MENUID.H File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


#define ANIMATOR_MENU   10
#define ANIMATOR_ACCEL   11
#define TIMELINE_MENU   12
#define IDC_COORD_UPDATE   102
#define IDC_TIMEL_UPDATE   3
#define IDM_FILE_LOAD   1000
#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_NEW   1003
#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_STARTUP   1012
#define IDM_FILE_SAVEOLD   1004
#define IDM_FILE_SAVE   1005
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_ASCRIPT   1006
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_FSCRIPT   1007
#define IDM_FILE_PRINT   1008
#define IDM_FILE_PRINTSETUP   1009
#define IDM_FILE_EXIT   1011
#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_STARTUP   1012
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_OPENGL   1013
#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_DIRECT   1014
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_VRML   1015
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_FMSCRIPT   1016
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_AMSCRIPT   1017
#define IDM_FILE_PACK   1018
#define IDM_FILE_UNPACK   1019
#define IDM_FILE_EXP_VIRTOOLS   1020
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_UNDO   1100
#define IDM_ACTOR_SELECT   1101
#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_A   1102
#define IDM_ACTOR_DEL_A   1103
#define IDM_ACTOR_INFO   1104
#define IDM_ACTOR_RENAME   1108
#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_C   1109
#define IDM_ACTOR_DEL_C   1110
#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_E   1111
#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_X   1112
#define IDM_ACTOR_SWAP   1113
#define IDM_ACTOR_SWAP_ALL   1114
#define IDM_PATH_REVERSE   1116
#define IDM_FILE_MODELER   1040
#define IDM_FILE_KEYFRAMER   1050
#define IDM_FILE_VIEWER   1060
#define IDM_FILE_PLAYER   1071
#define IDM_FILE_FLI2AVI   1072
#define IDM_FILE_PLAYAVI   1073
#define IDM_FILE_FLI2GIF   1074
#define IDM_FILE_ANIM   1075
#define IDM_FILE_AUDIO   1076
#define IDM_FILE_AVI2MPG   1077
#define IDM_FILE_PLAYDD   1078
#define IDM_FILE_GIF2AVI   1079
#define IDM_FILE_PLAYGG   1080
#define IDM_FILE_SHOWSTV   1081
#define IDM_ACTOR_DEL_E   1123
#define IDM_ACTOR_AXIS_SH   1151
#define IDM_ACTOR_AXIS_SNAP   1152
#define IDM_ACTOR_AXIS_PLACE   1153
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_GRAB   1161
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_ROTATE   1162
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_SIZE   1163
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_POSE   1164
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_NODE   1167
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_PAN   1170
#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_ZOOMIN   1171
#define IDM_ACTOR_ACTCAMERA   1180
#define IDM_EDIT_XIMAGE   1190
#define IDM_PATH   1200
#define IDM_PATH_EDIT   1210
#define IDM_PATH_SUBDIVIDE   1220
#define IDM_PATH_PICK   1230
#define IDM_PATH_PICK_NEXT   1231
#define IDM_PATH_PICK_FIRST   1233
#define IDM_PATH_DELETE   1240
#define IDM_PATH_CURSORTO   1250
#define IDM_PATH_CURSORTO_END   1252
#define IDM_TIMELINE_LINE   1310
#define IDM_TIMELINE_KEY_ADDP   1321
#define IDM_TIMELINE_KEY_ADDR   1322
#define IDM_TIMELINE_KEY_ADDX   1323
#define IDM_TIMELINE_FRAMES   1340
#define IDM_TIMELINE_HIDE   1350
#define IDM_FRAME   1400
#define IDM_FRAME_GO   1410
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_FIRST   1411
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_PREVIOUS   1412
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_NEXT   1413
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_LAST   1414
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_NEXTKEY   1415
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_LASTKEY   1416
#define IDM_FRAME_GO_FRAME   1417
#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY   1420
#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY_WIRE   1421
#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY_QUICK   1422
#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY_FULL   1423
#define IDM_FRAME_RENDER   1430
#define IDM_FRAME_RENDERNOW   1431
#define IDM_FRAME_RENDERIN   1432
#define IDM_FRAME_SHOW   1440
#define IDM_FRAME_PREVIEW   1450
#define IDM_FRAME_SETNUMBER   1460
#define IDM_FRAME_INSERT   1471
#define IDM_FRAME_DELETE   1472
#define IDM_VIEW   1500
#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW   1510
#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW_BOUNDED   1511
#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW_ALL   1514
#define IDM_VIEW_GRID   1530
#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW_GRID   1531
#define IDM_VIEW_DEFINEGRID   1532
#define IDM_VIEW_RESTORE   1540
#define IDM_VIEW_FULL   1550
#define IDM_VIEW_FEEDBACK   1580
#define IDM_WINDOW   1600
#define IDM_WINDOW_COORDS   1610
#define IDM_WINDOW_COORD   1620
#define IDM_WINDOW_COORD_DEF   1621
#define IDM_WINDOW_COORD_LAST   1622
#define IDM_WINDOW_ACTIVATE   1660
#define IDM_WINDOW_TOOLLEFT   1662
#define IDM_WINDOW_RESET   1663
#define IDM_WINDOW_CLOSE   1670
#define IDM_WINDOW_SELECT   1690
#define IDM_STOP   1700
#define IDM_STOP_TOOL   1701
#define IDM_QUIET_EDITLENS   1702
#define IDM_QUIET_EDITLIGHT   1703
#define IDM_HELP   1800
#define IDM_HELP_HELP   1810
#define IDM_HELP_GENERAL   1820
#define IDM_HELP_ABOUT   1830
#define IDM_HELP_HOME   1831
#define IDM_HELP_SUPPORT   1832
#define IDM_ZOOM_IN   2021
#define IDM_ZOOM_OUT   2022
#define IDM_ZOOM_CENTRE   2023
#define IDM_ZOOM_WORLD   2024
#define IDM_PAN_UP   2028
#define IDM_PAN_DOWN   2029
#define IDM_PAN_LEFT   2030
#define IDM_PAN_RIGHT   2031
#define IDM_SELECT_ACTOR   2032
#define IDM_SELECT_PATH   2033
#define IDM_SELECT_CAMERA   2034
#define IDM_SELECT_CSG   2035
#define IDM_SELECT_ROBOT   2036
#define IDM_SELECT_LIGHT   2037
#define IDM_SELECT_TARGET   2038
#define IDM_SELECT_GROUND   2039
#define IDM_COORDS_DEFINE   2040
#define IDM_COORDS_ORIGIN   2041
#define IDM_COORDS_RELATIVE   2042
#define IDM_COORDS_MEASURE   2043
#define IDM_EDIT_MODEL   2044
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD   2200
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_MOD   2201
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_MORPH   2202
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_CAMERA   2203
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_TARGET   2204
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_LIGHT   2205
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_PATH   2206
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_SKY   2207
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_GROUND   2208
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_XIP   2209
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_ROBOT   2210
#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_CSG   2211
#define IDBM_TLL0U   2500
#define IDBM_TLL1U   2501
#define IDBM_TLL2U   2502
#define IDBM_TLL3U   2503
#define IDBM_TLL4U   2504
#define IDBM_TLL5U   2505
#define IDBM_TLL6U   2506
#define IDBM_TLL7U   2507
#define IDBM_TLL0D   2508
#define IDBM_TLL1D   2509
#define IDBM_TLL2D   2510
#define IDBM_TLL3D   2511
#define IDBM_TLL4D   2512
#define IDBM_TLL5D   2513
#define IDBM_TLL6D   2514
#define IDBM_TLL7D   2515
#define IDBM_ACT0U   2516
#define IDBM_ACT1U   2517
#define IDBM_ACT2U   2518
#define IDBM_ACT3U   2519
#define IDBM_ACT4U   2520
#define IDBM_ACT5U   2521
#define IDBM_ACT6U   2522
#define IDBM_ACT7U   2523
#define IDBM_ACT0D   2524
#define IDBM_ACT1D   2525
#define IDBM_ACT2D   2526
#define IDBM_ACT3D   2527
#define IDBM_ACT4D   2528
#define IDBM_ACT5D   2529
#define IDBM_ACT6D   2530
#define IDBM_ACT7D   2531
#define IDBM_SEL0U   2532
#define IDBM_SEL1U   2533
#define IDBM_SEL2U   2534
#define IDBM_SEL3U   2535
#define IDBM_SEL4U   2536
#define IDBM_SEL5U   2537
#define IDBM_SEL6U   2538
#define IDBM_SEL7U   2539
#define IDBM_SEL0D   2540
#define IDBM_SEL1D   2541
#define IDBM_SEL2D   2542
#define IDBM_SEL3D   2543
#define IDBM_SEL4D   2544
#define IDBM_SEL5D   2545
#define IDBM_SEL6D   2546
#define IDBM_SEL7D   2547
#define IDBM_ARROW_Zp   2548
#define IDBM_ARROW_Zm   2549
#define IDBM_ARROW_Xp   2550
#define IDBM_ARROW_Xm   2551
#define IDBM_ARROW_Yp   2552
#define IDBM_ARROW_Ym   2553
#define IDBM_WIN_T   2554
#define IDBM_WIN_S   2555
#define IDBM_WIN_R   2556
#define IDBM_WIN_F   2557
#define IDBM_WIN_C   2586
#define IDBM_A_MODEL   2558
#define IDBM_A_SKY   2559
#define IDBM_A_GROUND   2560
#define IDBM_A_LIGHT   2561
#define IDBM_A_ANIOBJ   2562
#define IDBM_A_ROBOT   2563
#define IDBM_A_CAMERA   2564
#define IDBM_A_PATH   2565
#define IDBM_A_CSG   2566
#define IDBM_A_TARGET   2567
#define IDBM_A_IMAGEP   2568
#define IDBM_A_DIRECTOR   2569
#define IDBM_QT1   2600
#define IDBM_QT2   2601
#define IDBM_QT3   2602
#define IDBM_QT4   2603
#define IDBM_CO1   2604
#define IDBM_CO2   2605
#define IDBM_CO3   2606
#define IDBM_CO4   2607
#define IDBM_CO5   2608
#define IDBM_TESTU   2609
#define IDBM_TESTD   2610
#define IDBM_WIN_Th   2611
#define IDBM_WIN_Sh   2612
#define IDBM_WIN_Rh   2613
#define IDBM_WIN_Fh   2614
#define IDBM_SKTOOLBAR   2615
#define IDBM_TIMELINE   2616
#define IDBM_PREV_FIRST   2617
#define IDBM_PREV_LAST   2618
#define IDBM_PREV_NEXT   2619
#define IDBM_PREV_PREV   2620
#define IDBM_PREV_PLAY   2621
#define IDBM_PREV_PAUSE   2622
#define IDBM_CROSS   2623
#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_B   2700
#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_H   2701
#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_D   2702
#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_I   2703
#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_M   2704
#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_B   2705
#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_H   2706
#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_D   2707
#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_I   2708
#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_M   2709
#define IDBM_MENU1_MO   2710
#define IDBM_MENU1_TA   2711
#define IDBM_MENU1_PA   2712
#define IDBM_MENU1_SK   2713
#define IDBM_MENU1_LI   2714
#define IDBM_MENU1_GR   2715
#define IDBM_MENU1_XI   2716
#define IDBM_MENU1_CS   2717
#define IDBM_MENU1_MF   2718
#define IDBM_MENU1_RO   2719
#define IDBM_MENU1_CA   2720
#define IDBM_MENU1_DR   2721
#define IDBM_S_MODEL   2730
#define IDBM_S_SKY   2731
#define IDBM_S_GROUND   2732
#define IDBM_S_LIGHT   2733
#define IDBM_S_ANIOBJ   2734
#define IDBM_S_ROBOT   2735
#define IDBM_S_CAMERA   2736
#define IDBM_S_PATH   2737
#define IDBM_S_CSG   2738
#define IDBM_S_TARGET   2739
#define IDBM_S_IMAGEP   2740
#define IDBM_S_DIRECTOR   2741
#define IDBM_GROUND1   2750
#define IDBM_GROUND2   2751
#define IDBM_GROUND3   2752
#define IDBM_BACKGROUND   2753
#define IDBM_ABOUT   2754
#define IDBM_I_LIGHT   2780
#define IDBM_I_CAMERA   2781
#define IDBM_DLG_BTNS   9999
#define IDC_NONE   3000
#define IDC_GRABBER   3001
#define IDC_ROTATOR   3002
#define IDC_SIZER   3003
#define IDC_TRACKER   3004
#define IDC_DIRECTOR   3005
#define IDC_PAN   3006
#define IDC_ZOOMIN   3007
#define IDC_ZOOMOUT   3008
#define IDC_XCROSS   3009
#define IDC_PATHED   3010
#define IDC_OPENARROW   3011
#define IDC_SKELETOR   3012
#define IDC_INSERT   3013
#define IDC_ZOOM   3014

Define Documentation

#define ANIMATOR_MENU   10

Definition at line 3 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by WinMain().

#define ANIMATOR_ACCEL   11

Definition at line 4 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by WinMain().

#define TIMELINE_MENU   12

Definition at line 5 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDC_COORD_UPDATE   102

Definition at line 7 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by CoordinatesDlgProc(), SnapCursorTo(), and UpdateRuler().

#define IDC_TIMEL_UPDATE   3

#define IDM_FILE_LOAD   1000

Definition at line 10 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 11 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LogOnMessage().


Definition at line 12 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LogOnMessage().

#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_NEW   1003

Definition at line 13 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_STARTUP   1012

Definition at line 23 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LogOnMessage().

#define IDM_FILE_SAVEOLD   1004

Definition at line 15 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_SAVE   1005

Definition at line 16 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_ASCRIPT   1006

Definition at line 17 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_FSCRIPT   1007

Definition at line 18 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_PRINT   1008

Definition at line 19 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by MainModelerWndProc().

#define IDM_FILE_PRINTSETUP   1009

Definition at line 20 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 21 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXIT   1011

Definition at line 22 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by InitializeLastFilesList(), MainAnimatorWndProc(), and MainModelerWndProc().

#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_STARTUP   1012

Definition at line 23 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_OPENGL   1013

Definition at line 24 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by EnableGLview().

#define IDM_FILE_LOAD_DIRECT   1014

Definition at line 25 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by WinMain().

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_VRML   1015

Definition at line 26 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_FMSCRIPT   1016

Definition at line 27 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_AMSCRIPT   1017

Definition at line 28 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_PACK   1018

Definition at line 29 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_UNPACK   1019

Definition at line 30 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_EXP_VIRTOOLS   1020

Definition at line 31 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_UNDO   1100

Definition at line 33 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by Save_UndoA().

#define IDM_ACTOR_SELECT   1101

Definition at line 34 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_A   1102

Definition at line 35 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_DEL_A   1103

Definition at line 36 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_INFO   1104

Definition at line 37 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 38 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc(), and UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 39 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc(), and UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 40 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc(), and UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_RENAME   1108

Definition at line 41 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_C   1109

Definition at line 42 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_DEL_C   1110

Definition at line 43 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_E   1111

Definition at line 44 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_ADD_X   1112

Definition at line 45 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_SWAP   1113

Definition at line 46 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_SWAP_ALL   1114

Definition at line 47 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 48 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_PATH_REVERSE   1116

Definition at line 49 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_MODELER   1040

Definition at line 51 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LogOnMessage().

#define IDM_FILE_KEYFRAMER   1050

Definition at line 52 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by TimelineEditor(), and WinMain().


Definition at line 53 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().

#define IDM_FILE_VIEWER   1060

Definition at line 54 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_PLAYER   1071

Definition at line 55 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_FLI2AVI   1072

Definition at line 56 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_PLAYAVI   1073

Definition at line 57 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_FLI2GIF   1074

Definition at line 58 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_ANIM   1075

Definition at line 59 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_AUDIO   1076

Definition at line 60 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_AVI2MPG   1077

Definition at line 61 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_PLAYDD   1078

Definition at line 62 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_GIF2AVI   1079

Definition at line 63 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_PLAYGG   1080

Definition at line 64 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FILE_SHOWSTV   1081

Definition at line 65 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_DEL_E   1123

Definition at line 67 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_AXIS_SH   1151

Definition at line 68 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_AXIS_SNAP   1152

Definition at line 69 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_AXIS_PLACE   1153

Definition at line 70 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_GRAB   1161

Definition at line 71 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_ROTATE   1162

Definition at line 72 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_SIZE   1163

Definition at line 73 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_POSE   1164

Definition at line 74 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 75 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 76 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_NODE   1167

Definition at line 77 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 78 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_PAN   1170

Definition at line 79 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_TOOL_ZOOMIN   1171

Definition at line 80 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 81 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_ACTCAMERA   1180

Definition at line 82 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_EDIT_XIMAGE   1190

Definition at line 83 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 84 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 85 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH   1200

Definition at line 87 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_EDIT   1210

Definition at line 88 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_SUBDIVIDE   1220

Definition at line 89 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_PICK   1230

Definition at line 90 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_PICK_NEXT   1231

Definition at line 91 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 92 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_PICK_FIRST   1233

Definition at line 93 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_DELETE   1240

Definition at line 94 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_CURSORTO   1250

Definition at line 95 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 96 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PATH_CURSORTO_END   1252

Definition at line 97 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 98 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_TIMELINE_LINE   1310

Definition at line 100 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 101 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 102 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 103 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_TIMELINE_KEY_ADDP   1321

Definition at line 104 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_TIMELINE_KEY_ADDR   1322

Definition at line 105 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_TIMELINE_KEY_ADDX   1323

Definition at line 106 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 107 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 108 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 109 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 110 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 112 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 113 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 114 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 115 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 116 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 117 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_TIMELINE_FRAMES   1340

Definition at line 118 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 119 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 120 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_TIMELINE_HIDE   1350

Definition at line 121 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by CloseUtilities(), and TimelineEditor().

#define IDM_FRAME   1400

Definition at line 123 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO   1410

Definition at line 124 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_FIRST   1411

Definition at line 125 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_PREVIOUS   1412

Definition at line 126 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_NEXT   1413

Definition at line 127 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_LAST   1414

Definition at line 128 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_NEXTKEY   1415

Definition at line 129 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_LASTKEY   1416

Definition at line 130 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_GO_FRAME   1417

Definition at line 131 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY   1420

Definition at line 132 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY_WIRE   1421

Definition at line 133 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY_QUICK   1422

Definition at line 134 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_PLAY_FULL   1423

Definition at line 135 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_RENDER   1430

Definition at line 136 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_RENDERNOW   1431

Definition at line 137 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadRenderer(), ScrapEverything(), and SetNumberOfFrames().

#define IDM_FRAME_RENDERIN   1432

Definition at line 138 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 139 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_SHOW   1440

Definition at line 140 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_PREVIEW   1450

Definition at line 141 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 142 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 143 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 144 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_SETNUMBER   1460

Definition at line 145 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 146 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_INSERT   1471

Definition at line 147 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_FRAME_DELETE   1472

Definition at line 148 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW   1500

Definition at line 150 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW   1510

Definition at line 151 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW_BOUNDED   1511

Definition at line 152 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().


Definition at line 153 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().


Definition at line 154 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().

#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW_ALL   1514

Definition at line 155 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().


Definition at line 156 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().


Definition at line 157 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW_GRID   1530

Definition at line 158 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().

#define IDM_VIEW_DRAW_GRID   1531

Definition at line 159 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().

#define IDM_VIEW_DEFINEGRID   1532

Definition at line 160 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW_RESTORE   1540

Definition at line 161 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW_FULL   1550

Definition at line 162 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc().


Definition at line 163 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 164 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_VIEW_FEEDBACK   1580

Definition at line 165 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 166 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().


Definition at line 167 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences().


Definition at line 168 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW   1600

Definition at line 170 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW_COORDS   1610

Definition at line 171 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), and CoordinatesDlgProc().

#define IDM_WINDOW_COORD   1620

Definition at line 172 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW_COORD_DEF   1621

Definition at line 173 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW_COORD_LAST   1622

Definition at line 174 of file MENUID.H.



Definition at line 176 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), DrawModel(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().


Definition at line 177 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorTriViewWndProc(), DrawModel(), and ModelerTriViewWndProc().


Definition at line 178 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ActivatePreferences(), AnimatorViewWndProc(), and MainAnimatorWndProc().

#define IDM_WINDOW_ACTIVATE   1660

Definition at line 179 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 180 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by EnableGLview(), StartGLview(), and StartOpenGL().

#define IDM_WINDOW_TOOLLEFT   1662

Definition at line 181 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW_RESET   1663

Definition at line 182 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW_CLOSE   1670

Definition at line 183 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 184 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_WINDOW_SELECT   1690

Definition at line 185 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_STOP   1700

#define IDM_STOP_TOOL   1701

#define IDM_QUIET_EDITLENS   1702

Definition at line 189 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_QUIET_EDITLIGHT   1703

Definition at line 190 of file MENUID.H.


Definition at line 191 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_HELP   1800

Definition at line 193 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_HELP_HELP   1810

Definition at line 194 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_HELP_GENERAL   1820

Definition at line 195 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LogOnMessage().

#define IDM_HELP_ABOUT   1830

Definition at line 196 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_HELP_HOME   1831

Definition at line 197 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_HELP_SUPPORT   1832

Definition at line 198 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ZOOM_IN   2021

Definition at line 200 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by DrawModel(), Nudge(), and StageStepRotate().

#define IDM_ZOOM_OUT   2022

Definition at line 201 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by DrawModel(), Nudge(), and StageStepRotate().

#define IDM_ZOOM_CENTRE   2023

Definition at line 202 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc().

#define IDM_ZOOM_WORLD   2024

Definition at line 203 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_PAN_UP   2028

#define IDM_PAN_DOWN   2029

#define IDM_PAN_LEFT   2030

#define IDM_PAN_RIGHT   2031

#define IDM_SELECT_ACTOR   2032

Definition at line 209 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_PATH   2033

Definition at line 210 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_CAMERA   2034

Definition at line 211 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_CSG   2035

Definition at line 212 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_ROBOT   2036

Definition at line 213 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_LIGHT   2037

Definition at line 214 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_TARGET   2038

Definition at line 215 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_SELECT_GROUND   2039

Definition at line 216 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_COORDS_DEFINE   2040

Definition at line 217 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by CoordinatesDlgProc().

#define IDM_COORDS_ORIGIN   2041

Definition at line 218 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by CoordinatesDlgProc().

#define IDM_COORDS_RELATIVE   2042

Definition at line 219 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_COORDS_MEASURE   2043

Definition at line 220 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_EDIT_MODEL   2044

Definition at line 221 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD   2200

Definition at line 225 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_MOD   2201

Definition at line 226 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_MORPH   2202

Definition at line 227 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_CAMERA   2203

Definition at line 228 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_TARGET   2204

Definition at line 229 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_LIGHT   2205

Definition at line 230 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_PATH   2206

Definition at line 231 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_SKY   2207

Definition at line 232 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_GROUND   2208

Definition at line 233 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_XIP   2209

Definition at line 234 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_ROBOT   2210

Definition at line 235 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDM_ACTOR_QADD_CSG   2211

Definition at line 236 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().


Definition at line 237 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AddQuickActor(), and ExecuteActorsMenu().


Definition at line 239 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc().


Definition at line 240 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ToolBtnWndProc().


Definition at line 241 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().


Definition at line 242 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by UpdateSelectedActor().

#define IDBM_TLL0U   2500

Definition at line 244 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL1U   2501

Definition at line 245 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL2U   2502

Definition at line 246 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL3U   2503

Definition at line 247 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL4U   2504

Definition at line 248 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL5U   2505

Definition at line 249 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL6U   2506

Definition at line 250 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL7U   2507

Definition at line 251 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL0D   2508

Definition at line 252 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL1D   2509

Definition at line 253 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL2D   2510

Definition at line 254 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL3D   2511

Definition at line 255 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL4D   2512

Definition at line 256 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL5D   2513

Definition at line 257 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL6D   2514

Definition at line 258 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TLL7D   2515

Definition at line 259 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT0U   2516

Definition at line 261 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT1U   2517

Definition at line 262 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT2U   2518

Definition at line 263 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT3U   2519

Definition at line 264 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT4U   2520

Definition at line 265 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT5U   2521

Definition at line 266 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT6U   2522

Definition at line 267 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT7U   2523

Definition at line 268 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT0D   2524

Definition at line 269 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT1D   2525

Definition at line 270 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT2D   2526

Definition at line 271 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT3D   2527

Definition at line 272 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT4D   2528

Definition at line 273 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT5D   2529

Definition at line 274 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT6D   2530

Definition at line 275 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ACT7D   2531

Definition at line 276 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL0U   2532

Definition at line 278 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL1U   2533

Definition at line 279 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL2U   2534

Definition at line 280 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL3U   2535

Definition at line 281 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL4U   2536

Definition at line 282 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL5U   2537

Definition at line 283 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL6U   2538

Definition at line 284 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL7U   2539

Definition at line 285 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL0D   2540

Definition at line 286 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL1D   2541

Definition at line 287 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL2D   2542

Definition at line 288 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL3D   2543

Definition at line 289 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL4D   2544

Definition at line 290 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL5D   2545

Definition at line 291 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL6D   2546

Definition at line 292 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_SEL7D   2547

Definition at line 293 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ARROW_Zp   2548

Definition at line 295 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ARROW_Zm   2549

Definition at line 296 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ARROW_Xp   2550

Definition at line 297 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ARROW_Xm   2551

Definition at line 298 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ARROW_Yp   2552

Definition at line 299 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_ARROW_Ym   2553

Definition at line 300 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_WIN_T   2554

Definition at line 302 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_S   2555

Definition at line 303 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_R   2556

Definition at line 304 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_F   2557

Definition at line 305 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_C   2586

Definition at line 306 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_A_MODEL   2558

Definition at line 308 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_SKY   2559

Definition at line 309 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_GROUND   2560

Definition at line 310 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_LIGHT   2561

Definition at line 311 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_ANIOBJ   2562

Definition at line 312 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_ROBOT   2563

Definition at line 313 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_CAMERA   2564

Definition at line 314 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_PATH   2565

Definition at line 315 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_CSG   2566

Definition at line 316 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_TARGET   2567

Definition at line 317 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_IMAGEP   2568

Definition at line 318 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_A_DIRECTOR   2569

Definition at line 319 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_QT1   2600

Definition at line 321 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_QT2   2601

Definition at line 322 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_QT3   2602

Definition at line 323 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_QT4   2603

Definition at line 324 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_CO1   2604

Definition at line 326 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_CO2   2605

Definition at line 327 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_CO3   2606

Definition at line 328 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_CO4   2607

Definition at line 329 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_CO5   2608

Definition at line 330 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TESTU   2609

Definition at line 332 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TESTD   2610

Definition at line 333 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_WIN_Th   2611

Definition at line 335 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_Sh   2612

Definition at line 336 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_Rh   2613

Definition at line 337 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_WIN_Fh   2614

Definition at line 338 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_SKTOOLBAR   2615

Definition at line 340 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TIMELINE   2616

Definition at line 341 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_PREV_FIRST   2617

Definition at line 343 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_PREV_LAST   2618

Definition at line 344 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_PREV_NEXT   2619

Definition at line 345 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_PREV_PREV   2620

Definition at line 346 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_PREV_PLAY   2621

Definition at line 347 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_PREV_PAUSE   2622

Definition at line 348 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_CROSS   2623

Definition at line 350 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_B   2700

Definition at line 352 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_H   2701

Definition at line 353 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_D   2702

Definition at line 354 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_I   2703

Definition at line 355 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_TOOLBAR_M   2704

Definition at line 356 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_B   2705

Definition at line 358 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_H   2706

Definition at line 359 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_D   2707

Definition at line 360 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_I   2708

Definition at line 361 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_STOOLBAR_M   2709

Definition at line 362 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ChangeToolboxBitmaps(), and ToolboxWndProc().

#define IDBM_MENU1_MO   2710

Definition at line 364 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_TA   2711

Definition at line 365 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_PA   2712

Definition at line 366 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_SK   2713

Definition at line 367 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_LI   2714

Definition at line 368 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_GR   2715

Definition at line 369 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_XI   2716

Definition at line 370 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_CS   2717

Definition at line 371 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_MF   2718

Definition at line 372 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_RO   2719

Definition at line 373 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_CA   2720

Definition at line 374 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_MENU1_DR   2721

Definition at line 375 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by ExecuteActorsMenu().

#define IDBM_S_MODEL   2730

Definition at line 377 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_SKY   2731

Definition at line 378 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_GROUND   2732

Definition at line 379 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_LIGHT   2733

Definition at line 380 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_ANIOBJ   2734

Definition at line 381 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_ROBOT   2735

Definition at line 382 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_CAMERA   2736

Definition at line 383 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_PATH   2737

Definition at line 384 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_CSG   2738

Definition at line 385 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_TARGET   2739

Definition at line 386 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_IMAGEP   2740

Definition at line 387 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_S_DIRECTOR   2741

Definition at line 388 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_GROUND1   2750

Definition at line 390 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_GROUND2   2751

Definition at line 391 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_GROUND3   2752

Definition at line 392 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_BACKGROUND   2753

Definition at line 394 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by PaintDialogBackground().

#define IDBM_ABOUT   2754

Definition at line 395 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDBM_I_LIGHT   2780

Definition at line 397 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_I_CAMERA   2781

Definition at line 398 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by LoadArrowIcons().

#define IDBM_DLG_BTNS   9999

Definition at line 400 of file MENUID.H.

#define IDC_NONE   3000

Definition at line 402 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_GRABBER   3001

Definition at line 403 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_ROTATOR   3002

Definition at line 404 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_SIZER   3003

Definition at line 405 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_TRACKER   3004

Definition at line 406 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_DIRECTOR   3005

Definition at line 407 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_PAN   3006

Definition at line 408 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_ZOOMIN   3007

Definition at line 409 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_ZOOMOUT   3008

Definition at line 410 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_XCROSS   3009

Definition at line 411 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_PATHED   3010

Definition at line 412 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_OPENARROW   3011

Definition at line 413 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

#define IDC_SKELETOR   3012

Definition at line 414 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_INSERT   3013

Definition at line 415 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup().

#define IDC_ZOOM   3014

Definition at line 416 of file MENUID.H.

Referenced by AnimatorStartup(), and DesignStartup().

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:15 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6