Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* --
00002 OpenFX version 2.0 - Modelling, Animation and Rendering Package
00003 Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 OpenFX Development Team
00004 -- */
00006 /*  file to print GIF, TGA and CEL files */
00008 // This is not very successful and should be rewritten since it
00009 // does not seem to work with colour printers.
00011 #include <windows.h>
00012 #include <io.h>
00013 #include <stdio.h>
00014 #include <string.h>
00016 #if __SC__
00017 #pragma ZTC align 1
00018 #endif
00020 #include "../common/mem.h"
00022 #define FI_DIB 0
00023 #define FI_GIF 1
00024 #define FI_TGA 2
00025 #define FI_CEL 3
00026 #define PALVERSION  0x300
00027 #define MAXPALETTE  256
00028 #define MAXTEXT     256
00030 #if __X__MIPS__
00032 #endif
00033 extern short read_gif_image(char *, short);
00034 extern unsigned char p_red[],p_green[],p_blue[];
00035 extern int colourmap_size,x_size,y_size,gif_iLace;
00037 HINSTANCE hInst          = NULL;
00038 HPALETTE  hpalCurrent    = NULL;         /* Handle to current palette            */
00039 HBITMAP   hbmCurrent     = NULL;         /* Handle to current memory BITMAP      */
00040 HDC       hdcCurrent     = NULL;
00041 RGBQUAD   *pRgb          = NULL;
00042 LPSTR     lpBitmapHeader = NULL;
00043 LPSTR     lpBitmapBits   = NULL;
00045 #define BOUND(x,min,max) ((x) < (min) ? (min) : ((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
00046 #define SWAP(x,y)   ((x)^=(y)^=(x)^=(y))
00047 #define MIN(x,y) (((x) <= (y)) : x ? y)
00048 #define StartWait() hcurSave = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT))
00049 #define EndWait()   SetCursor(hcurSave)
00050 /* macro to determine if resource is a DIB */
00051 #define ISDIB(bft) ((bft) == BFT_BITMAP)
00052 /* Macro to align given value to the closest DWORD (unsigned long ) */
00053 #define ALIGNULONG(i)   ((i+3)/4*4)
00054 /* Macro to determine to round off the given value to the closest byte */
00055 #define WIDTHBYTES(i)   ((i+31)/32*4)
00057 static int x4_size,rowcount,rowinc;
00058 static LPSTR pixels;
00059 static POINT ptSize;
00060 static HCURSOR hcurSave;
00062 static void FreeDib(void);
00063 static HPALETTE CreateImagePalette(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi);
00064 static WORD NumColours(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi);
00065 static HBITMAP BitmapFromDib(LPSTR lpHeader,LPSTR lpBits,HPALETTE hpal);
00067 static void FreeDib(void){
00068  if (hpalCurrent) DeleteObject(hpalCurrent);
00069  if (hbmCurrent)  DeleteObject(hbmCurrent);
00070  if(lpBitmapBits   != NULL)X__Free((char *)lpBitmapBits);
00071  if(lpBitmapHeader != NULL)X__Free((char *)lpBitmapHeader);
00072  lpBitmapHeader = NULL;
00073  lpBitmapBits   = NULL;
00074  hpalCurrent    = NULL;
00075  hbmCurrent     = NULL;
00076  pRgb           = NULL;
00077 }
00079 #define DibNumColors(bmih) (bmih.biClrUsed == 0 && bmih.biBitCount <= 8 \
00080                             ? (int)(1 << (int)bmih.biBitCount)          \
00081                             : (int)bmih.biClrUsed)
00083 static int dib_view(char *temp){
00084  HDC hdc;
00085  HANDLE hfbm;
00087  DWORD dwRead;
00090  LPBITMAPINFO lpinfo;
00091  long imagesize,nc;
00092  FreeDib();
00095  ReadFile(hfbm,&bmfh,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),&dwRead,(LPOVERLAPPED)NULL);
00096  ReadFile(hfbm,&bmih,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),&dwRead,(LPOVERLAPPED)NULL);
00097  nc=DibNumColors(bmih);
00098  lpBitmapHeader = (LPSTR)X__Malloc((long)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+
00099                    (nc*sizeof(RGBQUAD)));
00100  if(lpBitmapHeader == NULL)return 0;
00101  lpbi=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpBitmapHeader;
00102  lpinfo=(LPBITMAPINFO)lpBitmapHeader;
00103  lpbi->biSize=bmih.biSize;
00104  x_size=lpbi->biWidth=bmih.biWidth;
00105  lpbi->biHeight=bmih.biHeight;
00106  lpbi->biPlanes=bmih.biPlanes;
00107  lpbi->biBitCount=bmih.biBitCount;
00108  lpbi->biCompression=bmih.biCompression;
00109  lpbi->biSizeImage=bmih.biSizeImage;
00110  lpbi->biXPelsPerMeter=bmih.biXPelsPerMeter;
00111  lpbi->biYPelsPerMeter=bmih.biYPelsPerMeter;
00112  lpbi->biClrUsed=bmih.biClrUsed;
00113  lpbi->biClrImportant=bmih.biClrImportant;
00114  if(nc > 0)ReadFile(hfbm,lpinfo->bmiColors,(nc*sizeof(RGBQUAD)),
00115           &dwRead,(LPOVERLAPPED)NULL);
00116  hpalCurrent=NULL;
00117 // hpalCurrent=CreateImagePalette(lpbi);
00118  imagesize=bmfh.bfSize-bmfh.bfOffBits;
00119  lpBitmapBits=(LPSTR)X__Malloc(imagesize);
00120  if(lpBitmapBits == NULL){
00121    FreeDib();
00122    return 0;
00123  }
00124  memset(lpBitmapBits,0,imagesize);
00125  pixels=lpBitmapBits;
00126  ReadFile(hfbm,lpBitmapBits,imagesize,&dwRead,(LPOVERLAPPED)NULL);
00127  hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
00128 // hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcCurrent);
00129  hbmCurrent=CreateDIBitmap(hdc,&bmih,CBM_INIT,lpBitmapBits,
00130                           lpinfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
00131  DeleteDC(hdc);
00132  return 1;
00133 }
00135 int out_line(unsigned char *linepixels, int linelen){
00136  register long l;
00137  l = (long)(y_size - 1 - rowcount)*(long)(x4_size);
00138  memcpy(pixels + l, linepixels, linelen);
00139  rowcount+=abs(rowinc);
00140  if(rowcount >= y_size){
00141   if     (rowinc == -8){rowinc=8; rowcount=4;}
00142   else if(rowinc ==  8){rowinc=4; rowcount=2;}
00143   else if(rowinc ==  4){rowinc=2; rowcount=1;}
00144  }
00145  return 0;
00146 }
00148 static int gif_view(char *temp){
00149  int i;
00150  long imagesize;
00152  FreeDib();
00153  rowcount=0;
00154  rowinc=1;
00155  if(read_gif_image(temp,1) < 0)return 0;
00156  x4_size = ALIGNULONG(x_size);
00157  if(gif_iLace)rowinc = -8;
00158  lpBitmapHeader = (LPSTR)X__Malloc((long)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
00159                                 +256L*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
00160  if(lpBitmapHeader == NULL)return 0;
00161  lpbi=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpBitmapHeader;
00162  lpbi->biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
00163  lpbi->biWidth=(DWORD)x4_size;
00164  lpbi->biHeight=(DWORD)y_size;
00165  lpbi->biPlanes=1;
00166  lpbi->biBitCount=8;
00167  lpbi->biCompression=BI_RGB;
00168  imagesize = lpbi->biSizeImage = (DWORD)x4_size*(DWORD)y_size;
00169  lpbi->biXPelsPerMeter=0;
00170  lpbi->biYPelsPerMeter=0;
00171  lpbi->biClrUsed=256;
00172  lpbi->biClrImportant=256;
00173  pRgb=(RGBQUAD *)((LPSTR)lpbi + lpbi->biSize);
00174  for(i=0;i<256;i++){
00175    pRgb[i].rgbRed = p_red[i] << 2;
00176    pRgb[i].rgbGreen = p_green[i] << 2;
00177    pRgb[i].rgbBlue = p_blue[i] << 2;
00178  }
00179  hpalCurrent=CreateImagePalette(lpbi);
00180  lpBitmapBits=(LPSTR)X__Malloc(imagesize);
00181  if(lpBitmapBits == NULL){
00182    FreeDib();
00183    return 0;
00184  }
00185  memset(lpBitmapBits,0,imagesize);
00186  pixels=lpBitmapBits;
00187  if(read_gif_image(temp,0) < 0){
00188    FreeDib();
00189    return 0;
00190  }
00191  hbmCurrent=BitmapFromDib(lpBitmapHeader,lpBitmapBits,hpalCurrent);
00192  if(hbmCurrent == NULL)return 0;
00193  return 1;
00194 }
00196 static HPALETTE CreateImagePalette(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi){
00197  LOGPALETTE *pPal;
00198  HPALETTE   hpal = NULL;
00199  WORD       nNumColors;
00200  BYTE       red;
00201  BYTE       green;
00202  BYTE       blue;
00203  int        i;
00204  RGBQUAD    *pRgb;
00205  if(lpbi == NULL)return NULL;
00206  if(lpbi->biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))return NULL;
00207  /* Get a pointer to the color table and the number of colors in it */
00208  pRgb = (RGBQUAD *)((LPSTR)lpbi + (WORD)lpbi->biSize);
00209  nNumColors = NumColours(lpbi);
00210  if(nNumColors){
00211    pPal = (LOGPALETTE*)LocalAlloc(LPTR,sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + nNumColors * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY));
00212    if(pPal == NULL)return NULL;
00213    pPal->palNumEntries = nNumColors;
00214    pPal->palVersion    = PALVERSION;
00215    /* Fill in the palette entries from the DIB color table and
00216     * create a logical color palette. */
00217    for (i = 0; i < nNumColors; i++){
00218        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed   = pRgb[i].rgbRed;
00219        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = pRgb[i].rgbGreen;
00220        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue  = pRgb[i].rgbBlue;
00221        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = (BYTE)0;
00222    }
00223    hpal = CreatePalette(pPal);
00224    LocalFree((HANDLE)pPal);
00225  }
00226  else if (lpbi->biBitCount == 24){
00227    /* A 24 bitcount DIB has no color table entries so, set the number of
00228     * to the maximum value (256). */
00229    nNumColors = MAXPALETTE;
00230    pPal=(LOGPALETTE*)LocalAlloc(LPTR,sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + nNumColors * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY));
00231    if(pPal == NULL)return NULL;
00232    pPal->palNumEntries = nNumColors;
00233    pPal->palVersion    = PALVERSION;
00234    red = green = blue = 0;
00235    /* Generate 256 (= 8*8*4) RGB combinations to fill the palette entries. */
00236    for (i = 0; i < pPal->palNumEntries; i++){
00237        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed   = red;
00238        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = green;
00239        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue  = blue;
00240        pPal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = (BYTE)0;
00241        if (!(red += 32))if (!(green += 32)) blue += 64;
00242    }
00243    hpal = CreatePalette(pPal);
00244    LocalFree((HANDLE)pPal);
00245  }
00246  return hpal;
00247 }
00249 static WORD NumColours(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi){
00250  WORD bits;
00251  if (lpbi->biClrUsed != 0)return (WORD)lpbi->biClrUsed;
00252  bits = lpbi->biBitCount;
00253  switch (bits){
00254   case 1:    return 2;
00255   case 4:    return 16;
00256   case 8:    return 256;
00257   default:   return 0; /* A 24 bitcount DIB has no color table */
00258  }
00259 }
00261 static HBITMAP BitmapFromDib(LPSTR lpHeader,LPSTR lpBits,HPALETTE hpal){
00262  HDC       hdc;         /* make BITMAP from a memory DIB */
00263  HBITMAP   hbm;
00264  HPALETTE  hpalT;
00265  if (lpHeader == NULL || lpBits == NULL)return NULL;
00266  hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
00267 // hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcCurrent);
00268  if(hpal != NULL){
00269    hpalT = SelectPalette(hdc,hpal,FALSE);
00270    RealizePalette(hdc);
00271  }
00272  hbm = CreateDIBitmap(hdc,
00273                 (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpHeader,
00274                 (LONG)CBM_INIT,
00275                 lpBits,
00276                 (LPBITMAPINFO)lpHeader,
00277                 DIB_RGB_COLORS );
00278  if(hpal != NULL)SelectPalette(hdc,hpalT,FALSE);
00279  DeleteDC(hdc);
00280  return hbm;
00281 }
00283 static void tga_display_line(unsigned char *prgb,
00284                              long wide, long line,
00285                              long upsidedown, long hi){
00286  register long l,x,k;
00287  if(upsidedown)l = 3L*(long)(line)*(long)(x4_size);
00288  else          l = 3L*(long)(hi - 1 - line)*(long)(x4_size);
00289  memcpy(pixels + l, prgb, (int)(wide*3));
00290 }
00292 static short R_getvariword(long n, FILE *f, long *vw){
00293  long c;
00294  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00295  *vw = c;          if(n == 1)return 1;
00296  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00297  *vw |= (c << 8);  if(n == 2)return 1;
00298  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00299  *vw |= (c << 16); if(n == 3)return 1;
00300  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00301  *vw |= (c << 24);
00302  return 1;
00303 }
00305 static short LoadTGA(char *filename, short info_only){
00306  char c0,c1,c2;
00307  long i,j,k,l,m,n,cmo,cml,xor,yor,wi,hi,iok=0,idsize,cm_type,vw,
00308       image_type,cmes,pixel_size,image_descriptor,n_attr,upsidedown,b_size,
00309       s1,s2,s,pat,wi3;
00310  FILE *t24;
00311  unsigned char *prgb;
00312  prgb=NULL;
00313  if((t24=fopen(filename,"rb")) != NULL){
00314    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&idsize))goto CLOSEOUT;
00315    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&cm_type))goto CLOSEOUT; /* 0 for non mapped */
00316    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&image_type))goto CLOSEOUT; /* image type */
00317    if(image_type != 2 && image_type != 10)goto CLOSEOUT;
00318    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&cmo))goto CLOSEOUT;  /* color map 5 bytes */
00319    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&cml))goto CLOSEOUT;
00320    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&cmes))goto CLOSEOUT;
00321    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&xor))goto CLOSEOUT;  /* Image spec 10 bytes */
00322    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&yor))goto CLOSEOUT;
00323    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&wi))goto CLOSEOUT;
00324    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&hi))goto CLOSEOUT;
00325    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&pixel_size))goto CLOSEOUT;
00326    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&image_descriptor))goto CLOSEOUT;
00327    if(idsize > 0)for(i=0;i<idsize;i++)if(getc(t24) == EOF)goto CLOSEOUT;
00328    if(cm_type == 1 && cml > 0){
00329      for(i=cmo;i<cml;i++)if(! R_getvariword(cmes/8,t24,&j))goto CLOSEOUT;
00330    }
00331    n_attr = image_descriptor & 0xf;
00332    upsidedown = (image_descriptor & 0x20) > 0 ? 0 : 1 ;
00333    if(info_only){
00334      x_size=(int)wi;
00335      y_size=(int)hi;
00336      fclose(t24);
00337      return 1;
00338    }
00339    if((prgb=(unsigned char *)X__Malloc((size_t)wi*3)) == NULL)goto CLOSEOUT;
00340    if((image_descriptor & 0xc0) > 0)goto CLOSEOUT; /* interlaced */
00341    b_size=i=wi*hi;
00342    if     (pixel_size == 16){n=2;s1=5;s2=10;s=3;pat=0x1f;}
00343    else if(pixel_size == 24){n=3;s1=8;s2=16;s=0;pat=0xff;}
00344    else                     {n=4;s1=8;s2=16;s=0;pat=0xff;}
00345    wi3=wi*3;
00346    if(image_type == 2){ /* uncompressed */
00347      m=0; k=0; for(i=0;i<hi;i++)for(j=0;j<wi;j++){
00348        if(! R_getvariword(n,t24,&vw))goto CLOSEOUT;
00349        prgb[m  ] = (char)( vw        & pat) << s;
00350        prgb[m+1] = (char)((vw >> s1) & pat) << s;
00351        prgb[m+2] = (char)((vw >> s2) & pat) << s;
00352        k++; m+=3;
00353        if(m == wi3){
00354          tga_display_line(prgb,wi,i,upsidedown,hi); m=0;
00355        }
00356      }
00357    }
00358    else{  /* compressed */
00359      m=0; l=0; k=0; while(k < b_size){
00360        i=getc(t24); if(feof(t24))goto CLOSEOUT;
00361         if(i < 128){
00362          for(j=0;j<i+1;j++){
00363            if(! R_getvariword(n,t24,&vw))goto CLOSEOUT;
00364            prgb[m  ] = (char)( vw        & pat) << s;
00365            prgb[m+1] = (char)((vw >> s1) & pat) << s;
00366            prgb[m+2] = (char)((vw >> s2) & pat) << s;
00367            k++; m+=3;
00368            if(m == wi3){
00369              tga_display_line(prgb,wi,l,upsidedown,hi); m=0; l++;
00370            }
00371          }
00372        }
00373        else{
00374          if(! R_getvariword(n,t24,&vw))goto CLOSEOUT;
00375          c0 = (char)( vw        & pat) << s;
00376          c1 = (char)((vw >> s1) & pat) << s;
00377          c2 = (char)((vw >> s2) & pat) << s;
00378          i -= 128;
00379          for(j=0;j<i+1;j++){
00380            prgb[m  ] = c0;
00381            prgb[m+1] = c1;
00382            prgb[m+2] = c2;
00383            k++;  m+=3;
00384            if(m == wi3){
00385              tga_display_line(prgb,wi,l,upsidedown,hi); m=0; l++;
00386            }
00387          }
00388        }
00389      }
00390    }
00391    iok=1;
00392    CLOSEOUT:
00393    fclose(t24);
00394    if(prgb != NULL)X__Free((char *)prgb);
00395  }
00396  return (short)iok;
00397 }
00399 static int tga_view(char *temp){
00400  int i;
00401  long imagesize;
00403  if(LoadTGA(temp,1) == 0)return 0;
00404  x4_size=ALIGNULONG(x_size);
00405  FreeDib();
00406  lpBitmapHeader = (LPSTR)X__Malloc((long)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
00407  if(lpBitmapHeader == NULL)return 0;
00408  lpbi=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpBitmapHeader;
00409  lpbi->biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
00410  lpbi->biWidth=(DWORD)x4_size;
00411  lpbi->biHeight=(DWORD)y_size;
00412  lpbi->biPlanes=1;
00413  lpbi->biBitCount=24;
00414  lpbi->biCompression=BI_RGB;
00415  imagesize = lpbi->biSizeImage = (DWORD)x4_size*(DWORD)y_size*3L;
00416  lpbi->biXPelsPerMeter=0;
00417  lpbi->biYPelsPerMeter=0;
00418  lpbi->biClrUsed=0;
00419  lpbi->biClrImportant=0;
00420  hpalCurrent=CreateImagePalette(lpbi);  /* will set up a dummy palette */
00421  lpBitmapBits=(LPSTR)X__Malloc(imagesize);
00422  if(lpBitmapBits == NULL){
00423    FreeDib();
00424    return 0;
00425  }
00426  memset(lpBitmapBits,0,imagesize);
00427  pixels=lpBitmapBits;
00428  if(LoadTGA(temp,0) == 0){
00429    FreeDib();
00430    return 0;
00431  }
00432  hbmCurrent=BitmapFromDib(lpBitmapHeader,lpBitmapBits,hpalCurrent);
00433  if(hbmCurrent == NULL)return 0;
00434  return 1;
00435 }
00437 #if 0
00438 // NO USED NOW
00439 #include "..\render2\flc.h"
00441 static FILE *Bit_File;
00442 static unsigned char *Screen=NULL;
00444 static short RenderFlcBrun(FILE *f);
00445 static short RenderFlcColor(FILE *f, short type);
00446 static short LoadRenderAnimCel(FILE *f, Flc_head *flc, short info_only);
00448 static long nx,ny,nx4;
00450 static long LoadCEL(char *name, short info_only){
00451  long i,cel_type;
00452  struct pic_header aa_cel;
00453  Flc_head flc_cel;
00454  unsigned char cc,*pix;
00455  if((Bit_File=fopen(name,"rb")) == NULL)return 0;
00456  if(fread(&aa_cel,sizeof(struct pic_header),1,Bit_File) != 1)cel_type=0;
00457  else if(aa_cel.type == PIC_MAGIC){
00458    cel_type=1;
00459    nx = x_size = aa_cel.w;
00460    ny = y_size = aa_cel.h;
00461  }
00462  else{
00463    fseek(Bit_File,0,SEEK_SET);
00464    if(fread(&flc_cel,sizeof(Flc_head),1,Bit_File) != 1)cel_type=0;
00465    else if(flc_cel.type == FLCH_MAGIC){
00466      cel_type=2;
00467      nx = x_size = flc_cel.width;
00468      ny = y_size = flc_cel.height;
00469    }
00470  }
00471  nx4=ALIGNULONG(nx);
00472  if(cel_type == 0){fclose(Bit_File); return(0);}
00473  if(cel_type == 2){
00474    if(LoadRenderAnimCel(Bit_File,&flc_cel,info_only) < 0){
00475      fclose(Bit_File);
00476      return(0);
00477    }
00478  }
00479  else{
00480    for(i = 0; i < 256 ; i++) {
00481      fread(&cc,1,1,Bit_File); p_red[i]  = cc << 2;
00482      fread(&cc,1,1,Bit_File); p_green[i]  = cc << 2;
00483      fread(&cc,1,1,Bit_File); p_blue[i]  = cc << 2;
00484    }
00485    if(info_only){
00486      fclose(Bit_File);
00487      return 1;
00488    }
00489    for(i=0;i<ny;i++){
00490      pix=Screen+(ny-1-i)*nx4;
00491      if(fread(pix,1,nx,Bit_File) != nx){
00492        fclose(Bit_File);
00493        return(0);
00494      }
00495    }
00496  }
00497  fclose(Bit_File);
00498  return(1);
00499 }
00501 static short LoadRenderAnimCel(FILE *f,Flc_head *flc, short info_only){
00502  Flc_frame f_frame;
00503  Flc_chunk f_chunk;
00504  long i,j,k;
00505  char c;
00506  unsigned char *p;
00507 /*printf("size of flc head %ld\n",(long)sizeof(Flc_head));*/
00508  fseek(f,flc->oframe1,SEEK_SET);
00509  if(fread(&f_frame,sizeof(Flc_frame),1,f) != 1 ||
00510            f_frame.type != FLCF_MAGIC)return -1;
00511 /*printf("point2  %ld chunks\n",f_frame.chunks);*/
00512  for(i=0;i<f_frame.chunks;i++){
00513    if(fread(&f_chunk,sizeof(Flc_chunk),1,f) != 1)return -1;
00514 /*printf("chunk type %ld\n",(long)f_chunk.type);*/
00515    if(f_chunk.type == FLC_COLOR256 || f_chunk.type == FLC_COLOR){
00516      if(RenderFlcColor(f,f_chunk.type) < 0)return -1;
00517      if(info_only)return 0;
00518    }
00519    else if(!info_only && f_chunk.type == FLC_BRUN){
00520      if(RenderFlcBrun(f) < 0)return -1;
00521    }
00522    else if(!info_only && f_chunk.type == FLC_COPY){
00523      for (k=0;k<ny;k++){
00524        p=Screen+(ny-1-k)*nx4;
00525       if(fread(p,1,nx,f) != nx)return -1;
00526      }
00527    }
00528    else{
00529      for(j=0;j<f_chunk.size-6;j++)fread(&c,1,1,f);
00530    }
00531  }
00532  return 0;
00533 }
00535 static short RenderFlcColor(FILE *f, short type){
00536  short i,j,pk,packets,ci=0;
00537  unsigned char skip=0,change,colour;
00538  if(fread(&packets,2,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00539  for (pk=0; pk<packets; pk++ ) {
00540    if(fread(&skip,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00541    ci += skip;
00542    if(fread(&change,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00543    if (change == 0) change=255;
00544    for (i=0; i<=change; i++) {
00545      if(fread(&colour,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00546      if(type == FLC_COLOR)colour = colour << 2;
00547      p_red[ci] = colour;
00548      if(fread(&colour,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00549      if(type == FLC_COLOR)colour = colour << 2;
00550      p_green[ci] = colour;
00551      if(fread(&colour,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00552      if(type == FLC_COLOR)colour = colour << 2;
00553      p_blue[ci] = colour;
00554      ci++;
00555    }
00556  }
00557  return 0;
00558 }
00560 static short RenderFlcBrun(FILE *f){
00561  char size=0;
00562  unsigned char packet,*p,colour;
00563  short i,line,pk;
00564  for (line=0;line<ny;line++){
00565    p=Screen+(ny-1-line)*nx4;
00566    if(fread(&packet,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00567    for(pk=0; pk<nx; pk+=abs(size)){
00568      if(fread(&size,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00569      if(size > 0){
00570        if(fread(&colour,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00571        for (i=0; i<size; i++) *p++ = colour;
00572      }
00573      else{
00574        for (i = size; i<0; i++){
00575          if(fread(&colour,1,1,f) != 1)return -1;
00576          *p++ = colour;
00577        }
00578      }
00579    }
00580  }
00581  return 0;
00582 }
00584 static int cel_view(char *temp){
00585  int i;
00586  long imagesize;
00588  FreeDib();
00589  rowcount=0;
00590  if(LoadCEL(temp,1) < 0){
00591    return 0;
00592  }
00593  x4_size = ALIGNULONG(x_size);
00594  lpBitmapHeader = (LPSTR)X__Malloc((long)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
00595                                 +256L*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
00596  if(lpBitmapHeader == NULL){
00597    return 0;
00598  }
00599  lpbi=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpBitmapHeader;
00600  lpbi->biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
00601  lpbi->biWidth=(DWORD)x4_size;
00602  lpbi->biHeight=(DWORD)y_size;
00603  lpbi->biPlanes=1;
00604  lpbi->biBitCount=8;
00605  lpbi->biCompression=BI_RGB;
00606  imagesize = lpbi->biSizeImage = (DWORD)x4_size*(DWORD)y_size;
00607  lpbi->biXPelsPerMeter=0;
00608  lpbi->biYPelsPerMeter=0;
00609  lpbi->biClrUsed=256;
00610  lpbi->biClrImportant=256;
00611  pRgb=(RGBQUAD *)((LPSTR)lpbi + lpbi->biSize);
00612  for(i=0;i<256;i++){
00613    pRgb[i].rgbRed = p_red[i];
00614    pRgb[i].rgbGreen = p_green[i];
00615    pRgb[i].rgbBlue = p_blue[i];
00616  }
00617  hpalCurrent=CreateImagePalette(lpbi);
00618  lpBitmapBits=(LPSTR)X__Malloc(imagesize);
00619  if(lpBitmapBits == NULL){
00620    FreeDib();
00621    return 0;
00622  }
00623  memset(lpBitmapBits,0,imagesize);
00624  Screen=(unsigned char *)lpBitmapBits;
00625  if(LoadCEL(temp,0) < 0){
00626    FreeDib();
00627    return 0;
00628  }
00629  hbmCurrent=BitmapFromDib(lpBitmapHeader,lpBitmapBits,hpalCurrent);
00630  if(hbmCurrent == NULL)return 0;
00631  return 1;
00632 }
00633 // END of NOT USED
00634 #endif
00636 #if __WATCOMC__
00637 int APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00638 #else
00639 BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00640 #endif
00641   switch (dwReason) {
00642     case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: {
00643 #if __X__MIPS__
00644       if(!_CRT_INIT(hDLL,dwReason,lpReserved))return(int)FALSE;
00645 //      MessageBox (GetFocus(),"Attaching","Debug",MB_OK);
00646 #endif
00647       hInst=hDLL;
00648       break;
00649     }
00650     case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
00651 #if __X__MIPS__
00652       if(!_CRT_INIT(hDLL,dwReason,lpReserved))return(int)FALSE;
00653 //      MessageBox (GetFocus(),"Detaching","Debug",MB_OK);
00654 #endif
00655       hInst=hDLL;
00656       break;
00657   }
00658   return TRUE;
00659 }
00661 #if __SC__
00662 #pragma startaddress(DllMain)
00663 #endif
00665 static BOOL bPrint=TRUE;
00666 static HWND hdlgCancel=NULL;
00668 LRESULT CALLBACK AbortPrintJob(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message,
00669                                WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam){
00670  RECT rc;
00671  switch(message){
00672    case WM_INITDIALOG:
00673      GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rc);
00674      SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, NULL,
00675        (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2,
00676        (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2,
00677        0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);
00678      return TRUE;
00679    case WM_COMMAND:
00680      bPrint=FALSE;
00681      return TRUE;
00682    default:
00683      return FALSE;
00684  }
00685  return FALSE;
00686 }
00688 BOOL CALLBACK AbortProc(HDC hdc, int nCode){
00689  MSG msg;
00690  while(PeekMessage((LPMSG)&msg,(HWND)NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)){
00691    if(!IsDialogMessage(hdlgCancel,(LPMSG)&msg)){
00692      TranslateMessage((LPMSG)&msg);
00693      DispatchMessage((LPMSG)&msg);
00694    }
00695  }
00696  return bPrint;
00697 }
00699 BOOL _PrintBitmap(HWND parent_window, char *filename){
00700  PRINTDLG pd;
00701  DOCINFO  di;
00702  HPALETTE hpalT;
00703  HBITMAP holdBitmap;
00704  RECT rc;
00705  SIZE szMetric;
00706  int result=0,nError,imax,imin;
00707  char temp[256];
00708  memset(&pd,0,sizeof(PRINTDLG));
00709  pd.lStructSize=sizeof(PRINTDLG);
00710  pd.Flags=PD_RETURNDC;
00711  pd.hwndOwner=parent_window;
00712  pd.hDC=(HDC)NULL;
00713  pd.nFromPage=1;
00714  pd.nToPage=1;
00715  pd.nMinPage=0;
00716  pd.nMaxPage=1;
00717  pd.nCopies=1;
00718  pd.hInstance=NULL;
00719  pd.lCustData=0L;
00720  if(!PrintDlg(&pd))return FALSE;
00721  if(pd.hDC == NULL){
00722    MessageBox(parent_window,"Printer cannot draw.","Printing",MB_OK);
00723    return FALSE;
00724  }
00725  if(!(GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC,RASTERCAPS) & RC_BITBLT)){
00726    DeleteDC(pd.hDC);
00727    MessageBox(parent_window,"Printer cannot display bitmaps.","Printing",MB_OK);
00728    return FALSE;
00729  }
00730  FreeDib();
00731  StartWait();
00732  strcpy(temp,filename);
00733  strupr(temp);
00734  hdcCurrent=pd.hDC;
00735  if     (strstr(temp,".GIF"))result=gif_view(temp);
00736  //else if(strstr(temp,".CEL"))result=cel_view(temp); REMOVED
00737  else if(strstr(temp,".TGA"))result=tga_view(temp);
00738  else if(strstr(temp,".BMP"))result=dib_view(temp);
00739  else result=0;
00740  EndWait();
00741  if(result == 1){
00742    HDC hdcMem;
00744    float fScaleX,fScaleY;
00745    int xLeft,yTop,cWidthPels,cHeightPels;
00746    bPrint=TRUE;
00747    SetAbortProc(pd.hDC,AbortProc);
00748    hdlgCancel=CreateDialog(hInst,(LPSTR)"AbortDialog",parent_window,
00749                            (DLGPROC)AbortPrintJob);
00750    di.cbSize=sizeof(DOCINFO);
00751    di.lpszDocName="Printing Image";
00752    di.lpszOutput=NULL;
00753    if((nError=StartDoc(pd.hDC,&di)) == SP_ERROR)goto Error;
00754    if((nError=StartPage(pd.hDC)) <= 0)goto Error;
00755    lpbi=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpBitmapHeader;
00756    cWidthPels=GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC,HORZRES);
00757    cHeightPels=GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC,VERTRES);
00758    imax=max(lpbi->biWidth,lpbi->biHeight);
00759    imin=min(cWidthPels,cHeightPels);
00760    fScaleX=fScaleY=((float)imin/(float)imax)*0.9;
00761 //sprintf(temp,"BMP %ldx%ld\nPrinter x=%ld y=%ld\nnx=%ld ny=%ld",
00762 //lpbi->biWidth,lpbi->biHeight,cWidthPels,cHeightPels,
00763 //(int)(fScaleX*(float)lpbi->biWidth),
00764 //(int)(fScaleY*(float)lpbi->biHeight));
00765 //MessageBox(parent_window,temp,"debug",MB_OK);
00766    xLeft=((cWidthPels/2)-((int)(((float)lpbi->biWidth)*fScaleX))/2);
00767    yTop=((cHeightPels/2)-((int)(((float)lpbi->biHeight)*fScaleY))/2);
00768    hdcMem=CreateCompatibleDC(pd.hDC);
00769    if(hdcMem == NULL){
00770      MessageBox(parent_window,"Bad Memory DC","Debug",MB_OK);
00771      goto Error;
00772    }
00773    if(hbmCurrent == NULL){
00774      MessageBox(parent_window,"No bitmap to print","Debug",MB_OK);
00775      DeleteDC(hdcMem);
00776      goto Error;
00777    }
00778    holdBitmap=SelectObject(hdcMem,hbmCurrent);
00779    if(holdBitmap == NULL){
00780      MessageBox(parent_window,"Bad Object Selection","Debug",MB_OK);
00781      DeleteDC(hdcMem);
00782      goto Error;
00783    }
00784 //else MessageBox(parent_window,"Good Object Selection","Debug",MB_OK);
00785    if(hpalCurrent != NULL){
00786      hpalT = SelectPalette(pd.hDC,hpalCurrent,FALSE);
00787      RealizePalette (pd.hDC);
00788    }
00789    StretchBlt(pd.hDC,xLeft,yTop,
00790               (int)((float)lpbi->biWidth*fScaleX),
00791               (int)((float)lpbi->biHeight*fScaleY),
00792               hdcMem,0,0,
00793               lpbi->biWidth,
00794               lpbi->biHeight,
00795               SRCCOPY);
00796    SelectObject(hdcMem,holdBitmap);
00797    DeleteDC(hdcMem);
00798    if(hpalCurrent != NULL)SelectPalette(pd.hDC,hpalT,FALSE);
00799    GetTextExtentPoint(pd.hDC,filename,strlen(filename),&szMetric);
00800    xLeft=((cWidthPels/2)-(szMetric.cx/2));
00801    yTop=szMetric.cy;
00802    TextOut(pd.hDC,xLeft,yTop,filename,strlen(filename));
00803    if((nError=EndPage(pd.hDC)) <= 0)goto Error;
00804    if((nError=EndDoc(pd.hDC)) <= 0)goto Error;
00805    goto NoError;
00806    Error:
00807    MessageBox(parent_window,"Error setting up printer","Printing",MB_OK);
00808    NoError:
00809    DestroyWindow(hdlgCancel);
00810  }
00811  else MessageBox(parent_window,"Could not open image","Printing",MB_OK);
00812  DeleteDC(pd.hDC);
00813  FreeDib();
00814  return TRUE;
00815 }

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:08 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6