Animations gallery
Contributed by Stuart
An aircraft passes through a volume fog with illimination from the far distance. This is a simple illustration of the Atmospheric post-process plugin. |
Contributed by Stuart
Sample mix-movie showing the effects generated by the particle actor. |
Contributed by Stuart Ferguson
Sample movie showing the new water deformation plugin available in OpenFX 1.5. These files are available in the examples from the downloads section. |
Contributed by Stuart Ferguson
Sample movie showing the new water deformation plugin available in OpenFX 1.5. These files are available in the examples from the downloads section. |
Contributed by Rodney Butrymowicz
This is an animation demonstrating the features of a physics simulation package developed by Rodney Butrymowicz. This is an example of a mass/spring
simulation with gravity and a semi-permeable ground.
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Contributed by Rodney Butrymowicz
This is another animation demonstrating the features of a physics simulation package developed by Rodney Butrymowicz. Again, this shows a mass/spring
simulation with gravity and a semi-permeable ground.
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Contributed by Rodney Butrymowicz
This animation demonstrates 'cloth draping', and effect which acurately models the effect of dropping a flexible material onto a hard surface.
This is another very impressive demonstration of Rodney's physical modelling
animation system.
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