Renderer_FACE Struct Reference

Detailed Description

polygonal face structure

This structure is used to define a vertex in the Renderer module.

Definition at line 24 of file vertex_face.h.

Data Fields

 face data,
unsigned char color [3]
BOOL bSmooth
BOOL bShiny
short ffmap
 identifies which map is in use.
short ffmat
 identifies which material is in use.
short top
short bottom
short left
short right
 screen bounds for projected face 0 -> XMAX 0 -> YMAX
vector n
 normal to face
double c
 p.n to speed calc
vector pn [3]
double uu [3]
double vv [3]
 texture coordinates of face vertices
double ww [3]
 volume texture coordinate

Field Documentation


face data,

< Vertex identifier

Definition at line 25 of file vertex_face.h.

unsigned char color[3]

Definition at line 27 of file vertex_face.h.

BOOL bSmooth

Definition at line 28 of file vertex_face.h.

BOOL bShiny

Definition at line 28 of file vertex_face.h.


Definition at line 29 of file vertex_face.h.

short ffmap

identifies which map is in use.

Definition at line 30 of file vertex_face.h.

short ffmat

identifies which material is in use.

Definition at line 31 of file vertex_face.h.

short top

Definition at line 32 of file vertex_face.h.

short bottom

Definition at line 32 of file vertex_face.h.

short left

Definition at line 32 of file vertex_face.h.

short right

screen bounds for projected face 0 -> XMAX 0 -> YMAX

Definition at line 32 of file vertex_face.h.

normal to face

Definition at line 34 of file vertex_face.h.

double c

p.n to speed calc

Definition at line 35 of file vertex_face.h.

vector pn[3]

The phong normals (Ideally this should not be necessary one normal per vertex should be enough alas the inconsistent face normals can give BIG problems when the face is _|_'r to line of sight vector. Assembling this way seem to give better images.

Definition at line 36 of file vertex_face.h.

double uu[3]

Definition at line 42 of file vertex_face.h.

double vv[3]

texture coordinates of face vertices

Definition at line 42 of file vertex_face.h.

double ww[3]

volume texture coordinate

Definition at line 43 of file vertex_face.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6