Web references
This section contians links to web sites with relevant material
to the topics diiscussed in the book:
Chapter 1 Introduction
- The references in the text provide an excellent compendium
of additional reading.
Chapter 2 Mathematics for 3D Graphics
- The excellent book by
Lengyel offers a very open and completely comprehensive
explanation of the maths for 3D graphics.
Chapter 3 Datastructures for 3D Graphics
Chapter 4 Basic Visualization
- No references - see references in the text..
Chapter 5 Realistic Visualization
Chapter 6 Animation
- .. TBC
A line of information
Chapter 7 Real-Time 3D: OpenGL
Chapter 8 Mobile 3D: OpenGLES
- IOS development
Link to the apple web site
- Android development
Lin to the Android developer information
- Eclipse
The Eclipse developer platform
Chapter 9 The Complete Package: OpenFX
- Get everything from the OpenFX.org web site
Chapter 10 Modeling with Polygonated Datasets
- In addition to the raw code for all the algorithms that can
be obtained here; OpenFX has source implementations in the
context of a rich set of data structures.
- The book by
O'Rourke is an excellent source of algorithms for many key
modelling algorithms. Code for the algorithms is available from
the author's web-site.
Chapter 11 Algorithms for procedural textures
- .. Implementations of all the procedural textures for both a
software rendering engine and an OpenGL shader based engine may
be obtained from the OpenFX web site.
The GL utility Toolkit GLUT..
The Original OpenGL add on.
- GLUI...
A user intterface component library for OpenGL based programs
that builds on the GLUT or Freeglut.
An uptodate version of the GLUT that is also available for
Anroid mobile platforms.
An equally useful encapsulating library to that of the FreeGLUT.
Adds al OpenGL extension functions in an easy to access format.
- HaptiMap..
The haptimap toolkit allows for 3D graphics on mobile platforms
specifically for mapping applications.
Links to my other projects
Links to other web sites
And some of my other projects.