PATHS.C File Reference

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#define TAUTOL   64.0
#define TAUITR   50
#define TAUN   10
#define XFROMFRAME(f)
#define YFROMDIST(d)
#define FRAMEFROMX(x)
#define DISTFROMY(y)
#define TOLL   (CurveRect.right/30)


long SplinesP (double k[], double tau)
double SplinesR (double k[], double tau)
void SplinesK (double k[], long vl, long v1, long v2, long vn)
void SplinesG (double k[], double xi, double xi1, double xig, double xig1)
void DrawPath (HDC hdc[], object *Op, point Offset, double p, double t, double a, short im, double ima, short status)
void ReversePathDirection (object *op)
double PathLength (pathpoint *Ppp, short type, short Npoints)
void PathInterp (double pathposition, pathpoint *Lpp, pathpoint *Ppp, point ObjectOffset, double distance, pathpoint *Fpp, pathpoint *Epp, short type)
void GetPathPositionAtDistance (node *Np, object *Op, double d, point pout)
objectGetPathPosition (node *Np, long frame, double dframe, point ObjectOffset, double *position0_1, double *lengthonpath)
double * ReTweenVelocity (object *op, double *v, int oldn, int newn, double pathlength, int copy)
void EditPathMovement (short type)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 3 of file PATHS.C.

#define TAUTOL   64.0

Definition at line 388 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by PathInterp().

#define TAUITR   50

Definition at line 389 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by PathInterp().

#define TAUN   10

Definition at line 390 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by PathInterp().

#define XFROMFRAME (  ) 


((int)(                                             \
   (double)(f-SelectedPath->firstframe)*(double)(CurveRect.right-1)/      \
   (double)(SelectedPath->lastframe-SelectedPath->firstframe)             \

Definition at line 668 of file PATHS.C.

#define YFROMDIST (  ) 


(CurveRect.bottom-1-(int)(                           \
   d*(double)(CurveRect.bottom-1)/1.0                                     \

Definition at line 672 of file PATHS.C.

#define FRAMEFROMX ( x   ) 


((int)(                                             \
   (double)SelectedPath->firstframe+(double)x*                            \
   (double)(SelectedPath->lastframe-SelectedPath->firstframe)/            \
   (double)(CurveRect.right-1)                                            \

Definition at line 675 of file PATHS.C.

#define DISTFROMY ( y   ) 


((double)(                                           \
   (double)(CurveRect.bottom-1-y)/                                        \
   (double)(CurveRect.bottom-1)                                           \

Definition at line 680 of file PATHS.C.

#define TOLL   (CurveRect.right/30)

Definition at line 684 of file PATHS.C.

Referenced by UnPlan().

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:15 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6