Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* --
00002 OpenFX version 2.0 - Modelling, Animation and Rendering Package
00003 Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 OpenFX Development Team
00004 -- */
00006 /*  DRAFT.C  2D drawing module with Bezier Curves */
00008 #include <stdlib.h>
00009 #include <stdio.h>
00010 #include <math.h>
00011 #include <windows.h>
00012 #include <commctrl.h>
00014 #include "struct.h"
00015 #include "dstruct.h"
00017 #include "draft.h"
00019 typedef struct tagMENUHELPDATA{
00020   int iCode;
00021   char *str;
00025 #if __X__MIPS__
00027 #endif
00029 #define PAGESIZE  2048
00030 #define BOUND(x,min,max) ((x) < (min) ? (min) : ((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
00032 static BOOL      bSpaceDown=FALSE,bCtrlDown=FALSE;
00033 static HWND      hParent,hInfo;
00034 static HINSTANCE hThisInstance;
00035 static char *szViewClass="OFX:BezierClass";
00036 static char gszDir[256],gszFile[256];
00037 static SYSTEM_INFO sys_info;
00038 static int DisplayWidth,DisplayHeight,DisplayBits,DisplayPlanes,
00039            xScreen,yScreen,WoffX=0,WoffY=0,PanX,PanY;
00040 static char Title[]="Bezier Curve Drawing";
00041 static DWORD fdwStyle = WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | ! WS_SYSMENU |
00042                         WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_THICKFRAME |
00043                         WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL;
00044 //static DWORD fdwStyle = WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | ! WS_SYSMENU |
00045 //                        WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_THICKFRAME |
00046 //                        WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
00047 static HCURSOR hcurArrow=NULL,hcurPen1=NULL,hcurPen2=NULL,
00048                 hcurNear=NULL,hcurPen3=NULL,hcurPen4=NULL,
00049                 hcurPenA=NULL,hcurPenB=NULL,hcurHand=NULL;
00051 #define NMENUHELPDATA 14
00053   0xFFFF,        "   ",
00054   IDM_OPEN,      "Open a file containing a Bezier curve",
00055   IDM_SAVE,      "Save changes in the current Bezier curve file",
00056   IDM_SAVEAS,    "Save in a named Bezier curve file",
00057   IDM_ABORT,     "Finish working with a 2D Bezier curve and return to the Modeler",
00058   IDM_VERTEX,    "Where appropriate tools apply to individual vertices in a Bezier path",
00059   IDM_PATH,      "Where appropriate tools apply to whole paths",
00060   IDM_BUILD,     "Build curve in Modeler with vertices and edges following the Bezier curve",
00061   IDM_CLEAR,     "Delete everthing",
00062   IDM_MOVE,      "Move point, whole curve or set angle of curve",
00063   IDM_ADD,       "Draw curve, click to place point, click and drag handles to set curvature, click back on first point to close",
00064   IDM_BEND,      "Click on point to make corner, click and drag to set curvature, click and drag handle to make corner",
00065   IDM_DELETE,    "Delete vertex or whole curve",
00066   IDM_INSERT,    "Add point, click on vertex in path to insert vertex in front or on last vertex to add more vertices to path"
00067 };
00070 typedef struct tagPATHPOINT {
00071   int type,hand,bent;
00072   POINT p,p1,p2;  /* p1 points towards next point on curve */
00073   double r;
00074 } PATHPOINT;
00076 typedef struct tagPTH {
00077   struct tagPATHPOINT *pts;
00078   int n,closed;
00079 } PTH;
00081 static PTH *pathlist=NULL;
00083 static int tracetool=1,pathtool=0,panneltool=2,lasttracetool=1,lastpathtool=0;
00084 static int Np=0, Lp= -1,Lpp= -1,LastLp= -1, LastLpp=-1;
00087 static LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT iMessage,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
00088 static PSTR FileInPath(PSTR);
00089 static BOOL GetFilename(int, HWND, char *, char *);
00090 static BOOL MenuCommand(HWND hWnd, WORD id);
00091 static BOOL Bezier(void);
00092 static void MoveWholePath(int x, int y, HWND hwnd);
00093 static void DrawAll(HWND hwnd, HDC hDC);
00094 static int IdentifyPathVertex(int x, int y, int p);
00095 static BOOL GetVertexAtCursor(int x, int y, HWND hWnd,BOOL draw);
00096 static int GetTurnID(int x, int y, HWND hWnd);
00097 static void GetBezierPoint(double t, PATHPOINT *pl, PATHPOINT *p,
00098                            long *xp, long *yp);
00099 static void BuildFromTrace(HWND hWnd);
00100 static void DeleteAllPath(void);
00101 static void DeleteOnePath(int id);
00102 static void DeletePathVertex(void);
00103 static int CreatePath(void);
00104 static int CreatePathPoint(int pa,int x,int y);
00105 static void GetXtraPoints(int, PATHPOINT *, PATHPOINT *, long *, long *);
00106 static void InsertVertex(void);
00107 static void ResetScreen(HWND);
00108 static void DrawFromPathPoint(BOOL, int ,int, POINT *, HWND, HDC);
00109 static void DrawPathPoint(int, int, HWND, HDC);
00110 static void DrawBezierCurve(HDC hDC, PATHPOINT *p, PATHPOINT *pl);
00111 static void BuildBezierCurve(PATHPOINT *p, PATHPOINT *pl,
00112                              long Scale, BOOL fv);
00113 //static void AppendFileExtension(char *filename, char *ext);
00114 static void WritePaths(void);
00115 static void ReadPaths(void);
00116 static void SetDraftCursor(BOOL bNearStart);
00118 #include "draft0.c"
00119 #include "draft1.c"
00121 #if 0
00122 static void AppendFileExtension(char *filename, char *ext){
00123  if(strrchr(filename,'.') == NULL){
00124    strcat(filename,ext);
00125  }
00126 }
00127 #endif
00130 static void GetShiftedCoords(long *lplParam,int xws,int yws){
00131  int xw,yw,dx,dy,dxa,dya;
00132  xw=(int)((short)LOWORD(*lplParam))+WoffX;
00133  yw=(int)((short)HIWORD(*lplParam))+WoffY;
00134  dx=xw-xws; dy=yw-yws;  dxa=abs(dx); dya=abs(dy);
00135  if     (dya < dxa/2)yw=yws;
00136  else if(dxa < dya/2)xw=xws;
00137  else if(dya < dxa)yw=yws+(int)((double)dxa*(double)dy/(double)dya);
00138  else if(dxa < dya)xw=xws+(int)((double)dya*(double)dx/(double)dxa);
00139  xw -= WoffX; yw -= WoffY;
00140  *lplParam=MAKELONG((short)xw,(short)yw);
00141 }
00143 static BOOL Bezier(void){
00144  int i;
00145  MSG msg;
00146  HWND hDesktopWnd,hWnd;
00147  HDC hDCcaps;
00148  WNDCLASS wndclass;
00149  pathlist=NULL; Np=0;
00150  hDesktopWnd = GetDesktopWindow();
00151  hDCcaps     = GetDC(hDesktopWnd);
00152  DisplayWidth= GetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps,HORZRES);
00153  DisplayHeight= GetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps,VERTRES);
00154  DisplayBits= GetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps,BITSPIXEL);
00155  DisplayPlanes= GetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps,PLANES);
00156  ReleaseDC(hDesktopWnd,hDCcaps);
00157  GetSystemInfo(&sys_info);
00158  wndclass.style         = 0;
00159  wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = (WNDPROC)MainWndProc;
00160  wndclass.cbClsExtra    = 0 ;
00161  wndclass.cbWndExtra    = 0 ;
00162  wndclass.hInstance     = hThisInstance ;
00163  wndclass.hIcon         = NULL;
00164  wndclass.hCursor       = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW) ;
00165  wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH) ;
00166  wndclass.lpszMenuName  = "tracemenu" ;
00167  wndclass.lpszClassName = szViewClass;
00168  if (!RegisterClass (&wndclass))  return FALSE ;
00169  xScreen = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN) ;
00170  yScreen = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN) ;
00171  hWnd = CreateWindow(
00172         szViewClass,
00173         Title,
00174         fdwStyle,
00175         25,
00176         25,
00177         xScreen-50,
00178         yScreen-50,
00179         hParent,
00180         NULL,
00181         hThisInstance,
00182         NULL) ;
00183  if(hWnd == NULL)return FALSE;
00184  hcurArrow=LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW) ;
00185  hcurNear=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_NEAR));
00186  hcurPenA=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PENA));
00187  hcurPen1=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PEN1));
00188  hcurPen2=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PEN2));
00189  hcurPen3=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PEN3));
00190  hcurPenB=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PENB));
00191  hcurPen4=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PEN4));
00192  hcurHand=LoadCursor(hThisInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_HAND));
00193  ShowWindow (hWnd,SW_SHOWNA);
00194  tracetool=1;
00195  OpenDraftToolbox(hWnd,hThisInstance);
00196  panneltool=2;
00197  SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00198  EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_GRAYED);
00199  while(GetMessage (&msg,NULL,0,0)){
00200    TranslateMessage (&msg);
00201    DispatchMessage (&msg);
00202  }
00203  DestroyDraftToolbox();
00204  DestroyWindow(hWnd);
00205  DeleteAllPath();
00206  if(hcurNear != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurNear);
00207  if(hcurPen1 != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurPen1);
00208  if(hcurPenA != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurPenA);
00209  if(hcurPen2 != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurPen2);
00210  if(hcurPen3 != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurPen3);
00211  if(hcurPenB != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurPenB);
00212  if(hcurPen4 != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurPen4);
00213  if(hcurHand != NULL)DeleteObject(hcurHand);
00214  UnregisterClass(wndclass.lpszClassName,wndclass.hInstance);
00215  return TRUE;
00216 }
00218 static void SetDraftCursor(BOOL bNearStart){
00219  if(bSpaceDown)SetCursor(hcurHand);
00220  else if(bCtrlDown)SetCursor(hcurPenA);
00221  else if(bNearStart)SetCursor(hcurNear);
00222  else if(tracetool == 0 && !pathtool)SetCursor(hcurPenA);
00223  else if(tracetool == 1)SetCursor(hcurPen1);
00224  else if(tracetool == 2){
00225    if(pathtool)SetCursor(hcurPenB);
00226    else        SetCursor(hcurPen2);
00227  }
00228  else if(tracetool == 3)SetCursor(hcurPen3);
00229  else if(tracetool == 4)SetCursor(hcurPen4);
00230  else SetCursor(hcurArrow);
00231 }
00233 LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT iMessage,WPARAM wParam,
00234                              LPARAM lParam){
00235  static int  TurnID=0,lpX,lpY,lpwX,lpwY,bAddStart=FALSE;
00236  static BOOL bToolCaptured=FALSE,bMoveFlag=FALSE,bFoundFlag=FALSE,
00237              bNearStart=FALSE,bStartTrace=FALSE;
00238  static POINT LastPt;
00239  int i,iPos,iMax,iMin,dn;
00240  PAINTSTRUCT ps;
00241  HDC hDC;
00242  RECT rc;
00243  POINT pt;
00244  PATHPOINT *pp;
00245  switch (iMessage) {
00246   case WM_ACTIVATE:
00247     SendMessage(hWnd,WM_NCACTIVATE,(WPARAM)TRUE,0);
00248     break;
00249   case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:
00250     if(hwndDraftTools != NULL){
00251       if((BOOL)wParam == TRUE)ShowWindow(hwndDraftTools,SW_SHOW);
00252       else                    ShowWindow(hwndDraftTools,SW_HIDE);
00253     }
00254     break;
00255   case WM_SETCURSOR:
00256     if(LOWORD(lParam) != HTCLIENT)
00257       return DefWindowProc(hWnd,iMessage,wParam,lParam);
00258     SetDraftCursor(bNearStart);
00259     break;
00260    case WM_KEYDOWN:
00261    case WM_KEYUP:
00262    case WM_SETFOCUS:
00263      if(!bToolCaptured){
00264        BOOL bCtrl;
00265        if(GetKeyState(VK_SPACE) & 0x8000)bSpaceDown=TRUE; else bSpaceDown=FALSE;
00266        if(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)bCtrl=TRUE; else bCtrl=FALSE;
00267        if(bCtrl != bCtrlDown){
00268          if(bCtrl){
00269            LastLp=Lp; LastLpp=Lpp; TurnID=0;
00270            lasttracetool=tracetool; lastpathtool=pathtool;
00271            Lp=-1; Lpp=-1; tracetool=0;
00272          }
00273          else{
00274            if(Lp >= 0 && Lpp >= 0)pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].hand=0;
00275            Lp=LastLp; Lpp=LastLpp; TurnID=0;
00276            tracetool=lasttracetool; pathtool=lastpathtool;
00277          }
00278          bMoveFlag=!bMoveFlag;
00279          bCtrlDown=bCtrl;
00280          InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,FALSE);
00281        }
00282      }
00283      SetDraftCursor(bNearStart);
00284      break;
00285    case WM_KILLFOCUS:
00286      bSpaceDown=FALSE;
00287      bCtrlDown=FALSE;
00288      SetDraftCursor(bNearStart);
00289      break;
00290   case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE:
00291     if(bMoveFlag){
00292       DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,NULL);
00293       bMoveFlag=FALSE;
00294     }
00295     break;
00296   case WM_CREATE:
00297     SetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_VERT, 0, PAGESIZE, TRUE);
00298     SetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_HORZ, 0, PAGESIZE, TRUE);
00299     GetClientRect(hWnd,&rc);
00300     SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ, (PAGESIZE-rc.right)/2, TRUE);
00301     SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, (PAGESIZE-rc.bottom)/2, TRUE);
00302     WoffX=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_HORZ);
00303     WoffY=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_VERT);
00304     break;
00305   case WM_DESTROY:
00306     break;
00307   case WM_COMMAND:
00308     return MenuCommand(hWnd,LOWORD(wParam));
00309     break;
00310   case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
00311     break;
00312   case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
00313     if(bToolCaptured)break;
00314     if(bMoveFlag){
00315       DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,NULL);
00316       bMoveFlag=FALSE;
00317     }
00318     if(bSpaceDown){
00319       PanX=(short)LOWORD(lParam); PanY=(short)HIWORD(lParam);
00320     }
00321     else if(tracetool == 0){ /* move */
00322       if(pathtool){
00323         bFoundFlag=GetVertexAtCursor(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,
00324                                      HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd,FALSE);
00325       }
00326       else{
00327         bFoundFlag=GetVertexAtCursor(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,
00328                                      HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd,TRUE);
00329         if(!bFoundFlag)TurnID=GetTurnID(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,
00330                                      HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd);
00331       }
00332       if(bFoundFlag || TurnID > 0){
00333         lpwX=pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].p.x;
00334         lpwY=pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].p.y;
00335       }
00336     }
00337     else if(tracetool == 1){ /* add */
00338       if(Lp < 0){
00339         Lp=CreatePath();
00340         Lpp=CreatePathPoint(Lp,LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY);
00341       }
00342       else{
00343         if(bNearStart){
00344           Lpp=0;
00345           DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00346           pathlist[Lp].closed=1;
00347         }
00348         else{
00349           if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00350           Lpp=CreatePathPoint(Lp,LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY);
00351         }
00352       }
00353       bAddStart=TRUE; lpX=(short)LOWORD(lParam); lpY=(short)HIWORD(lParam);
00354       lpwX=lpX+WoffX; lpwY=lpY+WoffY;
00355       DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00356     }
00357     else if(tracetool == 2){ /* delete */
00358       if(GetVertexAtCursor(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd,FALSE)){
00359         if(pathtool)DeleteOnePath(Lp);
00360         else DeletePathVertex();
00361         InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,FALSE);
00362       }
00363     }
00364     else if(tracetool == 3){ /* insert */
00365       if(GetVertexAtCursor(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd,FALSE)){
00366         if(pathlist[Lp].closed == 0 && Lpp == pathlist[Lp].n - 1){ /* add to end */
00367           bStartTrace=TRUE;
00368           SetCursor(hcurPen1);
00369         }
00370         else{
00371           InsertVertex();
00372           InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,FALSE);
00373         }
00374       }
00375     }
00376     else if(tracetool == 4){ /* bend */
00377       bFoundFlag=GetVertexAtCursor(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,
00378                                    HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd,TRUE);
00379       if(!bFoundFlag)TurnID=GetTurnID(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,
00380                                       HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd);
00381       else{
00382         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00383         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00384         pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp); pp->type=0; pp->hand=0;
00385         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00386         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00387       }
00388       if(bFoundFlag || TurnID > 0){
00389         lpwX=pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].p.x;
00390         lpwY=pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].p.y;
00391       }
00392     }
00393     bToolCaptured=TRUE;
00394     SetCapture(hWnd);
00395     break;
00396   case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
00397     if(bMoveFlag){
00398       DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,NULL);
00399       bMoveFlag=FALSE;
00400     }
00401     if(bSpaceDown){
00402       int iPosx,iPosy,dnx,dny;
00403       if(!bToolCaptured)break;
00404       GetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_HORZ, &iMin, &iMax);
00405       iPosx = GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ);
00406       dnx=PanX-(short)LOWORD(lParam);
00407       dnx=BOUND(iPosx+dnx,iMin,iMax) - iPosx;
00408       GetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_VERT, &iMin, &iMax);
00409       iPosy = GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT);
00410       dny=PanY-(short)HIWORD(lParam);
00411       dny=BOUND(iPosy+dny,iMin,iMax) - iPosy;
00412       ScrollWindow(hWnd,-dnx,-dny,NULL,NULL);
00413       SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ, iPosx + dnx, TRUE);
00414       SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, iPosy + dny, TRUE);
00415       WoffX=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_HORZ);
00416       WoffY=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_VERT);
00417       PanX=(short)LOWORD(lParam); PanY=(short)HIWORD(lParam);
00418       break;
00419     }
00420     else if(tracetool == 0){
00421       if(pathtool){
00422         if(bFoundFlag){
00423           if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00424           MoveWholePath(LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX,HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY,hWnd);
00425         }
00426         break;
00427       }
00428       if(bFoundFlag){
00429         int dx,dy;
00430         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00431         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00432         if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00433         pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp);
00434         dx=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX - pp->p.x;
00435         dy=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY - pp->p.y;
00436         pp->p.x += dx; pp->p.y += dy;
00437         if(pp->type == 1){
00438           pp->p1.x += dx; pp->p1.y += dy;
00439           pp->p2.x += dx; pp->p2.y += dy;
00440         }
00441         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00442         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00443       }
00444       else if(TurnID > 0){
00445         int dx,dy;
00446         double xxa,yya,ra;
00447         POINT *lpPta,*lpPtb;
00448         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00449         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00450         if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00451         pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp);
00452         if(pp->bent){
00453           if(TurnID == 1)lpPta=&(pp->p1); else lpPta=&(pp->p2);
00454           dx=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX - lpPta->x;
00455           dy=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY - lpPta->y;
00456           lpPta->x += dx; lpPta->y += dy;
00457         }
00458         else{
00459           if(TurnID == 1){lpPta=&(pp->p1); lpPtb=&(pp->p2);}
00460           else           {lpPta=&(pp->p2); lpPtb=&(pp->p1);}
00461           dx=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX - lpPta->x;
00462           dy=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY - lpPta->y;
00463           lpPta->x += dx; lpPta->y += dy;
00464           xxa=(double)(lpPta->x - pp->p.x);
00465           yya=(double)(lpPta->y - pp->p.y);
00466           ra=sqrt(xxa*xxa+yya*yya);
00467           if(ra < 0.001)ra=1.0;
00468           xxa /= ra; yya /= ra;
00469           lpPtb->x=pp->p.x-(long)(xxa*pp->r);
00470           lpPtb->y=pp->p.y-(long)(yya*pp->r);
00471         }
00472         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00473         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00474       }
00475     }
00476     else if(tracetool == 1){ /* add */
00477       if(bToolCaptured){
00478         if(Lp < 0 || Lpp < 0)break;
00479         if(bAddStart && abs((short)LOWORD(lParam)-lpX) < 3 &&
00480                         abs((short)HIWORD(lParam)-lpY) < 3)break;
00481         bAddStart=FALSE;
00482         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00483         pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp);
00484         pp->type=1; pp->hand=1;
00485         if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00486         pp->p1.x=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX;
00487         pp->p1.y=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY;
00488         pp->p2.x=pp->p.x-(pp->p1.x-pp->p.x);
00489         pp->p2.y=pp->p.y-(pp->p1.y-pp->p.y);
00490         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00491       }
00492       else{
00493         if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00494         LastPt.x=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX;
00495         LastPt.y=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY;
00496         if(Lpp > 0 && IdentifyPathVertex((int)LastPt.x,(int)LastPt.y,Lp) == 0){
00497           SetCursor(hcurNear);
00498           bNearStart=TRUE;
00499         }
00500         else bNearStart=FALSE;
00501         DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,NULL);
00502         bMoveFlag=TRUE;
00503       }
00504     }
00505     else if(tracetool == 4){ /* bend */
00506       if(bFoundFlag){
00507         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00508         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00509         if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00510         pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp);
00511         pp->type=1; pp->hand=1; pp->bent=0;
00512         pp->p1.x=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX;
00513         pp->p1.y=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY;
00514         pp->p2.x=pp->p.x-(pp->p1.x-pp->p.x);
00515         pp->p2.y=pp->p.y-(pp->p1.y-pp->p.y);
00516         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00517         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00518       }
00519       else if(TurnID > 0){
00520         int dx,dy,n;
00521         POINT *lpPta;
00522         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00523         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00524         if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)GetShiftedCoords(&lParam,lpwX,lpwY);
00525         pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp); pp->bent=1;
00526         if(TurnID == 1)lpPta=&(pp->p1); else lpPta=&(pp->p2);
00527         dx=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX - lpPta->x;
00528         dy=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY - lpPta->y;
00529         lpPta->x += dx; lpPta->y += dy;
00530         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00531         DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp+1,hWnd,NULL);
00532       }
00533     }
00534     break;
00535   case WM_LBUTTONUP:
00536     if(bToolCaptured){
00537       if(tracetool == 0){
00538         bFoundFlag=FALSE;
00539         TurnID=0;
00540       }
00541       else if(tracetool == 1){ /* draw */
00542         if(Lp >= 0 && Lpp >= 0){
00543           DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00544           pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts + Lpp);
00545           pp->hand=0;
00546           DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00547         }
00548         if(bNearStart){ /* end of draw for this curve */
00549           Lp= -1; Lpp= -1;
00550           bNearStart=FALSE;
00551         }
00552         else{
00553           LastPt.x=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX;
00554           LastPt.y=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY;
00555           DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,NULL);
00556           bMoveFlag=TRUE;
00557         }
00558       }
00559       else if(tracetool == 3){ /* insert */
00560         if(bStartTrace){
00561           bStartTrace=FALSE;
00562           tracetool=1;
00563           EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_GRAYED);
00564           EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_INSERT,MF_ENABLED);
00565           panneltool=2;
00566           SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00567           LastPt.x=(short)LOWORD(lParam)+WoffX;
00568           LastPt.y=(short)HIWORD(lParam)+WoffY;
00569           DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,NULL);
00570           bMoveFlag=TRUE;
00571         }
00572       }
00573       else if(tracetool == 4){ /* bend */
00574         bFoundFlag=FALSE;
00575         TurnID=0;
00576       }
00577     }
00578     bToolCaptured=FALSE;
00579     ReleaseCapture();
00580     SendMessage(hWnd,WM_KEYDOWN,0,0);
00581     break;
00582   case WM_PAINT:
00583     hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
00584     GetClientRect(hWnd,&rc);
00585     PatBlt(hDC,0,0,rc.right,rc.bottom,PATCOPY);
00586     DrawAll(hWnd,hDC);
00587     if(bMoveFlag)DrawFromPathPoint(bNearStart,Lp,Lpp,&LastPt,hWnd,hDC);
00588     EndPaint(hWnd,&ps);
00589     break ;
00590   case WM_MENUSELECT:
00591     bSpaceDown=FALSE;
00592     {
00593       HMENU hmenu;
00594       UINT fuFlags,uItem,id;
00595       hmenu=(HMENU)lParam;
00596       fuFlags=(UINT)HIWORD(wParam);
00597       uItem=(UINT)LOWORD(wParam);
00598       id=0;
00599       if(fuFlags == 0xFFFF)id=0;
00600       else if(fuFlags & MF_POPUP){;}
00601       else{
00602         for(i=0;i<NMENUHELPDATA;i++){
00603           if(uItem == MenuHelpData[i].iCode){id=(UINT)i; break;}
00604         }
00605       }
00606       SendMessage(hInfo,SB_SETTEXT,(WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)MenuHelpData[id].str);
00607     }
00608     break;
00609   case WM_VSCROLL:
00610     /* Calculate new vertical scroll position */
00611     GetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_VERT, &iMin, &iMax);
00612     iPos = GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT);
00613     GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc);
00614     switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
00615       case SB_LINEDOWN:      dn =  rc.bottom / 16 + 1;    break;
00616       case SB_LINEUP:        dn = -rc.bottom / 16 + 1;    break;
00617       case SB_PAGEDOWN:      dn =  rc.bottom / 2  + 1;    break;
00618       case SB_PAGEUP:        dn = -rc.bottom / 2  + 1;    break;
00619       case SB_THUMBTRACK:
00620       case SB_THUMBPOSITION: dn = HIWORD(wParam)-iPos;    break;
00621       default:               dn = 0;
00622     }
00623     /* Limit scrolling to current scroll range */
00624     if ((dn = BOUND(iPos + dn, iMin, iMax) - iPos) != 0) {
00625       ScrollWindow(hWnd, 0, -dn, NULL, NULL);
00626       SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, iPos + dn, TRUE);
00627     }
00628     WoffY=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_VERT);
00629     break;
00630   case WM_HSCROLL:
00631     /* Calculate new horizontal scroll position */
00632     GetScrollRange(hWnd, SB_HORZ, &iMin, &iMax);
00633     iPos = GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ);
00634     GetClientRect (hWnd, &rc);
00635     switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
00636       case SB_LINEDOWN:      dn =  rc.right / 16 + 1;     break;
00637       case SB_LINEUP:        dn = -rc.right / 16 + 1;     break;
00638       case SB_PAGEDOWN:      dn =  rc.right / 2  + 1;     break;
00639       case SB_PAGEUP:        dn = -rc.right / 2  + 1;     break;
00640       case SB_THUMBTRACK:
00641       case SB_THUMBPOSITION: dn = HIWORD(wParam) - iPos; break;
00642       default:               dn = 0;
00643     }
00644     /* Limit scrolling to current scroll range */
00645     if ((dn = BOUND(iPos + dn, iMin, iMax) - iPos) != 0) {
00646       ScrollWindow(hWnd, -dn, 0, NULL, NULL);
00647       SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ, iPos + dn, TRUE);
00648     }
00649     WoffX=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_HORZ);
00650     break;
00651   case WM_SIZE:
00652     WoffX=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_HORZ);
00653     WoffY=GetScrollPos(hWnd,SB_VERT);
00654     InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,FALSE);
00655     return 0;
00656   default:
00657       return DefWindowProc (hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam) ;
00658  }
00659  return 0L ;
00660 }
00662 BOOL MenuCommand (HWND hWnd, WORD id){
00663  int i;
00664  switch (id) {
00665    case IDM_MOVE:
00666      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_ENABLED);
00667      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_MOVE,MF_GRAYED);
00668      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_DELETE,MF_ENABLED);
00669      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_INSERT,MF_ENABLED);
00670      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_BEND,MF_ENABLED);
00671      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00672      tracetool=0;
00673      if(pathtool == 0)panneltool=0; else panneltool=1;
00674      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00675      break;
00676    case IDM_ADD:
00677      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_GRAYED);
00678      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_MOVE,MF_ENABLED);
00679      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_DELETE,MF_ENABLED);
00680      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_INSERT,MF_ENABLED);
00681      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_BEND,MF_ENABLED);
00682      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00683      tracetool=1;
00684      panneltool=2;
00685      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00686      break;
00687    case IDM_DELETE:
00688      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_ENABLED);
00689      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_MOVE,MF_ENABLED);
00690      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_DELETE,MF_GRAYED);
00691      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_INSERT,MF_ENABLED);
00692      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_BEND,MF_ENABLED);
00693      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00694      tracetool=2;
00695      if(pathtool == 0)panneltool=4; else panneltool=5;
00696      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00697      break;
00698    case IDM_INSERT:
00699      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_ENABLED);
00700      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_MOVE,MF_ENABLED);
00701      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_DELETE,MF_ENABLED);
00702      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_INSERT,MF_GRAYED);
00703      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_BEND,MF_ENABLED);
00704      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00705      tracetool=3;
00706      panneltool=6;
00707      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00708      break;
00709    case IDM_BEND:
00710      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_ADD,MF_ENABLED);
00711      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_MOVE,MF_ENABLED);
00712      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_DELETE,MF_ENABLED);
00713      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_INSERT,MF_ENABLED);
00714      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_BEND,MF_GRAYED);
00715      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00716      tracetool=4;
00717      panneltool=3;
00718      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00719      break;
00720    case IDM_PATH:
00721      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_VERTEX,MF_ENABLED);
00722      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_PATH,MF_GRAYED);
00723      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00724      pathtool=1;
00725      if(panneltool == 0)panneltool=1;
00726      else if(panneltool == 4)panneltool=5;
00727      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00728      break;
00729    case IDM_VERTEX:
00730      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_VERTEX,MF_GRAYED);
00731      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_PATH,MF_ENABLED);
00732      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00733      pathtool=0;
00734      if(panneltool == 1)panneltool=0;
00735      else if(panneltool == 5)panneltool=4;
00736      SelectDraftTool(panneltool);
00737      break;
00738    case IDM_TP_0:
00739      panneltool=0;
00740      if(pathtool == 1)SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_VERTEX,0);
00741      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_MOVE,0);
00742      break;
00743    case IDM_TP_1:
00744      panneltool=1;
00745      if(pathtool == 0)SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_PATH,0);
00746      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_MOVE,0);
00747      break;
00748    case IDM_TP_2:
00749      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_ADD,0);
00750      break;
00751    case IDM_TP_3:
00752      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_BEND,0);
00753      break;
00754    case IDM_TP_4:
00755      panneltool=4;
00756      if(pathtool == 1)SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_VERTEX,0);
00757      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_DELETE,0);
00758      break;
00759    case IDM_TP_5:
00760      panneltool=5;
00761      if(pathtool == 0)SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_PATH,0);
00762      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_DELETE,0);
00763      break;
00764    case IDM_TP_6:
00765      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_INSERT,0);
00766      break;
00767    case IDM_CLEAR:
00768      DeleteAllPath();
00769      ResetScreen(hWnd);
00770      EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_SAVE,MF_GRAYED);
00771      SendMessage(hWnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Title);
00772      break;
00773    case IDM_BUILD:
00774      BuildFromTrace(hWnd);
00775      DrawModel();
00776      break;
00777    case IDM_OPEN:
00778      if(GetFilename(0,hWnd,gszDir,gszFile)){
00779        EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_SAVE,MF_ENABLED);
00780        ReadPaths();
00781        ResetScreen(hWnd);
00782        SendMessage(hWnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)gszFile);
00783      }
00784      break;
00785    case IDM_ABORT:
00786      SetCursor(hcurArrow);
00787      PostQuitMessage(0);
00788      break;
00789    case IDM_SAVE:
00790      if(Np == 0)break;
00791      WritePaths();
00792      break;
00793    case IDM_SAVEAS:
00794      if(Np == 0)break;
00795      if(GetFilename(1,hWnd,gszDir,gszFile)){
00796        AppendFileExtension(gszFile,".bph");
00797        WritePaths();
00798        EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd),IDM_SAVE,MF_ENABLED);
00799        SendMessage(hWnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)gszFile);
00800      }
00801      break;
00802    case IDM_CLOSETBX:
00803      DestroyDraftToolbox();
00804      break;
00805    default:
00806      break;
00807  }
00808  return TRUE;
00809 }
00811 static void DrawAll(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC){
00812  int i,j,n;
00813  PATHPOINT *pp;
00814  if(Np == 0 || pathlist == NULL)return;
00815  for(i=0;i<Np;i++){
00816    pp=pathlist[i].pts;
00817    if(pp != NULL)for(j=0;j<pathlist[i].n;j++){
00818      DrawPathPoint(i,j,hWnd,hDC);
00819    }
00820  }
00821 }
00823 static BOOL GetVertexAtCursor(int x, int y, HWND hWnd, BOOL draw){
00824  int i,j,n;
00825  PATHPOINT *pp;
00826  if(Np == 0 || pathlist == NULL)return FALSE;
00827  for(i=0;i<Np;i++){
00828    pp=pathlist[i].pts;
00829    if(pp != NULL)for(j=0;j<pathlist[i].n;j++,pp++){
00830      if(abs(x - pp->p.x) < 3 && abs(y - pp->p.y) < 3){
00831        if(Lp >= 0 && Lpp >= 0){
00832          if(draw){
00833            DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00834            pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].hand=0;
00835            DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00836          }
00837        }
00838        Lp=i; Lpp=j;
00839        if(draw){
00840          DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00841          pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].hand=1;
00842          DrawPathPoint(Lp,Lpp,hWnd,NULL);
00843        }
00844        return TRUE;
00845      }
00846    }
00847  }
00848  return FALSE;
00849 }
00851 static int IdentifyPathVertex(int x, int y, int p){
00852  int j;
00853  PATHPOINT *pp;
00854  if(p < 0)return -1;
00855  pp=pathlist[p].pts;
00856  if(pp != NULL)for(j=0;j<pathlist[p].n;j++,pp++){
00857    if(abs(x - pp->p.x) < 3 && abs(y - pp->p.y) < 3)return j;
00858  }
00859  return -1;
00860 }
00862 static int GetTurnID(int x, int y, HWND hWnd){
00863  PATHPOINT *pp;
00864  double xxb,yyb;
00865  if(Lp < 0 || Lpp < 0)return 0;
00866  pp=(pathlist[Lp].pts+Lpp);
00867  if(pp->hand == 0 || pp->type == 0)return 0;
00868  if((Lpp < pathlist[Lp].n - 1 || pathlist[Lp].closed) &&
00869     abs(x - pp->p1.x) < 3 && abs(y - pp->p1.y) < 3){
00870    xxb=(double)(pp->p2.x - pp->p.x);
00871    yyb=(double)(pp->p2.y - pp->p.y);
00872    pp->r=sqrt(xxb*xxb+yyb*yyb);
00873    return 1;
00874  }
00875  if((Lpp > 0 || pathlist[Lp].closed) &&
00876     abs(x - pp->p2.x) < 3 && abs(y - pp->p2.y) < 3){
00877    xxb=(double)(pp->p1.x - pp->p.x);
00878    yyb=(double)(pp->p1.y - pp->p.y);
00879    pp->r=sqrt(xxb*xxb+yyb*yyb);
00880    return 2;
00881  }
00882  return 0;
00883 }
00885 static void ResetScreen(HWND hWnd){
00886  if(Lp >= 0 && Lpp >= 0)pathlist[Lp].pts[Lpp].hand=0;
00887  Lp= -1; Lpp= -1;
00888  InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,FALSE);
00889 }
00891 static PSTR FileInPath(PSTR pstrPath){
00892  PSTR pstr;
00893  pstr = pstrPath + strlen(pstrPath);
00894  while (pstr > pstrPath) {
00895      pstr = (AnsiPrev(pstrPath, pstr));
00896      if (*pstr == '\\' || *pstr == ':' || *pstr == '/') {
00897          pstr = (AnsiNext(pstr));
00898          break;
00899      }
00900  }
00901  return pstr;
00902 }
00904 static BOOL GetFilename(int save, HWND parent, char *szdir, char *szfile){
00905  int i;
00906  OPENFILENAME ofn;
00907  char szFilter[60],szdummy[256];
00908  szdummy[0]='\0';
00909  strcpy(szFilter,"Bezier Paths|*.bph|");
00910  i=0; while(szFilter[i] != '\0'){
00911    if(szFilter[i] == '|')szFilter[i]='\0'; i++;
00912  }
00913  memset(&ofn,0,sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
00914  ofn.lStructSize=sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
00915  ofn.hwndOwner=parent;
00916  ofn.lpstrFilter=szFilter;
00917  ofn.nFilterIndex=1;
00918  ofn.lpstrFile=szfile;
00919  ofn.nMaxFile=255;
00920  ofn.lpstrFileTitle=szdummy;
00921  ofn.nMaxFileTitle=255;
00922  ofn.lpstrInitialDir=szdir;
00923  ofn.lpstrTitle="Bezier Paths File to Open";
00924  if(save){
00926    i=(int)(GetSaveFileName(&ofn));
00927  }
00928  else{
00930    i=(int)(GetOpenFileName(&ofn));
00931  }
00932  if(i){
00933    strcpy(szdummy,szfile);
00934    *AnsiPrev(szdummy,FileInPath(szdummy)) = '\0';
00935    strcpy(szdir,szdummy);
00936    return TRUE;
00937  }
00938  return FALSE;
00939 }
00941 #if __WATCOMC__
00942 int APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00943 #elif __BC__
00944 BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00945 #else
00946 BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved){
00947 #endif
00948   switch (dwReason) {
00949     case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: {
00950 #if __X__MIPS__
00951       if(!_CRT_INIT(hDLL,dwReason,lpReserved))return(int)FALSE;
00952 #endif
00953       hThisInstance=hDLL;
00954       break;
00955     }
00956     case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
00957 #if __X__MIPS__
00958       if(!_CRT_INIT(hDLL,dwReason,lpReserved))return(int)FALSE;
00959 #endif
00960       break;
00961   }
00962   return TRUE;
00963 }
00966 BOOL _BezierModeler
00967  (HWND parent_window, HWND info_window,X__STRUCTURE *lpevi){
00968  lpEVI=lpevi;
00969  tracetool=0;
00970  hParent=parent_window;
00971  hInfo=info_window;
00972  GetModuleFileName(hThisInstance,gszDir,255);
00973  *FileInPath(gszDir) = '\0';
00974  strcat(gszDir,"objects");
00975  gszFile[0]='\0';
00976  return Bezier();
00977 }

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:10 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6