStructures().
HBITMAP hbmName[] |
Referenced by AnimatorViewWndProc(), DeleteArrowIcons(), DrawArrowIcons(), LoadArrowIcons(), and SwapViewBitmaps().
char res_str[] |
Referenced by ActorInfo(), AlignInfo(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnimatorStartup(), CostumeInfo(), DirectorCostumeInfo(), InstantStageGrab(), InstantStageRotate(), InstantStageXpnd(), ObjectTimelineDlgProc(), ParticleDlgProc(), PositionInfo(), SetNumberOfFrames(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SizeInfo(), SkyCostumeInfo(), SkyInfo(), SplineTweenDlgProc(), and StartDefault().
WHERE FILE* debug |
A file to record debug messages can be opened using this variable.
Definition at line 130 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ClipObject(), SaveDivided(), and WinMain().
The OBJECT passed to all plug-ins to make the program's global variables and useful functions accessible for use in the plug-ins.
Definition at line 131 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by SetupStructures(), and StartGLview().
The OBJECT that is passed to plug-ins to make the OpenFX memory management functions available for use in the plugins.
Definition at line 132 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddEffect(), CreateImageProcess(), EditActorEffect(), EditImageProcess(), EditObjectImageProcess(), and SetupStructures().
WHERE jmp_buf r_buf |
Definition at line 133 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CheckRecursiveFollow(), GetOffsetPosition(), and GetTransform().
WHERE int stackdepth |
WHERE HWND ghwnd_main |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ActionRotate(), ActivatePreferences(), AddQuickActor(), AnglerOn(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), AttribsDlgProc(), AutoVerticesToSkeleton(), CheckInterrupt(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), CreateIPointPath(), CreateMaterial(), DeleteImageMap(), DeleteMaterial(), DeleteRangeOfFrames(), DesignStartup(), DisengageDesignerTool(), DisengageSkeletonTool(), DrawModel(), EditCameraSize(), EditDirectorDialog(), EditGroundDialog(), EditImageMap(), EditLightDialog(), EditMaterial(), EditObject(), EditPathMovement(), EditPathOn(), EditSelectedNurbsSurface(), EditSkyDialog(), EnableGLview(), EnableToolPannels(), EraseAll(), ExecuteExternalModeler(), ExecuteKeyboardKeyCommand(), ExecuteSelect(), ExpandDlgProc(), Explode(), Export3DSmodel(), ExportDXFmodel(), ExportModel(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), ExtrudeAlong(), Flip(), FocusActiveWindow(), FormatScreen(), GrowSelectedAlongNormal(), HierarchyDlgProc(), InitializeLastFilesList(), InsertFrames(), LoadHeightField(), LoadInternalAction(), LoadRenderer(), LoadXmodel(), LockDlgProc(), LogOnMessage(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), MakeBezierCurve(), MakeNewNurbsSurface(), MakePreview(), MakeScript(), MapOntoPath(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), ModelerViewWndProc(), MoveToolsWindow(), PackAnimationFile(), PaintMapOutline(), PathToolDlgProc(), PositionBrushOnOff(), PositionMaterialOnOff(), PrimitiveOn(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), PrintImageFile(), QuicktimeWndProc(), Read3Reals(), Render_View(), Replace_Faces(), RequestCharString(), RequestEditLightSize(), RequestEditSize(), RequestNumEntry(), Resize(), RotatorToolDlgProc(), Save_UndoA(), SavePath(), SaveRamImagesFromAllMaps(), SaveRamImagesToFiles(), ScrapEverything(), SelectFileName(), SelectKeyMaker(), SelectMapAndMapVertices(), SendPrgmMessage(), SetMapCoords(), SetNumberOfFrames(), SetRobotToWalkPath(), SetSelectedNurbsWeights(), SetUpGrid(), SetupMainWindow(), ShiftAllKeys(), ShifterOn(), ShiftKeyFrame(), SizerToolDlgProc(), SkeletorOff(), SkeletorOn(), SkToolAction(), SkToolUp(), SmoothCurve(), Spin(), SplineTweenDlgProc(), SplitNurbs(), StageGrabIdentify(), StageRotate(), StageSizeOn(), StageStepRotate(), StartDefault(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), TimelineEditor(), ToolboxWndProc(), ToolBtnWndProc(), ToolMove(), TriangulateNurbsSurface(), UnpackAnimationFile(), UpdateIconPositions(), UpdateRobot(), UpdateRuler(), UpdateSelectedActor(), VectorMaps(), and WinMain().
WHERE HWND ghwnd_triview[3] |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AdjustPathTension(), AngleKeyFrame(), CheckInterrupt(), CreateMemoryWindows(), CursorInTriview(), Draw3dCursor(), DrawBrush(), DrawInvertNode(), DrawModel(), DrawOneEdgeOnly(), DrawQuickModel(), DrawRubber3dLine(), DrawRubberBoundBox(), DrawRubberLines(), DrawShader(), DrawShaperSphere(), DrawSkeleton(), DrawVerticesOnly(), EditPath(), EnterGrabMode(), FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), Move3dCursor(), MoveToolsWindow(), PullBrushPoint(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), Resize(), SetupMainWindow(), ShiftKeyFrame(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), Skeletor(), StageGrab(), StageRotate(), SwitchTrackerType(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE HWND ghwnd_current |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AdjustPathTension(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), CheckInterrupt(), CursorInTriview(), EditPath(), FocusActiveWindow(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), PanToolMove(), Resize(), SetupMainWindow(), ShiftKeyFrame(), Skeletor(), StageGrab(), StageRotate(), SwitchWindow(), ToolMove(), and ZoomView().
WHERE HWND ghwnd_view |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimationPlayer(), CreateMemoryWindows(), Draw3dView(), DrawNurbsWireFrame(), DrawQuick3dView(), FormatScreen(), LoadRenderer(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), ModelerViewWndProc(), MoveToolsWindow(), PerspectiveView(), PerspectiveView0(), Resize(), SelectInPerspective(), SetupMainWindow(), Skeletor(), StageGrab(), StageRotate(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE HWND ghwnd_xscl |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimationPlayer(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), NextKey(), QuicktimeWndProc(), Restore_UndoA(), and SetupMainWindow().
WHERE HWND ghwnd_info |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ExecuteBezierModeler(), ExecuteExternalAction(), ExecuteExternalModeler(), LoadInternalAction(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), PaintMapOutline(), SendIconHelpMessage(), SendPrgmText(), SetupMainWindow(), TraceImageOutline(), UpdateCounters(), and UpdateSelectedActor().
WHERE HWND ghwndTools |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by DisengageDesignerTool(), DisengageSkeletonTool(), DisengageTool(), EnableTools(), EngageTool(), ExecuteActorsMenu(), ExecutePrimitivesMenu(), LockDlgProc(), MoveToolsWindow(), PathToolDlgProc(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), RotatorToolDlgProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SizerToolDlgProc(), SplineTweenDlgProc(), ToolboxDestroy(), ToolboxShow(), ToolBtnWndProc(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE HWND ghwndCoord1 |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), EnableToolPannels(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SnapCursorTo(), ToolboxDestroy(), UpdateRuler(), and WinMain().
WHERE HWND ghwndTimeline |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CloseUtilities(), CreateIPointPath(), DeleteRangeOfFrames(), DestroyTimelineEditor(), EditDirectorDialog(), EditGroundDialog(), EditLightDialog(), EditObject(), EditSkyDialog(), EnableToolPannels(), ExportRobotSequence(), InsertFrames(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SaveAnimFile(), SetNumberOfFrames(), SetupMainWindow(), TimelineEditor(), and WinMain().
WHERE HWND ghwndTimelineChild |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AutoUpdateKeyframerVpos(), DestroyTimelineEditor(), SetupMainWindow(), and TimelineEditor().
WHERE HWND ghwndDlgTools |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnglerOff(), AnglerOn(), EditPathOff(), EditPathOn(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), RotateOff(), SetupMainWindow(), ShifterOff(), ShifterOn(), SizeOff(), StageSizeOn(), and WinMain().
WHERE HWND ghwndQuicktime |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SwitchWindow(), ToolboxDestroy(), ToolboxShow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE HWND ghwndOpenGLview |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddCostumeTimeLine(), AddQuickActor(), AdjustPathTension(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnimationPlayer(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorUndo(), BuildPrimitive(), DesignShutdown(), DesignStartup(), DisengageSkeletonTool(), ExecuteLockAction(), ExpandDlgProc(), FormatScreen(), InstantStageGrab(), InstantStageRotate(), InstantStageXpnd(), LeaveGrabMode(), LoadRenderer(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), NextKey(), PanToolUp(), PerspectiveView(), PerspectiveView0(), PositionBrushOnOff(), PurgeUnusedMaps(), Resize(), Restore_UndoA(), ShiftAllKeys(), ShiftKeyFrame(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), Skeletor(), SkToolUp(), SnapTo(), StageGrab(), StageRotate(), StageStepRotate(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), ToolUp(), UnGrabBrushPoint(), UnGrabMaterialAxisPoint(), UnpackAnimationFile(), UpdateGLview(), UpdateIconPositions(), WinMain(), and ZoomView().
WHERE HWND ghwndTooltip |
WHERE HWND ghwndSkEdit |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by SetSkToolbarState(), SetupMainWindow(), SkeletonTreeView(), SkeletorOff(), SkeletorOn(), SkToolAction(), UpdateRobot(), and WinMain().
WHERE HWND ghwndRobotView |
Definition at line 136 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), and Skeletor().
WHERE HPALETTE ghpaletteScreen |
Definition at line 142 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CreateMemoryWindows(), Draw3dCursor(), Draw3dView(), DrawBrushInOne(), DrawQuick3dView(), DrawQuickModel(), DrawRubber3dLine(), DrawRubberBoundBox(), DrawRubberLines(), DrawShaderInOne(), DrawShaperSphere(), DrawSkeletonInOne(), DrawTrSkeletonInOne(), FocusActiveWindow(), MainModelerWndProc(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), ModelerViewWndProc(), Move3dCursor(), PanToolMove(), SelectorDown(), and WinMain().
Definition at line 143 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), DesignShutdown(), and SetupMainWindow().
Definition at line 143 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), DesignShutdown(), and SetupMainWindow().
WHERE HBRUSH ghbrushScreen |
Definition at line 144 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().
WHERE HBRUSH ghbrushWindow |
Definition at line 144 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), CreateAppPalette(), CreateMemoryWindows(), DesignShutdown(), DrawQuick3dView(), DrawQuickModel(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), ModelerViewWndProc(), and ReDrawQuickDisplay().
WHERE HBRUSH ghSelectedBrush |
Definition at line 144 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), and DesignShutdown().
WHERE HBRUSH ghDeselectedBrush |
Definition at line 144 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), and DesignShutdown().
WHERE HBRUSH ghInvertBrush |
Definition at line 144 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), and DesignShutdown().
WHERE HBRUSH ghRobotBrush |
WHERE HPEN ghSelectedPen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), DrawActorTrack(), DrawAllNurbsInOne(), DrawOneEdgeOnly(), DrawQuickModel(), FocusActiveWindow(), PanToolMove(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), and ReDrawStageDisplay().
WHERE HPEN ghDeselectedPen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), DrawOneEdgeOnly(), DrawQuickModel(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), and ReDrawStageDisplay().
WHERE HPEN ghEditPen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), and DrawRobot().
WHERE HPEN ghInvertPen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), DrawActorTrack(), DrawBrushInOne(), DrawInvertNode(), DrawRubber3dLine(), DrawRubberBoundBox(), DrawRubberLines(), DrawShaderInOne(), DrawShaperSphere(), DrawSkeletonInOne(), DrawTrSkeletonInOne(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), and ReDrawStageDisplay().
WHERE HPEN ghWireframePen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), Draw3dView(), DrawQuick3dView(), DrawViewRobot(), and PerspectiveView0().
WHERE HPEN ghCursorPen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), DesignShutdown(), and DrawOne3dCursor().
WHERE HPEN ghDotSelectedPen |
Definition at line 147 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), CreateAppPalette(), and DesignShutdown().
WHERE HPEN ghDotDeselectedPen |
WHERE HPEN ghDotInvertPen |
WHERE COLORREF gScreenColourRef |
Definition at line 150 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CreateAppPalette(), DrawGrid(), and DrawGridInOne().
WHERE COLORREF gGridColourRef1 |
Definition at line 150 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CreateAppPalette(), DrawGrid(), and DrawGridInOne().
WHERE COLORREF gGridColourRef2 |
Definition at line 150 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CreateAppPalette(), DrawGrid(), and DrawGridInOne().
WHERE HINSTANCE ghinst_main |
Definition at line 151 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AboutDlgProc(), ActionRotate(), ActivatePreferences(), ActorInfo(), AddOnlyNewNode(), AlignInfo(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnglerOn(), AnimationPlayer(), AnimatorStartup(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), AttribsDlgProc(), BuildAccurateCurveDlgProc(), ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), ConePrimitiveDlgProc(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), CostumeInfo(), CubePrimitiveDlgProc(), CylinderPrimitiveDlgProc(), DefaultAttribsDlgProc(), DeleteFramesDlgProc(), DeleteRangeOfFrames(), DesignStartup(), DestroyTimelineEditor(), DirectorCostumeInfo(), DiskPrimitiveDlgProc(), EditCameraSize(), EditDirectorDialog(), EditGroundDialog(), EditImageMap(), EditLightDialog(), EditMaterial(), EditObject(), EditObjectDlgProc(), EditObjectXipDlgProc(), EditPathMovement(), EditPathOn(), EditSelectedNurbsSurface(), EditSkyDialog(), EditXipDlgProc(), ExecuteActorsMenu(), ExecutePrimitivesMenu(), ExecuteSelect(), ExpandDlgProc(), Explode(), ExplodeDlgProc(), ExtrudeAlong(), ExtrudeAlongDlgProc(), Flip(), FlipDlgProc(), FunctionPlotDlgProc(), HierarchyDlgProc(), InsertFrames(), InsertFramesDlgProc(), InstantStageGrab(), InstantStageRotate(), InstantStageXpnd(), ItemSelectDlgProc(), LoadArrowIcons(), LoadMenuHelpTable(), LockDlgProc(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), MakeNewNurbsSurface(), MakePreview(), MapOntoPath(), ModelerViewWndProc(), MoveDlgProc(), ObjectTimelineDlgProc(), ParticleDlgProc(), PathSetDlgProc(), PathToolDlgProc(), PlanePrimitiveDlgProc(), PolygonPrimitiveDlgProc(), PositionInfo(), PreferencesPropertyDlgProc(), PrimitiveOn(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), QuicktimeWndProc(), Read1Int1Real(), Read1Real(), Read1String1Real(), Read1String3Real(), Read3Ints(), Read3Reals(), RemoveRobotDirectory(), Replace_Faces(), RequestCharString(), RequestEditLightSize(), RequestEditSize(), RequestNumEntry(), RotateDlgProc(), RotatorToolDlgProc(), SaveRamImagesFromAllMaps(), SaveRamImagesToFiles(), SelectActorDlgProc(), SelectDirectoryName(), SelectKeyMaker(), SelectMapAndMapVertices(), SelectMorphFileName(), SelectNode(), SelectRobotFileName(), SelectScrolledItemList(), SelectSfxFileName(), SendIconHelpMessage(), SendPrgmMessage(), SendPrgmQuery(), SetFramesDlgProc(), SetMapCoords(), SetNumberOfFrames(), SetSelectedNurbsWeights(), SetSfxColour(), SetUpGrid(), ShatterEffect(), ShiftAllKeys(), ShifterOn(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), ShiftKeysDlgProc(), ShiftSelectedPositionAllKeys(), SizeInfo(), SizerToolDlgProc(), SkeletonToolBar(), SkeletonTreeView(), SkyCostumeInfo(), SkyInfo(), Sphere1PrimitiveDlgProc(), SpherePrimitiveDlgProc(), SpiralsDlgProc(), SplineTweenDlgProc(), SplitNurbs(), SqueezeDlgProc(), StageSizeOn(), StartDefault(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), ToolboxWndProc(), ToolBtnWndProc(), TorusPrimitiveDlgProc(), TriangulateNurbsSurface(), TubePrimitiveDlgProc(), UpdateRuler(), UpdateSelectedActor(), VectorMaps(), and WinMain().
WHERE BOOL StartedInAnimator |
Definition at line 152 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), CloseUtilities(), and WinMain().
WHERE BOOL bToolpannelLeft |
Definition at line 152 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu(), ExecutePrimitivesMenu(), LoadPreferences(), MoveToolsWindow(), PathToolDlgProc(), PrimitivesDlgProc(), RotatorToolDlgProc(), SetWindowSize(), SizerToolDlgProc(), SplineTweenDlgProc(), and ToolBtnWndProc().
WHERE BOOL bToolpannelSmall |
Definition at line 152 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), LoadPreferences(), SetWindowSize(), ToolboxWndProc(), and ToolBtnWndProc().
WHERE BOOL bBackgroundImage |
Definition at line 152 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by LoadPreferences(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().
WHERE BOOL bAbortedDrawing |
WHERE BOOL bEmbedImageMaps |
Definition at line 152 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by LoadAnimationFile(), LoadPreferences(), and LoadRamImage().
WHERE BOOL tool_move_flag |
Definition at line 154 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by PanToolDown(), PanToolMove(), PanToolUp(), and ZoomView().
WHERE BOOL tool_down_flag |
Definition at line 154 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by PanToolDown(), PanToolMove(), PanToolUp(), and ZoomView().
WHERE long Xres |
Definition at line 155 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by _RenderImageProcess(), CentreDialogOnCursor(), CentreDialogOnScreen(), QuicktimeWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), TimelineEditor(), and ZoomView().
WHERE long Yres |
Definition at line 155 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by _RenderImageProcess(), CentreDialogOnCursor(), CentreDialogOnScreen(), SetupMainWindow(), and TimelineEditor().
WHERE long WindowBox_view |
Definition at line 156 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ActionRotate(), DrawArrowIcons(), DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), SetUpWindowBoxView(), and Zoom().
WHERE int View |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AdjustPathTension(), AngleKeyFrame(), AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), CheckWindowIcon(), CreateMemoryWindows(), CursorInTriview(), DeleteMemoryWindows(), DesignShutdown(), Draw3dCursor(), DrawActorCentre(), DrawActorTrack(), DrawArrow(), DrawArrowIcons(), DrawBrush(), DrawBrushInOne(), DrawDirectionLine(), DrawFullRobot(), DrawGrid(), DrawInvertNode(), DrawModel(), DrawOneEdgeOnly(), DrawPath(), DrawRobot(), DrawRubber3dLine(), DrawRubberBoundBox(), DrawRubberLines(), DrawShader(), DrawShaperSphere(), DrawSkeleton(), DrawVerticesOnly(), EditPath(), EnterGrabMode(), FocusActiveWindow(), FormatScreen(), GetTriview(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), Move3dCursor(), ReDrawQuickDisplay(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), Resize(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), ShiftKeyFrame(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), Skeletor(), StageGrab(), StageRotate(), SwitchTrackerType(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int ActiveView |
WHERE int BigCameraView |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MoveToolsWindow(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), and SwitchWindow().
WHERE int ToolbuttonSize |
WHERE int ToolpannelSpace |
WHERE int WindowLeftOrigin |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), and SwitchWindow().
WHERE int WindowTopOrigin |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), and SwitchWindow().
WHERE int WindowGap |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MoveToolsWindow(), SetupMainWindow(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int TriviewSpaceX |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int TriviewSpaceY |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int Window0sizeX |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int Window0sizeY |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int Textheight |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ModelerViewWndProc(), and SetupMainWindow().
WHERE int Textwidth |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ModelerViewWndProc(), and SetupMainWindow().
WHERE int WindowSizeX[3] |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CheckWindowIcon(), DrawActorTrack(), DrawArrowIcons(), DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), DrawOne3dCursor(), FormatScreen(), GetTriview(), InvertWindowIcon(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), PanToolUp(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), ShiftKeyFrame(), StageGrab(), SwitchWindow(), ToolMove(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowSizeY[3] |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CheckWindowIcon(), DrawActorTrack(), DrawArrowIcons(), DrawGrid(), DrawGridInOne(), DrawOne3dCursor(), FormatScreen(), GetTriview(), InvertWindowIcon(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), PanToolUp(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), ShiftKeyFrame(), StageGrab(), SwitchWindow(), ToolMove(), UpdateIconPositions(), Zoom(), Zoom2(), and ZoomView().
WHERE int WindowCentreX[3] |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GetWorldCoords0(), GetWorldCoords1(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int WindowCentreY[3] |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GetWorldCoords0(), GetWorldCoords1(), and SetWindowSize().
WHERE int WindowViewXsize |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewYsize |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int InfoWindowSize |
WHERE int KeyframerSize |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), and TimelineEditor().
WHERE int KeyframerYpos |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), and TimelineEditor().
WHERE int WindowsXmin[3] |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowsYmin[3] |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewXmin |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewYmin |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MainModelerWndProc(), SetupMainWindow(), SetWindowSize(), StartGLview(), StartOpenGL(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewSliderXsize |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewSliderYsize |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewSliderXpos |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int WindowViewSliderYpos |
Definition at line 157 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by FormatScreen(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), SetWindowSize(), SwitchWindow(), and UpdateIconPositions().
WHERE int SelectPointSize |
WHERE double WindowPixelSize |
Definition at line 173 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by GetTriview(), GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GetWorldCoords0(), GetWorldCoords1(), PanToolUp(), Zoom(), Zoom2(), and ZoomView().
WHERE long TVcentreX |
Definition at line 174 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddCostumeTimeLine(), AddSinglePrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), GetTriview(), GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GetWorldCoords0(), GetWorldCoords1(), LoadAnimationFile(), PanToolMove(), PanToolUp(), PrimitiveOn(), reset_mod_maxview(), SnapCursorTo(), Zoom(), and ZoomView().
WHERE long TVcentreY |
Definition at line 174 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddCostumeTimeLine(), AddSinglePrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), GetTriview(), GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GetWorldCoords0(), GetWorldCoords1(), LoadAnimationFile(), PanToolMove(), PanToolUp(), PrimitiveOn(), reset_mod_maxview(), SnapCursorTo(), Zoom(), and ZoomView().
WHERE long TVcentreZ |
Definition at line 174 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddCostumeTimeLine(), AddSinglePrimitive(), CoordinatesDlgProc(), GetTriview(), GetWindowCoords0(), GetWindowCoords1(), GetWorldCoords0(), GetWorldCoords1(), LoadAnimationFile(), PanToolMove(), PanToolUp(), PrimitiveOn(), reset_mod_maxview(), SnapCursorTo(), Zoom(), and ZoomView().
WHERE jmp_buf j_buf |
Definition at line 177 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by CreateNurbs(), CreateSkeleton(), UpdateEdgeHeap(), UpdateFaceHeap(), UpdateVertexHeap(), and WinMain().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddCopy(), AnimatorStartup(), AutoFacetCurveWithHoles(), CopyConnected(), DesignStartup(), Draw3dView(), DrawModel(), DrawVerticesOnly(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), Extrude(), ExtrudeAlong(), Flip(), GrowSelectedAlongNormal(), JoinTwoCurves(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MakeAutoWireFrame(), MakeBezierCurve(), MakeScript(), MeshNurbsSurface(), PackAnimationFile(), ReDrawStageDisplay(), Render_View(), SaveObject(), SelectConnected(), SelectConnectedTo(), Spin(), SplitSelectedAlongMaterialsMaps(), Subdivide(), and UnPlan().
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurCross |
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), DesignShutdown(), DesignStartup(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), and EditPathMovement().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), DesignShutdown(), DesignStartup(), and ModelerViewWndProc().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), DesignShutdown(), and DesignStartup().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), DesignShutdown(), and DesignStartup().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), DesignShutdown(), and DesignStartup().
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurArrow |
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), DisengageDesignerTool(), DisengageSkeletonTool(), DisengageTool(), and ModelerViewWndProc().
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurArrow1 |
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurRotate |
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurScale |
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurTracker |
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), and EngageTool().
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurDirector |
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurPathed |
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), and EngageTool().
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurSkeletor |
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), and EngageTool().
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), MakeScript(), ModelerTriViewWndProc(), PackAnimationFile(), and Restore_UndoA().
WHERE HCURSOR ghcurInsert |
Definition at line 178 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), and EngageTool().
WHERE char gszHomeDir[MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char gszUndoFile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 186 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorShutdown(), AnimatorStartup(), Restore_UndoA(), and Save_UndoA().
WHERE char gszSTGfile[MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char gszSTGdir[MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char gszSCEfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 188 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), EditObject(), and EditObjectDlgProc().
WHERE char gszSCEdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 188 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), EditObject(), and EditObjectDlgProc().
WHERE char gszPTHfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 189 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), LoadPath(), and SavePath().
WHERE char gszPTHdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 189 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), LoadPath(), and SavePath().
WHERE char gszSCRfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 190 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), and MakeScript().
WHERE char gszSCRdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 190 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), ExportRobotKeyframes(), and MakeScript().
WHERE char gszIMGfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 191 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), PrintImageFile(), and TraceImageOutline().
WHERE char gszIMGdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 191 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), DesignStartup(), PrintImageFile(), and TraceImageOutline().
WHERE char gszMAPfile[MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char gszMAPdir[MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char gszDLLfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 193 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddEffect(), AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().
WHERE char gszDLLdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 193 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AddEffect(), AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().
WHERE char gszXIPfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 194 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), CreateImageProcess(), and EditObjectImageProcess().
WHERE char gszXIPdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 194 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), CreateImageProcess(), and EditObjectImageProcess().
WHERE char gszANIfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 195 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), LoadAnimObject(), and SaveAnimFile().
WHERE char gszANIdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 195 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), LoadAnimObject(), and SaveAnimFile().
WHERE char gszPSTfile[MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char gszPSTdir[MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char gszPZEfile[MAX_FILE] |
WHERE char gszPZEdir[MAX_DIR] |
WHERE char gszPAKfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 198 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), PackAnimationFile(), and UnpackAnimationFile().
WHERE char gszPAKdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 198 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), PackAnimationFile(), and UnpackAnimationFile().
WHERE char gszRSQfile[MAX_FILE] |
Definition at line 199 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), EditObject(), ExportRobotSequence(), and SelectRobotFileName().
WHERE char gszRSQdir[MAX_DIR] |
Definition at line 199 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), ExportRobotSequence(), and SelectRobotFileName().
WHERE int gCurTool |
Definition at line 200 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), ToolBtnWndProc(), and WinMain().
WHERE int gCurCommand |
WHERE int gCurSelect |
Definition at line 201 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by AngleKeyFrame(), AnglerOn(), AnimatorStartup(), AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), EditPath(), EditPathOff(), PathToolDlgProc(), Resize(), RotatorToolDlgProc(), ShifterOn(), ShiftKeyFrameActivate(), SizerToolDlgProc(), Skeletor(), StageRotate(), StageSizeOn(), and SwitchTrackerType().
Definition at line 202 of file ANIMATE.H.
Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AddCostumeTimeLine(), AutoUpdateKeyframerVpos(), DrawArrowIcons(), DrawQuickModel(), LoadArrowIcons(), LoadPreferences(), LogOnMessage(), Render_View(), StartOpenGL(), and TimelineEditor().