This is the web site accompanying the second edition of the book published by CRC Press Taylor and Francis group under the imprint of A. K. Peters
This site accompanies the second edition of the book first published under the title Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics.
The site contains:
The example programs that accompany this book have been specifically constructed so that the can be used with as few external libraries as possible and using as simple coding constructs as possible. Hopefully this will make them more flexible and easier to follow, so most of them are written in C
The subject of 3D graphics has matured very significantly since
the first edition of the book was written back in 2001, twelve years
on, despite the many new algorithms and vast advances in hardware,
the core algorithms are just as valid as they were back then, so
that's where we will start - read on.
Site last updated 03 April 2017
The webiste is now integreated with the website for OpenFX
The first edition website, published in 2001 can still be accessed here....