SELECT.C File Reference

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#define MODULE_SELECT   1


void ExecuteSelect (int item)
void ExecuteHide (BOOL hide)
void SelectConnected (int status)
void SelectConnectedTo (long id)
long SelectVertex (int criteria, int cx, int cy)
void SelectorDown (HWND hwnd, int view, int x, int y)
void SelectorMove (HWND hwnd, int view, int x, int y)
void SelectorUp (HWND hwnd, int view, int x, int y, BOOL bFlagMoved, BOOL bFlagNodeTool)
void SnapCursorTo (int item)
long PickVertex (void)

Define Documentation

#define MODULE_SELECT   1

Definition at line 8 of file SELECT.C.

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:16 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6