ANI_STRUCTURE_tag Struct Reference

Detailed Description

External structure.

This structure is used to pass callback functions for use in the plug-in modules. The global variable pointers are grouped at the beginning of the structure and the function pointers at the end.

Definition at line 108 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Data Fields

char * gszHomeDir
 Path to the EXE program.
short * Nnodes
 Number of nodes (Actors) in the animation.
short * Nground
 Number of those actors that are ground, may only be 0 or 1.
short * Nrobots
 Number of actors that are ROBOTS.
short * Nskys
 Number of actors that are SKY, may only be 0 or 1.
short * Ncameras
 Number of cameras in animation will always be > 0.
struct Animator_NODE ** MainNp
 Pointer to the end of the NODE list.
struct Animator_NODE ** FirstNp
 Pointer to the start of the NODE list (THE TREE ROOT).
struct Animator_NODE ** SelectedCamera
 Pointer to the NODE corresponding to the active camera.
struct Animator_NODE ** SelectedNode
 Pointer to the NODE of the SELECTED actor (NULL if no selection).
long * NpointerX
long * NpointerY
long * NpointerZ
 X,Y,Z integer coords of 3D cursor.
long * TVpointX
long * TVpointY
long * TVpointZ
 X,Y,Z coordinate of bottom,left,back corner of View Volume.
long * TVsizeX
long * TVsizeY
long * TVsizeZ
 width, depth, height of the View Volume
long * Nframes
 Number of frames in the animation.
long * CurrentFrame
 The current frame in the Camera View.
double * ruler
 IMPORTANT! Scaling value from user defined scaling to the internal integer units.
long * rulerx
long * rulery
long * rulerz
 The last 3D cursor position used in the coordinates dialog.
long * orulerx
long * orulery
long * orulerz
 Origin (internal integer coordinates) of the coordinate origin - equivalent to lruler.
long version
 Version of the OFX file.
long * Ndirectors
 Number of DIRECTOR actors in the scene.
long * dummyv [62]
 To allow for extra pointers to be added to the structure.
short(* fpGetTransform )(short, long, double, struct Animator_NODE *, struct Animator_OBJECT *, point, point, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, short *, double *)
 A major function that returns the transformation values for a NODE/OBJECT during a specific frame.
void(* fp_scal )(double[4][4], double, double, double)
 Obtain a scaling transform matrix.
void(* fp_rotz )(double[4][4], double)
 Obtain a rotation Z transform matrix.
void(* fp_roty )(double[4][4], double)
 Obtain a rotation Y transform matrix.
void(* fp_rotx )(double[4][4], double)
 Obtain a rotation X transform matrix.
void(* fp_tram )(double[4][4], double, double, double)
 Obtain a translation transform matrix.
void(* fp_m4by4 )(double[4][4], double[4][4], double[4][4])
 Multiply two transformation matrices.
void(* fp_m4by1 )(double[4][4], double, double, double, double *, double *, double *)
 Multiply a matrix by a vector.
void(* fp_null_transform )(double[4][4])
 Create a null transformation matrix.
void(* fp_c4to4 )(double[4][4], double[4][4])
 Copy one matrix to another.
void(* fp_arbitrary_rotate )(double, point, point, double[4][4])
 Create a rotation matrix by a given angle around an arbitrary axis.
void(* fp_L_cross )(point, point, point, point)
 Calculate a vector cross product.
void(* fpDrawPerspectiveView )(int, int, HDC, HWND, HPEN)
 Render the Camera View.
void(* fpDeleteCostume )(struct Animator_NODE *, long)
 Delete an actor by deleting its NODE and all associated COSTUME OBJECTS and timelines.
struct Animator_OBJECT *(* fpCreateCostume )(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long)
 Create a COSTUME (timeline) for actor specified by NODE during time interval between two frames. Add keyframe at end of timeline chanel(segment).
void(* fpDeleteSize )(struct Animator_NODE *, long)
 Delete a SIZE chanel for actor specified by a NODE (the chanel spanning a given frame is deleted.
struct Animator_SIZE *(* fpCreateSize )(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long)
 Create a size channel for specified actor between two frames.
void(* fpDeleteAlign )(struct Animator_NODE *, long)
 Delete an align channel that spans a given frame.
struct Animator_ALIGN *(* fpCreateAlign )(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long)
 Create an align channel between two frames.
void(* fpDeletePosition )(struct Animator_NODE *, long)
 Delete a position channel spanning a given frame.
struct Animator_POSITION *(* fpCreatePosition )(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long)
 Create a position channel between two frames.
void(* fpDeleteSky )(struct Animator_NODE *, long)
 Delete a SKY actor costume channel for given NODE and spanning a specific frame.
struct Animator_SKY *(* fpCreateSky )(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long)
 Create a SKY actor channel for a given frame and between two frames.
void(* fpDeleteNode )(struct Animator_NODE *)
 Delete a NODE (an Actor) all timeline channels associated with this actor are also deleted.
struct Animator_NODE *(* fpCreateNode )(void)
 Create a NODE. This is a vanilla NODE in the NODE list. It must be assigned to a Specific actor type.
Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *(* 
fpCreatePathEditControlPoint )(int *, struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag **, struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *, struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *, int, double)
 Created a path edit control point (probably NOT important for plug-ins.
void(* fpDeletePathEditControlPoint )(int *, struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag **, struct Animator_PATHEDITCONTROL_tag *)
 Delete a path edit control point.
struct Animator_PATHPOINT *(* fpAppendPathPoint )(struct Animator_PATHPOINT *)
 Add a path point to end of a path.
void(* fpCreatePathPoint )(void)
 Create a Path point.
void(* fpDeletePathPoint )(void)
 Delete selected path point.
struct Animator_PATHPOINT *(* fpCreateIPointPath )(short, struct Animator_NODE *, short, short *, short *)
 Create an initial path of a particular type.
void(* fpSetNumberOfFrames )(short)
 Set the number of frames in the animation.
int(* fpChooseFile )(int, char *, char *, char *, char *, HWND)
 File selection dialogbox.
short(* fpLoadMeshObject )(char *, struct Animator_OBJECT *, short, short, short)
 Load a mesh model from an .MFX type file.
void(* fpChooseColour )(unsigned char[], char *, HWND)
 Colour selection dialog.
short(* fpRequestNumEntry )(long, long, long, char *, char *)
 A user dialog to request data from the user.
long(* fpSelectNodeID )(HWND)
 Returns the ID for an actor selected by the user from a list of all actors. The HWND parameter should specify the parent window.
void(* fpAppendFileExtension )(char *, char *)
 Add a given filename extension type to a filename string if it does not exist.
void(* fpCentreDlgOnC )(HWND)
 Centre a dialog box (given) by Window handle on the cursor.
void(* fpCentreDlgOnS )(HWND)
 Centre a dialog box identified by Window handle on the screen.
void * dummyf [64]
 For structure expansion in the future.

Field Documentation

char* gszHomeDir

Path to the EXE program.

Definition at line 109 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short* Nnodes

Number of nodes (Actors) in the animation.

Definition at line 110 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short * Nground

Number of those actors that are ground, may only be 0 or 1.

Definition at line 110 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short * Nrobots

Number of actors that are ROBOTS.

Definition at line 110 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short * Nskys

Number of actors that are SKY, may only be 0 or 1.

Definition at line 110 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short * Ncameras

Number of cameras in animation will always be > 0.

Definition at line 110 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_NODE** MainNp [read]

Pointer to the end of the NODE list.

Definition at line 115 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_NODE ** FirstNp [read]

Pointer to the start of the NODE list (THE TREE ROOT).

Definition at line 115 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_NODE ** SelectedCamera [read]

Pointer to the NODE corresponding to the active camera.

Definition at line 115 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_NODE ** SelectedNode [read]

Pointer to the NODE of the SELECTED actor (NULL if no selection).

Definition at line 115 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long* NpointerX

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * NpointerY

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * NpointerZ

X,Y,Z integer coords of 3D cursor.

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * TVpointX

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * TVpointY

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * TVpointZ

X,Y,Z coordinate of bottom,left,back corner of View Volume.

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * TVsizeX

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * TVsizeY

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * TVsizeZ

width, depth, height of the View Volume

Definition at line 119 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long* Nframes

Number of frames in the animation.

Definition at line 122 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * CurrentFrame

The current frame in the Camera View.

Definition at line 122 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

double* ruler

IMPORTANT! Scaling value from user defined scaling to the internal integer units.

Definition at line 124 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long* rulerx

Definition at line 125 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * rulery

Definition at line 125 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * rulerz

The last 3D cursor position used in the coordinates dialog.

Definition at line 125 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * orulerx

Definition at line 125 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * orulery

Definition at line 125 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long * orulerz

Origin (internal integer coordinates) of the coordinate origin - equivalent to lruler.

Definition at line 125 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long version

Version of the OFX file.

Definition at line 127 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long* Ndirectors

Number of DIRECTOR actors in the scene.

Definition at line 128 of file ASTRUCT.H.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long* dummyv[62]

To allow for extra pointers to be added to the structure.

Definition at line 129 of file ASTRUCT.H.

short(* fpGetTransform)(short, long, double, struct Animator_NODE *, struct Animator_OBJECT *, point, point, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, short *, double *)

A major function that returns the transformation values for a NODE/OBJECT during a specific frame.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_scal)(double[4][4], double, double, double)

Obtain a scaling transform matrix.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_rotz)(double[4][4], double)

Obtain a rotation Z transform matrix.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_roty)(double[4][4], double)

Obtain a rotation Y transform matrix.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_rotx)(double[4][4], double)

Obtain a rotation X transform matrix.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_tram)(double[4][4], double, double, double)

Obtain a translation transform matrix.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_m4by4)(double[4][4], double[4][4], double[4][4])

Multiply two transformation matrices.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_m4by1)(double[4][4], double, double, double, double *, double *, double *)

Multiply a matrix by a vector.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_null_transform)(double[4][4])

Create a null transformation matrix.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_c4to4)(double[4][4], double[4][4])

Copy one matrix to another.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fp_arbitrary_rotate)(double, point, point, double[4][4])

Create a rotation matrix by a given angle around an arbitrary axis.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

Calculate a vector cross product.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDrawPerspectiveView)(int, int, HDC, HWND, HPEN)

Render the Camera View.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeleteCostume)(struct Animator_NODE *, long)

Delete an actor by deleting its NODE and all associated COSTUME OBJECTS and timelines.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_OBJECT*(* fpCreateCostume)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long) [read]

Create a COSTUME (timeline) for actor specified by NODE during time interval between two frames. Add keyframe at end of timeline chanel(segment).

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeleteSize)(struct Animator_NODE *, long)

Delete a SIZE chanel for actor specified by a NODE (the chanel spanning a given frame is deleted.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_SIZE*(* fpCreateSize)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long) [read]

Create a size channel for specified actor between two frames.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeleteAlign)(struct Animator_NODE *, long)

Delete an align channel that spans a given frame.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_ALIGN*(* fpCreateAlign)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long) [read]

Create an align channel between two frames.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeletePosition)(struct Animator_NODE *, long)

Delete a position channel spanning a given frame.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_POSITION*(* fpCreatePosition)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long) [read]

Create a position channel between two frames.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeleteSky)(struct Animator_NODE *, long)

Delete a SKY actor costume channel for given NODE and spanning a specific frame.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_SKY*(* fpCreateSky)(struct Animator_NODE *, long, long) [read]

Create a SKY actor channel for a given frame and between two frames.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeleteNode)(struct Animator_NODE *)

Delete a NODE (an Actor) all timeline channels associated with this actor are also deleted.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_NODE*(* fpCreateNode)(void) [read]

Create a NODE. This is a vanilla NODE in the NODE list. It must be assigned to a Specific actor type.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

Created a path edit control point (probably NOT important for plug-ins.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

Delete a path edit control point.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

Add a path point to end of a path.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpCreatePathPoint)(void)

Create a Path point.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpDeletePathPoint)(void)

Delete selected path point.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

struct Animator_PATHPOINT*(* fpCreateIPointPath)(short, struct Animator_NODE *, short, short *, short *) [read]

Create an initial path of a particular type.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpSetNumberOfFrames)(short)

Set the number of frames in the animation.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

int(* fpChooseFile)(int, char *, char *, char *, char *, HWND)

File selection dialogbox.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short(* fpLoadMeshObject)(char *, struct Animator_OBJECT *, short, short, short)

Load a mesh model from an .MFX type file.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpChooseColour)(unsigned char[], char *, HWND)

Colour selection dialog.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

short(* fpRequestNumEntry)(long, long, long, char *, char *)

A user dialog to request data from the user.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

long(* fpSelectNodeID)(HWND)

Returns the ID for an actor selected by the user from a list of all actors. The HWND parameter should specify the parent window.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpAppendFileExtension)(char *, char *)

Add a given filename extension type to a filename string if it does not exist.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpCentreDlgOnC)(HWND)

Centre a dialog box (given) by Window handle on the cursor.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void(* fpCentreDlgOnS)(HWND)

Centre a dialog box identified by Window handle on the screen.

Referenced by SetupStructures().

void* dummyf[64]

For structure expansion in the future.

Definition at line 183 of file ASTRUCT.H.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6