Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* --
00002 OpenFX version 1.0 - Modelling, Animation and Rendering Package
00003 Copyright (C) 2000 OpenFX Development Team
00005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00007 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00008 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
00019 You may contact the OpenFX development team via elecronic mail
00020 at, or visit our website at for
00021 further information and support details.
00022 -- */
00024 /* file VIDEO2.C */
00026 #include "..\animate\gif.c"
00028 static int rowcount;
00029 static unsigned char *pixels = NULL;
00031 int out_line(unsigned char *linepixels, int linelen){
00032  register long l;
00033  l = (long)(rowcount)*(long)(x_size);
00034  memcpy(pixels + l, linepixels, linelen);
00035  rowcount++;
00036  return 0;
00037 }
00039 static unsigned char *LoadGIF(char *GIFfile, int *xx, int *yy){
00040  unsigned char *px,*lpB,*pixels24;
00041  long i,j,k,imagesize,x,y,xi,yi;
00042  rowcount=0;
00043  if(read_gif_image(GIFfile,1) < 0)return 0;
00044  x=x_size; y=y_size;
00045  imagesize=x_size*y_size;
00046  if((pixels=(unsigned char*)X__Malloc(imagesize)) == NULL)return 0;
00047  if((pixels24=(unsigned char*)X__Malloc(imagesize*3)) == NULL){
00048    X__Free(pixels);
00049    return NULL;
00050  }
00051  if(read_gif_image(GIFfile,0) < 0){
00052    X__Free(pixels);
00053    return NULL;
00054  }
00055  px=pixels24;
00056  lpB=pixels;
00057  for(j=0;j<y;j++){
00058    for(i=0;i<x;i++){
00059      k=(long)(*lpB++);
00060      *px++ = (unsigned char)(p_red[k]   << 2);
00061      *px++ = (unsigned char)(p_green[k] << 2);
00062      *px++ = (unsigned char)(p_blue[k]  << 2);
00063    }
00064  }
00065  *xx=x; *yy=y;
00066  X__Free(pixels);
00067  return pixels24;
00068 }
00070 static void tga_display_line(unsigned char *prgb,
00071                              long wide, long line,
00072                              long upsidedown, long hi){
00073  register long l,x,k;
00074  if(!upsidedown)l = 3L*(long)(line)*(long)(x_size);
00075  else           l = 3L*(long)(hi - 1 - line)*(long)(x_size);
00076  memcpy(pixels + l, prgb, (int)(wide*3));
00077 }
00079 static short R_getvariword(long n, FILE *f, long *vw){
00080  long c;
00081  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00082  *vw = c;          if(n == 1)return 1;
00083  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00084  *vw |= (c << 8);  if(n == 2)return 1;
00085  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00086  *vw |= (c << 16); if(n == 3)return 1;
00087  if((c=(long)getc(f)) == EOF)return 0;
00088  *vw |= (c << 24);
00089  return 1;
00090 }
00092 static short read_tga_image(char *filename, short info_only){
00093  char c0,c1,c2;
00094  long i,j,k,l,m,n,cmo,cml,xor,yor,wi,hi,iok=0,idsize,cm_type,vw,
00095       image_type,cmes,pixel_size,image_descriptor,n_attr,upsidedown,b_size,
00096       s1,s2,s,pat,wi3;
00097  FILE *t24;
00098  unsigned char *prgb;
00099  prgb=NULL;
00100  if((t24=fopen(filename,"rb")) != NULL){
00101    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&idsize))goto CLOSEOUT;
00102    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&cm_type))goto CLOSEOUT; /* 0 for non mapped */
00103    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&image_type))goto CLOSEOUT; /* image type */
00104    if(image_type != 2 && image_type != 10)goto CLOSEOUT;
00105    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&cmo))goto CLOSEOUT;  /* color map 5 bytes */
00106    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&cml))goto CLOSEOUT;
00107    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&cmes))goto CLOSEOUT;
00108    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&xor))goto CLOSEOUT;  /* Image spec 10 bytes */
00109    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&yor))goto CLOSEOUT;
00110    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&wi))goto CLOSEOUT;
00111    if(! R_getvariword(2,t24,&hi))goto CLOSEOUT;
00112    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&pixel_size))goto CLOSEOUT;
00113    if(! R_getvariword(1,t24,&image_descriptor))goto CLOSEOUT;
00114    if(idsize > 0)for(i=0;i<idsize;i++)if(getc(t24) == EOF)goto CLOSEOUT;
00115    if(cm_type == 1 && cml > 0){
00116      for(i=cmo;i<cml;i++)if(! R_getvariword(cmes/8,t24,&j))goto CLOSEOUT;
00117    }
00118    n_attr = image_descriptor & 0xf;
00119    upsidedown = (image_descriptor & 0x20) > 0 ? 0 : 1 ;
00120    if(info_only){
00121      x_size=(int)wi;
00122      y_size=(int)hi;
00123      fclose(t24);
00124      return 1;
00125    }
00126    if((prgb=(unsigned char *)X__Malloc((size_t)wi*3)) == NULL)goto CLOSEOUT;
00127    if((image_descriptor & 0xc0) > 0)goto CLOSEOUT; /* interlaced */
00128    b_size=i=wi*hi;
00129    if     (pixel_size == 16){n=2;s1=5;s2=10;s=3;pat=0x1f;}
00130    else if(pixel_size == 24){n=3;s1=8;s2=16;s=0;pat=0xff;}
00131    else                     {n=4;s1=8;s2=16;s=0;pat=0xff;}
00132    wi3=wi*3;
00133    if(image_type == 2){ /* uncompressed */
00134      m=0; k=0; for(i=0;i<hi;i++)for(j=0;j<wi;j++){
00135        if(! R_getvariword(n,t24,&vw))goto CLOSEOUT;
00136        prgb[m+2] = (char)( vw        & pat) << s;
00137        prgb[m+1] = (char)((vw >> s1) & pat) << s;
00138        prgb[m  ] = (char)((vw >> s2) & pat) << s;
00139        k++; m+=3;
00140        if(m == wi3){
00141          tga_display_line(prgb,wi,i,upsidedown,hi); m=0;
00142        }
00143      }
00144    }
00145    else{  /* compressed */
00146      m=0; l=0; k=0; while(k < b_size){
00147        i=getc(t24); if(feof(t24))goto CLOSEOUT;
00148         if(i < 128){
00149          for(j=0;j<i+1;j++){
00150            if(! R_getvariword(n,t24,&vw))goto CLOSEOUT;
00151            prgb[m+2] = (char)( vw        & pat) << s;
00152            prgb[m+1] = (char)((vw >> s1) & pat) << s;
00153            prgb[m  ] = (char)((vw >> s2) & pat) << s;
00154            k++; m+=3;
00155            if(m == wi3){
00156              tga_display_line(prgb,wi,l,upsidedown,hi); m=0; l++;
00157            }
00158          }
00159        }
00160        else{
00161          if(! R_getvariword(n,t24,&vw))goto CLOSEOUT;
00162          c0 = (char)( vw        & pat) << s;
00163          c1 = (char)((vw >> s1) & pat) << s;
00164          c2 = (char)((vw >> s2) & pat) << s;
00165          i -= 128;
00166          for(j=0;j<i+1;j++){
00167            prgb[m+2] = c0;
00168            prgb[m+1] = c1;
00169            prgb[m  ] = c2;
00170            k++;  m+=3;
00171            if(m == wi3){
00172              tga_display_line(prgb,wi,l,upsidedown,hi); m=0; l++;
00173            }
00174          }
00175        }
00176      }
00177    }
00178    iok=1;
00179    CLOSEOUT:
00180    fclose(t24);
00181    if(prgb != NULL)X__Free((char *)prgb);
00182  }
00183  return (short)iok;
00184 }
00186 static unsigned char *LoadTGA(char *TGAfile, int *xx, int *yy){
00187  long imagesize;
00188  rowcount=0;
00189  if(read_tga_image(TGAfile,1) < 0)return 0;
00190  imagesize=x_size*y_size*3;
00191  if((pixels=(unsigned char*)X__Malloc(imagesize)) == NULL)return NULL;
00192  if(read_tga_image(TGAfile,0) < 0){
00193    X__Free(pixels);
00194    return NULL;
00195  }
00196  *xx=x_size; *yy=y_size;
00197  return pixels;
00198 }
00200 unsigned char *LoadMAP(char *CurrentFile, int *xx, int *yy){
00201  int ff;
00202  if     (strstr(CurrentFile,".GIF") || strstr(CurrentFile,".gif"))
00203    return LoadGIF(CurrentFile,xx,yy);
00204  else if(strstr(CurrentFile,".TGA") || strstr(CurrentFile,".tga"))
00205    return LoadTGA(CurrentFile,xx,yy);
00206  return NULL;
00207 }

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:12 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6