DRAW.C File Reference

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#define MODULE_DRAW   1
#define HRES   2000


int CheckInterrupt (void)
void SelectInPerspective (int tl, int boxl, int box, int boyl, int boy)
void MoveInPerspective (int dx, int dy)
void UpdateCounters (void)
void DrawVerticesOnly (vertex *vs)
void DrawOneEdgeOnly (vertex *v1, vertex *v2)
void DrawModel (void)
void Draw3dView (int smab, int skelview)
void DrawQuick3dView (int skelview)
int O_normalize (vector v)
BOOL O_Normalize (point x, point y, point z, vector n)
void DrawRubberBoundBox (long xmin, long ymin, long zmin, long xmax, long ymax, long zmax)
void DrawRubber3dLine (point p1, point p2)
void DrawRubberLines (HWND hwnd, int av, long vtx, int x, int y)
void DrawBrush (int brushID)
void DrawShader (int shaderID)
void DrawShaperSphere (long x, long y, long z, double shaper_angle_theta, double shaper_angle_phi, double shaper_size)
void DrawSkeleton (void)
void DrawQuickModel (void)

Define Documentation

#define MODULE_DRAW   1

Definition at line 11 of file DRAW.C.

#define HRES   2000

Definition at line 883 of file DRAW.C.

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:15 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6