Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* --
00002 OpenFX version 1.0 - Modelling, Animation and Rendering Package
00003 Copyright (C) 2000 OpenFX Development Team
00005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00007 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00008 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
00019 You may contact the OpenFX development team via elecronic mail
00020 at, or visit our website at for
00021 further information and support details.
00022 -- */
00024 /* file ATM.C  ATM font DLL */
00026 #ifdef __BETA35__
00027 #define _DLL
00028 #endif
00029 #include <ctype.h>
00030 #include <stdlib.h>
00031 #include <stdio.h>
00032 #include <math.h>
00033 #include <setjmp.h>
00034 #include <windows.h>
00035 #include <windowsx.h>
00036 #if __HELP_WS__
00037 #include "..\help_ws\include\htmlhelp.h"
00038 #endif
00040 #include "struct.h"
00041 #include "dstruct.h"
00042 #include "atm.h"
00043 #include "atmdlg.h"
00045 #ifndef PI
00046 #define PI 3.1415926
00047 #endif
00049 #if __X__MIPS__
00051 #endif
00053 typedef struct FOUR_INTEGERS {  /* each edge in the preview  integers */
00054   long x1,y1,x2,y2;
00055   float dx,dy;
00056 } four_integers;
00058 #define OK         1
00059 #define FAIL       0
00060 #define LINESIZE 256
00061 #define cgetc()  cdecrypt(egetc())
00062 #define SP type1_stackpointer
00064 static void MakeNewPSletter(HWND);
00065 static void DrawATMfontShapePreview(HDC hdc,RECT rc);
00066 static void DrawATMfontProfilePreview(HDC hdc,RECT rc);
00067 static void LoadATMfontPreviewCharacter(HWND hwnd);
00068 static BOOL CALLBACK AtmDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
00069                                 WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
00070 static BOOL GetATMfontfile(HWND parent, char *szdir);
00071 static void output_token(char *token);
00072 static short decode_build_type1(int tc, char *PSfile);
00073 static int eexec_scanner(char c);
00074 static int hexval(char c);
00075 static int bgetc(void);
00076 static byte edecrypt(byte cipher);
00077 static byte cdecrypt(byte cipher);
00078 static int immediate_eexec(void);
00079 static int egetc(void);
00080 static void egetline(void);
00081 static void set_lenIV(void);
00082 static int get_character_name(void);
00083 static short add_build_command(int b, int com);
00084 static short do_charstring(void);
00085 static int get_subroutine_number(void);
00086 static int get_Subroutines(void);
00087 static void process_pseudo_routine(character_program Cp);
00088 static void PseudoCurveUpto(point *p, double d, long n, long xx, long yy);
00089 static void CreateCharacterEdge(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
00090 static void Casteljau2(point p, point *va, long i, long j, double mu);
00092 static BITMAP    AtmHelpBitmap;
00093 static HBITMAP   hBitmap=NULL;
00094 static HINSTANCE hThisInstance=NULL;
00095 static HWND      hwndParent=NULL;
00096 static FILE *ifp;
00097 static ATM_STRUCTURE *lpAtm;
00098 static char load_line[LINESIZE],ATMfontDir[255],*szRoot;
00099 static char character_name[64],this_character[64];
00100 static int PS_fail=0,*type1_stack,type1_stack_size=512,SP;
00101 static long  nATM_preview_list=0,nATM_preview_piece=0;
00102 static four_integers *ATM_preview_list=NULL;
00103 static long IVP,IVF,XX,YY,Cwidthx,Cwidthy,Scale=32,Nmax=40;
00104 static double MaxScale=1000.0;
00106 #include "atm1.c"
00108 PSTR FileInPath(PSTR pstrPath){
00109  PSTR pstr;
00110  pstr = pstrPath + strlen(pstrPath);
00111  while (pstr > pstrPath) {
00112      pstr = (AnsiPrev(pstrPath, pstr));
00113      if (*pstr == '\\' || *pstr == ':' || *pstr == '/') {
00114          pstr = (AnsiNext(pstr));
00115          break;
00116      }
00117  }
00118  return pstr;
00119 }
00121 static BOOL GetATMfontfile(HWND parent, char *szdir){
00122  int i;
00123  OPENFILENAME ofn;
00124  char szFilter[80],szdummy[255];
00125  szdummy[0]='\0';
00126  strcpy(szFilter,"(*.PFB)|*.pfb|(*.PFA)|*.pfa|");
00127  i=0; while(szFilter[i] != '\0'){
00128    if(szFilter[i] == '|')szFilter[i]='\0'; i++;
00129  }
00130  memset(&ofn,0,sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
00131  ofn.lStructSize=sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
00132  ofn.hwndOwner=parent;
00133  ofn.lpstrFilter=szFilter;
00134  ofn.nFilterIndex=1;
00135  ofn.lpstrFile=lpAtm->last_ATM_font;
00136  ofn.nMaxFile=255;
00137  ofn.lpstrFileTitle=szdummy;
00138  ofn.nMaxFileTitle=255;
00139  ofn.lpstrInitialDir=szdir;
00140  ofn.lpstrTitle="PFB Program to Execute";
00142  i=(int)(GetOpenFileName(&ofn));
00143  if(i){
00144    strcpy(szdummy,lpAtm->last_ATM_font);
00145    *AnsiPrev(szdummy,FileInPath(szdummy)) = '\0';
00146    strcpy(szdir,szdummy);
00147    return TRUE;
00148  }
00149  return FALSE;
00150 }
00152 #if __WATCOMC__
00153 int APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00154 #else
00155 BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00156 #endif
00157   switch (dwReason) {
00158     case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: {
00159 #if __X__MIPS__
00160       if(!_CRT_INIT(hDLL,dwReason,lpReserved))return(int)FALSE;
00161 //      MessageBox (GetFocus(),"Attaching","Debug",MB_OK);
00162 #endif
00163       hThisInstance=hDLL;
00164       break;
00165     }
00166     case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
00167 #if __X__MIPS__
00168       if(!_CRT_INIT(hDLL,dwReason,lpReserved))return(int)FALSE;
00169 //      MessageBox (GetFocus(),"Dettaching","Debug",MB_OK);
00170 #endif
00171       break;
00172   }
00173   return TRUE;
00174 }
00176 #if __SC__
00177 #pragma startaddress(DllMain)
00178 #endif
00180 BOOL _ATMbuilder(
00181   HWND parent, char *szdir, X__STRUCTURE *lpevi, ATM_STRUCTURE *lpatm){
00182   int i;
00183   szRoot=szdir;
00184   hwndParent=parent;
00185   lpAtm=lpatm;
00186   lpEVI=lpevi;
00187   strcpy(ATMfontDir,szdir);
00188   strcat(ATMfontDir,"fonts");
00189   if(lpAtm->last_ATM_font[0] == 0){
00190     if(!GetATMfontfile(parent,ATMfontDir))return FALSE;
00191   }
00192   else{
00193     strcpy(ATMfontDir,lpAtm->last_ATM_font);
00194     *AnsiPrev(ATMfontDir,FileInPath(ATMfontDir)) = '\0';
00195   }
00196   if(DialogBox(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_ATM),hwndParent,
00197             (DLGPROC)AtmDlgProc) == OK){
00198 //    MessageBox(parent,lpAtm->ATM_Letters,"ATM",MB_OK);
00199     MakeNewPSletter(parent);
00200     return TRUE;
00201   }
00202   return FALSE;
00203 }
00205 static char *ColorSelectDlgString;
00207 static BOOL CALLBACK ColorSelectDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam,
00208                                         LPARAM lparam){
00209  switch( msg ) {
00210    case WM_INITDIALOG:
00211      SendMessage(hwnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)ColorSelectDlgString);
00212      return TRUE;
00213    default:
00214      break;
00215  }
00216  return FALSE;
00217 }
00219 static void SetAtmColour(unsigned char colour[], char *Title, HWND parent){
00220  CHOOSECOLOR cc;
00221  static COLORREF CustColours[16]={
00222    RGB(255,255,255), RGB(239,239,239), RGB(223,223,223), RGB(207,207,207),
00223    RGB(191,191,191), RGB(175,175,175), RGB(159,159,159), RGB(143,143,143),
00224    RGB(127,127,127), RGB(111,111,111), RGB( 95, 95, 95), RGB( 79, 79, 79),
00225    RGB( 63, 63, 63), RGB( 47, 47, 47), RGB( 31, 31, 31), RGB( 15, 15, 15) };
00226  cc.lStructSize=sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
00227  cc.hwndOwner=parent;
00228  cc.rgbResult=RGB(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2]);
00229  cc.lpCustColors=(LPDWORD)CustColours;
00231  cc.lCustData=(DWORD)0;
00232  ColorSelectDlgString=Title;
00233  cc.lpfnHook=(LPCCHOOKPROC)ColorSelectDlgProc;
00234  if(ChooseColor(&cc)){
00235    colour[0]=GetRValue(cc.rgbResult);
00236    colour[1]=GetGValue(cc.rgbResult);
00237    colour[2]=GetBValue(cc.rgbResult);
00238  }
00239 }
00241 static void UpdateAtmSlider(HWND hwnd,int sliderID,int valueID,int value){
00242  char str[16];
00243  SetScrollPos(GetDlgItem(hwnd,sliderID),SB_CTL,value,TRUE);
00244  sprintf(str,"%ld",value);
00245  SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,valueID,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)str);
00246 }
00248 static void UpdateAdobeName(HWND hwnd){
00249  SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_ADOBE_NAME,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)load_line);
00250 }
00252 static BOOL CALLBACK AtmDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
00253                                     WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam){
00254  RECT rc;
00255  char str[16];
00256  int iMin,iMax;
00259  HWND hctl;
00260  BITMAP bmp;
00261  switch( msg ) {
00262    case WM_INITDIALOG:
00263      hBitmap=LoadBitmap(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDBM_HELP));
00264      if(hBitmap != NULL){
00265        GetObject(hBitmap,sizeof(BITMAP),&AtmHelpBitmap);
00266      }
00267      LoadATMfontPreviewCharacter(hwnd);
00268      EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_ADOBE_NAME),FALSE);
00269      SetScrollRange(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_ANGLE),SB_CTL,5,80,FALSE);
00270      SetScrollRange(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_DEPTH),SB_CTL,0,100,FALSE);
00271      SetScrollRange(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_CHAR_WIDTH),SB_CTL,0,100,FALSE);
00272      SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,hp[lpAtm->ATM_offset],BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00273      UpdateAtmSlider(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_ANGLE,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_ANGLEN,
00274                      lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle);
00275      UpdateAtmSlider(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_DEPTH,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_DEPTHN,
00276                      lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width);
00277      UpdateAtmSlider(hwnd,DLG_ATM_CHAR_WIDTH,DLG_ATM_CHAR_WIDTHN,
00278                      lpAtm->ATM_chara_width);
00279      sprintf(str,"%c",lpAtm->ATM_char_preview);
00280      SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PREVIEW,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)str);
00281      SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_FONTID,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)lpAtm->last_ATM_font);
00282      if(lpAtm->FORB > 0)
00283        SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_LR,BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00284      else SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_RL,BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00285      if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back)
00286        SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_BACK,BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00287      if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front)
00288        SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_FRONT,BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00289      if(lpAtm->ATM_cap)
00290        SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_FILL,BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00291      else  SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_NOFILL,BM_SETCHECK,TRUE,0);
00292      sprintf(str,"%s",lpAtm->ATM_Letters);
00293      SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_TEXT,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)str);
00294      SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_TEXT,EM_LIMITTEXT,(WPARAM)60,0);
00295      EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_MAKE),
00296                   Edit_LineLength(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_TEXT), 0) > 0);
00297      GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
00298      SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL,
00299        (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2,
00300        (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - / 2,
00301         0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);
00302      return (TRUE);
00303    case WM_DRAWITEM:{
00304        LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis;
00305        HBRUSH   hbr,hbrold;
00306        BYTE r,g,b;
00307        lpdis=(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lparam;
00308        if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_COLOUR_FACES ||
00309           lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_COLOUR_SIDES ||
00310           lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_COLOUR_BEVEL){
00311          if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_COLOUR_FACES){
00312            r=lpAtm->ATM_face_colour[0];
00313            g=lpAtm->ATM_face_colour[1];
00314            b=lpAtm->ATM_face_colour[2];
00315          }
00316          else if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_COLOUR_SIDES){
00317            r=lpAtm->ATM_side_colour[0];
00318            g=lpAtm->ATM_side_colour[1];
00319            b=lpAtm->ATM_side_colour[2];
00320          }
00321          else if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_COLOUR_BEVEL){
00322            r=lpAtm->ATM_beve_colour[0];
00323            g=lpAtm->ATM_beve_colour[1];
00324            b=lpAtm->ATM_beve_colour[2];
00325          }
00326          if(lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
00327             InvertRect(lpdis->hDC,&(lpdis->rcItem));
00328          else{
00329            hbr=CreateSolidBrush(RGB(r,g,b));
00330            hbrold=SelectObject(lpdis->hDC,hbr);
00331            Rectangle(lpdis->hDC,lpdis->rcItem.left,lpdis->,
00332                          lpdis->rcItem.right,lpdis->rcItem.bottom);
00333            SelectObject(lpdis->hDC,hbrold);
00334            DeleteObject(hbr);
00335          }
00336        }
00337        else if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_SHAPE)
00338          DrawATMfontShapePreview(lpdis->hDC,lpdis->rcItem);
00339        else if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_PROFILE)
00340          DrawATMfontProfilePreview(lpdis->hDC,lpdis->rcItem);
00341        else if(lpdis->CtlID == DLG_ATM_INFO && hBitmap != NULL){
00342          HDC hMemDC;
00343          HBITMAP hbmOld;
00344          hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdis->hDC);
00345          hbmOld = SelectObject(hMemDC,hBitmap);
00346          BitBlt(lpdis->hDC,lpdis->rcItem.left
00347                           ,lpdis->
00348                           ,AtmHelpBitmap.bmWidth
00349                           ,AtmHelpBitmap.bmHeight
00350                           ,hMemDC,0,0,SRCCOPY);
00351          SelectObject(hMemDC,hbmOld);
00352          DeleteDC(hMemDC);
00353        }
00354      }
00355      return TRUE;
00356    case WM_HSCROLL:
00357      if((HWND)lparam == (hctl=GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_ANGLE))){
00358        GetScrollRange(hctl,SB_CTL,&iMin,&iMax);
00359        switch (LOWORD(wparam)) {
00360          case SB_PAGEDOWN:
00361          case SB_LINEDOWN:
00362            lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle = min(iMax,lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle+1);
00363            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00364            break;
00365          case SB_PAGEUP:
00366          case SB_LINEUP:
00367            lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle = max(iMin,lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle-1);
00368            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00369            break;
00370          case SB_THUMBTRACK:
00371          case SB_THUMBPOSITION:
00372            lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle=HIWORD(wparam);
00373            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00374            break;
00375          default: break;
00376        }
00377        UpdateAtmSlider(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_ANGLE,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_ANGLEN,
00378                        lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle);
00379      }
00380      else if((HWND)lparam == (hctl=GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_DEPTH))){
00381        GetScrollRange(hctl,SB_CTL,&iMin,&iMax);
00382        switch (LOWORD(wparam)) {
00383          case SB_PAGEDOWN:
00384          case SB_LINEDOWN:
00385            lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width = min(iMax,lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width+1);
00386            if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front || lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back)
00387              InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00388            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00389            break;
00390          case SB_PAGEUP:
00391          case SB_LINEUP:
00392            lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width = max(iMin,lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width-1);
00393            if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front || lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back)
00394              InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00395            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00396            break;
00397          case SB_THUMBTRACK:
00398          case SB_THUMBPOSITION:
00399            lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width=HIWORD(wparam);
00400            if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front || lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back)
00401              InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00402            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00403            break;
00404          default: break;
00405        }
00406        UpdateAtmSlider(hwnd,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_DEPTH,DLG_ATM_BEVEL_DEPTHN,
00407                        lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width);
00408      }
00409      else if((HWND)lparam == (hctl=GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_CHAR_WIDTH))){
00410        GetScrollRange(hctl,SB_CTL,&iMin,&iMax);
00411        switch (LOWORD(wparam)) {
00412          case SB_PAGEDOWN:
00413          case SB_LINEDOWN:
00414            lpAtm->ATM_chara_width = min(iMax,lpAtm->ATM_chara_width+1);
00415            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00416            break;
00417          case SB_PAGEUP:
00418          case SB_LINEUP:
00419            lpAtm->ATM_chara_width = max(iMin,lpAtm->ATM_chara_width-1);
00420            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00421            break;
00422          case SB_THUMBTRACK:
00423          case SB_THUMBPOSITION:
00424            lpAtm->ATM_chara_width=HIWORD(wparam);
00425            InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00426            break;
00427          default: break;
00428        }
00429        UpdateAtmSlider(hwnd,DLG_ATM_CHAR_WIDTH,DLG_ATM_CHAR_WIDTHN,
00430                        lpAtm->ATM_chara_width);
00431      }
00432      break;
00433    case WM_COMMAND:
00434       switch(LOWORD(wparam)){
00435         case DLG_ATM_CPDL: lpAtm->ATM_offset=0; break;
00436         case DLG_ATM_CPDC: lpAtm->ATM_offset=1; break;
00437         case DLG_ATM_CPDR: lpAtm->ATM_offset=2; break;
00438         case DLG_ATM_CPCC: lpAtm->ATM_offset=3; break;
00439         case DLG_ATM_CPUL: lpAtm->ATM_offset=4; break;
00440         case DLG_ATM_CPUC: lpAtm->ATM_offset=5; break;
00441         case DLG_ATM_CPUR: lpAtm->ATM_offset=6; break;
00442         case DLG_ATM_BEVEL_FRONT:
00443           lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front ^= 1;
00444           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00445           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00446           break;
00447         case DLG_ATM_BEVEL_BACK:
00448           lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back ^= 1;
00449           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00450           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00451           break;
00452         case DLG_ATM_FILL:
00453           lpAtm->ATM_cap=1;
00454           break;
00455         case DLG_ATM_NOFILL:
00456           lpAtm->ATM_cap=0;
00457           break;
00458         case DLG_ATM_PREVIEW:
00459           if(Edit_LineLength(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PREVIEW),0) > 0){
00460             GetDlgItemText(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PREVIEW,str,10);
00461             if(lpAtm->ATM_char_preview != (int)str[0]){
00462               lpAtm->ATM_char_preview=(int)str[0];
00463               LoadATMfontPreviewCharacter(hwnd);
00464               InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00465               InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00466             }
00467           }
00468           break;
00469         case DLG_ATM_TEXT:
00470           EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_MAKE),
00471                   Edit_LineLength((HWND)(lparam), 0) > 0);
00472           break;
00473         case DLG_ATM_CHOOSE:
00474           if(!GetATMfontfile(hwnd,ATMfontDir)){
00475             break;
00476           }
00477           LoadATMfontPreviewCharacter(hwnd);
00478           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_SHAPE),NULL,FALSE);
00479           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_PROFILE),NULL,FALSE);
00480           SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,DLG_ATM_FONTID,WM_SETTEXT,0,
00481                             (LPARAM)lpAtm->last_ATM_font);
00482           break;
00483         case DLG_ATM_HELP:{
00484             char lname[256],res_str1[256],res_str2[256];
00485             GetModuleFileName(hThisInstance,lname,225);
00486             *FileInPath(lname) = '\0';
00487             strcat(lname,"help\\");
00488             strcpy(res_str1,lname);
00489 #if !__HELP_WS__
00490             strcat(res_str1,"des_help.chm");
00491             ShellExecute(hwnd,NULL,res_str1,
00492                          NULL,lname,SW_SHOW);
00493 #else
00494             {
00495               HH_WINTYPE hhwin;
00496               memset(&hhwin,0,sizeof(HH_WINTYPE));
00497               hhwin.cbStruct=sizeof(HH_WINTYPE);
00498               hhwin.nShowState=SW_SHOW;
00499               hhwin.pszType="MyHelp";
00500               hhwin.pszCaption="OpenFX Help";
00501               hhwin.fsValidMembers = HHWIN_PARAM_SHOWSTATE |
00502                                      HHWIN_PARAM_PROPERTIES|
00503                                      HHWIN_PARAM_CUR_TAB|
00504                                      HHWIN_PARAM_EXPANSION|
00505                                      HHWIN_PARAM_RECT;
00506     ;
00507               hhwin.rcWindowPos.left=0;
00508               hhwin.rcWindowPos.right=500;
00509               hhwin.rcWindowPos.bottom=500;
00510               hhwin.nShowState=SW_SHOW;
00511               strcat(res_str1,"des_help.chm");
00512               hhwin.fNotExpanded = TRUE;
00513               hhwin.fsWinProperties = HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE|HHWIN_PROP_TAB_SEARCH;
00514               hhwin.curNavType=HHWIN_NAVTYPE_TOC;
00515               strcpy(res_str2,res_str1);
00516               strcat(res_str2,"::toc.hhc");
00517               hhwin.pszToc=res_str2;
00518               strcat(res_str1,"::/Add_Postscript_Text.htm");
00519               HtmlHelp(hwnd,NULL,HH_SET_WIN_TYPE,(DWORD)&hhwin);
00520               HtmlHelp(hwnd,">MyHelp",HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC,(DWORD)res_str1);
00521             }
00522 #endif
00523           }
00524           break;
00525         case DLG_ATM_COLOUR_FACES:
00526           SetAtmColour(lpAtm->ATM_face_colour,"Set Face Color",hwnd);
00527           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_COLOUR_FACES),NULL,FALSE);
00528           break;
00529         case DLG_ATM_COLOUR_BEVEL:
00530           SetAtmColour(lpAtm->ATM_beve_colour,"Set Bevel Color",hwnd);
00531           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_COLOUR_BEVEL),NULL,FALSE);
00532           break;
00533         case DLG_ATM_COLOUR_SIDES:
00534           SetAtmColour(lpAtm->ATM_side_colour,"Set Side Color",hwnd);
00535           InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,DLG_ATM_COLOUR_SIDES),NULL,FALSE);
00536           break;
00537         case DLG_ATM_LR:
00538           lpAtm->FORB =  1;
00539           break;
00540         case DLG_ATM_RL:
00541           lpAtm->FORB = -1;
00542           break;
00543         case DLG_ATM_MAKE:
00544         case DLG_ATM_CANCEL:
00545           if(hBitmap != NULL)DeleteObject(hBitmap);
00546           hBitmap=NULL;
00547           if(ATM_preview_list != NULL)X__Free(ATM_preview_list);
00548           ATM_preview_list=NULL; nATM_preview_list=0;
00549           if(LOWORD(wparam) == DLG_ATM_MAKE){
00550             GetDlgItemText(hwnd,DLG_ATM_TEXT,lpAtm->ATM_Letters,21);
00551             EndDialog(hwnd, OK);
00552           }
00553           else EndDialog(hwnd, FAIL);
00554           return(TRUE);
00555         default:
00556           break;
00557       }
00558       break;
00559     default: break;
00560  }
00561  return(FALSE);
00562 }
00564 static void LoadATMfontPreviewCharacter(HWND hwnd){
00565  int i,ifail;
00566  if(ATM_preview_list != NULL)X__Free(ATM_preview_list);
00567  ATM_preview_list=NULL; nATM_preview_list=0; nATM_preview_piece=0;
00568  n_Subroutines = 0; C_Subs=NULL; Cprogram.n=0; Cprogram.p=NULL;
00569  if((type1_stack=(int *)X__Malloc(512*sizeof(int))) == NULL){
00570    MessageBox(hwnd,"Out of memory","ATM",MB_OK);
00571    return;
00572  }
00573  if((ifp = fopen(lpAtm->last_ATM_font,"rb")) != NULL){
00574    p_key = 0; first_byte = 1; is_pfa = 0; is_pfb = 0;  pfb_remaining = 0;
00575    reported = 0; in_eexec = 0; start = 1; start_charstring = 0; lenIV = 4;
00576    in_EncodingArray = 0; in_Subroutines = 0;  in_charstring = 0; PS_fail=0;
00577    StandardEncoding=0;
00578    egetline();
00579    for(i=0;i<60;i++)if(load_line[i] == 13 || load_line[i] == 10){
00580     load_line[i]=0; break;
00581    }
00582    load_line[60]=0;
00583    UpdateAdobeName(hwnd);
00584    fclose(ifp);
00585  }
00586  if((ifail=decode_build_type1(lpAtm->ATM_char_preview,
00587                               lpAtm->last_ATM_font)) != OK){
00588    if(ifail == FAIL)MessageBox(hwnd,"Font corrupt","ATM",MB_OK);
00589    else if(ifail == MEMFAIL)MessageBox(hwnd,"Out of memory","ATM",MB_OK);
00590    goto FREEALL;
00591  }
00592  SP=0; Cwidthx=0; Cwidthy=0; XX=0; YY=0; IVP = -1; IVF = -1;
00593  process_pseudo_routine(Cprogram);
00594  FREEALL:
00595  X__Free(type1_stack);
00596  if(Cprogram.p != NULL)X__Free(Cprogram.p);
00597  if(C_Subs != NULL && n_Subroutines > 0){
00598    for(i=0;i<n_Subroutines;i++){
00599      if(C_Subs[i].p != NULL)X__Free(C_Subs[i].p);
00600    }
00601    X__Free(C_Subs);
00602  }
00603  C_Subs=NULL;
00604  n_Subroutines=0;
00605  if(nATM_preview_list > 0){
00606    long xmin=1000000, ymin=1000000, xmax = -1000000, ymax = -1000000;
00607    double sx,sy,s;
00608    for(i=0;i<nATM_preview_list;i++){
00609      if(ATM_preview_list[i].x1 < xmin)xmin=ATM_preview_list[i].x1;
00610      if(ATM_preview_list[i].y1 < ymin)ymin=ATM_preview_list[i].y1;
00611      if(ATM_preview_list[i].x2 > xmax)xmax=ATM_preview_list[i].x2;
00612      if(ATM_preview_list[i].y2 > ymax)ymax=ATM_preview_list[i].y2;
00613      sx=(double)(ATM_preview_list[i].x2-ATM_preview_list[i].x1);
00614      sy=(double)(ATM_preview_list[i].y2-ATM_preview_list[i].y1);
00615      s=1.0/sqrt(sx*sx+sy*sy);    /* these are the inward pointing normals */
00616      ATM_preview_list[i].dx = (float)(-sy*s);
00617      ATM_preview_list[i].dy = (float)( sx*s);
00618    }
00619    sx=(double)(xmax-xmin); sy=(double)(ymax-ymin); s=max(sx,sy);
00620    s=1050.0/s;
00621    for(i=0;i<nATM_preview_list;i++){
00622      ATM_preview_list[i].x1=(long)((double)(ATM_preview_list[i].x1-xmin)*s);
00623      ATM_preview_list[i].y1=(long)((double)(ATM_preview_list[i].y1-ymin)*s);
00624      ATM_preview_list[i].x2=(long)((double)(ATM_preview_list[i].x2-xmin)*s);
00625      ATM_preview_list[i].y2=(long)((double)(ATM_preview_list[i].y2-ymin)*s);
00626    }
00627  }
00628 }
00630 static void process_pseudo_routine(character_program Cp){
00631   int i,com,sid;
00632   long u,v,w,x,y,z,XX1,YY1;
00633   for(i=0;i<Cp.n;i++){
00634     com=(int)Cp.p[i].i;
00635     if(Cp.p[i].com == 0)type1_stack[SP++] = com;
00636     else{
00637       switch(com){
00638         case 1:  /* hstem */          SP=0; break;     /* ignored */
00639         case 3:  /* vstem */          SP=0; break;     /* ignored */
00640         case 4:  /* vmoveto */
00641           x = 0; y = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00642           goto MOVEJUMP;
00643         case 5:  /* rlineto */
00644           x = (long)type1_stack[SP-2];
00645           y = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00646           LINEJUMP:
00647           CreateCharacterEdge(XX,YY,XX+x*Scale,YY+y*Scale);
00648           if(IVF < 0)IVF=nATM_preview_list-1;
00649           IVP=nATM_preview_list-1;
00650           XX += x*Scale; YY += y*Scale;
00651           SP=0; break;
00652         case 6:  /* hlineto */
00653           y = 0; x = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00654           goto LINEJUMP;
00655         case 7:  /* vlineto */
00656           x = 0; y = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00657           goto LINEJUMP;
00658         case 8:  /* rrcurveto */
00659           u = (long)type1_stack[SP-6];
00660           v = (long)type1_stack[SP-5];
00661           w = (long)type1_stack[SP-4];
00662           x = (long)type1_stack[SP-3];
00663           y = (long)type1_stack[SP-2];
00664           z = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00665           CURVEJUMP:
00666           XX1=XX; YY1=YY;
00667           PP[0][0]=XX; PP[0][1]=YY; PP[0][2]=0; XX += u*Scale; YY += v*Scale;
00668           PP[1][0]=XX; PP[1][1]=YY; PP[1][2]=0; XX += w*Scale; YY += x*Scale;
00669           PP[2][0]=XX; PP[2][1]=YY; PP[2][2]=0; XX += y*Scale; YY += z*Scale;
00670           PP[3][0]=XX; PP[3][1]=YY; PP[3][2]=0;
00671           PseudoCurveUpto(PP,MaxScale*Scale,Nmax,XX1,YY1);
00672           IVP=nATM_preview_list-1;
00673           SP=0; break;
00674         case 9:  /* closepath */
00675           if(IVF == IVP){ /* path already closed */
00676             SP=0; IVF=IVP = -1;
00677             nATM_preview_piece=0;
00678             break;
00679           }
00680           if(IVF >= 0 && IVP >= 0){
00681             CreateCharacterEdge(ATM_preview_list[IVP].x2,
00682                                 ATM_preview_list[IVP].y2,
00683                                 ATM_preview_list[IVF].x1,
00684                                 ATM_preview_list[IVF].y1);
00685           }
00686           nATM_preview_piece=0;
00687           IVF=IVP = -1;
00688           SP=0; break;
00689         case 10: /* callsubr */
00690           /* if other subs return -1 then sub is invalid and not called */
00691           sid=type1_stack[SP-1];
00692           SP=0;
00693           if(sid >= 0 && sid < n_Subroutines)
00694              process_pseudo_routine(C_Subs[sid]);
00695           break;
00696         case 11: /* return */
00697           SP=0; return;
00698         case 13: /* hsbw */
00699           XX = (long)type1_stack[SP-2]*Scale;
00700           Cwidthx=(long)type1_stack[SP-1]*Scale;
00701           SP=0; break;
00702         case 14: /* endchar */
00703           SP=0; break;  /* this should be the last command anyway */
00704         case 21: /* rmoveto */
00705           x = (long)type1_stack[SP-2];
00706           y = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00707           MOVEJUMP:
00708           XX += x*Scale; YY += y*Scale;
00709           SP=0; break;
00710         case 22: /* hmoveto */
00711           y = 0; x = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00712           goto MOVEJUMP;
00713         case 30: /* vhcurveto */
00714           u = 0;
00715           v = (long)type1_stack[SP-4];
00716           w = (long)type1_stack[SP-3];
00717           x = (long)type1_stack[SP-2];
00718           y = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00719           z = 0;
00720           goto CURVEJUMP;
00721         case 31: /* hvcurveto */
00722           u = (long)type1_stack[SP-4];
00723           v = 0;
00724           w = (long)type1_stack[SP-3];
00725           x = (long)type1_stack[SP-2];
00726           y = 0;
00727           z = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00728           goto CURVEJUMP;
00729         case 12:
00730           i++; com=Cp.p[i].i; /* assume that it is a command */
00731           switch (com) {
00732             case 0:  /* dotsection */   SP=0; break;
00733             case 1:  /* vstem3 */       SP=0; break;
00734             case 2:  /* hstem3 */       SP=0; break;
00735             case 6:  /* seac */
00736               SP=0; break;      /* not implemented */
00737             case 7:  /* sbw */
00738               XX = (long)type1_stack[SP-4]*Scale;
00739               YY = (long)type1_stack[SP-3]*Scale;
00740               Cwidthx=(long)type1_stack[SP-2]*Scale;
00741               Cwidthy=(long)type1_stack[SP-1]*Scale;
00742               SP=0; break;
00743             case 12: /* div */
00744               x = (long)type1_stack[SP-2];
00745               y = (long)type1_stack[SP-1];
00746               SP -= 1;
00747               type1_stack[SP-1] = (int)((double)x/(double)y);
00748               break;
00749             case 16: /* callothersubr */
00750               SP=0; break;  /* ignore other sub calls for 3D work; */
00751             case 17: /* pop  is only used for other subs which we ignore  */
00752               type1_stack[SP++] = -1; /* push a dummy variable onto stack */
00753               break;
00754             case 33: /* setcurrentpoint */
00755               SP=0; break; /* ignore this it is used with Other subs      */
00756             default:  SP=0; break;
00757           }
00758           break;
00759         default: SP=0; break;
00760       }
00761     }
00762   }
00763 }
00765 static void PseudoCurveUpto(point *p, double d, long n, long xx, long yy){
00766  long i,j,N;
00767  double l=0,mu;
00768  point po;
00769  for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<2;j++){
00770    l += ((double)(p[i+1][j] - p[i][j]))*(double)((p[i+1][j] - p[i][j]));
00771  }
00772  N=(long)((sqrt(l)/d)*(double)n);
00773  N=max(N,2);
00774  for(i=1;i<=N;i++){
00775    mu=(double)i/(double)N;
00776    Casteljau2(po,p,0,3,mu);
00777    CreateCharacterEdge(xx,yy,po[0],po[1]);
00778    if(IVF < 0)IVF=nATM_preview_list-1;
00779    xx=po[0]; yy=po[1];
00780  }
00781  return;
00782 }
00784 static void CreateCharacterEdge(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2){
00785  four_integers *fouri;
00786  if(x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)return; /* dont add a zero size edge */
00787  if(nATM_preview_piece > 0 &&     /* close any gap with last; a bit of a fudge */
00788    (ATM_preview_list[nATM_preview_list-1].x2 != x1 ||
00789     ATM_preview_list[nATM_preview_list-1].y2 != y1)){
00790    if(ATM_preview_list == NULL){
00791      if((fouri = (four_integers *)X__Malloc(/* silently give up */
00792        sizeof(four_integers))) == NULL)return;
00793    }
00794    else {
00795      if((fouri = (four_integers *)X__Realloc(ATM_preview_list,
00796        (nATM_preview_list+1)*sizeof(four_integers))) == NULL)return;
00797    }
00798    fouri[nATM_preview_list].x1=fouri[nATM_preview_list-1].x2;
00799    fouri[nATM_preview_list].y1=fouri[nATM_preview_list-1].y2;
00800    fouri[nATM_preview_list].x2=x1;
00801    fouri[nATM_preview_list].y2=y1;
00802    nATM_preview_list++; nATM_preview_piece++;
00803    ATM_preview_list=fouri;
00804  }
00805  if(ATM_preview_list == NULL){
00806    if((fouri = (four_integers *)X__Malloc(sizeof(four_integers))) == NULL)return;
00807  }
00808  else {
00809    if((fouri = (four_integers *)X__Realloc(ATM_preview_list,
00810      (nATM_preview_list+1)*sizeof(four_integers))) == NULL)return;
00811  }
00812  fouri[nATM_preview_list].x1=x1;
00813  fouri[nATM_preview_list].y1=y1;
00814  fouri[nATM_preview_list].x2=x2;
00815  fouri[nATM_preview_list].y2=y2;
00816  nATM_preview_list++; nATM_preview_piece++;
00817  ATM_preview_list=fouri;
00818 }
00820 static void Casteljau2(point p, point *va, long i, long j, double mu){
00821   point p1,p2;
00822   if(j == 1){
00823     p[0] = (long)((1.0 - mu)*(double)(va[i][0])
00824                  + mu*(double)(va[i+1][0]));
00825     p[1] = (long)((1.0 - mu)*(double)(va[i][1])
00826                  + mu*(double)(va[i+1][1]));
00827   }
00828   else{
00829     Casteljau2(p1,va,i,j-1,mu);
00830     Casteljau2(p2,va,i+1,j-1,mu);
00831     p[0]=(long)((1.0 - mu)*(double)p1[0] + mu*(double)p2[0]);
00832     p[1]=(long)((1.0 - mu)*(double)p1[1] + mu*(double)p2[1]);
00833   }
00834 }
00836 static void DrawATMfontShapePreview(HDC hdc,RECT rc){
00837  HPEN hmyPen,holdPen;
00838  long i;
00839  int h,w,ww,hh=10,x1,y1,x2,y2,xl,xr,xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2;
00840  double x,y,dx,dy,bs;
00841; h=ww-hh;
00842  w=(int)((double)h*(double)lpAtm->ATM_chara_width/100.0);
00843  x1=rc.left+1;  x2=rc.right-1;
00844;   y2=rc.bottom-1;
00845  Rectangle(hdc,rc.left,,rc.right,rc.bottom);
00846  hmyPen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(255,0,0));
00847  holdPen=SelectObject(hdc,hmyPen);
00848  if(nATM_preview_list > 0 && ATM_preview_list != NULL){
00849    dy=dx=(double)h/1000.0;
00850    for(i=0;i<nATM_preview_list;i++){
00851      xx1=x1+(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].x1*dx);
00852      yy1=y2-(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].y1*dy);
00853      xx2=x1+(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].x2*dx);
00854      yy2=y2-(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].y2*dy);
00855      MoveToEx(hdc,xx1,yy1,NULL); LineTo(hdc,xx2,yy2);
00856    }
00857    if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width > 0 &&
00858      (lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back || lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front)){
00859      bs=1050.0*(double)lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width/4000.0;
00860      for(i=0;i<nATM_preview_list;i++){
00861        x=bs*(double)ATM_preview_list[i].dx;
00862        y=bs*(double)ATM_preview_list[i].dy;
00863        xx1=x1+(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].x1*dx);
00864        yy1=y2-(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].y1*dy);
00865        xx2=x1+(int)(((double)ATM_preview_list[i].x1+x)*dx);
00866        yy2=y2-(int)(((double)ATM_preview_list[i].y1+y)*dy);
00867        MoveToEx(hdc,xx1,yy1,NULL); LineTo(hdc,xx2,yy2);
00868        xx1=x1+(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].x2*dx);
00869        yy1=y2-(int)((double)ATM_preview_list[i].y2*dy);
00870        xx2=x1+(int)(((double)ATM_preview_list[i].x2+x)*dx);
00871        yy2=y2-(int)(((double)ATM_preview_list[i].y2+y)*dy);
00872        LineTo(hdc,xx2,yy2); LineTo(hdc,xx1,yy1);
00873      }
00874    }
00875  }
00876  SelectObject(hdc,holdPen);
00877  DeleteObject(hmyPen);
00878 }
00880 static void DrawATMfontProfilePreview(HDC hdc,RECT rc){
00881  HPEN hmyPen,holdPen;
00882  long i;
00883  int h,w,ww,hh=10,x1,y1,x2,y2,xl,xr,xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2;
00884  double x,y,dx,dy,bs;
00885; h=ww-hh;
00886  w=(int)((double)h*(double)lpAtm->ATM_chara_width/100.0);
00887  x1=rc.left+1;  x2=rc.right-1;
00888;   y2=rc.bottom-1;
00889  xl=x1+(ww-w)/2; xr=x1+(ww+w)/2;
00890  Rectangle(hdc,rc.left,,rc.right,rc.bottom);
00891  xl=x1+(ww-w)/2; xr=x1+(ww+w)/2+1;
00892  hmyPen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(255,0,0));
00893  holdPen=SelectObject(hdc,hmyPen);
00894  Rectangle(hdc,xl,y1+hh/2,xr,y2-hh/2);
00895  if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width > 0){
00896    dy=(double)h*(double)lpAtm->ATM_bevel_width/4000.0;
00897    dx=dy/tan((double)lpAtm->ATM_bevel_angle/180.0*PI);
00898    if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_front){
00899      MoveToEx(hdc,xr,y1+hh/2,NULL);
00900      LineTo(hdc,min(x2,xr+(int)dx),y1+hh/2+(int)dy);
00901      LineTo(hdc,min(x2,xr+(int)dx),y2-hh/2-(int)dy);
00902      LineTo(hdc,xr,y2-hh/2);
00903    }
00904    if(lpAtm->ATM_bevel_back){
00905      MoveToEx(hdc,xl,y1+hh/2,NULL);
00906      LineTo(hdc,max(x1,xl-(int)dx),y1+hh/2+(int)dy);
00907      LineTo(hdc,max(x1,xl-(int)dx),y2-hh/2-(int)dy);
00908      LineTo(hdc,xl,y2-hh/2);
00909    }
00910  }
00911  SelectObject(hdc,holdPen);
00912  DeleteObject(hmyPen);
00913 }
00915 #include "atm2.c"

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:10 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6