Renderer_PARTICLESYSTEM_tag Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Particle Actor srtucture.

This structure defines each particle actor's costume.

Definition at line 467 of file RENDER.H.

Data Fields

vector pin
 Position orientation and size of the effect's bounding box.
double dPhi
double dTheta
double dAlpha
double ima
 Name defines parameters.
short im
double sx
double sy
double sz
vector tpin
vector spin
 Position etc at start/interpolated step - used when 'spinning off'.
double tdPhi
double sdPhi
double tdTheta
double sdTheta
double tdAlpha
double sdAlpha
double tima
double sima
short tim
short sim
double tsx
double ssx
double tsy
double ssy
double tsz
double ssz
double particle_object_transformation [4][4]
 Transformation of particle system object.
long id
 Eeffect ID.
long blend_type
 to allow for dark and light particle systems
long Rate
 rate of creation per second
long NumP
 number of particles needed to accommodate the creation rate
long iid
 location in array of effect iamge name (pair with Imagename)
long dframe
 frames along timeline - this gives the time of the effect
char ImageName [256]
 effect file name without path and .BMP
unsigned char colour_start [3]
unsigned char colour_end [3]
 Paramers from the Animator.
long alpha_start
long alpha_end
long size_start
long size_end
long life
long particle_size_scale
long speed
long ew_start
long ud_start
long ns_start
long ew_end
long ud_end
long ns_end
 gravity values
long theta
long boing
long particle_speed_scale
long valpha
long vcolour
long vsize
long vlife
long vspeed
BOOL bBurst
BOOL bSuppress
 for bursting particle systesm
BOOL bGround
BOOL bSingle
BOOL bSteadyState
 run particle system from its steady state
BOOL bSpinOff
 let the particles be independent of the movement of PS.
vector vel
 particle system's velocity - (to allow PS to move)
double dt
 Time step.
double mratio
 Morphing ratio.
 Pointer to the particles in this particle system.
vector vColorStart
vector vColorVar
vector vColorEnd
vector vTempVelocity
vector vPrevLocation
vector vLocation
double fTimeLastUpdate
double fSizeScale
double fAlphaStart
double fAlphaVar
double fAlphaEnd
double fSizeStart
double fSizeVar
double fSizeEnd
double fSpeed
double fSpeedVar
double fTheta
double fLifeTime
double fLifeVar
double fGravityVar
vector vGravityStart
vector vGravityEnd
long uParticlesPerSec
double fEmissionResidue
 The name describes the purpose of these members.

Field Documentation

Position orientation and size of the effect's bounding box.

Definition at line 468 of file RENDER.H.

double dPhi

Definition at line 469 of file RENDER.H.

double dTheta

Definition at line 469 of file RENDER.H.

double dAlpha

Definition at line 469 of file RENDER.H.

double ima

Name defines parameters.

Definition at line 469 of file RENDER.H.

short im

Definition at line 470 of file RENDER.H.

double sx

Definition at line 471 of file RENDER.H.

double sy

Definition at line 471 of file RENDER.H.

double sz


Definition at line 471 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 472 of file RENDER.H.

Position etc at start/interpolated step - used when 'spinning off'.

Definition at line 472 of file RENDER.H.

double tdPhi

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double sdPhi

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double tdTheta

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double sdTheta

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double tdAlpha

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double sdAlpha

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double tima

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

double sima

Definition at line 473 of file RENDER.H.

short tim

Definition at line 474 of file RENDER.H.

short sim

Definition at line 474 of file RENDER.H.

double tsx

Definition at line 475 of file RENDER.H.

double ssx

Definition at line 475 of file RENDER.H.

double tsy

Definition at line 475 of file RENDER.H.

double ssy

Definition at line 475 of file RENDER.H.

double tsz

Definition at line 475 of file RENDER.H.

double ssz

Definition at line 475 of file RENDER.H.

Transformation of particle system object.

Definition at line 476 of file RENDER.H.

long id

Eeffect ID.

Definition at line 477 of file RENDER.H.

long blend_type

to allow for dark and light particle systems

Definition at line 478 of file RENDER.H.

long Rate

rate of creation per second

Definition at line 479 of file RENDER.H.

long NumP

number of particles needed to accommodate the creation rate

Definition at line 480 of file RENDER.H.

long iid

location in array of effect iamge name (pair with Imagename)

Definition at line 481 of file RENDER.H.

long dframe

frames along timeline - this gives the time of the effect

Definition at line 482 of file RENDER.H.

char ImageName[256]

effect file name without path and .BMP

Definition at line 483 of file RENDER.H.

unsigned char colour_start[3]

Definition at line 485 of file RENDER.H.

unsigned char colour_end[3]

Paramers from the Animator.

Definition at line 485 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long alpha_end

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long size_start

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long size_end

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long life

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long speed

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long ew_start

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long ud_start

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long ns_start

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long ew_end

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long ud_end

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long ns_end

gravity values

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long theta

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long boing

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 486 of file RENDER.H.

long valpha

Definition at line 489 of file RENDER.H.

long vcolour

Definition at line 489 of file RENDER.H.

long vsize

Definition at line 489 of file RENDER.H.

long vlife

Definition at line 489 of file RENDER.H.

long vspeed

Definition at line 489 of file RENDER.H.

BOOL bBurst

Definition at line 490 of file RENDER.H.

BOOL bSuppress

for bursting particle systesm

Definition at line 490 of file RENDER.H.

BOOL bGround

Definition at line 490 of file RENDER.H.

BOOL bSingle

Definition at line 490 of file RENDER.H.

run particle system from its steady state

Definition at line 490 of file RENDER.H.

BOOL bSpinOff

let the particles be independent of the movement of PS.

Definition at line 490 of file RENDER.H.

particle system's velocity - (to allow PS to move)

Definition at line 496 of file RENDER.H.

double dt

Time step.

Definition at line 497 of file RENDER.H.

double mratio

Morphing ratio.

Definition at line 497 of file RENDER.H.

Pointer to the particles in this particle system.

Definition at line 499 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 500 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 500 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 500 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 501 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 501 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 501 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 502 of file RENDER.H.

double fSizeScale

Definition at line 503 of file RENDER.H.

double fAlphaStart

Definition at line 504 of file RENDER.H.

double fAlphaVar

Definition at line 504 of file RENDER.H.

double fAlphaEnd

Definition at line 504 of file RENDER.H.

double fSizeStart

Definition at line 504 of file RENDER.H.

double fSizeVar

Definition at line 504 of file RENDER.H.

double fSizeEnd

Definition at line 504 of file RENDER.H.

double fSpeed

Definition at line 505 of file RENDER.H.

double fSpeedVar

Definition at line 505 of file RENDER.H.

double fTheta

Definition at line 505 of file RENDER.H.

double fLifeTime

Definition at line 506 of file RENDER.H.

double fLifeVar

Definition at line 506 of file RENDER.H.

double fGravityVar

Definition at line 506 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 507 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 507 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 508 of file RENDER.H.

The name describes the purpose of these members.

Definition at line 509 of file RENDER.H.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6