TOOLS4.C File Reference

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#define MODULE_TOOLS4   1


typedef struct WORKFACE workface
typedef struct VTXADJ vtxadj


void OrientateFaceNormals (long sas, long n_work_face, long *face_list)
void ReverseFaceOrientation (long nf, long *face_list)
BOOL IsFOSame (long s0, long s1, long s2, long v0, long v1, long v2)
void OrientateSelectedFaces (void)
int TurnIndicatedEdge (void)
void WrapMapSelectedFaces (void)
void SplitSelectedAlongMaterialsMaps (void)
void GrowSelectedAlongNormal (void)

Define Documentation

#define MODULE_TOOLS4   1

Definition at line 7 of file TOOLS4.C.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct WORKFACE workface

typedef struct VTXADJ vtxadj

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:16 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6